Chapter 15

_Chaverah_ Thumbnail




Chapter 12:

The entire day seemed bright and fun but to Khushi, ironically, it seemed a bit dull and gloomy.. Sighing, Khushi began to wash the dishes with an involuntary but beautiful smile playing on her lips as she recalled the morning's bliss with Arnav..

After the break fast, Arnav made it a note that he had to attend a few important meetings and hence he couldn't stay for some more time.. As Khushi was about to take back the dishes into the Kitchen, Arnav held her hand making her look at him.. He slowly freed her hand from the dishes she was carrying and moved close to her.. Dangerously close.. Close enough to set Khushi flying free in her recently developed happy world dream land.. Khushi came out of her thoughts at Arnav's husky voice..

"Kya yaar Khushi? You weren't there to welcome me.. Atleast give me a send off.."

Before Khushi could comprehend on what was going on, she felt herself being pulled into him.. Nothing in the world would have prepared Khushi for the moment she had been drowned into..

Eternal Bliss..

The moment Arnav wrapped Khushi in his arms, he felt his world complete.. A warm smile made its way to it's rightful place.. Not caring for anything or anyone, Arnav just let the moment sink into both of them.. To make and mark its feel deep into their soul.. Their first hug.. Just a friendly one may that seem, but to him, it was a huge step he was taking.. And to find Khushi though not reacting much, but atleast not pushing him away, set his soul on a happy salsa! He gotta know that he could take his further steps with the same pace and may be with an increased speed a few days later..

All Khushi felt was her soul coming to life.. His warmth gave her a promising future.. His comfort gave her the hope of a new tomorrow.. His scent made her entire being shiver with anticipation.. His one touch set her heart to beat in real again.. His warm breath against her head and the firm grip of his huge hands on her waist poured into her a renewed strength and courage.. His heart beat sang to her a lovely hymn inspiring her to take a step ahead in her life.. The way she fit in his arm as if he was encasing her and shielding her made her feel loved, special and determined to move ahead without the fear of being left alone again.. It might seem just a friendly hug.. But for her, this is her anchor.. Her anchor not to drown and get lost in the pain she's being in.. Her anchor to support herself and walk with him into a world full of 'HIM'.. And at that moment, Khushi realized that, she would never want anything but Arnav's presence.. It's his presence alone that makes her want to live..

Khushi barely heard or knew what happened the next.. His presence still lingered around her.. Though he pulled apart and smiled at her, she could still feel his warmth surrounding her.. It was as if he left a part of him with her, for her, in her.. Unknown to her consciousness, a heart felt smile spread on her lips..

Arnav already was finding it difficult to keep his hands to himself, specially after the soul uniting hug and her willing participation in it.. Now, her 'lost-in-you' look and the charming smile that she'd got on her wasn't helping him much either.. So, he decided that before he would do anything that would scare her away or make the rest of the Gupta women commit suicide, he smoothly waved a good bye but not before whispering into Khushi's ears..

"I hope you'v realized about whom I'v been speaking earlier.. You know, it could be of a real great help if you figured it out on your own.. If not, then, I would be more than privileged to do the honors myself.. The food was amazing, Khushi.. Thankyou.. I remember missing out a dinner that I'v looked forward to have with you.. Hope you don't mind if we'l have it sometime soon.. I'l love to.. I really wanna stay but, gotta go today.. Shall see you around soon.. Take care and bye.."

Every syllable that made its way out of Arnav's mouth hit its target perfectly etching forever in Khushi's heart.. Never had she been ever praised nor thanked nor been made to feel special.. But today, this man made everything that had been impossible to her since the past 6-7 years come to reality.. He thanked her, praised her, proposed her, flirted with her, asked her to take care, gave explanation about his daily schedule, made her feel like a woman highly precious, made her feel excited about her life, made her look forward to spend time with him.. Did he just ask her out for a date? Well, he just did propose her, din't he? Date is nothing more shocking than the former one..

Khushi din't know how to react or what or say.. She replied a brisk bye and made her way hurriedly into the kitchen.. She could feel herself burning.. Her entire form was shivering.. What is it that this Arnav Singh Raizada was doing to her? Why is she feeling this way? As she splashed water on her face, Khushi felt herself being watched and she automatically turned her hear to the direction and saw her man standing and watching her with his eyes full of concern and another strong emotion which she din't find the courage to name it..

