Chapter 26

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Chapter 23:

The final plot has been laid.. The ultimatum that'd push the sorry excuse of her step-daughter into such an abyss of darkness and shame that, she'd prefer hell over life, is ready.. The Doom is set to watch the destruction of the hurdle of her life.. All that is left is for the Victim to open her eyes and see the last free dawn of her life... But lest did Parimala Gupta know that her target is no more just a trash under her feet, but the Love and Life of Arnav Singh Raizada.. She watched in glee as the main doors of Gupta Mansion opened wide, revealing the mile stone character of the finale plot - Shyaam Sinha..

Khushi smiled as she sat on her bed, her head leaned on the head board, eyes closed, her left hand clutching the thin smooth glistening platinum chain nestling at the start of her cleavage and her right hand fondly grazing the ring resting on her finger of the left hand majestically... A tear of joy glided down the corner of her closed eyes, through her lashes, as a heart melting smile lit up her already quivering lips..

"Forever mine..."

And there came another soul touching kiss.. Even before she realized what was happening, Arnav slipped the simple platinum ring in her left ring finger.. Khushi wept in joy after she came out of the initial shock that he made her his... Even as the tears kept falling, Khushi couldn't help but giggle like a child as she adored the ring resting majestically on her left ring finger.. She felt his arms encircle her from behind and she immediately leaned back into his frame.. Arnav lifted her hand to his lips and kissed them before he spoke in soft whispers..

"White for your purity and Red for our Love.. Remember, I once told you that you look ravishing in Red-White combo dress? I'v ordered for this to be made exclusively for you.. I know you wouldn't like loud things.. So, I asked them to keep it as simple as possib.."

Arnav went silent as Khushi turned in his arms and kissed him hard.. Placing their entwined hands on his heart, she whispered...

"Its perfect.. Just like you.."

Kissing her back with the never dying heated passion, Arnav smiled as he leaned his forehead onto hers...

"We are gonna break the record of having kissed these many times.. Its only 5:30 in the morning now and I lost the count already..."

Giggling as she circled her hands around his neck while his went around her waist, Khushi spoke back..

"And I wont be surprised if we'd break this record very soon.. Infact I can bet that we'd keep on breaking our records.."

She waited for his witty reply but finding that none came out, Khushi cupped his cheek as she whispered his name... Nodding a no gently, Arnav bent in for a smooth and gentle kiss.. It was like the mid night wind.. Calm and turbulent as well.. It had the pain and the joy.. Unable to understand the mix of emotions she just deciphered, Khushi searched his chocolate orbs, the ones that can never lie to her.. Pecking her forehead, Arnav spoke slowly, his words shivering as the buried hopes and emotions surged hard through him.. With his eyes wet, he ran his thumb along her plump lips...

"This is the Khushi I knew... The Khushi full of life and colour... The one who could stand up against me and yet shut my mouth... The one who could read me even before I spoke anything... My Khushi..."

The last words trailed off as his voice broke and before he could cry out of joy and pain, Arnav went in for a deep kiss, letting her know the unspoken words, his inner turmoil, the pain and the unbound happiness, his plea of asking her to recognize him, at least now, his relief at finally seeing the Khushi he had been wanting to bring back, his pride at being the one to make it possible... And his prayer dint go in vain.. Khushi felt every single emotion he was going through.. His every syllable that went silent.. His every pain and joy that he buried so long.. His silent prayer asking her to recognize him.. And at that moment she realized that despite of not knowing how, when, why and where, Khushi is now what she once used to be - lively, herself, strong and confident... And the sole reason is the one who is now joined with her in the best passionate way.. Crying as she felt overwhelmed with how much he went through for bringing her back, Khushi pushed herself more into him, wanting to somehow crawl into him, hiding herself underneath his skin.. Chuckling even as he held her close, Arnav pecked her hair as he let her clutch him in death grip... As he felt Khushi moving a bit away from his hug, Arnav smiled as he looked at his Lady Love...

"Why do you love me much, Arnav?"

Staring hard into her Hazel doe eyes, Arnav pulled her flush into him, with her staring wide into his eyes vulnerably.. Pecking her forehead, he ran his knuckles along her cheek, wiping those tears and spoke softly...

"'Coz its YOU.. 'Coz its me and.. 'Coz its Us... I am what I am because of you, Love.. And I know I will be what I will be because of you.."

Arnav cut her again before she spoke anything else.. Not that she was in a position to speak at all..

"No more, Khushi.. Not anymore.."

Wiping her tears away lovingly, Arnav smiled as he dug his hand into his trousers...

"Well, there is .. Er.. This is something I'v been carrying with me like forever.. I always wanted to give you.. Its too simple I know, but, when I saw it the first time, all I knew was I wanted it for you.."

Khushi stood still as she felt his hands go around her neck, his warmth not just sending goose bumps but also making her heart soar high into the sky... She simply watched her Man's face that now turned so soft and adorable.. She saw his brows furrow in deep concentration as she felt something cold rest on her neck just above her cleavage.. Even before she could actually gasp, she saw Arnav leaning and felt him kiss the back of her neck where he just locked the chain..

