Chapter 8

_Chaverah_ Thumbnail




Chapter 7:

Morning jog in Manali is something Arnav had not been told of.. According to him, it must be added to the 'To - do things in Manali'. The mist and fog covering everything into a white sparkling sheet making anything that is 5 feet away from you, invisible.. And jogging in the chilled morning was the best!! The nature was at its best at this time of the morning.. 6:30 and still the roads were fogged up.. Sunlight playing peek - a -boo causing everything around him sparkle.. The air smelled heavenly.. Of snow, trees, fire and freshly blooming flowers.. The route he chose for the morning jog was through the other side, away from the city.. The people seemed to be active, busy in starting the day.. They were very warm and loving.. And from the wishing smiles they were passing at him, he knew they were as good at heart as they were at their simplicity..

Arnav met Payal as he was making his way back to his room after retiring from his morning jog..

"Hey Payal.."

Payal gave him a drowsy smile as he hugged her side ways..

"Good morning Bhai.."

Smirking, Arnav tried pulling his li'l sister's leg..

"A Tweety night suit? Are you serious, Payal!? I mean, c'mon, how old are you?"

Snapping out of his arms, Payal fumed red..

"Oh hello, Hero!! This was my gift presented by your Love.. We both love cartoons.. How mean, Bhai!! You just wait.. Wait until Khushi comes out of her shell and you'l literally beg me for help.. I assure you this.. She's a complete Pagal Bachi!! And then, a day will come, Bhai.. Oh sure, it would come.. When I'l be asking you the same questions and may be, even more.. And don't you dare complain that I din't warn you.. And never ever point out at my Tweety.. Its our sisters' favorite!!"

To say that Arnav was flabbergasted would be an understatement.. His face turned from an amused to a bewildered to a completely laughing one.. Arnav couldn't help but burst out laughing at Payal.. Is this the same woman who accompanies him to bag the greatest deals? Is this the same woman who barks orders at her employees? Is this the same woman who almost kills Aakash??

Arnav had another look at Payal before he composed himself and pulled an almost about to burst with anger and tears Payal into his embrace..

"I din't mean to upset you, Payal.. You know that very well.. It's just that the business woman, my right hand woman attire of Payal was no where in comparison with the one you are in now.. The Tweety is very nice but, I din't know you were into it.. And as far as Khushi is concerned, I know her tantrums more than you do.. And, I'm ready for all that.. I love her a way too much, you see.."

A fuming Payal immediately melted at his words.. She can never be angry with her Bhai for long.. Never.. Not especially when he hugs her to him and speaks his heart out.. And to top it, his love and commitment to Khushi just increased her respect for this man a 100 folds.. She nodded at Arnav and pulled back with a huge smile..

"I can see.."

Arnav smiled ruffling her hair and spoke..

"You go to the office, Payal.. I'l be there by afternoon.. I'v got few things to sort out.. And yeah, Aman will be there by the time you reach.. Send him here with some boy or someone.. We'l come back together.. Okay?"

Breakfast went highly disappointing and quite, completely opposite of what Arnav had been hoping for.. He had been told by Mrs.Gloria that Khushi always visits her every morning and that she was the one who always prepares food.. But today, finding Khushi being late, Payal went to the Gupta Mansion only to be returned with a news that Khushi will not be able to come.. The protector instinct in Arnav became highly alert.. The speed with which he reacted made Mrs.Gloria spill out her orange juice.. Mumbling a quick apology, Arnav turned to Payal with anxious and worried eyes replacing the excited and loving ones..

"Is everything all right there, Payal?"

Trying to calm her raging nerves, Payal huffed..

"I don't think so, Bhai.. I'v asked her many a times in vain.. She's just saying that she's busy and won't be able to make up for breakfast but may join for Lunch.. Khushi has become an expert in hiding her thoughts and emotions, Bhai.. I could easily read her, as if she was an open book.. But now, I'm afraid I failed.. But one thing though, she wasn't telling me the truth nor was she comfortable in lying to me.. I could have persuaded her more if not for those bimbo duo!!! Argh!!!! I completely despise and hate them!!!"

Mrs.Gloria quietly watched the young man sitting before her.. His stiff stance was shouting out his inner turmoil.. His steely eyes were trying in vain to hide his pain and worry for her.. His almost white knuckles are showing how much of a control it is taking him to sit here and be patient enough not to go bashing into the Gupta Mansion and smash each and every person behind the state Khushi is in.. A slow smile crept her lips and she knew she was going to be needed today.. She din't know how but Arnav's demeanor at present kicked her gut instinct somewhere that he would come to her regarding something or the other today..