Through the Kitchen window, she saw Arnav mouthing her an 'Are you Okay?'.. How could she let him know when she herself knew nothing about what is going on with her.. She passed a quick smile and nodded at him only to find him awarding her that 'set-my-heart-on-a marathon' smile and walked along with Auntyji..

Its been an hour since all that happened and still she couldn't control herself from blushing.. Seriously, what's wrong with her?! She could feel him with her.. His warm touch.. His soft breath.. His perfect body.. His deep eyes.. The way she fit into him.. The way he held her with utmost care and love.. As if she was something to handle with all the love and care and to be cherished forever.. Is she really that special? Is all this, whatever he was telling her, showing her, true? Did she deserve all this? Its.. Its too good to be true.. Specially for her.. All her thoughts were put to a halt at the commotion of her step sisters near the kitchen..

"Damn! That Raizada hunk is out of the reach now.. I thought we had a last chance atleast.."

"I never knew he was available.. I mean, the Casanova type and all, I was sure he had someone.."

"Well, he is.. He himself spilled it out.."

"Lucky woman, I say.."

"Yeah.. Well at least our doubt of Khushi having something with ASR was cleared.. "

"Obviously.. Who would want a maid to be his bride? All that you'v thought must have been because of that old woman.. He's living with them.. So naturally, he needs to be cordial with this girl.. "

Nothing else made its way to Khushi's ears.. Her mind stuck to one question alone..

'Who would want a maid to be his bride?'

But her heart kept on fighting against it giving different reasons to stand strong against the question..

'Who would want a maid to be his bride?'

' A woman successfully stole my heart..'

'Who would want a maid to be his bride?'

'I'm afraid she would reject..'

'Who would want a maid to be his bride?'

'She's a princess..'

'Who would want a maid to be his bride?'

'Beautiful? She's gorgeous.. In and out..'

'Who would want a maid to be his bride?'

'I hope you'v realized about whom I'v been speaking earlier.. You know, it could be of a real great help if you figured it out on your own..'

'Who would want a maid to be his bride?'

'I remember missing out a dinner that I'v looked forward to have with you.. Hope you don't mind if we'l have it sometime soon.. I'l love to.. '

'Who would want a maid to be his bride?'


'Who would want a maid to be his bride?'

No!! What the hell had she been thinking? He deserves far more better.. If not him, she knows the reality of her life.. She can't let him lose his pride.. What will the world say? The society? NO! She can't do this.. Not to the man who helped her to live again.. Khushi wiped her tears and and made her decision sternly not caring how her now mending heart was again breaking away piece after piece..

Khushi din't know what happened with her, around her or what she was doing for that matter, for the whole day.. She din't know anything but numbness.. Everything he had for her, everything she had been finally accepting for him, must be out to an end. And the painful part was, though neither were at fault here, he would be the one who will have to bear the pain.. May be for the first time, more than her.. And she had to do it.. He will surely hate her, at least for the good.. But later, he will finally realize that what she's planning to do now will be for the best of him..

She had been wondering, planning, going back to square one, thinking to reconsider, scolding herself, mentally kicking herself for letting him feel that she could be won over when she amongst the two knew how much of a filthy world she's living in.. And in all these thoughts and quarrels, she din't realize that she had been walking to AR Head office, Manali to give lunch to her Jiji as requested by Auntyji.. She quietly made her way into AR..


Khushi stood rooted to her spot.. The only thing that she could recognize even in her sleep was him.. His deep husky voice.. It was then that it dawned upon Khushi that she was in AR.. Her eyes widened preferably and her entire form began to develop a kind of shiver.. She had never ever felt this way before.. May be because she never ever wanted to or lied to anyone as she had been planning to do with the very man responsible for the warmth and hope she is living in..

Arnav could literally feel what she's going through.. A deep frown made its way almost instantaneously onto his fore head.. Where did he go wrong? Everything was going perfect and pristine as he had planned.. He's almost this close to reach his goal and what the hell happened in a mere 2-3 hours, that Khushi was not just back to square one but in fact going to do exactly opposite of whatever he had been planning for all these days.. Arnav could hardly control his rage and pain.. What went wrong?! He had seen Khushi walking with her look afloat as if she had been thinking something very serious.. Her eyes held pain and agony that stabbed his heart.. She looked pale and lifeless.. She looked lost and defeated.. She looked everything opposite of what he had been struggling to make her look like..

Arnav tried calling her again but what she did next made him almost fall to the ground.. She faked her smile? At him?! And then she moved away as if she din't know him at all.. Arnav could feel his eyes stinging.. No! He isn't going to give up.. He had come prepared to face an even high level of rejection.. But from what they'v been having all along, he felt used to it being a bit simpler.. But now, it seems the tables have turned.. He needed to make a move.. Quick and effective..

