Chapter 14

_Chaverah_ Thumbnail




Chapter 11 B:

If there is anything that Khushi was sure of, then it was that, this man, Arnav Singh Raizada, unintentionally but officially, has entered Khushi Gupta's forbidden territory.. And not just that, but he has etched his mark and presence perfectly and permanently in Khusih's heart..


Khushi wiped away the silent tear of elation that made its way and reached the door upon someone ringing the bell.. She opened the door to find none but, there was a gift wrap.. Assuming it to be for her family, Khushi picked it up to take it back into the Mansion when the card on it captured her attention..


Even before Khushi's mind could register what was happening, her heart gave away the answer that it was again him.. She opened the lid of the box only to stumble back with shock..

Red Rose plants..

The same roses she saw on her way to the Museum.. She wanted to plant them in her garden.. Their Fragrance enchanted her.. Khushi dint know why but she lifted her head only to find Arnav standing on the other side of the road, in front of Auntyji's house, in his tracks, with his hands buried in his pockets and a warm smile in its rightful place..

Kyaa Samaa Hai..

Jaise Khushaboo..

Ud Rahee Ho.. Kaliyon Se..

Gujaree Ho.. Nindeeyaa Me..

Palakon Kee.. Galiyon Se..

Sundar Sapanon Kee Baaraate..

If not for Arnav's ringing mobile, Khushi would have stood there staring at him for eternity.. It was becoming too fast for her to cope up with whatever was happening around her.. She ran back into her room.. Falling onto her bed, Khushi hug the pillow to herself as the tears made their way.. All her resolve finally broke as Khushi stuffed her fist into her mouth not to let out her cry.. This is way too over whelming.. Is this really what he is showing or is she just reading too much? Why the hell can't he open his mouth and speak instead of sending her the gestures?! If this time, she ends up with her fault if reading too much, then, there would no another time..

Yes, Khushi Gupta is finally falling really hard for Arnav Singh Raizada..!!

She din't know anything else.. How, when, where, why.. Nothing.. The only thing she knew is, with him, she feels alive.. With him, she wants to live.. With him, she feels loved.. With him, she feels special.. With him, she feels herself..

But.. Is he feeling the same for her? Is this true or just another illusion?

Her thoughts were put to a halt with the banging at her door.. Wiping herself clear, Khushi opened her door to find her mother staring at the wood of her door..

"Our neighbor, Mr.Raizada is coming to have breakfast with us..Its best if you start with the preparations right now.. And keep it in mind that you need to be in your limits.. Just because he knows who you are, it doesn't change what you mean to me.."

Despite the turmoil she just went through, Khushi couldn't help but feel the same somersaults going in her stomach.. Her palms began sweating and an unintentional smile already broke through.. Khushi heard nothing except the fact that Arnav was visiting their house.. Arnav in her home.. For the first time.. And with that thought alone Khushi din't realize that she had put back her insecurities and fear of taking a step ahead n life.. Unknown to all these, she raced back into the Kitchen to prepare the best she could..

Arnav paced along the length and breadth of his room.. Picking out his 3 piece suit, he dumped it onto the bed.. Will it be too formal? Though it was an invitation he's got in the most weird way, he was more than happy to have accepted it.. He sat down hopelessly staring at his now widely open wardrobe..

"Why do I not have anything apart from Black?!"

Arnav sighed in defeat and slumped back onto the bed recollecting how his morning turned out..

After their early morning romance, Okay.. May be it is not counted as romance, but for a woman whos struggling to come out of her shell and a man helping her, it is Romance dammit!! Yeah, so, after their early morning romance, Arnav knew it was time to lay his basic steps.. Making Khushi feel special.. Hell! She is special.. All he needed to do was to remind her.. So, he ordered for Red Rose plants.. Red Roses to tell her indirectly that a man is madly in love with her and plants since she loves gardening and every flower that would bloom would remind her of him.. He Just as he cut the call and turned back to look at Khushi, she was no where to be found.. He sighed and returned back into the house.. Did he skip a step? Was he going too fast? His continuous thoughts were put on a halt with Payal's scream..

"Bhai!!! God, get the hell in!!!"

Arnav smirked at his Pagal soon-to-be sister-in-law..

"I guess I would if you would stop jumping around like that.."

"Whatever Bhai.. Listen carefully, Mr.Raizada.. We have been invited for a breakfast at the Guptas' by Mrs.Gupta.. Aunt just let me know and I'm the one letting you know.."


"Yeah.. Exactly.. Anyway, Aunt feels its quite obvious after what you did yesterday.. That screaming and all.. So naturally, Mrs. Gupta must have learnt that you, the big-hot shot- hunk casanova.."

Arnav cocked his eyebrow at Payal for the words she using to refer not just her Employer but also her Bhai.. Payal did notice it and she stopped in the mid-way.. Her lips curving into a slow smile, she continued..

