Chapter 13

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Chapter 11A:

Khushi woke up with a different air around her.. Her heart felt light and her soul was dancing.. Shes having butterflies doing all kinda circus stunts in her tummy and the smile that never bothered to visit her is now a permanent asset adorning her.. Shaking her head, Khushi made her way to the garden to watch the first ray of the Sun.. Her walk had a skip and she was completely shocked to find her humming to herself.. The moment she realized she was humming, Khushi stopped dead in her tracks.. 5 years.. Its been 5 complete years since she last sung or hummed.. It was always with her Papa that she added up her voice.. A lone tear made its way through her eyes but what caught Khushi off-guard was that it din't hurt her as much as it had all these days.. A slow smile crept her lips as she finally realized that it was her Prince Charming who was behind all these changes in her..

Khushi for the first time felt that her heart was willing to take a step ahead. Some where down the line, the faith she had in Arnav over powered her fear of being left alone and hopeless again.. And this, stunned her.. Its not even been a complete week since she met him and yet with him around her, she feels safe and comfortable.. There is a warmth around him that draws her to a point that always leaves her in utter disbelief.. How can a man do so much like almost transforming her back to herself in such a short span without actually doing anything? His presence alone is making her want to live more.. More like how she once used to be.. His smile is arising the lost buried hopes in her.. Was he really giving her the clues and guidelines to step out or is she reading too much?

Whatever it was, as of now, Khushi felt herself bubbling with joy just as her Papa's Titaliya.. She doesn't know what the future has in store for her but what so ever was there, she'l always be grateful to Arnav for bringing her out of the shell she's built.. True she was just starting to come out, but yet, it is as relaxing and wonderful as nothing shes ever known.. Stepping into her garden, Khushi frowned at the surroundings.. She glanced at her wrist and smiled at herself for assuming her to have a watch.. She walked back slowly and stopped att he door to turn and have a look at the window of the Mansion opposite hers.. Arnav's room.. It was dark.. She smiled to herself for acting like a love sick fool..


Is.. Is that what she has for him?

No.. It is too early.. Shes attracted to him.. True.. Not just for his charm but for the man she saw in him.. She respected his struggle and success behind whatever he is today.. She likes him for the way he takes care of Auntyji and Jiji.. and.. her too.. A slow smile crept her face and Khushi's heart skipped a beat when she finally concluded that it if whatever he was trying to convey was true, and if whatever she was reading and understanding was true, then the day isn't very far, when Khushi Gupta would finally lose her heart to Arnav Singh Raizada.. But, do he really mean what hes making her feel? Or is just a sympathy towards his employee's suffering family member? Her heart screamed a loud 'NO' but her mind.. A part of her mind was still struggling to come out.. Hell, its just been a week.. A trauma of 5 long dark years can't be erased in just a week.. But if he could seep through her barren heart this long in such a short time, she was sure he would heal her for a life time in just no time..

Khushi gasped at finding the wall clock in the kitchen striking just 2:45.. She up at such a weird hour? But then, when did the sleep grace her? Ironically, earlier, when ever she was in short of sleep, Khushi felt herself restless.. But now, she felt her heart, mind and soul at peace.. Khushi's face broke to a smile, again muttering 'Arnav Singh Raizada' to herself.. Khushi was literally freaking out at the number of times shes smiling to herself.. If just a thought about him is making her feel so ecstatic, how would a life with him, together with him be? Will.. Will he like her? Is.. Is she good enough for him? Does he just respect and like her or does he feel much more stronger like what she read in his eyes the previous morning? Is he really her Prince Charming??

Sleep not gracing her, Khushi surrounded herself in thick blankets and stepped into the garden again.. She sighed at the thoughts that were racing through her mind.. Closing her eyes, Khushi let the cold winds hit her soft skin.. An old melody made its way through her mind when she felt some one's gaze on her.. Shaking away the thought, she began humming smiling to herself for having felt someone watching her, that too at such wee hours..

Ye Raate..

Nayee.. Puraanee..

Ye Raate Nayee, Puraanee..

Aate.. Aate Jaate..

Kahatee Hain.. Koee Kahaanee..

Ye Raate..

