Chapter 23

_Chaverah_ Thumbnail




A very Very Happy International Women's Day to all you wonderful people out there! *hugs*


Chapter 20:

Smiling at her reddened state, Arnav pecked her lips before he retraced to steer the wheel to his destination.. Smirking at her flushed state, Arnav entwined their hands and kissed them softly before placing them on his lap..

Marveling at the way their entwined hands looked so perfect and how that one simple touch made her feel so warm, loved and belonged, Khushi watched her man with wet eyes.. The way his long, strong, tanned fingers held her tiny soft ones gently, making a beautiful criss-cross , in and out pattern felt so intimate.. As a deep blush adorned her face while her heart raced and soul felt calm, Khushi couldn't help but drown in his love.. Sniffing back her threatening sobs, Khushi looked out of the window, praying with all her heart for this moment to last forever and ever..

"Are you busy tomorrow?"

Snapping out of her thoughts, Khushi looked back at Arnav to find him frowning at the road ahead before he turned to her with worry and confusion etched on his face..


'Sweetheart, What's wrong?'

was his unspoken question that his eyes were shouting loud..

Smiling at his concern, Khushi tightened her grip on their entwined hands as she whispered softly..

"All this.. Its.. So surreal.. Like.. Like as if its a dream.. I.. I cant believe that I'v gotten so lucky, Arnav.. You, me, these moments.. Its too good to be even true.. This.. Everything.. IS real.. Isn't it?"

Staring stilled and hard, Arnav spoke nothing as he removed his hand from their entwined ones, making Khushi fall deep into a pit of agony and fear.. Parking the SUV to one side of the deserted road, Arnav quickly got down and moved to Khushi's end of the car.. Opening the door, he grabbed her trembling form and pulled her out of the SUV.. He closed the door with a loud thud, making Khushi wither like a leaf under his heated gaze.. His eyes showed no anger but his acts were threatening her making her think if she said something offensive..

Pushing her roughly against the just slammed door, Arnav pinned her firm and immovable.. With his hands entwined with hers laying on either sides above her head, Arnav crushed his entire form on a highly confused and frightened Khushi's.. Imprisoning her soft petite form with his huge masculine frame, Arnav looked deep into Khushi's hazel green eyes before he scooped down to savor those tempting pink luscious lips..

Sucking deep her soft petals, Arnav dint let Khushi have the pleasure of touching him.. Tightening his hold on her hands, he nibbled his way along the curves as their teeth clashed sending titillating shivers along the length of her spine.. Moaning into his mouth, Khushi opened her sweet cravens as Arnav sought her permission by sweeping his warm impatient yet gentle velvety tongue over her swollen lips.. And as their souls entered the age old pleasure that only they could create, Khushi thrust herself into Arnav's body making her lower part arch into his.. Her eyes snapped wide open at the realization of how affected Arnav was.. Grasping for breath, Arnav broke the kiss as he rested his forehead on hers..

Chuckling softly at her lowered eyes, Arnav softly pecked Khushi's scarlet cheeks as he peppered kisses all the way to her ear lobe..

"Hope you'v got enough proof that this IS real.."

Tugging her lower lip, Khushi lowered her head as Arnav released their hands.. While his hands instinctively enclosed her soft delicate perfect waist, Khushi's hands crept to his elegant back from under his arms.. Kissing the sensitive spot behind her ear lobe, Arnav smirked at having her shiver in pleasure as he moved to her lips..

"That is my job.. Alone! And just so you know, your soon-to-be husband is highly possessive when it comes to this.. He'l never allow anyone to do that, not even you!!"

As Khushi lifted her big round seeking eyes to his mischievous love filled chocolate ones, Arnav smirked as he scooped down again to her swollen red lips, pulling them out from her teeth into his..

"Er.. How about this? Is it okay?"

Khushi lifted her head and looked at the canvas Arnav was holding.. Frowning, she stood up and moved to him to touch the canvas.. As she examined it, tugging her lower lip sub consciously, Arnav fisted his hands.. If it were about him, he would have devoured her then and there.. But as much as it amused and annoyed Arnav, every single soul in the store as well the ones going through that way stopped by and were watching the both of them as if they'v come out of an alien world.. Narrowing his eyes on the oblivious culprit who was still standing with the same pose, Arnav grunt out low and ragged..

"If in one more second that lip doesn't come back to its original place, I swear Khushi, I'm gonna take it into mine irrespective of where we are and how many are watching us.."

Opening her mouth in a slow way, Khushi looked baffled as he heard his warning tone, but as his words seeped into her mind, she blushed his favorite shades, smiling shyly as she walked past him handing over another canvas..

