Chapter 20

_Chaverah_ Thumbnail




Chapter 17:

The next 2 days passed in a haze.. Arnav had to leave to Delhi.. He was needed to sign a few documents and his presence was mandatory.. He did inform Khushi about it.. How much ever he hated being away from her, he knew that these 2 days would give her ample time and space to think about her, him, them, their relation and their future.. But little did he know that with every passing second, he will have to die a little bit of him every time..

And at sometime during 10-11 in the morning of the 2nd day, Arnav paced along his room, running his long fingers through his thick soft hair.. The things din't seem to move fast.. That's it!!! He's had enough!!! This is the reason why he's always ASR in his business! Damn the Arnav for now.. He is the Arnav Singh Raizada!! The CEO of AR, dammit!! Now everything will go as he orders.. And so, by 2 in the afternoon, ASR turned to Arnav once again as he sat in his SUV being driven to Manali..


Khushi din't know that this one name could make her world stand still.. 2 days.. Its been almost 2 days since she saw him.. He left sometime during the afternoon and she couldn't come out to bid him a good bye given that her step-mom had some guests and she and to do all the cooking.. So, that is making it almost two days.. Dabbing the paint brush in the water, Khushi moved aside to look at the master-piece she was making.. Sighing, she ran her fingers lovingly around the dried area of the scar.. A sexy scar.. Her eyes went wide and her cheeks flamed at her thoughts.. Pushing away her apron giggling to herself, she covered her painting before she swept a longing gaze at it.. How can her every single second be filled with his thought? How can her every breath remind her of him? How can everything her eyes see find his resemblance? How can everything her ears hear can speak of him? Wiping herself off the paints, Khushi pressed a soft kiss to the cover of her painting..


As she leaned onto the window sill, Khushi felt a gush of wind greeting her.. Smiling to herself, she remembered how Arnav draped her with his coat 2 nights back on their return from the fare.. Wrapping herself with her arms, Khushi closed her eyes not wanting to let go of his presence she could feel right now.. Her mind was screaming.. Heart aching.. Soul crying..


Khushi let the lone tear escape her eye as she drowned herself in his memories.. His warmth.. His love.. His care.. His presence.. His touch.. His breath.. His words.. His gaze.. His moves.. His gestures.. His smile.. His voice.. His eyes.. His everything.. How come the sole reason she's living has become him? How come her very existence has become for him? Khushi felt her heart twist in pain as the silent sobs began to clench her chest in longing for him..

Is this Love?


It is Arnav..

Only Arnav...

Arnav is not just Love..

Arnav is life.. Arnav is joy.. Arnav is a dream come true..

Arnav is smile.. Arnav is care.. Arnav is an 'I'm there for You'..

Arnav is breath.. Arnav is truth.. Arnav is her misery's cure..

Arnav is strength.. Arnav is universe.. Arnav is her Prince out of the Blue..

Khushi kept walking along with John as Mrs.Gloria and Payal were busy deciding which plant to take home.. Nurseries have always been something that Khushi could lose herself into.. But today, she seemed to be as oblivious to it as she would be regarding the reasons of why she would be taunted at home.. She saw Payal pressing Mrs.Gloria to go for a pearl white lily while Mrs.Gloria was adamant on taking a pink evening lily.. Sighing Khushi turned to her right to find John crouching near a purple hibiscus, examining it with utmost curiosity.. Just as she was about to move towards John, she felt a strong arm holding left her elbow and the next minute, Khushi felt herself being dragged away.. Not only was she too shocked to react but also, her mouth was covered with another warm and huge hand..

The scent.. The touch.. The warmth.. They were too familiar and similar to be mistaken even in sleep.. Khushi closed her eyes for a moment and hoped against hopes.. 2 damned days!! 2 bloody long damned days!! Just 2 stupid days, and she's turning insane already!!! She dint want another disappointment right now.. Not now.. Not ever.. She knew.. She knew from the base of her heart, from the depths of her soul.. That her Man was back.. Her raging heart was the proof of it.. She let herself be taken away.. Every step making her feel alive.. Every breath mingled with his, tending her battered soul.. Every touch filling her heart with a warmth she never knew..


Her Arnav was back.. She knew it.. Tears din't seem to stop.. She could no more hold them back.. Huge hot round drops made their way out of her shut lids.. She felt them cascading down her eyes warmly against her cold cheeks... But then she felt Arnav still.. He stopped dead in his tracks making Khushi hurl back into him.. Khushi's heart screamed as she felt his warmth leave her.. She could feel him moving around her.. She felt her chin being lifted up..


