Chapter 11

_Chaverah_ Thumbnail




Chapter 9B:

Khushi could hear someone talking.. A low whispering commotion.. She couldn't hear anything properly except that the voice belonged to a lady.. Was she dreaming? How come anyone entered her room? The only place she was left with to have some peace of mind was her own room excluding the garden of course.. But then, she wouldn't be sleeping in the garden.. So, this is her room.. And why is someone from the Gupta Mansion speaking in such a controlled whisper, as if not to disturb her? Usually, if her mother or sisters needed anything, they would bang the door or just scream the hell out! Its not that Khushi gives them a chance to do so, but, if she ever falls sick and rests for a while, her family would start developing theie IQ at the very minute, asking for anything and nothing.. So, this ain't her family.. Then who is this and why is the voice comforting her rather than irritating? Was some guest supposed to arrive at the Gupta Mansion today?

"No Aman.. We won't be needing it.. Hello? Aman can you.. I said its a 'no'.. I'l talk to that stup.. I mean, I'l talk to Aakash.. What? Oh yeah, okay.. I forgot.. You know how difficult it is for me to whisper.. Shut up! oops.. Sorry.. She'l be fine, Aman.. Shes a fighter.. Bhai? You should have seen him when I'v come here.. It was as if the hell had been set loose! He had been pacing, no scratch that, he's been running around the room, checking her and running again.. Same here, Aman.. Same here.. I do pray the same.. You know what? I know it's gonna happen.. Its Bhai here, Arnav Singh Raizada.. Nothings impossible when ASR's included in it.. Yeah, he just made it after half an hour of my obligation and assurance.. Hes tired like.. Wait.. What was.. Khushi!? Aman I'l call you back.."

Jiji?! What in the world is Jiji doing in my room? Why is she in Gupta Mansion? Khushi was still stuck in her thoughts when she felt Payal sitting beside her..

"Khushi? Thank God!!"

Khushi almost choked at the strength with which Payal embraced her.. Actually, that could be counted as crushing rather than hugging.. Khushi was still lost in her thoughts and Payal holding so tight only increased her doubts.. So, she wasn't hallucinating? God help her!! Khushi felt herself being pulled away from the hug..

"Do you have any idea how shocked and tensed we were? What is wrong with you woman? The doctor said that you'v fainted due to fatigue.. How long had it been since you ate properly? Shut up!! Just shut the hell up!! Don't you dare lie to me Khushi Gupta! Why is it so difficult for you to get it into your head that you are special too, nothing less than anyone else.. That you need to live your life the way you want to without the thought of compromising for anyone, specially for those who don't give a damn about you?!"

"I.. I fainted?"

Payal looked at Khushi who was still dazed.. She got up and handed her a glass of water.. As Khushi was gulping down the water, Payal sent a quick text to Arnav informing him about Khushi's consciousness.. Her hands itched to give him a call but her brain did work at a correct time.. Its been 2 days since Arnav had a proper sleep and she din't want to break it, not specially when Khushi was fit and fine.. Apart from that, its high time she put some sense into her sister.. If Arnav would be present, there was no way he would allow her to shout at Khushi like she was doing right now..

"I din't know I could speak Greek or Latin.. Khushi.. Why are you doing this to yourself? What is wrong with you? What are you trying to become, Khushi?? This isn't you, darling.. This is simply not you.. Why?"

"Because I feel safe this way, Jiji.. Because I can't take it anymore.. Because I'm afraid that I'm no longer strong enough to fight it all by myself.."

Payal engulfed Khushi into her arms unaware that another person was just about to do the same..

Arnav couldn't sleep no matter how hard he tried.. All his tiredness faded to thin air when he saw Khushi falling lifeless into his arms.. Only after the confirmation of Doctor and the affirmation of Payal did his heart beat at a lesser pace.. Though he knew that Payal would take care of Khushi in every way possible, his stupid heart was nowhere agreeing with his logical brain, resulting in a restless soul struggling to sleep..