Spending another 3 hours with the man of her life, Khushi couldn't stop from crying out of happiness.. Arnav is out and out surprising her.. Here she thought that may be they were finally going out for a typical valentine kinda date, which for some reason she wasn't completely comfortable with.. Its not that she would say a 'no' to him.. Nor even that she dint like the idea or doesn't want to.. Its just that.. Not now.. As in, exactly now.. But he has blown her outta proportion when he revealed that they were gonna shop what she usually does alone.. Her painting materials.. So, the 4 hour shopping of different canvases, paints, brushes, aprons, stands, etc. made her feel alive..

"Everything of you is mine, Khushi.. And painting will be something that I'l greedily want you to do, even if your hands turn shaky or your vision blurs.. Even at that age, even if I'd be walking with the help of a stick, I'l hold your hand while you give your first stroke.."

That was how Arnav assured her that her every dream is his, her every wish is his.. To which she silently promised that her every heart beat is his and that her every breath is his... Sitting on the bench, watching the valley ahead of them, with their bodies cuddled, Khushi sighed in content.. Silence was soothing for the first time..

It wasn't exactly silent.. Her ear on his thumping chest, his lips on her head, their fingers entwined, their frames fused, their breaths mingled.. There was a serene rhythmical music of their hearts and souls adding up with the soft melodies of the steep valley and the deep chords of the chilled winds.. Closing her eyes, Khushi leaned back into her Love's chest as he tightened his hold on her and kissed her hair softly.. Kissing their entwined hands before he placed them against her cheek, Arnav whispered softly..

"Are you busy tomorrow?"

Nodding a 'no' to the crook of his neck, Khushi inhaled his unique musk as he pulled his coat closer, making her crush into his chest..

"Will you show me this place as you see? The beauty only you can find?"

Khushi stilled for a moment before she turned back and moved up to see his indefinably handsome face looking even lethal in the light of the dim lamp above them.. She looked into his chocolate orbs searching for that something that was hinted beyond his words.. Cupping her face, Arnav pecked her lips softly as he whispered to them lovingly, his every syllable feathering her glistening soft lips..

"I want to see my Khushi's world through her eyes.."

Shyaam smiled as his beautiful wife cuddled more into him.. He traced his hand lovingly over her now full belly and pecked her lips as he saw Anjali smiling in her sleep, as if she could feel him.. The pregnancy was taking a toll on her and yet, she's giving him the best.. Their first born, the symbol of their love.. How can she be so loving, trusting and selfless? Well, guess it runs in the Raizada lineage.. His beautiful train of thoughts and memories were put to a halt by his vibrating mobile..

Arnav? Now?

Frowning, he picked the call and whispered softly, taking care that his Angel doesn't wake up..

"Gimme a minute, Arnav.."

Tucking her soft glowing body in warm sheets, Shyaam pecked Anjali's forehead before he slipped out of his room silently.. Glancing at the time striking 2: 15 in the morning, Shyaam couldn't help but feel a brotherly worry and concern seep all through him.. He might be ASR to the world, but to him, he'l always be the 7 year old Arnie who always wanted to be a part of the teen football matches, no matter how many times he was admonished that it might hurt him.. With a smile on his lips, Shyaam moved into the study room as he spoke into the phone..


"Jeejaji.. I need help.."

Frowning, Shyaam sat on the chair opening his laptop wondering what might have been going on.. He trusts Arnav and his capability and determination.. There is no doubt that anything would go wrong.. But still, he cant stop worrying.. He's the eldest of the family among their generation and this feel of protectiveness comes naturally specially when the kid child, Arnav suddenly grew into a strong man within a night..

"Arnav, relax.. You know you can ask me anything, right? Everything alright there?"

"Er.. Not exactly, but yes, everything's fine.."

Leaning back on his chair, Shyaam spoke softly with a small smile.. This boy never lets anyone handle or share his problems and worries.. Typical Stubborn Raizada!

"I'm all ears, Arnav.."

"Things are spiraling out, Jeeju.. I'm taking the things faster than I wanted to.. That Shyaam has been traced and is now under watch.. One wrong move from his side, even the silliest and he's done forever.. But thats not why I called you, of course.. Well, will you all guys come here? To Manali?"

Snapping his eyes open, Shyaam tried his level best not to laugh out loud on his love sick brother in law.. Did he send his brains on a holy pilgrimage?

"And you called me at 2:15 in the morning to tell me this? That if I could bring this entire house there? To Manali?"