Khushi could not help but feel the intensity of someone's gaze on her turning strong every passing second.. It could be anyone.. She just prayed it wasn't her Step Mother.. The last she needed was another mocking session about her late night strolling.. Her pain could never be understood but neither were her attempts to overcome her pain, were ever taken with a warm support.. She dint know why or how but Khushi opened her eyes and turned to look at Arnav's window..

Khushi literally forgot to breathe.. Bathed in dim light of the bed lamp and clad in simple white Tee, stood Arnav leaning to his window, with his arms crossed below his chest and a smirk intact in its rightful and sinful place.. Khushi's heart bet so hard and fast that she could swear her she broke one of her rib bones.. Gracious Lord! The man looked out of the world.. No Prince would be an equate to what Khushi saw right now.. And he's staring right at her and smirking.. Smirking? What the hell!! What is he doing at this time of an hour staring at her? Did.. Did he see her earlier too?

Khushi din't know how long she sat at the entrance to their garden in the corridor lost in his warm gaze.. She din't know how many silent minutes they'v spent.. She din't know how many warm and relishing moments they stared at each other..

Kaun Jaane... Kab Chalegee...

Kis Taraf Se.. Ye Hawaayen..

Saal Bhar To Yaad Rakhanaa..

Ayesaa Naa Ho.. Bhool Jaaye..

Is Raat Kee Mulaakaate..

Arnav did not know what to decipher of what was happening right now.. All he knew was that this moment was too precious to let go even a single split second.. All the thinking can be done later.. Right now, he just wanted to live the moments with Khushi.. His Love..

He had a Inter-National Video Conference that lasted for 3 continuous hours and successfully ended 20 minutes back.. Shutting off the lights of his room Arnav went downstairs to fetch himself something to eat.. With sleep depriving him ,Arnav flipped open his laptop to have a check of the Gupta Mansion . It would be really stupid thing for him to do so since it was 2:40 in the morning.. But obviously he is a Love sick fool right now.. Arnav bit into a pizza slice and smiled to himself of the ways his miision to get back his Love were going on a really good note.. He idiotically wished to have a glimpse of Khushi.. And what happened next truly took his breath away.. Clad in heavy blankets, his Love walked out into the garden and then after a few minutes, she was returning and Arnav's heart clenched of what might be the reason behind her sleepless night.. A nightmare? A shiver ran past his spine but the next minute, his breath got kicked outta his lungs.. Khushi was looking at his window and.. And smiling?!

To say Arnav is the most shocked yet elated man at present would be an understatement.. He dint know when a lone tear escaped his eyes.. He smiled to himself and slowly it was replaced by his low chuckles.. He couldn't believe that Khushi was actually looking out for him.. Arnav placed the laptop aside and marched to his window only to find the garden empty.. But he knew, his heart kept telling that she would be back.. And the moment he saw her coming back, it took every damn ounce of his self control not to go running to her and crush her in his arms and kiss her to a point where she would literally kill him for backing out..

A handsome smirk made its way on to his lips at that thought and he watched her singing to herself.. Or may be speaking.. He wished she was singing.. She had a good voice.. Great would be a lie but for him, it was the best.. He was surprised at Khushi not turning to him.. She always seemed to feel his presence.. And his smirk grew huge.. But then, who would expect someone to watch you specially at such a wierd hour of night? Wish she would just look at him.. Once.. Just once.. It is his Khushi here.. And she never fails to surprise him.. As if she heard his request, Khushi looked at his direction and her eyes almost popped outta their sockets..

Arnav's heart went on a marathon and his soul on a 'peace to the humanity' trip.. He smiled warmly at her and watched her with all the love he had for her.. Silently praying for her to understand that whatever he had towards her was more than just respect and liking as he let her know.. He prayed to the heavens above to favor him by letting her read the depths of his heart, he words of his soul and the love dancing in his eyes..

Arnav was the first to come out of the frenzy they'v fell into.. He smiled broadly at her, perfectly showing her how happy and excited he was to have her with him.. He saw her breaking into the reality and staring to fidget.. Arnav knew this was going to come.. The last thing he wanted was her to feel uncomfortable or awkward.. He waved at her enthusiastically and at getting her notice, he smiled back again and pointed to the hills on their left..

