Chapter 7

_Chaverah_ Thumbnail




Chapter 6:

Arnav was lost in his thoughts when he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder.. Almost startling, Arnav turned back to find Payal with red eyes.. She wasn't looking at him but the Gupta Mansion ahead, which he was watching a few moments ago..


"Its getting worse Bhai.. The more she's struggling here, the more she's slipping into a shell.. Her every hope, her way of taking the life is slowly falling apart.. I.."

Payal turned to him with unveiled vulnerability and helplessness shouting in her eyes..

" I'm scared Bhai.. I want her to be back to normal.. I want the Khushi who taught me how to smile at the game of destiny.. The Khushi who taught me to live.. The Khushi who showed me this.. this way of being.. being a woman.. being happy.. I want her back.. Please.. Do something.. Anything.."

Arnav hugged the woman in front of him.. The woman who always was the most matured and strongest one.. The woman who, Arnav knew now, had her roots buried deep down in Manali, depending on his love, Khushi, just as a sunflower would depend on Sun.. He patted her head, his own heart running a mile at the way his Khushi's life was the reason behind Payal's warm smile..

"I will Payal.. I will.. Its my promise.."

He pulled her out and wiped her tears..

"She'l never go into a shell, Payal.. I won't let her.. You will get back your Khushi.. I promise.. She is as important to me as to you, even far more.. I am in Love with her, Payal.. I Love Khushi.. She'l get everything she always deserves.. But, I need you.. I need you to be strong.. We'l bring back her smile, her life, her everything.. Okay?"

Payal nodded meekly to his chest.. It was a talk shared between an employer and an employee but a train of emotions shared between a brother and a sister..

"You love her?"

"To the core.. With everything of me.. I know I wasn't sure a few hours back.. But the moment she fell into my arms, I fell in love with her... I knew it.. I knew that she was for me.. Arnav's Khushi.."

If Payal knew anything for sure, then it was Arnav's commitment and seriousness to his family; the sincerity and rareness of his love; his determination and focus in a mission and finally, the value of his words and promises.. ASR rarely spoke and when he does, he means every single syllable of it.. Payal knew for sure that better days were in store for Khushi.. She smiled through her tears and moved apart..

"Alright then.. Come down.. Breakfast is ready.."

Arnav nodded with a slight smile at the thought that Payal trusted him with his words.. He was about to unpack his things when he heard a knock on his door..

"By the way, if I were you, Bhai, I wouldn't do all that unpacking now, given that my Love has prepared the breakfast and is waiting for her Jiji and her Boss to join her.."

The smile that broke out of Arnav was worth watching as Payal left the room almost immediately after she challenged him not even waiting to watch the transformation of his highly thoughtful businessman like face into a bright love sickened smiling face..

ASR has never ever thought twice before he barged onto his target.. Never!

ASR has never ever felt tensed at approaching a project.. Never!

ASR has never ever feared about the outcome of a meeting.. Never!

ASR has never ever been doubtful about his success of a deal.. Never!

ASR has never checked himself twice before meeting his client.. Never!

ASR has never ever prepared himself to face a situation.. Never!

And, ASR has never ever felt Love sick either.. Never!!

But as Arnav stepped out of his room, he felt being clenched with all the above emotions.. As he moved down the stairs, Arnav smiled at the rate his heart was thumping.. Seriously, he wasn't a hormonal teenager now, was he?

Oh hell, yes!!

The moment his eyes caught a glimpse of Khushi walking into the Kitchen with her apron still tied around her, the only thought that reverberated through his mind, heart and soul was that'He's madly in Love with her and s he'l be the death of him..'

Arnav did not know how he had reached the living area but all his thoughts and trance were put to a halt by Mrs. Gloria's sweet whispering..

"I can see that someone is completely smitten.."

To say Arnav was shocked to death would be an understatement.. He almost jumped at the naked and open truth Mrs.Gloria just made.. One look at her and her eyes, and Arnav knew better than denying it.. True, he was a master at masking his emotions.. But this wise old beautiful lady caught him off- guard completely.. He gave his rarest smiles and whispered back only for her to hear..

