Chapter 12

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Chapter 10:

"I heard that you'v had a hectic day today.. Both physical and emotional?"

Arnav looked up from his plate, almost choking on his Parantha, with his eyes widened at a mischievously smiling Mrs.Gloria.. Arnav tried his best to bite back his smile at her questioning eyes.. Payal ran to him and handed over a glass of water.. Arnav sipped in and smiled at her gratefully only to receive a smile hinted with naughtiness, almost the same as that of Mrs.Gloria..

Mrs.Gloria was in no mood to back out today.. Specially when this love sick man in front of her had no time to join for dinner but enough to take care of his Lady Love..

"So, as I was asking earlier.."

Arnav's face broke out into a beautiful smirk that slowly but amazingly turned into a full-fledged smile.. He looked up straight into Mrs.Gloria's eyes and nodded in an affirmative..

With the same scrutinizing gaze and the same knowing smile, Mrs.Gloria proceeded further..

"And being your present girlfriend, may I know why? Emotionally?"

Arnav laughed out loud to be joined by the other two ladies.. He controlled himself and spoke with utmost softness..

"You see Gloria, there is a girl out there.. My Lady Love.. And I'm helplessly head over heels in love with her.. She is a way too good for the present world and is being conveniently used accordingly.. Either I'l go mad learning the extent to which she is sacrificing herself or become a murderer taking into account regarding the things that are being done to her.. My woman there is too naive and soft at heart that I fear, yes I fear that even a smallest over look in my steps would break her down.. She is on the verge of loosing herself completely and being buried permanently in the shell she has created.. And I, by every means am gonna stop her.. Not with my power, not with my fame but with my Love and my care.. All I'm doing is trying to let her know that she is special to me.. Very very special.. And that, a man is hopelessly in love with her, truly, deeply and madly.. Once she'l become comfortable around me, I'm sure it won't take much time for her to feel my love for her.. And the moment she does, I'l succeed in my first phase.. Till then, I guess it'l be me who'l be highly stressed.. Emotionally.."

Arnav stared into the wooden wall ahead of him and spoke with his voice laced with pain, grief and agony..

"Coz seeing your love shattering but not being able to console, seeing your love in pain but not being able to sooth her, seeing your love hoping for a better tomorrow but not being able to assure it to her, is a really tiring thing to go through.. Almost like walking through hell.. May not be physically but highly emotionally.."

Arnav snapped out of his deep slumber with the constant ringing of the land-line.. Groaning he shrugged himself down from the bed.. ruffling his hair, he glanced at the wall clock and was stunned to find it striking 11:00 in the morning.. How the hell did he sleep so long? True that he barely slept the past two days but there were times when he din't blink even once for a stretch of 30-34 hours but still the normal 6-8 hour sleep was always enough for him.. He folded the sheets and flipped his mobile only to be shocked again.. It was switched-off.. No wonder he slept with no disturbances.. Walking down the stairs, his heart let out the real reason for his deep sleep - peace.. He felt at peace when yesterday, after his talk with the ladies of the house, he learnt that Khushi was fine now and that she had taken both her food and medicines as well.. And to top it all, she personally came up to the house and thanked him and Payal for taking care of her..

A soft smile adorned his face but the shrill ring of the land phone again brought him back from his train of thoughts..


"Arnav? Thank God, Son.. Oh wait.. Did I wake you up? Were you asleep?"

Arnav smiled into the receiver.. Typical Gloria..

"Gloria.. Gloria.. Mrs.GLORIA!! I'm fine.. Its high time I woke up and thank you for doing it.."

"Oh.. Okay.. Son, the breakfast's in the kitchen.. Have it and I was wondering if you could help me with something.."

Peeping into the kitchen counter, Arnav continued..

"Sure, Mrs.Gloria.. I would love to, in fact.."

"Oh thank you Son.. You see, I'm at the Church and its going to take ma the entire day here.. I'm too busy arranging the Annual Make A Wish Ceremony here.. But the problem is, the details I need are in a white and golden file in my room.. Can you get to me? As in now?"

"Thats not a problem at all, Gloria.."

"Bless you, Son.. Go to my room.. There will be 3 shelves.. The one that has the picture of me and James with Christmas tree behind is the one that has the file standing on the third rack.. Okay?"

Stiffing a yawn, Arnav spoke confused..

"O..kay but, Gloria.. I don't know the way to the Church.."

"I knew it!! I knew it, Lord, I knew it.. I just hoped you would be better than my husband.. But, no.. You are exactly as dumb as he was.. Son, Since its a Saturday, the Museum would be closed.. And that means, your Love is just a 15 feet away from where you are..And I don't mind if I get the file by 1:00 in the noon.. Gotta go.."

