Chapter 4

_Chaverah_ Thumbnail




Chapter 3:


"Bhai, the Royale Group have given their consent of expanding our business in the North-Eastern premises of India.."

Arnav who till then was completely immersed in his laptop lifted his head up staring at Aakash in dis-belief..

"You mean to say that we do not have even a single branch in that region?"

"No Bhai.. The last 3 times we tried was postponed due to the enormous land slides.. So, we just waited for the right time and now, we decided to place it some where better.. Where the danger is less.."

The hectic schedule of finishing all his works here in Delhi and wondering how to manage the work successfully with him staying in Manali was keeping him off his guard.. Its not that he din't trust Aakash or the team here.. they'v been doing it efficiently all these years.. He was supposed to send Aakash and his Mamaji abroad to see the matters and monitor them there.. Since everything was in place and perfect out there, he wanted his brother to be there to know about the International affairs and their terms on which their company is running.. And to expand their business here in India, it was a must for Arnav to stay here.. Every time a new branch is to be set up, Arnav's presence is a must there.. He is never going to give up his idea of being with Khushi but he needs to figure out how he's going to balance setting up a new branch while being in Manali.. Just as he was about to ask Aakash for further details, the door of his cabin burst open..

A slender looking fair young lady entered his cabin immersed looking into the file she was holding..

"Bha.. Oh.. Sorry I.. I din't.. Good morning ASR.. Morning Aakash.. ASR I need to have a few words with you.. Its urgent.. Let me know when.."

Despite the packed up situation he was in, Arnav couldn't stop himself from smiling at the beautiful woman.. Payal Roy.. His core team member.. Future saali... And above all, his little sister.. She almost addressed him Bhai, as she usually does when they were alone.. Ah, Aakash.. Gosh! Will he ever go beyond blushing? Payal was the bolder one among the 2.. His little sister, she was, after all..

"Good Morning, Payal.. Yeah sure.. Lets do it now.. Aakash, here, was telling me about the postpone of the expansion of our branch in North-West.."

He gestured her to sit while he continued with a serious expression which Payal knew was not a good sign..

"And can I know why I wasn't reminded of it earlier?"

Before Payal could respond, Aakash butt in

"Bhai, it was actually under my work.. An.."

"I appreciate that you are trying to defend her, Aakash.. I very well know that you are at fault too.. I shall deal with that later.. But, Payal here, works directly for me.. And Payal, is there something missing of why I wasn't informed?"

Aakash zipped his mouth though was highly uncomfortable of the situation opening before him.. Payal asked him to finalize about the location long back.. But since the land slides were frequent, Aakash din't want to risk a business there... When he approached her with the same, she almost blasted on him saying

"Mr. Aakash Singh Raizada, I know that the land slides are quite frequent there and that was why I asked you to decide on which of the listed places would you like to finalize for our new branch.. I haven't asked you to come up with a reason for not setting up there.. ASR shall be arriving here next month and let me know if you are going to do it or not.. Get that?!"

And after that, Aakash became so busy with the Mangalore and Cochin projects that he forgot about it entirely until today morning when he found Payal scurrying about the entire office.. His thoughts have been cut by Payal's voice..

"Sir, this was something that has been bothering us since last year.. I'v told you regarding this and you wanted me to list the locations.. On further checking, we found out that Sikkim would be much beneficial but the recent land slides have given another break.. I din't want to come to you with that conclusion, Sir.. So, I went up for more survey and listed a few places and wanted it to be finalized.. Since, there is not much time left to announce our approval, I'v short listed the locations into 2..

1: Darjeeling

2: Manali

Both the places are safe, perfect for establishing new branch, pleasant with great tourist float..

I'v taken a few places and their details for starting our branch..

In short, everything is done, Sir.. I just need your approval of which place do you want our branch to be.. everything including our office set up shall be approved for your final signatures in 3 hours once you decide the place..

I din't want to disappoint you Bh..Sir.. I never will.."

Arnav smiled at his kid sis with pride and joy...

"You can never disappoint me, Payal.. And remember, no matter what, I'l always be proud of you.. Always.."

Payal gave him her brightest smile and placed the files in front of him.. Aakash was a silent spectator of the entire scene.. Though his guilt pierced him, the bond that his love and his Bhai shared was heart warming..