"Am I that transparent?"

Mrs.Gloria threw her head back laughing with all her might.. Not everyday you would find a gentle man and a mischievous teenager combo in a multi billionaire business man..

"Come here, you dashing young man.."

The moment Arnav was engulfed by the elderly lady, a warmth and relief spread though him.. Something he missed since his parents passed away.. He was thankful to Khushi for being the reason he came here, in turn to get a motherly love.. He heard Mrs.Gloria speaking with her voice laced with laughter..

"I'v seen the world, my boy.. I ain't a teen anymore but given that, I'v had my man who was as smitten as you are right now, I can see through you.. You may be a tough nut for the world.. But for me, you are as transparent as water.."

Arnav moved out of the hug and smiled warmly at her..

"You are serious about her, aren't you?"

"More than anything.."

"Bless you, Son.. She's one in a million.."

"I must agree, Mrs.Gloria.."

"Oh call me Gloria.. Just because I'm elder to her, it doesn't mean I'm old.."

Arnav burst out to laugh along with her while she pulled him to the dining area..

"Of course not.. Now that I'm allowed to call you by your name, may I have the pleasure of having you as my date for the breakfast, Gloria?"

"I would be honored Mr. Raizada.."

The sound of Arnav laughing caught Khushi's attention.. There was something in that laughter that warmed her insides.. All of a sudden Khushi felt light at heart.. As if she has nothing to worry of.. She knew that Payal's boss had come here and was going to stay with them.. But little did she expect such a rich and successful man to blend so well with her Aunty ji.. Her feet almost took her to the living room to witness the source of such warming laughter and surely she would have gone if not for the curry that wanted her attention really bad at the spot..

Arnav and Mrs.Gloria sat at the table while Payal brought out the dishes from the kitchen shouting..

"Khushi.. I'v brought the rest.. You just come out right now and join us.."

Arnav's heart began to race erratically.. His anticipation to meet her, have a word with with her was increasing exponentially with every passing minute.. And finally as the moment most awaited came, Arnav was awestruck.. He simply couldn't keep his eyes off her.. She was holding two dishes one in each hand.. Her hair was neatly tied but the work must have made the tendrils loose that were kissing her cheeks.. Her concentration was completely on the floor.. Her cheeks naturally pink in contrast to her creamy white skin.. Her simple yet beautiful Red Salwar made his heart thump against his ribs.. He secretly wished for her to look at him.. Once.. Just once..

As if on cue, Khushi stopped in her tracks and turned to him..

"Umm.. Pardon me, I couldn't hear properly.. You asked for something?"

Arnav forgot to take his next breath.. His heart literally skipped a beat.. She heard him? He din't voice out anything, did he? From the shocked and confused faces of Payal and Mrs.Gloria, no, he din't.. Then.. She heard? Did she really hear him? His heart's plea?? A gush of emotions ran through him making him long for her even more.. To love and protect her.. To cherish her.. To make her his.. For now and for ever..

"Goodness Lord!! Khushi, meet my boss and mentor, Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada.. Bhai, this is Khushi, my bestest buddy and my kid sis.."

Arnav stood up from his place while Khushi placed the dishes on the table and turned to him with a bright smile.. A smile that was specially hers.. Well, almost.. The Khushi he knew din't just smile with her lips but with her eyes too.. Before he extended his hand, Khushi folded her hands and spoke with a warm welcome note..


Arnav reciprocated the same and they sat for their lunch.. Arnav knew he had to take it slow and careful.. One step at a time.. Khushi is fragile and the last thing he wanted was her prying herself away from him or fearing him.. He sat quietly all the while observing her every move.. The amount of food she took, the way her hand moved, her fingers clasped, her wrists turned, her hair flew, her smile broke, her eyes widened, her mouth opened and closed.. Everything.. At the moment, Arnav was no lesser than a digital camera capturing her every response..

Sitting in the living room, Arnav spoke up..

"So, Payal.. You never told me you cook so well.. That was quite a heay breakfast, though.."