"Well, yes.. I havent planned it earlier.. Nor do I have the time to let you know later.. Told you I'm taking things fast.. So.. What say?"

Shaking his head smiling, Shyaam stood up as he switched off his Laptop..

"When did I ever deny you.. I'l get all of us there by tomorrow afternoon or evening at the max, okay?"


Stopping by the window pane, Shyaam couldn't help but ask..

"Er.. Arnav, when you first heard about that Shyaam, did you have atleast a teeny weeny bit of doubt? Like if there is a possibility?"

"What the!! Have you gone insane, Mr.Jha? I thought it was my sister out there who's pregnant.."

Chuckling, Shyaam continued..

"Arnav, you should have.. You are a man in demand, kid, and you are not supposed to trust anyone blindly.. How many times do I have to tell you this?"

"Jeejaji, before you became my brother-in-law, remember that you were my elder brother.. The one who held me when I fell, the one who taught me my first ever technique of football, the one who solved my chemistry equations, the one who held my back in all my tough times, the one who secretly loves me more than my sister, the one who kept my family strong and safe all the time I was away.. You are my family, Jeeju.. And anyways, I'm sure that you have my sister throwing all her crazy tantrums 24x7 on you.. I wonder if you are even sleeping, let alone double crossing.."

As the men fell in brotherly laughter, Shyaam spoke softly as they slowly became calm..

"You'l obviously take care of Khushi, I needn't ask you for that, but, Arnav.. Take care of my Arnie.."

Smiling softly as their childhood memories hit him, Arnav spoke softly as he zipped the bags he was stuffing...

"I will.."

Sleeping peacefully in content, Khushi had a small smile dancing on her lips as she cuddled herself in her huge warm duvet.. Eversince Arnav came into her life, so did the colors, life and peace too.. Along with them came sleep devoid of any nightmares.. The slumber was so deep that it took complete 5 knocks before she stirred awake.. Scrunching her eyebrows, Khushi raised her ears as if trying to hear what she thought she was hearing.. And then it happened.. Again.. A continuous 3 knocks at a time.. Snapping her eyes wide open, Khushi sat up in her bed.. She frowned at the room and got down her bed.. Just as she was making her way to the door, she heard them again..

Her window?

Taking calculative steps to her window, Khushi pulled apart the silken white curtains only to stumble back.. Covering her mouth with her hands, Khushi stood still, away from the window, that is now covered once again..


What is he doing here? At this time of the night?! Outside her bedroom window?!!!

As she heard the impatient 3 knocks again, Khushi moved to the window again, with her eyes wide and wet.. She moved the curtains with one hand as she still had one of them covering her mouth.. The moment she did so, Arnav smiled widely and waved his hand at her, almost like a child who's been given his favorite candy... Blinking her eyes once, twice and thrice, Khushi continued to look at him, all lost and shocked as she saw him standing straight with his arms now folded under his chest, making it expand and look devilishly temptingly huge and handsome.. With his smirk intact, he brought his right hand to his lips and kissed two of his fingers before he waved them at her.. Grinning widely at her flushed and stunned state, Arnav shook his head and pointed her and himself, indicating her to come to him, at this very instant.. Nodding fervently blinking her eyes to stop them from blurring, in vain, Khushi ran outside smoothly, making no noise..

Just as she stepped out, Khushi was engulfed in a warmth that no fur material can ever produce.. Hauling herself into her man, Khushi jumped up his torso, throwing her arms around his neck, pulling him into her.. As Arnav kissed her nape and lifted her above the ground, Khushi wrapped her legs around his waist.. Both of them stilled for a moment.. Their first intimate hug.. Arnav slowly took control of the situation, running his hands on her back and through her hair, kissing the back of her shoulder as he pushed aside her loose baby blue tee shirt.. Recovering from the jolt of pleasure that ran through her spine, Khushi bent back her shoulder blades making her soft full assets press flat against his taut firm muscular chest..

"Will you come with me?"

The whisper of his husk voice at the back of her ear lobe set loose the millions of butterflies to flutter in her stomach in glory.. Moving back slowly, Khushi lifted her eyes to his deep dark orbs that were filled with an intense desire summing with the undying love.. Blushing to the roots, Khushi nodded into his chest as she smiled in ecstasy.. All her fears and worries of what might happen if they would be seen vanished into thin air that was now replaced by a burning inferno of love and desire, clouding equally intensified within her hazel orbs too.. As her skin burned under his gaze and developed goose bumps under his touch, Khushi placed a smooth wet kiss to his shirt covered chest near, exactly on his heart..