But his Lady was adamant on ignoring him.. Thanks to Payal and her absence that Khushi kept waiting in AR.. And Arnav could take it no more.. It is high time he allowed a streak of ASR to mix with Arnav.. If his love is being stubborn, then he'l act like one.. Besides, he's the best when he is ASR.. Arnav saw Khushi entering back into Payal's cabin from the Cafeteria.. He slowly made his way to the same place a few minutes later..

Khushi had seen a hell of a day.. She had been walking in and around Arnav's empire with a mission of 'ignoring Arnav'.. But this man seemed to be in his own mission of 'making Khushi fail in what so ever she was planning to do'.. Isn't he the damn CEO? Din't he have any other work than stalking her? A huge part of her was fluttering and bursting with undefined happiness but the same heart was paining and bleeding at the thought that she had no other choice but to avoid and distance herself from him.. He did try many times to start the conversation but she made it a point to ignore and cut it out..

His eyes..

They were always full of warmth and love.. They always shone with joy and contentment.. And today, for the first time, she saw raw pain, confusion and helplessness float in them.. And the reason was solely - her.. If in just a few hours she could have brought this pain to him, how much more will he have to face if at all they'l share a future? The very thought sent her spiraling down.. She almost ran into her Jiji's cabin half hoping that her Jiji has returned from where ever she went to.. But a few moments after she entered, she felt her heart beating erratically and she knew that she's gonna face Arnav..


Arnav saw Khushi sitting on the couch with her eyes closed.. The moment he called out for her, she snapped open her eyes and stood up with a jerk.. He immediately locked the cabin and moved a bit closer to her.. He thanked her mentally and felt a relief washing over him when he saw her not retorting back..

"Khushi, what's wrong?"

"Wrong? No.. Nothing.. What is wrong??"

Arnav's heart bled for his Lady.. Here she is standing with her eyes giving away all the vulnerability she is and yet she's trying hard to be strong..

"Khushi, do you know that your eyes speak?"

Arnav saw Khushi snapping her head up again.. He moved closer to her just maintaining a foot distance away..

"They do Khushi.. And you know what? I can read them.. You are a pure soul, Khushi.. A very pure and divine one.. And that is the reason your eyes give away what ever your heart has.."

Arnav sighed and held out her hand in his as he saw her almost breaking down.. He cupped her face with the other and moved closer.. Close enough that both of them could feel the other's heart beating at a frantic rate.. He smiled when Khushi looked at him with her eyes wide and questioning, realizing that he was beating fast too..

"It happens when ever you are around.. Actually, everytime I think of you, it does happen.. Just can't help it and I'm not complaining.."

Arnav let out a sigh of relief at her slow smile.. Her skin gave away the effect he has on her.. The color changing happened again.. He smirked at her and made her look at him..

"I love the way your skin changes its color.. Creamy white to peach to pink to crimson red.. I''v never been fond of Chemistry but, this change is something I'l always adore and look forward to watch.. I simply love it.."

Khushi couldn't help but be lost in him.. Everything that she had wanted to and planned to vaporized into thin air.. The only thing that she could feel right now is - being loved- by her Arnav..

"Wow.. A new addition of color.. Beet red.. I love this too.."

Arnav snaked his hands around her waist and pulled her flush into him chuckling softly at her blush.. He closed his eyes at her sudden sharp inhaling.. Resting his fore head slowly onto hers, Arnav whispered with the conviction that sent shivers all along Khushi's spine..

"I don't know what is bothering you but I'l always be there for you Khushi.. But, please don't distance yourself away from me.. I.. I can't bare it.. It damn hurts.."

The moment Arnav let his heart out, Khushi could not hold herself any longer.. All the tears that she had locked this long, poured out on their own accord.. Her heart kept thumping as she silently cried against his chest.. She felt her head spinning and her knees giving away..

Arnav felt the wetness on his shoulder and chest and also felt Khushi going limp.. He immediately pulled her back to find her slipping into unconsciousness..

God! She fainted!!

Arnav tried to call out to her and shook her to make her come back in vain.. He lifted her and placed her on the couch.. He grabbed a glass of water and slumped beside her.. Just as he called out once again, he heard her mumbling to herself with her eyes still closed and her tears still fresh..

"I can't let you make a maid your bride Arnav.. You deserve far better.."