It was about to strike 10, when Arnav's right hand man, Aman Mathur made his entry into Arnav's room..

"Mrs. Parmila Gupta, the widower of late Sashi Gupta, aged 49 is the present CCO of a local NGO.. This is what the official investigation says.."

Arnav looked back to Aman from the Mansion he had been watching all long from his window.. He spoke in an almost whisper before turning back completely..


Aman walked up to his friend cum boss cum brother and leaned to the window.. He handed over a file to Arnav and looked at the Mansion Arnav was watching all this while.. He took a deep breath and continued speaking..

"But.. The detailed investigation, i.e. regarding the personal issues and all, just promise me you won't push me out of this window, ASR.. Khushi is having a life worse than a maid would.. She does all the chores of the house, and when I say all, I mean ALL.. And all she gets in return is indifference, hate and misjudgment.. She's never treated as a member of a family, let alone the eldest daughter.. The only reason she puts up with all this is, that.."

Arnav looked at what Aman was pointing out..

"Gupta Mansion?"

"It's not just Gupta Mansion, ASR.. It's her home.. The place she once laughed, played, led a life as a pampered and loved kid.. The house that holds memories of her with her parents.. The house that has seen her laughing.. The house that has seen her tears.. The house that knows her heart's wishes.. The house that holds her deepest secrets.. The house that is aware of her darkest fears.. The house that knows exactly, what Khushi is.. It's her home.. The moment Khushi would set her foot out, Mrs.Gupta would sell this Mansion and renovate it to a Spa.."

Arnav took a deep breath and closed his eyes.. He looked back at the Mansion ahead of him and spoke..

"I don't get how.. How come this Mansion is in Mrs.Gupta's name? I know Uncle very well.. He would have surely written it in Khushi's name.. He loved her immensely.. I still don't get what made him go for a second marriage.."

Aman took the file in Arnav's hand, flipped a few pages and handed it back to Arnav.. Seeing that Arnav was completely lost in thoughts, he put a comforting hand on Arnav and continued..

"He din't.. He was made to.. You see, Arnav, Mrs.Garima Gupta died of Cancer and it was a slow death.. Khushi was entering her teenage and Mrs. Garima knew how important it is for a girl to have a mother in that stage of life.. So, she forced Mr.Sashi Gupta to marry her widowed sister, Parmila.. Parmila being a very good actor, was always a soft and calm one in front of the entire family.. And she herself having 2 girls, who were almost of Khushi's age, was an added asset to convince Mr.Gupta.. Making him take it as a last wish, Mrs.Garima made Mr.Sashi marry Mrs.Parmila.."

Looking back at the now about to be destroyed file, Aman continued..

"Now, the devil can't stay in its cage all the time.. So, obviously, Khushi had to suffer.. And the poor child had faced enough trauma and was an eye witness to her father's break down at the loss of his wife.. So, she quietly went through all the pain just to make sure that her father slept in peace with a thought that atleast, his daughter was having a mother.. He, however couldn't cope up with the loss and died of grief and sorrow of losing his wife, very soon.. This is how, Khushi had been orphaned.."

Turning away from Arnav's stilled body, Aman faced the Mansion ahead of them..

"Now, coming to the properties, Arnav, let me tell you that, the woman there, is no less than a.. I mean, she ain't a homely, righteous woman.. She's got a hell lot of her contacts.. Not only she uses people, most of whom have there weak point as the lust for her, but also black mails them.. Hence, people are bound to what she demands.. The CCO is just an outward cover.. Using some such influential people, she had all the properties transferred to her and her daughters' names.. The only thing she's working out right now is, to escape from the law suit if at all Khushi would file against her using the power of being the daughter of Mr.Gupta and holding a share of his properties.. Once Mrs.Gupta would secure herself from any harm, she would sell the Mansion right away and would get herself rid of Khushi.."

Aman could see that the file in Arnav's hand was no more in any manner useful to read.. He crumpled it out of a way beyond repair.. He took a deep breath and looked at Arnav to find him staring at the Mansion with red bulged eyes..

"And all this while, I was enjoying my life abroad.. Well done, Arnav Singh Raizada, very well done.. Bravo!! Aman, they say that ASR is immune to failures, right? Well it ain't true at all.. He's the biggest loser! I AM A HELL LOSER, Aman!! I do not deserve that Princess!! I wasn't there when my Angel needed me the most.. What kind of a man am I? I don't deserve her, Aman.. I don't.."

Aman knew Arnav, may be more than he himself does.. He was not just Arnav's senior but an elder brother as well.. He led Arnav to the bed, made him sit and gave him a glass of water.. He sat beside him and both of them were silent, staring at the door ahead of them before Aman spoke again..