"Bhai, I would have if I could.. Its Khushi's handwork out there.."

"Khushi? Hmm.. I must accept that you cook really well, Khushi.."

Khushi snapped her head to him.. Her name never sounded so beautiful.. He took her name so easily and casually, not once but twice, as if it was almost natural.. She saw that he was genuinely complementing.. His eyes.. They spoke.. Warmth.. That was the only thing Khushi could feel at that moment.. Not being used to praised for her work, Khushi felt completely out of the world for his simple complement..

"I.. Thank you.. It.. I do it regularly.. So.."

The fit of emotions that passed through Khushi's face made Arnav want to cradle her to him and assure her of no more sorrow.. She wasn't even confident at something she excelled in!! He is not going to spare anyone.. Not a single person behind the wrenched state his Khushi was in right now.. He just wanted to hold her to him and kiss her senseless until she accepted the truth that she was special and that he was in love with her.. Truly and madly.. But he held himself.. Slow.. One step at a time..

"Oh you'r welcome, Khushi.. So, what do you do?"

Now, that was another thing that was new to her.. Never did she ever have any conversation with any one, let alone talking about herself or her career.. But words seems to come out of her naturally as if she knew him and this was quite a common thing for her..

Arnav saw her fighting within herself but also found her realizing and surprising at the way their talk was going on.. He looked at Payal and Mrs. Gloria who moved to sit at the table far away behind them, to find them watching him and Khushi with a warm and content smile on their faces which clearly meant that, Khushi had never shared anything about her with anyone.. That very thought made his heart swell with pride.. He's gonna be the first.. And he will make her come out of this shell.. That's an ASR's word!!

"I.. I'm an artist.. I do.. landscapes.. I'v finished my graduation in Arts from the University of Manali and right now, I paint and sell them at the Museum.. Aunty ji owns it.."

"You are an artist? No wonder you cook so well.. Its all the art, you see.. Landscapes, hmm.. Well, I would love to see them.. I mean, if you have no problem with it.."

No one ever spoke to her with such tenderness, respect and interest.. She felt her heart fluttering... Khushi din't know what the man in front of her was doing but his mere presence was bringing her the peace and warmth she craved for all these years..

As she observed him, she noticed it for the first time that he was an epitome of perfection.. His dress, his words, his expression, his eyes, his body, his lips.. Khushi!! What was she even thinking?! A multi billionaire, a perfect alpha male specimen was sitting before her and trying to be civilized and she's expecting a heaven out of it? Wake up Khushi!! Though he is a Prince Charming, you are no Cinderella!!!!

"Why sure.. You can come to the Museum when ever you are free.."

Arnav woke up with a warm smile on his face.. His first meet with Khushi went perfect.. Slowly but surely, Khushi was opening up to him.. He lifted his hand to ruffle his hair only to be reminded of her first willing touch with him.. A good bye hand shake.. He saw her hesitating but his smile helped her.. She was very soft and small.. His hand seemed to be huge encasing hers.. It was in sync.. As if assuring her that she was now safe with him.. That he would protect her from everything..

Smiling at her memory of turning back and smiling at him before she entered the Gupta Mansion, Arnav slipped out of the covers and glanced at the clock.. His sleep was long deprived overcome by excitement for the new day and his proceeding with Khushi..

"Damn! Just 4:30?"

Arnav opened the window only to shiver at the cold winds of Manali.. The sky was still dark and dawn seemed to approach any moment.. Just as he was about to close the window, he saw light flicker at the left end of the Gupta Mansion..

His heart skipped a beat before it resumed to beat erratically as if he just had run a marathon... Bathed in the dim light surrounded by darkness, Khushi appeared no less than an Angel.. Covering herself in a thick blanket and holding a mug, Arnav saw Khushi sitting at the entrance of the garden..

What the hell is she doing sitting out in the chilled winds at such an early hour of the morning?? Before he knew, Arnav spelled her name..


It was practically impossible for her to have heard him.. Not just because he was far away from her to be audible but also, he just did whisper.. But, Khushi snapped her hear up to his direction.. She stood up immediately with her face in a shock..