A sudden beep of his mobile started a new conflict rise between his heart and his brain.. One, to sleep since it would obviously be something regarding business.. Who in the world would dare to text ASR.. Besides, he desperately needs a sound nap.. But the other, wanted him to have a look at it.. What if it was Payal.. He's got a lengthy life ahead to sleep as much as he wanted to.. So he just picked it up and the next thing he knew was that he was standing at the door of the rest room Khushi was resting..

The moment he heard Payal's and Khushi's conversation, he wanted to end it then and there.. He din't want Khushi to take any kinda stress.. But when he heard Khushi's reply, he just froze.. How much more can a person be tested and tortured? All he wanted to do was to scream to the world that this woman is his life, the bravest and purest woman.. He wanted to smash everyone to pulps, everyone who are responsible for the devastation Khushi is facing at the moment.. He wanted to crush her into him.. Mould her, kiss her and assure her of the beautiful life she has already stepped into.. He just wanted to claim his love.. He wanted to make her over whelmed with every ounce of his blood.. He was just about to make his move when he saw Payal hugging Khushi..

Arnav loves Khushi.. Its a fact.. A truth that had to be revealed with great care.. With utmost passion.. With a perfect timing and proper presentation.. A truth that is the reason for his beating heart.. A truth that he would have to deal with carefully, so as to turn it into 'Khushi loves Arnav'.. And that needed much more patience, love, care and above all, trust.. Trust to open up about everything to each other.. Trust to share their past.. Trust to lay a step out of the shell.. Trust to move on.. Trust to realize the feelings.. Trust to live once again.. Trust to love..

For that, he needs to go slow.. One step at a time, Arnav.. Slow..

"Shushh Khushi.. It isn't like that.. Khushi, you are always the strong woman.. If anyone else were in your place. either they would have quit or they would have ran.. But you are a fighter Khushi.. Remember? For every struggling princess there is a Prince Charming waiting? There is one for you too.. Just listen to your heart, Khushi.. Your heart is the purest and it is never wrong.. Just be strong and who knows? May be your Prince Charming is right in front of you and has already entered your life to take you away from all this pain?"

"Those are just Fairy tales, Jiji.."

"But even those fairy tales have come true, Khushi.. Not once, not twice but in-numerous times.. And to top it all, you are a natural Princess.."

Arnav clenched his fists.. He stepped away from the room and leaned to the wall.. Eyes closed and nostrils flaring, Arnav took deep breath controlling his own agony and pain.. He then decided.. Time for some serious action.. Both Arnav and ASR are actively needed to be in full measure on the grounds.. Mission Khushi has begun with renovated methods and speed.. Arnav opened his eyes with a smirk spreading on his face and took a glace at Khushi who was drinking water, before he made his way back to his room..


"Thankyou, Payal.."

"Please Bhai.. You are embarrassing me.."

"No Kid.. I really owe you.. Thankyou, Payal.. For everything.. "

Payal couldn't hold herself anymore.. She ran to Arnav's embrace..

"You were there weren't you, Bhai? I saw you.. I was trying very hard not to break down in front of her.. I tried to put up a strong facade but, I was weakening, Bhai.. Its.. Its become too much Bhai.. She hadn't eaten the entire day.. She wasn't allowed to sleep yesterday night because she was with us dining.. So she was made to do all the house hold work on the pretense that some guest was srriving this morning.. I.."

Every living cell of Arnav bled for the pain Khushi was going through.. His heart screamed for her.. His mind filling with rage and fury for the so called family of hers.. But he had to stay strong and patient.. He knew nothing could be done in a day specially not with anger and haste.. He consoled Payal and spoke to her..

"Shush.. Payal.. I know.. I promise Payal.. I'm gonna make it faster.. She'l not be in that darkness anymore.. I'l make sure of it.. And it will be in your Boss's way.."

Arnav pulled Payal back and wiped her tears away..