"Whaaat? Everyone gets to say all such things and not me? Not fair ASR.."

"Payal.. Shut up.."

"Humpf.. Whatever.. All I was saying is that the main reason behind Mrs.Gupta calling you there is to get into your good books and finally, I AM NOT GOING TO JOIN YOU!"

"What?! Why?"

"Oh you see, I have this workaholic boss who talks business, walks business and eats business.. And I need to finalize the Cochin deal today itself.. No matter how robotic he is for fulfilling all his roles as a CEO, brother, grandson and now a lover, he is always up to the mark and in fact more.. So we humans need to hurry and buckle ourselves up.."

Arnav couldn't stop the smile spreading on his face.. But he really wanted his little sis to be by his side.. Officially he was going to step into Gupta Mansion..

"What if your Cold Blood boss wants you to take a leave for may be a half day and enjoy with family? What if your Arrogant Boss wants you to be with him in this important step he's going to take?"

Payal's eyes softened more and she went for a side hug..

"Not another word against my Charming witty Boss.. No matter how straining and hot headed my boss is, he's one damn kind of a perfectionist.. He is the reason behind whatever that I'm today.. So, for me, my boss comes first and then family.. And coming to accompany him, hes a brilliant man with a wonderful heart.. He does know what to do and how to handle.. Besides, he'l be having his current girlfriend accompanying him to make him succeed his Love.. "

Arnav tightened his hold telling her that he was grateful for having someone like her as a sister..

"Payal.. I.. I'l always be there for you Bachu.."

"I know Bhai.."

"I just pray that that stupid dumbo brother of mine would ask for your hand at the earliest.."

"I don't think he'l be able to do it in this life time Bhai.. I guess it'l be me who'l have to do that.."

"Nope Payal.. Trust me, I'l get him onto his knees begging for you.. I promise.. But promise me that you won't go all easy on him.. Such a jerk he is.. Got a treasure right in front of him and yet not daring to take a step ahead.."

"I love you Bhai.."

Arnav snapped open his eyes at Mrs. Gloria's voice..

"I see that the young man is struggling.. Oh, selecting an outfit, are we? Well.. lets see what you have in there.. Black suit, black shirt, black tee, black.. black.. another black.. black again and a black.."

Arnav smiled smugly at her and went to stand by her side..

"I seem to have no other color except that.."

"And you'v realized it today?"

"There's one charcoal grey too.."

"How refreshing!"

"Gloria.. Well, I have a maroon one thats out for laundry.. The Deep Blue needs a button replacement.."

"Son, are you sure you wear all these? I mean, are you sure you don't wear the same shirt everyday assuming it to be a different one? Everything looks alike.."

"I.. I guess no..."

"You guess? Jesus Christ! You are worse than my Man.. Atleast he was conscious of what he wore.."

"Of course.. He had you Gloria.."

"Ah, I see.. Then I guess you'l need Khushi.. Don't you?"

"No second thoughts on that.. Period!"

"Shameless! Well here's something that I want you to have.. A present from me and Payal for your first date.. Okay, official first date.."

Arnav knew he couldn't do good with expressing his emotions.. So the very next minute, he engulfed Mrs.Gloria into a warm hug letting her know how glad he was.. How blessed and over whelmed he was feeling at this moment.. And how much of Love and respect he has for them..

The moment he entered Gupta Mansion he was hit with a strong homely Aroma.. Smiling to himself he muttered


He din't give a damn of what was happening around him.. Who was talking what.. Who was sitting with him.. What was he been asked.. Nothing.. HE just kept searching and waiting for Khushi.. His eyes taking in each and every detail of the Mansion.. Everything spoke of Mr.Sashi and Khushi.. But where was she? Its been nearly 15 minutes and she din't grace even a glimpse of herself for him.. As if on Cue, Khushi came out of the Kitchen with a few dishes in her hands.. Wearing a simple yellow salwar and a 'Cook Fun' Maroon apron tied around her petite waist, Khushi looked ethereal for him.. He always loved her hair loose but at this moment, the messy bun with her hair tendrils set loose at various places, her cheek smudged with something green and water sprinkled on her forehead, Khushi looked absolutely edible!!! He wished.. Oh he so very wished he was alone and could savor her.. With her around, why the hell would he need something else to eat?!

Khushi din't get the time to change herself . Her mother and sisters made it a note that she would be packed with loads of work so that she wont be able to make an appearance when Arnav would arrive.. But little did they know that when Khushi Gupta set her mind on something, then it is near to impossible to accomplish it..

Really? Then how about falling in Love with Arnav.. Or rather, how about accepting whole heartedly that you'v already fallen in Love with Arnav?