Arnav was the first to come out of the trance and the shock.. He smiled at her waving his hand and asked her what she was doing at this time of the hour by showing his wrist, her and the garden..

Arnav could feel his heart swelling with joy as she reciprocated his smile and waved a hello to him.. She then pointed him, her eyes and something ahead...

Arnav looked to where she was pointing..

The scene just took his breath away.. The hills bathed in mist and darkness were ever so slowly being revealed.. The sky above the hills seemed to change their colors at multitude of shades unknown to him.. The moment he saw the first ray, he felt everything around him ebb away..

The Ray Of The Dawn..

Pristine and perfect..

His lips curled into a beautiful smile as his heart filled with joy as pure as a new born child.. His soul felt peace.. His mind relaxed.. His every cell filled with a new strength and hope.. Arnav closed his eyes savoring the memory.. He turned to where Khushi was and opened his eyes to find her smiling at him fondly..

Khushi showed him the hills again, the sky and herself.. She then placed a hand on her heart and lifted them to her mouth making a sign of smile; telling him that she waited for this moment to let her heart fill with joy..

She then saluted him which he took it as a good morning wish and reciprocated the same.. She smiled widely making Arnav fill with pride at his attempt to get closer to her heart.. Khushi then waved him a good bye and retired into the Mansion once he waved back..

Arnav sighed and smiled at the spot Khushi was a few moments back.. He leaned to the window with his arms crossed below his chest.. With a smile intact and eyes glowing, Arnav spoke to the cold but soft winds..

"Get ready Manali.. To witness your princess being swept off her feet by me.."

Chaverah_TFC2014-02-03 04:30:59

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Comments (5)

A tiny teeny Note:Hello there buddies!!Chaverah here..Hope you guys are doing awesome, I'm good too, thankyou..😉Acha, coming to the point, as I'v already informed, I'v started my works in Fb.. So, it means that its quite advanced than here, in IF.. Also, owing to the highly hectic schedule that I'm in right now, I CAN NOt write new chapters.. This is a topic which I'v already discussed in FB & d buddies there are of great support & encouragement.. However, since I already have the posts ready, I'l copy paste them here, in IF which will show me as if I'm active here, but in reality,I wont be.. I shall post regularly here.. i.e. "Its Always Been For Us" twice a week - Monday & Thursdayand "The Ray Of The Dawn" once a week - Saturday.. So, you'l be getting regular updates but what I wanted to tell is, I may not be able to reply to your comments but, let me assure you, I SHALL reply to each & every comment & PM once I'd get free..This copy - pasting of updates will be done till mid Jan or the end of Jan.. But after that, yaar please forgive me, I'l go unavailable till the 20th of Feb.. And from the 20 th of Feb, I'l be quite active & from them in a full-fledged manner..So, all I'm asking you is a leave for 20 days approx in the month of Feb..Hope I dint cause any disappointment or anger.. If so, please forgive me..P.S:A lot of new buddies are coming to our world.. A hearty Welcome buddies!! *Bear Hug*Please make yourself home.. All suggestions, criticism, comments, appreciations, etc. will be openly accepted.. P.S.S:To all the buddies who'v encouraged me so far, Thankyou yaaron!! I love you guys.. And to the buddies who went a step ahead in supporting & encouraging me by PMing my FFs & Index to your buddies, A huge Bear Hug & Lots of kisses.. Love you yaar.. I cant tell you how grateful I am to you all..And if possible, the new buddies, please do share my index wid your friends.. Welcome them to our Fiction-Family!! The more, the merrier..P.S.S.S:Pirih (PyaaRy Beeny),

10 years ago

Waiting for the next update eagerly !!!

10 years ago

I'm glad you like it..Welcome to my world, buddy!! Chaverah_TFC2013-12-07 01:01:09

10 years ago

thats amazingloving it too muchcant wait to read more!loving the way the story is shaping up!1

10 years ago

its amazingwill surely tell my frndz to read ur work awesome ff

10 years ago
