Chapter 9

_Chaverah_ Thumbnail




Chapter 8:

It's almost 2:00 in the morning and Arnav is still in his office.. The collaboration of the classic 'Charmz' into AR is not as smooth as it seemed to appear.. And Arnav leaving London and settling in India din't help it either.. He had to attend back to back video conferences with Mr.Greybil, the chairman of 'Charmz', well, at least the former chairman.. Mr. Weng, the delegate influential at eastern Asia and Ms. Willmate, the delegate influential at Southern Hemisphere.. It's been decided that within another 3 months, the collaboration would be done by all means.. Though it had consumed the entire night, he was quite satisfied with the outcome except that he missed the dinner - date with his Khushi.. Well, it was dinner for her, but for him, it was no less than a date, a family involved date of course..


Aman could see the stress his boss was going through.. It ain't new for him, true.. Even back in London, he used to bleed himself with work.. But, never did he have his mind and heart work at two different things.. Though Arnav's mind was busy in accomplishing his Business, his heart was in and around Khushi.. It wasn't easy for him.. Aman knew how sensitive Arnav could be at emotions and family..

"Yeah Aman.."

"Mr.Raizada seems to be tired.."

"What else do you expect, Aman? It crossing 2 in the morning and I'm in the office.."

Frowning, Aman cut back softly..

"There were times when you'v spent a continuous stretch of 38 hours with all the back to back meetings and conferences.."

A slow smile appeared on Arnav's face even as he had his eyes closed..

"Ah, the 'Diva'.. That is my bench mark isn't it? It was worth though.."

Not wanting to wander off from what he wanted to know, Aman came to the point again..

"Yeah.. So, tell me, Arnav.. What is it?"

Arnav gave a side glace at Aman, sighed and closed his eyes, resting his head on his chair..


Khushi was walking down the same path that brought serenity to her scared soul every morning.. She just prayed that everything went well today.. She din't even want to think of yesterday.. It had been a hell!!! What was she even thinking?! She should have known..


Ah, there came her inner voice.. The same stupid blurting voice that din't seem to stop speaking since yesterday..

'Ah, so you are frustrated.. At him not being at the dinner, right?'

"No! Why would I even want him to be at the dinner? I'm frustrated because, you don't seem to leave me in peace!!"

'Oh shut up will you? Atleast give me the credit of telling the truth.. Din't you feel different at his touch yesterday?'

"That's because no man ever touched me.. Just because, he helped me from stumbling, it doesn't mean I'l develop butterflies in my tummy!!"

'I don't remember speaking anything about butterflies.. Anyway, leave that.. How come you can feel his presence even before your eyes can find him or your ears can hear him?'

"That's because he uses a strong perfume.. A very strong one.. Something that belongs to him and is present everywhere he is.."

'And you can smell it right from your garden even if he's standing in his room? Wow!! I never knew we have such a sensitive sense of smell..'

"He.. That.. No.. I.. Shut up!"

'Yeah yeah, you do keep saying that every time you don't have answers to my questios.. Lets see something else.. For instance.. How about.. He's into you, darling..?'

"What? No way!! Just stop all this rubbish alright!! He's ASR.. He's rich, handsome, popular, well settled and from a different world of luxury.. He must have got women of equal and may be even more assets as him, falling all over him.. So, just quit it okay?"

'He said he missed you at the break fast..'

"He said they missed me at the breakfast.. Obviously, Jiji and Auntyji must have made me as the topic of discussion the entire morning.."

'He said he'l see you at dinner..'

"Isn't it quite natural? He must have been informed that I would be there at dinner and being a gentleman, he was just inviting me.."

'And does a gentleman tell you that he really likes spending time with you?'

"Of course, just because no one ever spoke with me earlier, it doesn't mean no one ever will.. He's being as civil as possible.. He's Jiji's guest and I'm Jiji's sister.."

'So that's why you took an hour to present yourself before him yesterday?'