Arnav had never been more estatic.. He couldn't thank enough the divine power above for turning his day so fruitful.. Now he even had a proper reason to stay there.. Above all, he wondered how much must he have been needed there that his fate was meant to send him to Manali.. Khushi.. Hope she's fine.. He couldn't think of her going through anything wrong but everything that he could conclude only made him more worried.. The address she lived was the same as Mrs.Parmila Gupta's but Khushi was no where seen with them in the marriage; the cold behavior of Mrs.Gupta; and to cement his worries, Sashi uncle's death was kept a secret.. He just prayed everything was fine there and completely against his fears.. He was snapped into reality with Payal's voice..

"Bhai!! Bhai.. Are you okay?"


"Bhai.. You just went off board.. You were saying something about Manali.. Bhai, is everyhting okay? We can do this later too.."

Arnav gained his composure and realized that he was being addressed as Bhai.. He smirked and questioned,

"Bhai, huh?"

"Um.. Aakash left.. So.." Payal stammered blushing..

"Payal.. please.. don't start blushing child.. I already have Aakash for that.. God knows when he's gonna make a move further than that.."

"Yeah!! Sometimes I really get fed up Bhai.. It's as if I'm the man and he's the lady.. It's me who has to take the lead.. God damn I would take it if he ever would go further than a Ms.Roy.. He won't even call me by my first name!! How insane?! And what else? Ah, Bingo!! He loves me!! Sometimes in the stress and all, believe me Bhai, I wonder if this everything is just a delusion!"

Good Lord! His brother is really an Idiot!! Did that duffer even know that his ship was sinking? His sibling needed some real back up sessions.. But before that, he must make make Payal feel better..

"Gosh!! You serious Payal? Aakash is such a dumbo? Well, I can't blame him entirely either, can I? I mean, out of everyone, you chose him? Seriously!!"

"Bhai!! You were supposed to put me on track.."

Arnav gave away a hearty laugh

"Payal, every person needs to go through their own journey.. If your story is the same as some one else's then what is so special about it? Trust me, 20 years from now, when you'l be telling your story to your younger ones, you'l love all these days that you are now despising.."

"Bhai..I.. Thank you.."

"For what?"


Arnav gave her a full smile before he nodded and continued

"So, Manali it is.."

"Really Bhai!! Oh my God! Yes!!"

"What? Wait..You wanted it to be Manali?"


"You should have told me instead of giving options then.. Anyway, why so?"

"My Aunt lives there.. Actually she's the friend of my Maa.. After Maa died, I'v spent a lot of time with her and she really helped me through that phase.. I wanted to go visit her but haven't since a long time.. This project will have me let be with her more than I can even if I take leave.. So.."

"Done.. So, you are coming with me then.."

"Bhai!!!!! Thank you so much!!"

Arnav din't know how but the words came out of his mouth even before he could register..

"What's her name Payal?"

Though Payal was taken back, she din't show it.. ASR asking about your distant Aunt is not an everyday thing.. But, her Bhai asking in concern for her isn't a new thing either..

"Huh.. Oh.. Aunt? Gloria.. Gloria Jacob.."

The emotions that fit across Arnav in that moment were unexplainable.. The world indeed was a small place..

"Bhai.. Shall I leave?"

"I need to talk.."

"Yes Bhai.."

"Payal, do you by any chance have any idea of a girl named Khushi? Khushi Gupta?"

Now it was the turn of Payal to be shocked.. And from her face, anyone could tell that she knew Khushi better than just knowing..

"Payal.. You do, don't you?"

"Of course Bhai.. She lives in our opposite Mansion.. But more than that she's my childhood bestie and over the years, she become my little sister.. She was the one who brought me out of my trauma..."

"And how..I mean, what way is she treated in her house?"

Payal was almost terrified at the questions that were being thrown.. It was as if Arnav was trying to see through her memories. . What started as a pleasing talk turned out as a nervous one.. Its not that she din't trust Arnav but talking about her sister's life that too which ain't a pleasant one was making it difficult for her and disturbing..

"Payal.. I need your answers.."

"I..I don..I can't.."

Arnav's heart sunk.. The way Payal was defending clearly spoke of something he feared and wouldn't like to hear.. He knew he had to let her know the truth. By the time Arnav finished, Payal was with teary eyes..

"Payal? Payal, you okay?"