Arnav froze to the spot for more than a minute and the next moment, he hugged Khushi to him and kissed her hairs..

"Silly woman!! You are a Princess, Khushi.. My very own Princess!!!"

New buddies, 'buddy' me for PMs..

P.S.S. :
Your views please..


Buddies, my schedule's getting highly tight! So, as I'v informed before, I'l not be able to reply to your comments untill the mid or end of Feb.. But, I shall read each and every comment you'd give to me.. They really mean a lot to me and are a kind of stress buster..

So, please do keep encouraging and loving.. Shall reply to each and everyone once I'd get free!

Love ya everyone!!! 🤗I'v not just read and like, but also LOVED each and every comment you'v put forth! I seriously think IF should start putting up a button for 'Loved it!!' too!!!😆 All in all, I just wanna say that, You guys RocK! Thankyou so very much yaaron!! Love ya, muah!!!!

Chaverah_TFC2014-02-03 04:34:24

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Comments (46)

mrs Gupta is so disgustinghope Arnav convinces Khushi soon

10 years ago

hate the sisters ... khushi is so tensed now... lovely update...

10 years ago

outstanding update Candy ..., 👏i was aweed when he hug her before that gupta b***hes , Arghh i hate that witches so damn much .., 😡 you better suffer them alot candy ..i simply Adore Arnav ( my hotwa😆) i loved the way he confort her in payal cabin simply wow :))Love you cand .. Missed you Alot 😭

10 years ago

beautiful update. .arnav is flirting with Khushi. .lol..he loves it wen she changes colours. . 😳Damn. .!!she thinks she's a maid..I knw arnav will make her feel better.

10 years ago

SUPER DUPER CHAPTER'S CHAVERAH Chapter 11 A :- chapter's Chaverah. WOW Khushi herself stated to humming which was lost 5yrs back and d skip in her walk just like new blossom of flower . More dan dat loved how she was expecting Arnav to be near his window so dat she can see him and though can't talk but still see him which would fill her heart . Khushi was very right to love a person whom u know barely is wrong thought not fully becoz Love Happen's at First Sight . Yooo loved Arnav's Chuckle on seeing Khushi's desperation 4 him to be near d window and wen came , Chaverah u've no idea how much it pleased me also to see Khushi's happiness which is new experience for her and d communication through der eyes was outstanding buddy . Chapter 11 B :- Most wonderful and exciting chapter it was Chaverah . God it was one hell entertainment to see how ASR in Arnav was hell bend on praising Khushi infront of Mrs.Gupta and her daughter's and indirectly confessed his love for Khushi through voice and guester's also . Chaverah d entire part from Arnav's confession till d end of dis chapter was d best and my favourite . Nevertherless Arnav succeeded in making Khushi realise his love for her and waiting 4 right time for Khushi to accept it . Chapter 12 :- Chaverah yet another chapter. Take my bow buddy 4d beautiful and unique love story inspite of all pains and hurts . WOW man dat was one hell beautiful send off of Arnav from Gupta house and man wat a hugwa it was though for other's its friendly one but for two heart beater lovers it was most blissful one . Then another hint of his love for her "I hope you'v realized about whom I'v been speaking earlier.. You know, it could be of a real great help if you figured it out on your own.. If not, then, I would be more than privileged to do the honors myself.. . Errr inspite of all d happy moments Arshi spend came another blow inbetween dem . Nevertherless for any dark clouds comes a sunshine day dat would erase all d da

10 years ago

sweet!!!!!!!!!fall in love with this Arnav and Khushi...loved it...

10 years ago

Omg! Poor khushi! She is just so unsure of herself...but im sure noe that arnav knoes the reason for her foul mood he'll bring her confidence back :D

10 years ago

Hi this is the first time iam reading your all the chapters in one go it was really awsome...the way you have described is heart filling...awating for the next update soon...

10 years ago

Loved the update poor khushi she was so happy knowing that arnav was in loved with her only to hear those two witches talking about him and saying that he would never make a maid his wife breaking her heart and destroying her confidence in his love so sad arnav knowing some thing was wrong wanted to talk to her bring out the asr and she fainted loved that he heard her ramblings and realized why she was in that state awesome update thanks for the pm. dumas2014-01-13 06:25:16

10 years ago

Hey dearLove the updateUff that Gupta's sistershate them so muchPoor KhushiHope Arnav put some sense in herhow could she think something like this abt herselfcan't wait to read morePlz continue soonThanks for the PMtake careLots of LoveGeet

10 years ago