And her heart bled... It bled with longingness and warmth.. His voice, his breath gave her the assurance of the life she hoped against hopes long back.. His presence was filling her with reasons to live and love..

"Khu.. Khushi.. I'm.. I'm so sorry... I din't mean to scare you, sweetheart.. It.. It's just that.."

Khushi's heart clenched at his words.. He was taking it wrong.. Completely wrong.. She was crying out of happiness.. Elation at being back in his arms surrounded by his scent, engulfed in his warmth.. Not wanting to hear anything else from him, she kept moving her head from one side to another, her eyes still shut and tears not ceasing.. Arnav immediately cupped her face and held her still.. Wiping her tears with his thumbs, Arnav pressed a long kiss to her forehead...

"I'm sorry.."

He kissed her tears that dint cease...

"I'm sorry.."

Kissing her red button nose, he whispered...

"I'm sorry.."

Khushi clutched his biceps a bit too strong making her nails dig into his flesh.. 2 days and she felt her life being squeezed out of her.. A hollowness begining spread inside her.. Engulfing her in darkness and cold.. Gulping down her chocked throat, Khushi tried to speak..

"No.. I.. I.."

Not trusting her mingled thoughts and her hyper emotions, Khushi opened her eyes only to be captivated and transported into the world promised by her man.. As the green hazel clashed with the chocolate brown, Khushi let herself drown in his deep and true love..

But for Arnav.. Arnav saw the raw fear, the pain, the agony, the confusion, the hope, the longing and.. And the Love.. His heart thudded fast and hard at the open revealation of her eyes and her soul.. Crushing her into him, Arnav kissed her hair and rubbed her back lovingly.. He couldn't believe that things were going so well in such a short time.. Letting the tear of the pain of the distance fall down, he whispered to her ears letting his warm breath caress her trembling form..

"I love you, Khushi.. I really missed you too.. I.. I knew it wasn't going to be easy but, I dint know it would be this painful.. Shush.. Sweet heart.. I'm back.. I'm here.."

Kissing her earlobe, Arnav moved to her nape as he held her tighter, supporting her as she fell against him.. Kissing her lovingly, Arnav sucked her throbbing pulse extracting a moan from her.. The feel of her pulsating skin on his tongue in his mouth was exotic.. He felt his heart flutter as Khushi threw her head back and thrust herself into him, giving him complete access to her slender long neck that held him captivated.. Kissing along her throat, Arnav groaned as he felt her gulping down.. The movement though was innocent from her side, felt highly seducing and erotic as it traveled when his mouth lay open on her throat.. Kissing her hard, Arnav moved up to her jawline, placing soft feather kisses.. When he reached her ears, he bit her lobe softly making her dig her nails in his biceps and moan.. Sucking it, he whispered in her ears..

"I love you, Khushi.."

As Khushi clung onto his arm and walked along with him, to a place only he knew, Arnav kept his eyes stuck to his Lady Love.. She was perfectly silent since half an hour but her eyes.. It was an entirely different story.. Her eyes gave away everything she has.. He wondered if she could really hide something, ever, from him.. Nope.. Its simply impossible.. She's as clean and clear as crystal.. Kissing her head that rested against his upper arms, Arnav smiled as he felt Khushi tighten her hold and cuddle more into him.. Eternal bliss!!!

"Payal knows I'm here.. I told that I'l drop you back in the evening.. Is it okay if you go a bit late? I mean, any urgent and important paintings that you need to finish and all?"

Khushi closed her eyes as the meaning underneath his words hit her.. He wanted to spend time with her.. He made sure no one suspects or worries about her.. He wanted to know her will before he would go further in his plans.. How much more will he seep into her soul? Why did he have to love her so much? What did she do to deserve him?


Arnav found Khushi still at his voice.. Pulling her into him, he waited to find any sign of discomfort or fear or pain.. None.. She was thinking.. Thinking very hard and serious..

"I'd love to.."

Arnav couldn't believe his ears.. Did she.. did his Khushi just say she loves to spend her time with him? She's.. She's trusting him!!! Pulling back a bit, Arnav looked deep into her eyes as he let her know the depth of his love.. Kissing her on her cheek very close to her lips, breathing onto her plump, open , shivering and anticipating lips.. No.. Not yet.. Take it slow, Arnav.. One step at a time.. Pecking her on her forehead, Arnav pulled her more into him and continued walking..