Running her finger over the pendant, Khushi had her eyes only for her man who was watching her adorably with all the love.. Lunging herself onto him, Khushi kissed the day lights out of Arnav as he hauled her up and swirled her in the air earning gleeful laughter from his Lady.. Settling her back onto her feet after a good couple of minutes, Arnav pecked her softly as he whispered...

"I'v got something more in store for you... Will you come to Mrs.Gloria's house for lunch?"

Nodding as her eyes went wet, Khushi lifted herself up as she pressed her lips to his softly...

"What more, Arnav? Are we gonna get married today itself? Not that I'd mind, infact it'l be the other way round.. I'l love it!"

Pulling her flush into him, Arnav deepened the kiss as he rasped out..

"You don't know how much that means to me, Love.. And you are not supposed to put my control to test.. Its already hanging onto the last thread.. Uh uh.. No.. I know.. You wouldn't deny, I know.. But, love, our first time would be special.. It'd be my gift to you.. The most intimate way to show how much I love you... And for that, I'm ready to wait, no matter how long it'l take.. Coming to the wedding.. Do you think I'm gonna get married to my princess just like that? Oh no, dear Lady.. Our wedding will be pompous, beautiful, loud and magnificent.. I want every single split second of it to be etched into our hearts forever.. It'l be the official announcement that We are now One..."

Parimala Gupta watched her step daughter hum some stupid song with her face glowing bright and her face adorning that similar smile her sister had.. And for the first time, Mrs.Gupta dint mind it.. She dint mind that her greatest enemy was smiling nor did she mind to accept the fact that her sister's daughter is looking drop dead gorgeous... In the euphoria that all this happiness of her step daughter is just for a matter of about a few hours, her usual hawk like eyes dint manage it to notice the shimmering ring that shone brilliantly on Khushi's left hand.. She couldn't help but grin the new excitement and could almost smell her victory... Biting into the roti, Parimala relished the food as she glanced at the room above, where her easy means of victory was relaxing...

Though Khushi made no effort to hide her Arnav's presents, the usual salwar did a wonderful job of hiding the platinum chain but the ring was out in the world with its diamonds shining proud... Not even Parimala's hawk like stares on her every move annoyed Khushi...


Smiling as her heart fluttered at the name of her Savior, Khushi hummed softly as she lived the song on which they danced.. And without a prior notice, she felt those intense somersaults in her belly, her heart thudded and a deepened blush crept her entire form, while her lips curved into a shy happy smile... She finished all the house chores and was about to leave for the Museum when she heard Parimala calling her out... Khushi stilled for a moment as she felt a cold shiver hit her knees.. Steeling her heart, she turned back to find Parimala walking to her wiping the back of her hand on a napkin...

"I want you to be in home by 7 in the evening.. We have a very special guest and I want you to be in your best behavior and attire.. And, also the cooking.. So get back here at the time you feel would be sufficient to present yourself by 7.."

Khushi's world stopped.. Her feet felt cold and her hear no longer bet.. Her mind numbed with shock and her soul was nowhere to be seen.. What did she mean by getting ready and presenting herself? She dint know how her feet carried her out of her house since Khushi was anything but alive... Why now? What the hell is even going on? Why is her heart not aching as it is supposed to.. Its is true that the shock was too much and also was the fear.. But, where is the pain? Why is it not hurting?

Not watching where she walked or what she was doing, Khushi kept going till she felt something stopping her from moving on.. She felt her wrist encased and she shook her head hard to understand what was going on, to come back to the real world... And then she felt it...


Despite the dead end situation that Khushi is in, a wide smile made its way to her lips amidst the tears.. Of course, she has her Savior.. He'l take care of everything.. As always.. That was why there was no pain.. She's shocked, disturbed and a bit afraid, but not hopeless in agony... Her heart knew all the while and now, so does her entire form... Chuckling softly even as she cried, she turned around to face her Man who in turn was looking at her with all the love he had for her, concern and worry etching clear in his eyes and the creases of his fore head...

"Khushi? Sweet heart, you are scaring me.. Whats wrong, baby?"

Launching herself into the ready and ever present warm cocoon of his embrace, Khushi wept as she kept repeating and mumbling between the continuous kisses she laid on his chest...

"I love you, Arnav.. I truly do.. I cant live without you Arnav.. Not now, not ever.. I really love you, Arnav.."

Shocked at her sudden out burst, Arnav pulled Khushi up from the slumping position that she was in, to have a proper look at her only to stand still.. Love, pain and terror screamed in his eyes for her... Lifting his fragile beauty in his arms, Arnav moved to Mrs.Gloria's house as he watched his love through his blurred eyes... Khushi fainted in his arms.. Once again.. And he dont know the reason.. Once again.. But his love isn't weak, nor is hers... He'l protect her from whatever was bothering her.. Once again... And they'l be together, loving and laughing... Once again...

Chaverah_TFC2014-04-21 07:54:56

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