Arnav couldn't help the goofy lopsided smile spreading on his face.. Mrs.Gloria is one of a kind.. The one who knew exactly how to make a person happy.. He stepped into Mrs.Gloria's room only to be engulfed in the same warmth that she spreads.. The room was literally packed with framed photographs.. Each and everything having Mr&Mrs.Gloria.. right from their schooling to their middle age..The room gave a pictorial representation of the personal life of Mrs.Gloria.. Her life, her love, her happiness, her man.. Arnav felt a huge surge of respect flood through him for the wise old woman.. There were quite a few personal photographs too.. The ones that made Arnav make a mental salute at Mr.James.. Arnav took his sweet own time glancing at every photo displayed with a oh-so-lost look and a broad sweet smile and made a note to have a second round of visit to it some day.. Just as he picked the file and headed back to his room, he gasped at the clock now striking 12:10..

Arnav for the first time stepped into the premises of Gupta Mansion..Though he was 27, his body, mind and soul are acting as if he was a hormonal teen.. Pulling down his aviators, he wiped his sweated hands once again before he rang the bell of the Mansion.. He knew Khushi was home.. He did watch her from the footage in his Laptop.. She looked ethereal in the white salwar.. He loved the way she always wore white in combination with different colors.. But today, in complete white, she looked angelic.. He could barely control himself from running to her to have a satisfying look at her in person.. He so very hoped that Khushi would open the door..


Arnav snapped at the new voice.. It surely wasn't his Khushi.. In fact it was far irritating and disturbing.. Standing in front him was a woman may be of the same age as his Khushi but very very contrasting to what Khushi was.. And then to an anticipating and confused Arnav, it struck that, she must be one of the step sisters.. No matter how much he tried to control the surging rage and fury, he just couldn't.. Arnav put back his aviators and plunged his tightened fists into the pockets of his trousers.. Just as he was about to control himself, he practically flinched back at the shriek the stupid woman in front of him caused..

"Oh My GOD!!! ASR?! As in, THE ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA?!!! Pinch me.. Some one just pinch me!! Oh God, ASR is it really you? I mean.."

Enough!! Arnav had had enough!!! Firstly, it wasn't Khushi that opened the door.. Secondly, her so called step sister had to make her entrance with her frustrating attitude.. Thirdly, the squealing is almost causing a real hard damage to his ear drums.. Fourthly, he din't want to be called as a person looked up to specially from someone idiotic and dumb like her.. And finally, his Khushi is no where to be seen.. So, before she could continue with her shrieking rant, Arnav put a halt in his best cold tone..

"Is Khushi home?"

"You are like a Greek-Go.. What? I mean, Who??"

Arnav bit back his smile at her flabbergasted expression.. Oh, he is so very loving this.. Seem like he's gonna have way too much fun than he expected.. Cocking his eyebrows, Arnav repeated his question, this time with more stern and steeliness added to his tone..

"Khushi.. I'v come to meet Khushi.. This is her home, right? So, could you call her?"

Riya fumed at Arnav's words.. All she could see was red and green.. She composed herself and put up a fake smile.. Taking seductive steps towards Arnav, Riya placed her hand on his shoulder and slurred her answer..

"You must have been mistaken, ASR.. This is Gupta Mansion.. Khushi is our house maid.. She works here.. And by the way, did she cause any trouble? That bloody bi*ch.. I coul.."

Arnav jerked her hand immediately and vent out the rage he had been so long restraining.. And now, Riya's comment led to new heights of his anger.. Arnav bellowed hard enough to make Riya step back to make a safe distance between them.. Her entire body shivering and face pale, Riya watched as Arnav let out the ASR in him into action..

"Shut up! Just shut the hell up!!"

Arnav took a step forward removing his aviators and pointed his long finger warning her.. The reddness of his eyes and the tension of his nerves at his temple and neck were the instant witnesses to what he was going through..

"Don't you dare call Khushi with names.. I'v come here for her.. I respect her a lot.. Another word against her and you'l have to face the wrath of ASR.. And I bet you do know well about it.. The media cover that angle of me better than the angle you drool over.. Just call Khushi and mind your business.."

Arnav moved back from her and crossed his hands below his chest displaying his well built structure.. Just as he was about to take another step back, his eyes came to a halt, making his insides freeze..

Khushi was standing a few feet from where Riya was.. Her face as pale as her salwar.. Arnav closed his eyes momentarily and kicked himself mentally.. Khushi was the last person he wanted to see him in his ASR's Glory.. He snapped open his eyes to find Riya absent but a still staring and now trembling Khushi, rooted at the same spot.. Damn!! He had to start everything from the beginning now.. The widening of her eyes, the trembling lips, the twirling fingers, the shocked expression and the pale face were testing his control not to run to her and crush her into him.. Hold her tight and assure her that everything was fine.. That this was the ASR he would become to defend his family and that she'l never ever face him.. For her, he was Arnav.. Only Arnav and nothing else.. But he couldn't.. The damage was done.. Its a no step right now.. Let alone one step at a time..Arnav stepped back and looked at her as if he wanted her to come to him.. He took a deep breath and calmed his turmoil..