"Yes.. I don't want Jiji's boss to find his employee's family out of line..'

'And thats why you were disappointed?'

"I.. I don't know..'

'Okay.. Hmm.. Why do you like his eyes?'

"They remind me of something.. I.. I can't point out what but, something in them spreads warmth in me.."

'Is that why your heart races at his thought?'

"No, I.. I don't know.. I guess because I'm afraid that I might disappoint him.."

'Disappoint him at what?'

"Enough!! This discussion is going no where.. My life is the way it is and I'v accepted it.. I don't intend to dream or hope anymore.. I'v had enough of heart breaks and am not ready to have another.. I bet it would be better if we both stop it right now.. For the best.."


Khushi startled out of her thoughts almost slipping her next move.. She braced herself to hit the ground only to find two huge arms encasing her.. They.. They seemed similar.. But.. How?? She never met him.. These huge, warm, strong but gentle hands.. She snapped her head up at his call again..

"Khushi, you alright?"

The chocolate brown eyes.. She knew them.. She has seen.. But where? Khushi let her gaze move down those eyes.. The same face that set her heart at race.. The same face that set her pulse high.. The same face that spread warmth through her.. The same face that gave her a new hope of something she wasn't aware of.. The same face that is making her yearn for the next day to come.. It's the same face.. It's him again..

Arnav was returning to Mrs.Gloria's house from his office, finally after finishing all his deals.. HE did get an hour's sleep but it couldn't take away his tiredness.. He was just retiring to rest when on his way, he saw his Love walking in Blue and White speaking to herself.. Arnav thought she was singing and that brought a smile to his face.. He stopped his car at a side and walked to her.. Just as he was at a hand's distance from her, he heard her whispering something that sounded 'for the best'.. He din't know what such important thing she was thinking that she couldn't even notice him.. He called out to her only to find her slipping her step..

Arnav flew instantly to her side and cradled her to him.. He wanted to make sure she was fine but she was just staring at him.. Did she forget him? Oh shut up, Arnav.. You do need a proper sleep!! She must just have been scared at falling.. With that, he made her stand properly and made a little distance between them..


"Na.. Namaste.."

Arnav could see her struggling with herself.. He knew whatever he did yesterday must have been fresh in her mind.. And to top it, he hadn't attended the dinner.. Great!!! He was still wondering how to approach her when he heard her speaking softly, just like some melody..

"You.. You are going home? I mean, did you forget something? The road at the next turn is blocked.. You'l need to go slow and walk further from there.."

Arnav din't know how to respond.. She cared for him!! That was more than enough for him now!! He smiled broadly at her, unaware that his smile was slowly but strongly collapsing the walls Khushi built for herself..

"No Khushi.. I'm returning from office.. I had a hectic day yesterday.. Couldn't make to come home.."

He hadn't been home? The entire night?! What? Was he trying to kill himself? Jiji said he was diabetic!!

"You din't come home yesterday?"

Arnav was taken aback at her question . That's what he clearly told her.. That he couldn't make it home.. Then why? Oh, Good Lord!! The Dinner..

"No.. Oh.. Yeah, sorry.. I really wanted to come for the dinner but, I needed to attend the Conferences.. Since they are International, we had them all through the night.."

Her face couldn't betray the concern she felt for him.. A rush of joy at him not avoiding her, a satisfaction at him having felt that the dinner was important to him making her heart flutter..

"Oh.. Did.. Did you eat anything?"

"What?! I mean, ye.. No.. I was very busy, you see.. That's why I'm returning back.. I need food as well as some sleep.."

A rush of warmth & love hit his entire being! She cared for him!!! Arnav watched Khushi as a slow blush crept up her cheeks which immediately was replaced by concern and confusion.. It later turned to worry..

"But, Jiji and Auntyji are out.. Wait.. Come with me.."


