Chapter 25

_Chaverah_ Thumbnail




A lonely girl who never misses to watch the first ray of the Dawn, since it gives her the hope to fight back her life with a renewed hope.. The story of how 'The Ray Of The Dawn' enters her life and turns her midnight dark life into a painting of vibrant colors.. A feel good light hearted story where the childhood friends get back together : while one is on the mission to bring back the olden sparks, the other is oblivious to who the other person is and what attempts are being done..

On - Going


Thread 1 (Chapters 1-21)

Thread 2 (Chapters 22- epilogue)

Scroll down for Chapters 22 - Epilogue.. They are posted one after the another...

Updating Schedule:
Every Saturday

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Chapter 22:


Words by one of our buddies : NidhiNev

Total darkness (khushi's life before Arnav),

coming into light ( how Arnav brought her out of the darkness only for her to rediscover herself ),

the feeling of eloping full of love ( the jouney of them falling in love ),

seeing the rise of a new day ( starting of a new life after the darkness),

khushi realizing Arnav was her protector ( the dream she always had, coming true),

holding hands while painting ( undying love they felt, wanting to live life together... I Do ...Till Death Do Us Apart )

Nidhi, thankyou so very much yaar! It is highly overwhelming! This really means so much more than I can ever let you know... Love ya!!!


Khushi leaned back onto the SUV as she sat on the ground, with Arnav laying down with his head in her lap, eyes closed and a small smile playing on his lips.. She breathed deep into his thick soft hair as she leaned down to feel them against her lips.. Inhaling his fragrance, Khushi couldn't help but develop goose bumps at the scent.. She inhaled again as she smiled and ran her fingers through her hair.. As she bent down again to inhale, she heard his thick yet soft chuckles at her action.. Smiling sheepishly, Khushi was about to sit straight, when Arnav pulled her down, making her lips meet his tangentially...

"What are you doing?"

Blushing as she felt his breath wash her lips, Khushi whispered back...

"Trying to imprint your scent.."

Shocked at her open admission, Arnav blinked at Khushi while the latter laughed a little as she pecked his lips lovingly before he deepened it with a boyish grin... Breaking apart for air, Khushi began to retrace when she felt Arnav's grip on her wrist going tighter.. She opened her eyes wide only to get captivated in those very same chocolate brown eyes.. Even though his intense gaze held her immobile and heating up with the passion she witnessed dancing in them, she saw the way his light warm eyes turned darker and deeper into almost mid night black.. The morning Sun did complete justice in accentuating the already aphrodisiac handsomeness her Man had.. She dint know who made the first move, but in a split second she found herself losing herself completely into the sensual love her Arnav webbed around them..

Minutes later when they sat in a new position, with Arnav in her former way and Khushi with her back plastered to his front, she whispered in protest half losing herself in the sinful love ministrations..

"I don't want to go.."

Arnav smiled as he shifted behind her, nipping her delicate skin at her slender nape which felt extremely smooth and delicious to his lips...

"I never asked you to.."

Rolling her head back as she felt the shiver going down her spine get intense, Khushi turned her head sideways kissing the back of his ear lobe as he continued his pleasured assaults...

"But I need to.."

Groaning as he tightened his hold on her, Arnav moved back to catch her glistening full lips in his...

"I don't see why.."

Smiling at his snapped reply, Khushi opened her eyes to find him worshiping her with his mouth.. As she reddened much deeper than she already is, making Arnav smirk devilishly, Khushi hid herself in his embrace as she turned around in his arms and hugged him to herself...

"I love you, Arnav..."

Her smile broadened as she felt his heart skip its beat before resuming to race at a mile per second... Snuggling closer into him, rubbing her cheek against his chest, Khushi crushed herself more into him as she felt Arnav kissing her hair lovingly while he reciprocated her words in soft whispers... Whispers so soft and serene and yet so strong and pure that they were all the needed balm to mend her shattered soul...

It always left her stunned as to how much she'd forget herself and everything around her when their eyes meet; specially when his chocolate orbs look deep into her with that intense love for eternity and promises of a life time.. So it was no surprise for her when she finally realized that she is now standing on her feet, her back leaning to the front of the SUV while her Arnav stood tall in front of her, almost towering her with his humongous frame blocking every ray of the light that now turned a bit warm...

She closed her eyes as she felt his warm lips descend over hers.. His huge palms encased her tiny ones and led them to hold the bonnet of the SUV behind them... Seducing her lips to an extent of leaving her highly aroused, Arnav broke apart which gave Khushi ample time to bring down her galloping heart and racing desire.. But as she felt deprived of the now accustomed warmth of his strong frame, Khushi frowned as she opened her eyes only to stumble on her feet.. With her eyes misted and her hands lying limp at the sides, Khushi trembled like a leaf at the sight in front of her...

Kneeling on one knee with a serene yet boyish grin, Arnav looked dashingly handsome as he looked up into her eyes with those adorable seeking chocolate eyes.. Scratching the back of his head with one hand while the other held the velvet box high, he took a deep breath before he continued in soft yet firm voice...

"Will you marry me, Khushi?"

Not able to acknowledge that whatever was happening was true and related to her, Khushi stood numb and stilled even though a part of her realized that her man officially asked for her hand, for a forever.. Her eyes went wide, so did the stream of salty diamonds flowing relentlessly down her Hazel eyes.. She saw Arnav's grin now turn into an understanding loving smile while his eyes oozed out his unbound love and concern for her..