"I'm proud of you, Payal and extremely elated that a woman like you is going to be a part of my family, the wife of my little brother.. I'm proud to have you as a part of my business.. I'm proud to be your Bhai and Boss.. You are a strong woman Payal.. A very strong one.. And I need you to remain the same.. It is difficult for me too.. To see Khushi breaking down.. But I need to go slow Payal.. She needs to get adjusted to me.. Its not even been a week.. Every tear that makes out of her is slicing my heart.. But I need to make sure that every step I take would be strong and perfect.. So that one day when Khushi would turn back, she would feel happy and proud of the journey she has taken up.. My first mission is to bring the Khushi back.. My Khushi.. And then, I don't think it would be difficult to make her feel my Love.. It would take more time and patience but trust me, Payal, it would turn out to be the most beautiful and strongest feelings, relation and phase of life for Khushi..."

"Good Afternoon Sir.. Jiji informed everything about you.. I'm John Sir.. And I work here.."

Arnav gave a warm smile at the budding teen standing in front of him.. He had a book in his hands 'Digital Electronics'.. A responsible and loyal teen? So, the Kid is working for a part time here? Impressive! If anyone else would have been there, specially those who knew ASR, they would have covered John with all the compliments they could ever find.. It isn't a normal thing that ASR is impressed with anyone specially at the very first meet and that too on an introductory note..

"Good Afternoon John.. A student?"

Arnav made a smooth and comfortable conversation with John as he led him to the dining area located deep inside at the left wing of the first floor of the museum.. It was small, cozy and comfortable with warmth spreading through it..

John has already started to develop a huge respect to the man infront of him.. By the looks, accent, the aura he carried and the dressing style, it was clear that whoever this was, he was someone very rich and successful.. Yet, it stunned him to find the man to speak with a boy working in a Museum, with such warmth and respect..

"Yes Sir.. 2nd year of Electronics and Communication Engineering, University of Manali.."

"Thats really good.. So this is the part time?"

"Yes Sir.."

"Arnav.. I'm Arnav.. You can call me by that or Bhayya.. I really am impressed with you, John.. Even I did a lot of part time jobs when I was studying.. Did you have your lunch? No? Then why are you standing there? Come, we'l have some together.. Nah ah.. I can make my plate all by self.. You just join me.."

"These are your works?!"

Khushi visibly jumped at the sudden question thrown at her..

"You awake? Are you okay now? I mean, did you get a proper sleep?"

It was clear from her comfort and ease that she din't remember anything about the way she passed out in his arms or the conversation they had before she fainted.. Well, it was good in a way.. So, Arnav just went with the flow.. He smiled broadly at her, not knowing what havoc his smile created in her heart.. Khushi was still lost in his handsomely transformed face that adorned with a smile when she heard John speaking..

"Jiji.. Bhai is amazing.. I really like him.. Well, we had our lunch together and I'm heading back to the Poultry.. Mrs. Patti wanted me to accompany her.. See you tomorrow Jiji.. See you soon Bhai.."

"Good Bye, John.. See you.."

And Khushi fell a little more for the man infront of her.. What was he? He was speaking with John, a normal teen from an almost poor family as if he were his long lost friend.. And he din't mind being addressed as Bhai? They had lunch? Together? He ate with a worker from the Museum?? What is going on?? How can he be so.. So.. So very like Prince Charming.. Infact more than that?

'Remember? For every struggling princess there is a Prince Charming waiting? There is one for you too.. Just listen to your heart, Khushi.. Your heart is the purest and it is never wrong.. Just be strong and who knows? May be your Prince Charming is right in front of you and has already entered your life to take you away from all this pain?'

Payal's words rang in her ears.. No!! No never!! Yes, he is a Prince Charming.. Yes, he is more better than that.. And.. He.. Deserved much better.. Much better than what he is.. All her thoughts were put to a halt when she heard him..

"I.. I'm amazed, Khushi.. Seriously.. You are a blessed one.. You'v got wonderful talent, Khushi.. I mean, look at this.. I can feel every stroke you'v put in it.. Every emotion that you went through when you made this painting.. Its as if you wanted to communicate through the painting... You.. Are a Gem, Khushi.. And I'm honored to have met you.."