"Perfect Bhai.. It's just that Khushi is an amazing girl.. Way too good for the present world.. Thing is that she never got what she deserves, Bhai.. She was always treated as a servant by Parmila and her daughters in the absence of Uncle.. And after his death, the situation just got worsened.. I'm just overwhelmed at the thought of You searching for Khushi.. Finally, she's getting what she deserves.. Thank you so very much Bhai.."

Every word Payal spoke increased his love and concern for Khushi and the hatred towards her family.. He felt utterly grateful to Payal, but, it wasn't done yet..

"I need your help, Payal.."


"Khushi.. Khushi!!"

"Coming.. Yes Aunty ji?"

"Well there's someone on line who wants to talk with you.."

Seeing Khushi with a quizzical expression, Mrs. Gloria almost laughed..

"Trust me, you wanna take this.."

She thrust the phone into Khushi's slender hand..


Khushi spoke with a soft voice not knowing how much it enthralled the other listener accompanying Payal on the other side of the line which was on speaker mode..


"Payal jiji!!!! Jiji how are you? God! Its been ages.. Are you ever going to come?"

Wow!! Such innocence and excitement.. Arnav could tell she's pure and divine from the heart of a child that she has.. It was infectious.. And, Arnav's falling hard for that tinkling voice and its owner..

"Khushi.. Breath.. I'm wonderful.. I'm really sorry I couldn't come.. Pretty Sorry.. Holding my ears Sorry.."

"Nay, Jiji.. The only way I'l forgive is if you come to me.."

A slow smile crept Arnav's face.. Demanding? Not bad.. His Princess!!

"Ookaay.. Soo.."


"Okay okay, listen Khushi.. If that's the case, then I think you'l have to be ready to forgive me.."

Payal was met with absolute silence.. Every moment making Arnav restless..

"Khushi? Hello?"

"You.. You are coming?"

Payal couldn't hold back her chuckle..

"Day after Tomorrow.."

"Jiji.. I can't tell you how happy and excited I am.. Come soon Jiji.. I..I really..really missed you.."

The tremble, pain and longing in her voice pierced Arnav.. What has she been going through?

"Shush Khushi.. I know.. I missed you equally bad.. I'l be there Khushi.. Belive me when I'm saying this.. You'l never be alone again henceforth.."


Arnav was equally startled but immensely excited at the words Payal just uttered.. Her wink at him only made him more desperate to claim Khushi as his..

"Khushi, our company is going to start a new branch there in Manali.. I, along with my boss and our team are heading to Manali 2 days later.. The entire team is going to stay in Blue Bells Hotel while me and my boss are going to stay at Aunt's place.. Okay?"

"Sure jiji.. I'l make everything perfect for your arriv..."

"I just need you to be there when I'm at Aunt's.. not the arrangements SankaDevi!"

"I love you Jiji.. Please make it soon.. I guess I won't be able to sleep till you come.."

"I love you too.. You have to have some good sleep.. We anyway won't sleep after we meet with all the catch-up to do.. Okay, now I need to go.. See you day after tomorrow, then.. Bye Kushi.."

"Ji jiji.. I'm waiting.. Bye"


Arnav walked to face the city from the glass of his cabin.. His stance spoke of his determination.. Determination to win the heart of his love.. To give her every thing she deserves.. To shower her with so much love that the past would never even dare to make a glimpse over her thoughts..

Staring at the bright blue sky Arnav promised softly making Payal proud of him..

"Your wait is over, Khushi.. Get ready to be swept off your feet darling!! Its a promise of Arnav Singh Raizada.."

Chaverah_TFC2014-02-03 04:28:59

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Comments (3)

love you too meri pyaari candy ❤️❤️

10 years ago

Awesome update ... payal is so bold yarr .."""" Yeah!! Sometimes I really get fed up Bhai.. It's as if I'm the man and he's the lady.. It's me who has to take the lead.. God damn I would take it if he ever would go further than a Ms.Roy.. He won't even call me by my first name!! How insane?! And what else? Ah, Bingo!! He loves me!! Sometimes in the stress and all, believe me Bhai, I wonder if this everything is just a delusion!""""" can you belive if i say i was laughing like hell foe atleast 20 minutes ..akash is blushing like lady Rofl ..i loved it to the core..payal is khushi's bestie whoo it just like cherry on the cake .. they way khushi was talking with payal it seems she is very close with her will help arnav in one way to meet khushi ..can't wait for next chapy ..eagerly waiting.. :)..

10 years ago

Ah let the game payal and khushi are besties...thats too good..

10 years ago