After a 15 minute walk, Khushi found herself standing outside a gate filled with creepers of different flowers.. Though the dying light of the dusk was making her strain to have a proper look at it, she knew that this place would be immensely beautiful.. Beautifully pristine but strangely familiar.. Arnav stopped to see her reaction and was utterly bowled at what he was seeing.. He dint even begin to show her what he wanted to and yet, she was elated at the mere sight of the entrance gate? How can someone be so adorably pure and innocent? And how in the world can someone harm a person like her?! Not wanting to spoil his mood with thoughts of such, Arnav twirled Khushi into him, making her wrap her hands around his broad back from beneath his arms.. Encasing her in his arms, Arnav pulled Khushi, making her crash into him.. Her chest heaving up and down against his firm one, was making him loose his sane control slip outta him rapidly..

The dusk's pinkish violet rays made his chiseled face even more handsome, if it was possible.. Khushi marveled at his set jawline and the 5'O clock stubble.. Her eyes slowly reached his Scar.. The sexy scar.. A faint hint of blush adorned her cheeks as she moved further to his eyes.. The moment she saw them, Khushi felt her breath hitch.. The chocolate brown were now deep and dark.. Thick with emotions of Love and desire.. The moment she realized, she could literally feel the heat raising up in her.. Her body was closely plastered with his, making her feel his heat emanating from him at every inch she could feel of him.. Snapping her eyes shut, Khushi dig her fingers into his taut back.. She could feel him moving closer to her.. Close enough that now, his breath was fanning her lips.. Khushi's heart skipped a beat when she felt his moist but warm lips kiss her closed eyes..



Arnav kissed her cheeks, one by one and as the last ray of the Sun disappeared down into the horizon, Arnav kissed her chin and whispered to her lips..

"Can I ask you for something?"

Khushi's heart skipped many a beats and thud so fast and hard that she was sure she would have broken a rib of hers.. She knew this would come sometime.. She did anticipate for it too.. Oh with all her soul, she wanted this to happen.. Her first kiss.. With her first Love.. With her Arnav.. But.. Something was amiss.. Something she couldn't point her finger onto.. Before she could think any further, she felt Arnav kiss her forehead as his hand traveled up, wall the way from her waist, her spine, her neck and finally her head..

"I like it when you let your hair open, Khushi.. Can you keep it open, atleast when we are together? Please?"

Khushi snapped open her eyes.. She couldn't understand what he was saying.. A deep disappointment almost made its way to her heart but then, her eyes found his.. His now, chocolate brown eyes.. Warm and soft orbs that held the answer for her questions.. This is Arnav here.. Her man, her love.. How could she think otherwise.. He obviously read her.. He knew she wan't comfortable yet.. He did this for her.. Her eyes stung as the realization dawned upon her.. She let Arnav hug her tight.. She closed her eyes as she felt him kiss her head..

"I know, Khushi.. I have a life time and beyond.. I love you.. And this.. I mean, Us.. Together.. Its more than I can ask for, right now.. But, yeah.. Your hair.. It is the truth too.."

Khushi nodded into his chest as he made her walk with him before he pressed a wet kiss to her cheek.. As Khushi walked in the dark along with Arnav, the only things she was aware of was is warm hand on her back and his thudding heart beat that she could hear at his chest.. She came out of her reverie as they stopped walking..

"We'v come.."

Khushi looked in the direction Arnav had been a moment ago.. Her body went still as her hands flew to her mouth.. Tears blurred her vision as she took baby steps to what she saw..

The fountain..

The same one that she used to visit when she was a kid.. Along with her Amma and Babuji whenever they came to visit her grandparents.. The fountain that had been closed long ago.. Prohibited from entering even into the premises.. It was now decorated in fairly lights and hanging candles... A serene view that engulfed her into nostalgia..

Arnav saw as Khushi walked around the fountain.. His eyes misted finding her so lost and happy.. He knew this place meant a lot to her.. He wanted her to deal her past with welcoming hands which is why he bought this place and renovated it.. He dint plan when to show it to her, but today, he felt it was the right time.. A look at Khushi now, and Arnav knew that he did the right thing.. He saw her taking wobbling baby steps but he wanted her to do the journey all by herself.. He waited as he saw her slumping at the fountain and cup her hands to collect the water.. Arnav's heart filled with love and pain as he saw her smile amidst her tears.. He then saw her close her eyes with her head lifted to the sky.. The candle lights and the fairy lights glow was making her teary face glisten like an Angel's.. Heck! She is an Angel.. His very own Angel..