Taking in a deep breath, Arnav pulled Khushi out of his chest, shifting her a bit higher on his torso as he felt her slipping down.. As Khushi tightened her legs, Arnav almost groaned and scooped down to kiss her senseless.. Walking her back to the wooden wall, Arnav plastered Khushi between his chest and his hands on the wooden panes.. Breaking apart for air, he ended the kiss smoothly pecking her lovingly..

"I'v planned a lot of things for us as to how I should proceed in taking our relationship ahead.. And I really wanna make every single thing of that come true, 'coz you deserve all of it and even more.. But if you keep doing.. All.. Like.. Now.. Like.. This.. All.. Damn! Now I cant even talk!! Khushi, though I'm right now dancing on Cloud 9, Sweetheart, I want take things a bit slow.. I swear, Khushi.. I swear that if we'd go in this pace, I'l skip every damn thing that I intended to do and land directly into making you mine!!"

Blushing to a yet deeper shade than he ever saw, Khushi leaned in closer and pecked his lips earning a groan and tightening of his hold..

"Khu.. Khushi.."

"Shush.. All I care is to be with you.. Like this.. In your arms.. Nothing else matters to me.. No single thing else.."

Hugging her to his souls's content, Arnav moved back and smooched her wet, hard, long and sloppy before he looked deep into her eyes..

"Come with me.. Now.."

New buddies, 'buddy' me for PMs..

Updating Schedule:
Every Saturday

P.S.S. :
Err.. So, this is what I'v been planning.. Sorry if I'v disappointed you, but, I 'v always wondered what if IPKKND had 2 Shyaams.. You know, the one Arnav and Anjali love and respect a lot and the other one who's plotting and lusting for Khushi.. I know that aint the story line of IPKKND, but, I can atleast make it a part of my story line, aint I?

So, yes, its 2 Shyaams in here.. One who is Arnav's Jeeju - the good one.. And the other is Parimala's lawer - the bad one..

Your views on this chappie?


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Comments (53)

Today only I read this story of yours fully, and what I have to say is, I'm totally in love with it😳 It's a really beautiful story, and your writing style made me fall in love with it even more. Really amazing work sweety👏I love the way Arnav showers Khushi with all the love she deserves, and the way he respects her. Boy, how I wish if I had a guy like that. And the fact that Khushi is a shy girl makes me love her even more for some odd kind of reason. The way she lets Arnav sweep her away with his love is really touching to read. I totally am in love with this Arnav and Khushi☺️The other characters, especially Payal, Aman and Mrs. Gloria are wonderful as well. The way they support these two love birds in numerous ways is a treat to read. They truly are amazing characters you have brought to life by your own imagination😃I hate Mrs. Parmila and her daughter, period! Hope Arnav will teach them an unforgettable lesson soon😈I'm totally excited for tomorrow's chapter as I wonder what Arnav is up to in the middle of the night😲Thanks for penning down such a wonderful story and sharing it with us🤗Thanks for all the pms😃Eagerly waiting for the next chappieUpdate soon😉

10 years ago

Awesome chapter...thanks for the PM

10 years ago

so waiting for next update

10 years ago

Lovely update...Loved the way their relation is growing... And Khushi's change attitude is the cause of this... She is no more the insecure girl who was afraid of happiness... Loved Shyam and Arnav convo... They know about the other Shyaam... I m glad that his jiju is not the same Shyaam...Loved it...

10 years ago

Very nice update chavi..jus loved dis arnav so much!! 😊 😃

10 years ago

Idea of two shyam's was cool.. I loved their talk.. The way you described what shyam is for arnav was great.. Wonder what arnav is planning now.. Why does he want the whole family in manali..That was a fabulous update..Thanks for the pm..

10 years ago

mind blowing update dear thank u for pm

10 years ago

I am so in love with all the characters of this FF. They bring out all the love, kindness and goodness in you and make you see the world in a brighter light.There couldn't have been a better way to celebrate the Valentine's than make her happy and comfortable more so. He's helping her become more confident and face the world with a stronger approach. I can see the glimpses of the naughty Arnie that Shyam (the good one) so fondly remembers when Arnav is being a tease to her.The story about the other Shyam is much awaited but for now I want them to bask in their new found companionship and the feel of having someone to belong to. Their love, passion and intimacy takes the stakes much higher.Waiting to know where he takes her.Update soon. 😊

10 years ago

Nice update So Arnav calling his family is he planning to propose khushiI liked ur idea of two ShyamsThanx for the pm

10 years ago

good that the person helping parimala is not Anjali's husband...

10 years ago