Khushi stopped dead in her tracks as her mind was struck with the question hurled by her thoughts.. Finding herself numb and dumb tot he unexpected question that arose, Khushi began to fidget when she felt him calling for her.. All her thoughts went to take their place somewhere in the last seats of her brain while the front row was filled with joy, elation and excitement.. As Khushi made her way out of the Kitchen. she felt his gaze on her..

Was it true? Or is she imagining??

Khushi lifted her head to find out her answer only to forget her question.. Dressed in light steel blue shirt tucked inside a stone partition grey trousers, Arnav looked simply out of the world.. Damn! Why the hell had he have to look so handsome all the time? His hair wasn't gelled and looked exactly like how it did this early morning.. One casual look at him and one could drop dead at the perfection and aura he's carrying.. Her man was dressed to kill..

Her man?! Where did that come from?

Khushi would have pondered over that thought if not for the burning gaze and now a notified wink adorned with a smirk that Arnav awarded her right in front of her complete family in her house..

Aa Rahaa Hai.. Dekho Koee..

Jaa Rahaa Hai.. Dekho Koee..

Sab Ke Dil Hain.. Jaage Jaage..

Sab Kee Aankhe.. Khoyee Khoyee..

Khaamoshee Karatee Hain Baate..

Arnav knew Khushi would do no talking as she was expected to be by her so-called-family.. So he smiled widely at her and spoke out in his husk with the smirk intact and his eyes never leaving her..

"Hi Khushi.. I was wondering when you would show.. Come.. Why aren't you joining us? Here.. A seat beside me, may be?.."

What in the world is he doing?! Why is he doing all this?? Speaking in front of her mother with her as if she's his childhood friend? Khushi smiled weakly and joined him as he pulled her down onto the chair beside him..

"So, Mr.Raizada.. Shall we start?"


"Enjoy.. All of these are specially prepared by my daughters.."

Arnav felt Khushi stiffening.. The nerve of that woman!! He very well know what happens in Gupta Mansion and he for sure can swear that each and everything was personally prepared by Khushi.. A smile made its way through his lips at the thought that Khushi made the food for him.. He wished he could kiss her right away and her sitting right beside him din't help him much.. But no.. This is the time to have some fun.. How about 'Lets mock Khushi's Step-Family'? A devilish glint crossed Arnav's eyes and he slowly held Khushi's hand from under the table.. He could feel her going stiff again and trying to pull out but he tightened his hold and spoke out with a smile..

"Ah that's wonderful.. Thankyou, Khushi.. Mrs.Gupta, I must say that your elder daughter is quite an amazing cook.. I'v tasted them many a times before.. Though Mrs.Gloria and Payal leave barely anything for me, I did manage to have a bite quite a few times and I must say she's Impeccable.. And today is no different.. I usually never visit anyone's home to dine.. But since, it was an invitation from Khushi's house, I'v just broke my tradition and I'm glad I did.. The food is really awesome, Khushi.."

Arnav could feel Khushi heating up.. She barely made an eye contact with him but her cheeks and neck were visibly and profusely coloring.. And Arnav just fell in love with the color changing session..

Creamy white to peach to pink to crimson red.. WOW! Arnav could have pecked her cheek right then right there if not for the annoying Mrs.Gupta's next question..

"Ah, I can't disagree.. Well, is the hot bachelor still in market?"

Arnav almost choked over his food.. Fu*king Woman!! Arnav watched Khusih from the corner of his eyes and found her paling rapidly.. He so very loved that Khushi was effected with that question but he din't dare to take a risk.. The last thing he wanted was Khushi to feel cheated or confused or tensed.. He hated to agree but in a way, this meet was turning out to be fruitful.. He smiled and spoke..

"Technically, I'm out of the market.."

Arnav saw Khusih's head snap up and look at him before she quickly composed herself and looked back into her plate..


Arnav tried really hard to stop himself from laughing out loud.. The unison shout of the three women of Khushi's so called family made him smile widely..

"What do you mean?!!"

"Excuse me?"

"I.. I'm sorry ASR.. I mean, what do you mean by technically?"

"Oh that.. You see Ms.Gupta, a wonderful woman has successfully stolen my heart and so I'm technically out of market.. Now, that same woman is not aware that she has my heart captivated and so, officially, I'v not made any announcement regarding it.."

"She doesn't know? Why din't you tell?"

"I'm afraid that she'l reject.."

"Reject? And you?! Only a fool would do that.."

"Mind your words Ms.Gupta!! Its my would-be wife you are speaking about.. The moment she'l agree to my proposal, I'm gonna make it official.. Of course, I still need to work out as of how to approach her.. And why can't she reject me? She's a Princess.. She has every right to.. She's far special and amazing than anyone I'v ever come across.."

"Is.. Is she beautiful?"

"Beautiful? She's gorgeous! In and Out.."

"Does she have any idea? About you know... Your feelings?"