"I want to make one thing clear Arnav.. What ever happened with Khushi is terrible, true, but at the same time, YOU are NOT to be blamed!! You are no where guilty, Arnav.. This was a leak proof plan of Mrs.Parmila and we need to be happy that, late we may be, but yet we are here to protect Khushi.. I know you Arnav.. Out there it was your employee speaking.. Now, its your brother.. If there is anything I'm hell sure of, then it is that Khushi deserves you.. No one else can love Khushi the way you do.. You know her in and out, Arnav and right now, she needs someone who soothes her turmoil.. Someone who'l love her, protect her and cherish her.. And trust me when I say this, Arnav. No one else can do that better than you.. It has to be you.."

"Will she.. Will she love me back?"

At that moment, Aman saw not the ASR, but the Arnav who was as vulnerable as he had been when he lost his parents.. He smiled and spoke reassuringly..

"Once, we din't know and so, we let her go.. Now, we know everything.. So, we ain't gonna let her go again.. And the Arnav I know is the best human I'v ever seen or met.. The ASR I know is the toughest, strongest and the most powerful man I'v ever known.. No one can ever escape from true love, Arnav.. Khushi is no exception.. She might just need more time.. For her wounded heart to heal.. That's all.."


Mrs.Gloria had her face broken into a huge smile.. About time.. She had almost been wondering to reconsider her gut instincts.. Mrs.Gloria had been gardening.. She turned towards Arnav and motioned him to come forward..

"Gloria it is for you, young man.."

Arnav couldn't help the smile spread on his face too..

"I need your permission.."


Arnav was stumped to the ground.. He din't even tell her the reason.. This old lady was surely a mystery or rather, he was surely an open book to his wise beauty..

"I din't tell you the reason.."

"Must be something regarding your love.."

And ASR had been stumped again, for the second time, in a row, by the same Lady!!!

Mrs.Gloria laughed aloud shocking Arnav further more..

"I told you son, I'v had an equally crazy lover and I had to bear him for a complete 40 years.. You are as open to me as he was.. Go on with whatever you are planning to.. Just stay happy and safe.. Now, if you are done, I need to go the Church.. We'v got some meeting regarding the Mass for next week.. Take care.. See you at Dinner.."

Arnav walked his way back smiling and met Aman to get back to work..

"Mrs.Gloria has given the permission.. I want the Cameras placed in a way that I would get a view of that Mansion from every angle.. I need to know who enters and who leaves that house when, why, from where and how.. I bloody want to know everything that happens around there.."

Smiling back at his brother like friend, Aman set to work..

"Yes Sir.. Now that's like ASR.. We'l have Rehaan see to it.. He's the best at such things.. You'l get your work done before evening Sir.. And, yeah, no one will know about this.. If you want, we'l get them placed inside the house too..."

Arnav looked at the Mansion once again as he spoke in a contemplating voice...

"Spare the bedrooms.."

Khushi walked lost in thoughts with a bag intact to her shoulder.. She hadn't made it to Auntyji's today morning.. How could she tell her Jiji that she had been ordered with hell load of work.. How could she tell her that since some fool was arriving later this morning, she had to prepare all the stuff needed.. How could she let her know that she was literally working to bleed.. How could she let her know that things were far worse than her Jiji thought and that she was not even as good as a house maid there, in the Mansion.. How?? So, she did the best she could.. Stubborn refusal.. Khushi was sure that Payal must have caught her lying.. She has never been good at it.. Time has taught her to mask her emotions but not enough to mask them before her Jiji..

She needed to be with her Jiji.. She can't live with this discomfort.. Just once.. Khushi needs to meet her and make herself sure that nothing actually triggered in that clever brain of her Jiji, regarding anything true about her reality in the Mansion.. She din't want her Jiji to worry about all these.. Khushi was now used to all this.. The more attention you pay to them, the more difficult it becomes to stand against them.. Shed din't know when but, her feet took her to the new and magnificent AR Office..

Khushi took a deep breath contemplating within herself of how she must approach Payal.. She went to the receptionist and asked for Payal's cabin only to find it empty.. She placed the bag on the desk and was taking a round around her cabin.. A smile made its way through Khushi as she saw the papers and files all thrown around.. Typical Payal type cabin.. She began setting everything in order.. Just as she began to move the chair to its place, the door of the cabin flung open revealing the same Handsome man whose very thought seemed to have the power to set her heart at race..

"Payal.. I'v been calling for you since past 15 minutes and you.."