Complete contrast! Khushi felt a wave of warmth spread through her at his call.. Her name never sounded so blessed ever before.. Khushi couldn't tell how elated she felt when she saw Arnav coming to their Mansion.. She so wanted to open the door for him but her sister made her way before she herself could.. Disappointed, Khushi stood behind a pillar and kept an ear to their conversation.. She felt her heart soar high to sky when he asked for her.. Her heart bet erratically when he spoke with that coldness indicating no interest in her sister.. She felt her stomach flip when he said he came for her claiming this house to be hers.. She felt her insides freeze and return to reality when Riya revealed her of being a house maid.. She felt a stab at her heart at the accusation thrown..

But what happened next was just out of control.. Nothing even in her wildest dreams would have prepared her for this.. Arnav stood up for her?! For her? Despite knowing that she was just a house maid here? Did he literally shout for her?! Khushi could feel the concern, anger and possessiveness in that loud conversation.. She was shocked to an extent that she felt nothing but numbness.. He respects? A lot?! What was in her that he needs to respect? And he threatened? Threatened her own step sister for her? Khushi's feet moved on their own accord.. She needed to see him.. It was that moment her mind and heart stilled at a realization that dawned on her..

HE is HER Prince Charming!!

Khushi paled at her realization.. Her lips trembled.. All she knew was Arnav looking at her with shock and pain.. And then those chocolate orbs were filled with concern and something else precious.. For the time being, Khushi din't dare to decipher what it was.. What ever she saw today was more than she could digest at least for a whole week. She din't want to hurry up and make conclusions and later end up crying on her burst bubble.. Coz this time, she would die if her hopes went wrong.. She felt Arnav calling her.. She dint know how but she reached him..

"Khu.. Khushi.. I'm sorry.. I was stressed.. I.. I din't know you were there... Else I would have never raised my voice.. I'm really sorry..."

He's apologizing?! Fearing that he made her afraid by his shout, he was apologizing for no mistake of his? Khushi din't know how much of it she could believe.. How come her life is changing so drastically? All she knew was one more moment with him and she would break down..

"I'm alright, Arnav.."

Arnav breathed after what seemed like an eternity.. Trying to calm his thumping heart, Arnav spoke in relief..

"Oh.. If so, could you.. Could you accompany me to the Church? Mrs.Gloria needs some of her files?"

Khushi literally wept with joy at his hopeful and warm eyes.. But no.. Not today.. Today it was her day to relish the new joy she's been subjected to.. No.. Today she wouldn't break down and spoil her happiness.. One day for sure but bot today.. She smiled at him and spoke softly trying very hard not to allow her eyes get moist or her voice quiver..

"I would love to Arnav.. But I have to finish the painting.. Just go down the road and steer until you find the Church.. Its a straight road.."

If Arnav was taken aback, he dint show it.. He knew making Khushi to come out needed much higher patience and greater love.. He was grateful that atleast he dint have to start from the beginning altogether.. Nodding at her with a warm smile, Arnav turned back to proceed to the Church when his steps were brought to a sudden halt..

"And Arnav.. Sorry and.."

Arnav dint like her apologizing for anything.. But before he could react, Khushi spoke softly with what seemed like a smile playing on her lips..

" Thankyou.."

And both the lovers turned to continue their respective lives, but with a skip in their step, a smile on their faces, a flutter in their hearts, a hope for a better tomorrow and a calmness in their soul...

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Wishing you all a very happy Advanced New Year!! May your life be blessed and filled with everything you desire and deserve...

Chaverah_TFC2014-02-03 04:32:16

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Comments (35)

let me dance first wohooo 😃 arnav show that bi*ch her right place .. Good going Arnavji .. Mrs: Gloria is chooo chweet yarr , i loved the way she tease Arnav all the while ..simply fabulous candy .. :))

10 years ago

Hey dearLove the updateAwwiiee Gloria is sweetheart yaarLove the way Arnav was behavinglike a teenage in lovereally waana read moreso plz continue soonThanks for the PMTake careLots of LoveGeet

10 years ago

Awesome Story.👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I loved reading it so far. I love Arnav's determination in bringing his love back to her former glory and then some. Oh I loved it when Arnav showed Riya his ASR side and put her in her place for talking shit about Khushi. I can't wait to read more. Thanks.😃

10 years ago

I love d way..arnav love khushi so madly..he stand up fr khushi fr dat riya bitch..hahaha ab th mazza aaega jab gupta mension mein ASR naam ka toofan aaega..M so lovin it yaaa... 😊 😃

10 years ago


10 years ago

Read all the parts in one Go!! This is awesome work!!!! Loved it to the core!!Beautifully written👏👏👏The story line is awesomeThe title is so attractingWoman I am in love with ur work!!!Hope Arnav will be able to take Khushi out of her not so good life!!!Continue soon.. Now i am waiting... desperately sparklingeyes112013-12-29 12:58:45

10 years ago

So its Gloria with a glorious heart paving way for interaction between Arnav and Khushi and Khushi's step-sister got a dose of ASR wrath! Lovely update.

10 years ago

awesome buddyloved arnav has taken stand for kushikya sunaya hai riya ki fullon ASR avatar mein.lolzcont soon

10 years ago

Awww...its such a sweet update dear...go arnav go...they both are in so much love...plxxx continue soon...nthnxxx a lot 4 pm...

10 years ago

i so wish them together soon

10 years ago