Arnav found himself smiling fondly at her when he saw her open her eyes and look at him directly.. He straightened himself as he saw her standing up.. And the next few minutes went in perfect bliss.. Khushi came running into his arms, hugging him to her life with all the strength she could muster.. Arnav staggered a step back but nevertheless, held her into him.. He let her sob to his chest as he calmed her, rubbing her back.. A lone tear escaped Arnav at the realization that this was Khushi's first hug.. A hug initiated by her.. Arnav tightened his grip on her and kissed her head.. He saw Khushi lift her head to him..

"I.. I'm.."

Arnav kissed her glistening hazel orbs and whispered to her lips..

"Shush.. I know, sweet heart.. Just live this moment, Khushi.. Our moment.."

Kissing her softly on her nose, Arnav whispered..

"I love you, Khushi.."

New buddies, 'buddy' me for PMs..

Updating Schedule:
Every Saturday

P.S.S. :
Sorry for the delay of the update.. Nevertheless, here it is.. Hope you like it..
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Comments (41)

beautiful update...waiting for Khushi to know the truth...

10 years ago

Beautiful update...Lovd it...D way u describd bout their emotions...Awesome...Cntinue soon

10 years ago

Amazing update god it was so romantic..Arnav he is a prince charming fr sure..aftr reading dis ff 😳 😊 😃

10 years ago

🤗 awesome dear thank u for pm

10 years ago

superb update..arnav n kushi was struggling in those 2days..hmm they needed each other..and when arnav came to kushi her heart was fluttering n she liked his pampering n got disappointment with her first kiss..has to admit it that arnav was a gentleman who cud read her eyes n knw her insecurities..i guess the past was unraveling slowly..waiting for the next..

10 years ago

toeditor Thumbnail



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10 years ago

Awesome and beautiful updateLoved it too muchArnav and Khushi's separation for two days and their emotions are very well writtenKhushi is now living her moments thanks to ArnavHe really love her too muchWaiting for next updateplz continue it soon

10 years ago

one thing is clear that love is UNCONDITIONAL...ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY R ARSHI...OMG how can one be like this...i just lived the moment along with khushi,,,,wen will khushii exprresss her love...i guess by the time she plans to shyaam entry will be made...loved the update

10 years ago

Superb as usual ...Thanks for PM

10 years ago

Very beautiful updateArnav had to go back to Delhi to sign on some important papers and his thoughts were all filled with Khushi and missed her a lot.Khushi too missed Arnav, She couldn't say good bye to him while going because of her cooking for her step mother guests. Loved how she painted Arnav's picture and how she felt her every single second is filled with his thoughts and her every breath remembered her of him. She was missing him. Her mind screaming, her heart aching and soul crying for only Arnav.Loved how Khushi remembered everything of Arnav and felt her sole reason for living is him. Loved how Khushi felt Arnav is not just love, he is life, he is joy, he is a dream come true, he is smile, he is care, he is like he is there for her, he is breath, he is truth, he is cure for her misery, he is strength, he is universe and he is her prince.Khushi went to nursery with John, Mrs Gloria and Payal and he felt some one drag her to him and she knew it is Arnav and she felt his presence filling her with reason to live and love. Arnav said sorry seeing her tears but she is crying out of happiness and elation of being back in his arms. Loved how Arnav could see raw fear, the pain. the agony, the confusion, the hope, the longing and the love in her eyes and how he hugged her and couldn't believe that things are going well in such a short time. Loved the way Arnav said he loves her and missed her and said he knew it wasn't easy to be away from her but he didn't knew it would be this painful.Loved how Arnav asked her to spend time with him if she don't have work and Khushi accepted.Arnav felt happy that Khushi accepted to spend time with him and trusting him and loved how he kissed on her cheek and wanted to kiss on her lips but wanted to take it slow.Arnav took her to a place and Khushi was immersed in beauty of that place and Arnav felt how can anyone can harm a person like her. Loved the way both hugged each other and how Khushi lost in his features and felt blush se

10 years ago