Arnav's world seemed to have halted.. Dressed in white and baby pink was his very own Love, staring at him with those huge doe green hazel eyes.. She looked perfect! An Angel!! Everything became a blur to him except Khushi and her fidgeting fingers.. She seemed to be speaking something.. Not a single thing made its way to his ears, let alone his mind.. Damn!!! She's moving towards him.. Arnav closed his eyes and floated in the unique scent she had around her.. He opened his eyes to look back into hers but finding nothing in front of him, Arnav snapped out of his trance and turned back to find Khushi trying to reach the door..

Arnav din't know what made him do the next, but he just did.. In two long strides, he reached the handle of the door before she could and pushed it hard, closing the cabin.. He felt Khusih still for a moment.. Slowly she turned towards him to ask what went wrong.. But, little did she know that those Chocolate brown eyes had the power to captivate her.. As Arnav found her staring into his eyes, he moved closer and closer to her, almost sandwiching her between him and the cabin door.. He allowed just a feather distance between them..


"J.. ji..."

Arnav raised his hand and caressed back the tendrils of her hair that were blocking his vision of her eyes..

"Did you want anything?"

"I.. Lunch.. Jiji.. And.."

Arnav inched forward and let his hand that was on the door all this while, slide to her waist.. His heart swelled at her sharp intake of breath at his contact..


"Lun.. Lunch.. for.. Jij.. Jiji and.. Y.. you.."

Arnav's heart could have expanded exponentially to a very huge extent making it practically impossible to fit in his rib cage, at her words.. She brought lunch for him?? He had to hold onto every string possible to control himself from kissing the woman in his arms senseless.. Does she have even the slightest idea of where and whose arms she's in? Does she know at least a tiny bit of what she's doing to him?

God help him!!!

Arnav couldn't stop himself from staring at her lips.. He so wanted to devour them.. Worship her until she would finally agree that she deserved everything.. Nevertheless, this wasn't about him.. It's about her.. Slow, Arnav.. One step at a time.. He moved his hand from her cheek and rubbed her bottom lip ever so slowly.. He felt soaring high into the sky when she din't push and resist but instead, closed her eyes.. He knew he couldn't control himself more.. He slowly cupped her face with both his hands and whispered in a husk that made Khushi develop goose-bumps all over her..

"Thank you very much, Khushi.. I mean it.. And.. We missed you at the break fast this morning.. You are a very sweet person, Khushi.. Just as Payal informed, and even better.. I really like spending time with you.. So, meet you at Dinner..?"

Seeing Khushi nod at him, still all lost in the trance, Arnav moved back and smiled warmly at her before he opened the door and went out of the room.. Khushi clutched her heart and closed her eyes...

Dhak-Dhak.. Dhak-Dhak..

Chaverah_TFC2014-05-04 08:11:02

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Comments (35)

very nice ff ... today only i read through it and it was fabulously written ...PM me for the updates...

10 years ago

Thankyou buddy!!! 😊 Yeah, well actually the FF initially had only 1 step sister, but then I realized that it was almost like a cinderella plot! So I changed it to 2 step sisters to make it resemble exactly like Cinderella plot.. Kinda tribute to the Fairy-tales!!!

10 years ago

Amazing like a cindrella story

10 years ago

Wonderful FF Dear!!! Loved it a lot...

10 years ago

Story concept was fabulous and i am so in love with Arnav...😊

10 years ago

super.simply,❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ it.please PM me

10 years ago

Finally Comment updated on page 9😳

10 years ago

I wannaa gv u d tightest hug ever chaavi..i hope i cn call u datThankuu so much fr invitin me to read ur stories..i hav read all..except always for us ff of urs..Dis arnav gosh..i dnt hav wrds to describe him..he is evry galls prince charming in dis..N i kwn arnav ill do anethn to settle akl d wrongs which khushi had suffered in her lyf till nw..M ready to witness hw a prince ill swept off his princess to his kingdom!! 😊 😃 😳

10 years ago

it is amazing story... i read all the 7 chapters in one goarnav is such a warm person...he loves khusi soo muchpoor khusi life is worse than a maid...but now she didnt have to worry as arnav is there to get her out

10 years ago

Awesome FF...Loved it...Khushi has been going through a lot...She is working as a maid in her own home... Still she didn't loose her spirit... Loved her...Arnav is so much in love with her... Her every pain is piercing his heart... He is really her prince charming... khushi doesn't know that her life is going to change... A life full of happiness with her soul mate...I want her step mother to beg for her life...All three of them deserves the worst punishment... Continue soon...sincereme2013-12-09 11:12:58

10 years ago