"Well, I guess she does.. And I really hope and pray she does.. She's a brilliant girl you see.. And I can't afford to lose her.. Hope she figured out by now.. It'l help me make my further moves easier.. Not that I would give up but, a little help is always a pleasant welcome.."

All this while Khushi had her heart set on a Marathon.. She was struggling to keep herself calm at the revelations.. Never in her life did she ever feel so nervous and relaxed at the same time.. It was as if he was speaking with her.. Conveying her about what he felt.. His hands and his words were always in sync.. His gentle caress on her hands and the actions of his thumb were sending her into a frenzy while his words filled with love and sincerity were anchoring to Earth and reality..

He is in Love with me?!

When did this happen? But.. But he deserves more!!!

I wish.. I wish he could ensure me.. I wish you can Arnav.. I really wish.. I'm hard to handle.. Too fragile and broken.. I wish you know that.. I wish.. I wish you can heal me.. I wish you can make me stronger to love you back.. Strong enough to accept the love I have for you.. I wish you would guide me Arnav.. I wish.. I wish you would hold me.. I wish.. I pray..

New buddies, 'buddy' me for PMs..

P.S.S. :
Your views please..


Will not be able to update tomorrow.. So, an early update.. Hope you lyk it..


Buddies, my schedule's getting highly tight! So, as I'v informed before, I'l not be able to reply to your comments untill the mid or end of Feb.. But, I shall read each and every comment you'd give to me.. They really mean a lot to me and are a kind of stress buster..

So, please do keep encouraging and loving.. Shall reply to each and everyone once I'd get free!

Chaverah_TFC2014-02-03 04:34:14

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Comments (41)

Another beautiful story by you.. 👏

10 years ago

Wonderful updateGood that Khushi is also falling for ArnavLove the way Arnav played with his words to Khushi's step-mother and her step-sisters😆I wish Arnav would confess his love to Khushi first and that too soon!!!Thanks for the pm😉 Update the next part SOON!!!😃

10 years ago

I have been meaning to catch up with your work but unfortunately the holiday season and hectic AD prevented me from reading anything! So finally today I caught up with this story and read all the chapters in one go, I must tell you that your story captivated me quite a bit and right from the get go.Where on one hand you presented this heart wrenching story of Khushi and her sufferings, on the other hand you brought Arnav as her saviour for her. Arnav who has felt more for Khushi than anyone else and is inlove with her and not because of some kind of sympathy for her but because of who she is. The strength she has showcased is remarkable and I can only commend you for crafting such wonderful characters. Arnav is working hard at making a place for himself in Khushi's heart and by the looks of things he has already achieved this. I can't wait to see this love further blossom and flourish in the upcoming chapters, for Khushi's suffering to finally end and for the Guptas to finally get what is coming to them. I have thoroughly enjoyed this journey and so I thank you for sharing your work with me C, looking forward to the next chapter! ;-)

10 years ago

Beautiful update👏 finally arnav confessed his feeling and khushi understanding that each word was meant for her.. Thanks for pm

10 years ago

Awesome update... thank for pm

10 years ago

AMAZING update!!!!Loved it...Beautifully written... Loved their morning romance and the way you described it... Then arnav's monologue for selecting his outfit... Payal and arnav's conversation is a highlight... Can't forget Gloria... She is awesome too... And then in khushi's home... Khushi's happiness after seeing him and the way arnav answered Mrs Gupta's questions was lovely... Waiting for khushi to know the person who has stolen his heart 😉 Good one...Thanks for the pm... Continue soon...

10 years ago

Wow what a Wonderful update Loved it too muchIts nice that Khushi excepted it that she is falling for ArnavLove their morning romance and Khushi's try to divert her mind from Arnav Shing Raizada but its only remind her moment spend with him its really very beautifully writtenArnav's stress for dressing himslef for his first official date with family was amazingLoved Payal and Mrs. Gloria's bonding with ArnavArnav's flirting with Khushi in front of her so called family was Mind blowingLoved the way Arnav convey his feelings to her in word in front of her family it was Superb and well writtenIn sort i want to tell you i love this update to depth of my heartWaiting for next updatePlz continue it soon

10 years ago

hi luved the updateit was awesomeu described arnav's n khushi's feeling so wellwaiting for morethnx for pm

10 years ago

awesome and fantabulous update...loved the way arnav found kushi's state and mesmerized with her beautiful gestures in the early morning and loved the way kushi's happiness coming back and started falling for arnav...loved the way they stared each other and arnav's pray for transferring his feelings for her to let know of it...loved the way he had sent red rose plant...loved the way how he praised kushi infront of mrs.gupta and described his lady love and loved the way how he held her hand under the table and she tried to wiggle but liked it...beautiful update...cant wait for the next update...

10 years ago

superb update.!!!!!!!loved arnav's reply of technically out of market...!!!!!!11smart move..indirect propose ..!!!!!!

10 years ago