Arnav saw Khushi dazed at his open admiration.. He knew it was too much for her to bear but it was no where near to what he felt.. Whatever he told wasn't a lie.. Nor is he regretting his way of admiration.. Its high time Khushi needs to see what her Arnav is like.. He moved towards Khushi and spoke to her with his gaze holding hers to his..

"Do yo know that in the ancient times, Princesses were really good at paintings? So, Princess Khushi Gupta, what else are hidden in you to leave me baffled?"

Khushi felt her throat choking.. Her heart increased it beating.. Heat began rising up through her.. Did he just call her a Princess? Did he just say that he was baffled? Never ever did anyone praise her this open and genuinely.. He understood her strokes and emotions behind her work? He understood that she wanted to convey her thoughts and emotions in a way possible to her.. How?! How could he read her in and out to perfection? Who is he? Why is his admiration making her heart threaten to burst? Why are his eyes conveying emotions so deep and strong that she wasn't able to understand?

Khushi snapped out of her thoughts and inhaled sharply at his sudden smirk and his warm touch..

"You look beautiful when you blush, Princess Khushi.."

Khushi looked at their entwined hands.. She was blushing? How did that happen? Khushi felt butterflies in her tummy.. She was beautiful? Did he find her beautiful?! Why was her heart soaring high to the sky? Why? She looked back into his eyes.. The very same eyes that always held her captivated.. The eyes that never failed to fill her with warmth.. And when she felt herself being engulfed into the depth of his eyes, she felt her heart skip its beat.. Why is his presence making her feel alive? Why is his every word making her heart beat to life? Why everytime he looks at her she feels like a woman? Why does his smile give her a hope for a better tomorrow? Why does his touch awaken her soul deep and strong? Why??

If she is a Princess as he is referring to, and since he is a Prince Charming, is he the Prince Charming she had been waiting for??

Dhak-dhak.. Dhak-dhak..

'Buddy' me for PMs...

Your views please...


Love ya!!!🤗

Chaverah_TFC2014-02-03 04:32:04

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Comments (45)

wow.. good one.. like it

10 years ago

When are we getting the next update??please update soon

10 years ago

just read all parts of this storyloved itI hope Arnav is able to get Khushi out of that miserable placeand destroy Mrs Gupta and Siya and Reah

10 years ago

Wonderful story. It touched my heart...continue soon..Plz PM me when u update..

10 years ago

khushi had a flash back... they both are so much at ease with one another...loved the museum s descriptionarnav panicked seeing her glad she s fine now..khushi has suffered a lot...payal was controlling herself not to break down...loved john n arnav s much unsaid ..yet he s there for her..fabulous update 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏update the next soon dear😃

10 years ago

hey ..superb concept. .bt I loved "Its all about us" more..koi ni dono tere hi stories hai.. 😉Bt you knw reason kya hai??In dat story. .even in their difficult times arshi are together. .though even here they will be together. .the princess is ready to be taken by her prince charming ❤️good going 👍🏼

10 years ago

Loved both the updatesAgain my like button on my phone isn't workingEagerly waiting for the next partThanx for the pmContinue soon

10 years ago

Amazing update...Lovd it...Beautifully writtn...Arnav s so loving nd caring...Eagrly waitng 4 d nxt part..Cntinue soon

10 years ago

this is the first FF that has arnav wooing khushi. him acknowledging his love and trying to make khushi fall in love with him; its too good :)

10 years ago

outstanding update candy .., your update alwayz warm my heart the way you potrayed Emotions i can't describe how i felt , it's not new if I say i Fell in Love with Your arnav All over Again , it was heart warming update i love arnav spirit to make her his , and i simply loved payal here shre is a true sister yarr .., my heart wentout for khushi , that gupta's are too much i simply wnt to kick them Arrgh .., loved it candy .. Bueatiful update 👏

10 years ago