"Trust me, Sweetheart.. Since the past one week, I'v been working strenuously for the right words to propose you.. Hell, I even prepared a perfect speech and practiced it to precision... But, now, as I see you like this, bathed in the morning light, in nothing but those adorable night wears and your face flushed, lips swollen and quivering, hair ruffled and knees all jellied : the symbols of our unquenchable love and desire for each other, I just couldn't come up with any of those words.. Marry me, Khushi?"

Trembling at the pace at which her Man came into her life, started changing everything from the very second he entered, making her life see the light, the smiles, the joy, the Love, the care, the life she could never dare to dream, and now, making her a part of his, completely, Khushi could do nothing but let out a shaking sob.. Watching him wait for her nervously, though he knew deep down that she'd never even joke for a no' , though made her want to laugh, the gravity of the situation that they were in, she couldn't stop from being the cry-baby... Lifting her palms to her mouth as she felt another sob racking out, and wanting to be in his embrace right at that moment, Khushi realized that in this 1 month of time, she got so accustomed to Arnav that, every single time she shed a tear, he was there around her, embracing her to life.. Is any other assurance needed to tell that she is irrevocably in Love and in dire need of him forever? He is not just her love, her Man or her friend.. He is her support, her hope, her constant encouragement, her strength, her fort, her comfort... He is her Life, her soul, her elixir.. Nothing more, nothing less!

She remember nodding feebly and the next minute she felt her ribs getting broken at the intensity with which Arnav hugged her.. She laughed and cried at the same time making Arnav chuckle as he peppered kisses all over her face and every single inch of her his lips could find at that moment.. Still crying, she dug her face into his chest feeling his heart beat thumping hard against her cheek.. Smiling at the similarity they both had, Khushi had just a split second to think before she was pulled up for a mind numbing and soul drugging kiss.. His caresses were more than just passion and love.. It's the one filled with gratitude, promises, joy, respect and adoration.. His hold around her screamed of his possessiveness and the protective stance.. Pulling apart with gentle pecks, Arnav gifted a prolonged kiss to her forehead before he moved back to have enough to look at her glistening face... Crushing her back into him, Arnav kissed her hairs as he whispered softly, only for her to hear..

"Will you be mine, Khushi? The smile to which I'd wake up every morning, the song to which I'd sleep every night? Will you be the one to share my every joy and let me be the one to share your every sorrow? The caresses that'd calm my soul, the voice that'd bring peace to my life? Will you let me make your every wish come true, my every dream to be painted to life? The one to kiss every morning, the woman to make Love to every breathing second of my life? Will you be the long lost missing part of me, my soul mate for eternity? The father to our children, your lover forever? Will you let me pamper you as you'd guide me in the right path? To protect you and be highly possessive of you? Will you let me watch you paint, every single time? To hold your hand as long as I breathe, till life everlasting? Will you marry me, Khushi? And be my Mother and lady Love, and let me be yours? Will you?"

Khushi's entire form gave up as she let his every whisper caress and mend her bleeding heart.. She traveled through heaven and ecstasy as she felt his fingers weave their magic in sync with his words.. Dropping limp onto him, Khushi thanked the heavens above for the strength they'v given her man to haul her up and hold her steady and close to him.. Breathing deep as he made promises and asked for them, she let her soul revel in the love she's been blessed with.. The moment Arnav finished his words, Khushi jumped up throwing her hands around his neck, pulling him into her and kissed the living day lights out of him.. Every pent up emotion that she had for him, that she is experiencing right at that moment and those that she's highly confident to have in the future were let to flow in that one heart touching kiss...

Breaking apart when she felt something wet and warm hit her devouring lips, Khushi gasped as she realized how rough and monstrous she had been... Her wet eyes popped outta their sockets as she saw Arnav's lip slit in the middle.. Still under the shock, she dint realize that the man under pain was now chuckling at her, trying hard to not laugh... Enclosing her stilled frame in his embrace, Arnav ran his hands on her back trying to sooth her down, even as his chest rumbled in laughter and his eyes filled with love, content and mirth.. Kissing her hairs, Arnav whispered softly..

"Its okay, Khushi.. Happens.. By the way, this is just the start.. And I'm glad that you are the one who initiated this side of our passion.. So now, you'l never have a say at how wild or gentle I'd be.."

Khushi gasped audibly loud, freeing herself from his arms.. Stepping a bit away, she looked deep into those chocolate orbs that are now many shades darker... Crimson replaced the pink that adorned her neck and cheeks.. Her mouth opened and closed resembling no lesser than a cute gold fish... His own gold fish.. Arnav added slyly as he bend forward and pecked her blushing cheek only to find it turn darker.. He finally laughed loud as Khushi hid herself back in his arms, swatting his chest lightly, mumbling besharam' to his chest.. He felt a jolt of pleasure run through his spine as Khushi tightened her hold on his waist, pushing herself into him, making her front kiss his mercilessly... Tilting her head up from his neck, Arnav plunged in for another kiss that was slow, languid, gentle and full of love... Pecking her as he broke apart, Arnav whispered to her lips..

"You dint answer me, Love..."

Smiling as she pecked him back, Khushi ran her fingers along the scar below his eyebrow... The Sexy Scar.. Cupping his face with her other hand, Khushi stared into his eyes, reaching right to his soul..

"Do you even have to ask? I'v always been yours, Arnav.. Ever since I dreamt of you, I'v been only yours.."

Crushing her form into his, Arnav scooped down whispering harshly...

"Forever mine.. "

And there came another soul touching kiss as the two lovers cuddled more into each other, reveling in the fact that they are now very close to the day where they'd become one in every sense, dream of their life together and live loving each other, making every possible try to make their dreams come true..

Chaverah_TFC2014-05-05 11:44:41

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