To say Khushi was shocked was an understatement.. No one ever tried to make a conversation with her.. She din't ever care or worry for an outsider.. She never proposed a plan to anyone.. And to top it all, no one ever agreed to her immediately without even knowing what she was talking about..

"You din't ask me where to.."

Arnav very well knew what was going on in her mind.. He wanted to hold her tight and kiss away all her worries, to a state where she could remember nothing but him, his love and their future.. But he had to control.. Slow.. One step at a time..

"It's alright Khushi.. I trust you.. And, anyway, I'm too heavy for you to carry and kidnap me.."

Arnav would have crushed him to her at the smile she awarded him.. His heart swelled with love and pride for the woman in front of him.. She always had a smile inspite of the hell she lives in.. No more.. No..

He could clearly see that his control is always at stake whenever she was around and with a smile like that, God!! Khushi Gupta will literally be the death of Arnav Singh Raizada!!

Just a few feet away was a Dhaba and Khushi led him to it after their small talk..

"This is a nice place.. It's got local food.. Fresh and healthy.. You have the food here and we can head to the museum.. We have a few rest rooms there.. You can sleep in the VIP one.. Auntyji's off to nearby market.. She'l be back by afternoon and then you can return back.."

Smiling at his Love whos been kinds ordering his schedule, Arnav really looked forward to have his days filled with her bossing him around what to do & what not to.. Grinning at the thought, he replied..

"Aye aye, Captain!"

Arnav stared at Khushi as she burst into peals of laughter.. Her face immediately and immensely transformed into the Khushi he fell in Love with.. His Khushi.. She was there.. Still alive.. Buried deep down.. He swore.. At that moment, Arnav swore that he would bring back his Khushi.. The one that laughed like now.. His heart was finding solace in her jingling voice.. His mind was relaxing at storing the memory of her first laughter ever since he met her.. His lips formed into a beautiful smile as Khushi finally composed herself and looked at him with a smile still intact..


"I'v never seen you laugh.."

Silence crept up as both Arnav and Khushi became serious again..

"Wha.. Oh.. That.. That's because I never did.."


Khushi heard him barely whispering.. She felt sacred.. Scared at the rate he was crashing her walls.. Scared at the rate he was making his way into her heart.. Making it beat, dream and hope again.. She felt relief course through her when the kid brought the food ordered..

"Jiji.. Here.."

"Thankyou, Munna.. Here.. Eat.. It's the best when its hot.."

Arnav knew she was avoiding the topic deliberately . He din't push it further either.. Slow.. One step at a time.. The entire breakfast went silent.. Finally, once out of the Dabha, Arnav spoke to Khushi..

"So, lets go?"

Seeing Khushi nod at him, he smiled at her and turned to move to his Car.. When he felt she wasn't following, he turned back to find her walking the other direction.. Arnav halted and shouted ..

"Where are you going?"

Khushi stopped immediately and was shocked to find both of them walking the opposite directions..

"To the Meuseum of course.."

Arnav couldn't help but smile..

"Oh really? I meant, I'v got my car here.."

Khushi knew she could trust Arnav.. But it was her whom she couldn't trust.. She was falling for him.. Rapidly and strongly.. The speed with which he was invading her space threatened her..

"Oh.. No thank you.. I prefer to walk.."

Arnav could read her like a open book.. How can some one be so vulnerable and strong at the same time? He sighed and smiled at her..

"Look Khushi.. I can't leave you here and go by my own.. Nor can I walk with you.. Not today.. I'm tired like hell.. Okay.. so, here's the proposal.. You come with me in the Car today.. I'l walk with you as many times possible later.. Deal?"

Khushi knew she would be fighting a lost battle if she would open her mouth any further.. She turned her path to him and smiled at him as he opened the door for her.. Such a gentle man.. For her? Tears threatened to spill but she held herself.. As Arnav slid to his seat, Khushi spoke..

"You do have your own way to convince people.. No wonder you are a successful business man.."

Arnav smiled warmly at her first attempt to start a conversation.. Something she was gettin comfortable at.. He stated the ignition of the car and smiled back broadly at her..