The Ray Of The Dawn..

Perfect timing.. He saw Khushi face breaking into a wonderful smile as she turned back at him and looked back at the now creeping up light.. Arnav saw her relaxing into herself and finally she turned to him with a serene smile that set Arnav's heart at race.. Strangely, his soul was as calm and relaxed even when his mind was filled with in-numerous questions and his heart beating at a rate of a mile per second.. He then decided to clear the silence and saluted her the way she did few days back wishing her a Good Morning..

Khushi din't know how to thank him.. Not just for the way he was making her feel but also helping her to cope up.. That half an hour is the best she's ever had in her entire life time.. Smiling warmly at Arnav with gratitude, Khushi wished him back a warm Good Morning and retired back into the Mansion very well aware that he's not gonna leave untill she would.. But what Khushi wasn't prepared for was that, even though he wasn't physically with her, the only thoughts hovering her were Arnav and her encounters with Arnav and the feelings he was arising in her.. Strangely, Khushi din't feel suffocated or uneasy, in fact, she felt as if this was what she was striving to do..

By the time it was 6:00, Khushi realized that anything that was happening around her these days that brought a smile and peace to her heart, then it was because of that one man, Arnav Singh Raizada.. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shut him out of her mind, not for more than a minute.. Like when she recollect how many times the coocker whistled or how many spoons of sugar she just added to her coffee.. Apart from times like that, no matter how many different things she tried to divert her mind, her stubborn mind had its own way to get back to him.. It surely would, why wouldn't it? Its been 5 long years since it actually worked on a peaceful note..

Try scolding herself,

and she would be reminded of how Arnav burst with anger at her sister for calling her with names..

And Khushi would smile..

Try thinking of preparing breakfast,

and she would be reminded of Arnav telling her that he missed her during the breakfast..

And she would smile again..

Try thinking of how tired she was,

and she would be reminded of how tired Arnav was when he stayed back the whole night and returned the next morning..

And she would smile again..

Try thinking about what she needs to do at the Museum,

and she would be reminded of how Arnav spent his time with her at the Museum..

And she would smile again..

Try thinking about Auntyji,

and she would be reminded of Arnav referring her as Gloria, his current girlfriend..

And Khushi would chuckle..

Try listening to her laughter,

and she would be reminded of how Arnav looked at her when he said that he had never seen her laughing..

And she would smile again..

Try humming,

and she would be reminded of how she's still humming the song after 5 years and how perfectly it fit the situation..

And Khushi would smile again..

Try thinking about her walk to Museum and the roses she saw yesterday,

and she would be reminded of her meeting Arnav and them having their breakfast at the road side Dhaba..

And she would smile again..

Try thinking about her painting,

and she would be reminded of how Arnav went awed at her work, praising that she's got natural talent and how he understood her intention and meaning behind the paintings and her reason to paint..

And Khushi would smile again..

Try thinking about the beautiful mornings,

and she would be reminded of how he was almost everyday accompanying her watching the rise of the Sun alongside her..

And Khushi would smile again..

Every single thing of her life is now attached with a memory of Arnav.. He had made sure that she leads her life the very same way but, with his flavor.. Everything that once pulled her into the gloomy shell is now making her smile with his warmth.. Can she ever repay him? How much has he done for her in such a short span? Is he even aware of it? Nay.. He is naturally that a way.. Happy and making others happy.. Whatever it was, he is her walking solution.. Khushi smiled at her tag to Arnav and continued sipping her coffee.. It is just 5:57 in the morning and she's been thinking as much and more as she would have ever even in a full hectic day.. Allt hakns to Mr.Raizada.. Khushi smiled to herself and sighed as she felt her soul finally going through a glimpse of peace.. The peace that abandoned her 5 years ago.. The peace that made its grand entry in the form of Arnav..

This man, Arnav Singh Raizada, unintentionally but officially, has entered Khushi Gupta's forbidden teritory.. And not just that, but had made his mark perfectly permanently..


Scroll Down for Part 11 B

Chaverah_TFC2014-02-03 04:33:59

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