"Why, Thank you Madam.. And I'm honored to know that I could convince you.. A tough nut you are, Ms.Gupta.."

Arnav began to drive to the museum promising silently..

It's just the beginning my Love.. You'l love to know what else I want to have and be in my way... You'l be mine Khushi.. Soon.. I promise..

The update as promised, on Saturday.. Hope I lived upto your expectations.. Your views please?

Welcome buddies!! Your encouragement through comments is really warming me up!! Love ya all.. Please Buddy me for PM's...

Chaverah_TFC2014-02-03 04:31:29

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Comments (39)

Amazin update chavi..m fallin fr arnav more n more lyk khushi..control hii ni honda hai kya kare!! 😊 😃

10 years ago

awesome updtsorry for late reply,due to some technical problm i was not able to connect my net

10 years ago

read in a go .its such a nice work .love the arnav here and feeling very bad for khushi.thanks for the pmbhagyathara2013-12-18 02:35:53

10 years ago

lovely story ... khushis step mom and sisters are so bad ...gloriya is so loving ...payal a true sister and friend...arnav a perfect partner...loved the story.looking forward...

10 years ago

Loved the way they r warming up o each other.Eager for the next update.

10 years ago

Chaverah The Ray Of The Dawn is wonderful ff⭐️. I am glad at least I came to know of this beautiful ff after 8 updates. I read all updates in one go.Prologue - Arnav received a call from nani and she said that his strength, guide and mentor, Sashi was no more and that too 5 years back. Nani told she too found out about this when she met Sashi's wife's behaviour towards her is not good so she enquired about his family . Arnav said he is coming back next day. Arnav remembered Khushi.Part 1 - Loved how Khushi remembered her bauji's words. So Parimala is Khushi's step mother and Reah and siya are her step sisters. Khushi prepared breakfast for them and they will sleep till 8. Love how Khushi gave parata to paper boy, how she prepared breakfast for her neighbour Mrs Gloria. Her step sisters wear very short dresses and said to Khushi that she is wearing stupid dress. Loved how Khushi thought about her sisters dresses. Her step mother😡 and step sisters😡 ill treated her...I felt sad for Khushi ( I remembered Cinderella when read about step-mom and step-sisters). Her step mother ordered to change her wardrobe and prepare dinner and make table and go out from there and she don't want Khushi around her guests. Loved the bonding of Khushi and Gloria, CEo of private art gallery and loved how she understands Khushi...loved her so much👏. Loved how Khushi and Johnny bonded as brother and sister👏. Loved the way Gloria enquired and concerned about what is going in Khushi's house and how Khushi wanted to safeguard her Bauji's house and all the memories in every nook of the house. Arnav got investigate about Khushi🤗.Part 2 - wow Khushi did masters in art and painting. Arnav came back after 12 years and loved all his family members Nani, Anjali, Mami, Aakash and Shyam (Hoping he is positive character)👏. Arnav wanted to go to Khushi as stranger and if everything turns right he will get her as bahu of the house👍🏼. Loved how family members supported Arnav🤗. Loved how you wrote abo

10 years ago

Thanks for the pm dear, it was a good update.loved kushis monolouge. Arnav is quiet good at convincing people.hmmm good to see a caring kushi.would love to read more...its a wonderful story👏

10 years ago

I read this story from the beginning today...I cried to read Khushi's pain..I want kill Parmila with my bare hands..Arnav's arrival worked like a magic in Khushi's life...Hope Arnav's love soon break Khushi's shell and bring the old Khushi...

10 years ago

loved the update so cute arnav was missing her loved how he stopped when he saw her and khushi was talking to herself that was so cute love how she she kept talking and fight with her inner thought loved how she started bossing him around and he liked it awesome update thanks for the pm dumas2013-12-15 15:25:34

10 years ago

Lovely update..Thanks for the PM

10 years ago
