Chapter 5

_Chaverah_ Thumbnail




Chapter 4:

She was standing on the edge of a green cliff.. Mixing a shade of reddish orange, Khushi found herself painting the setting sun, deep down into the valley below her.. It was calm, serene and happy.. It was like her.. Full of life.. She then stated to mix a purple-pink shade.. As she lifted her eyes and hand simultaneously to stroke the details of the beauty before her, she felt a shiver run down her spine.. The hair on her neck stood straight.. Her breathing rapid.. Her heart thumping.. Her skin developed goose bumps.. She tried hard to suppress the increasing grief in vain.. Khushi tried to look at the setting sun through her lashes only to find herself sinking..

No!! Not again!!

The sun was no where nor were any traces of the faintest lights.. It wasn't night either.. It was as if she had been transported to another place.. A place cold, life less, and pitch black.. Agony began to seep through her.. She looked around to find herself alone.. Helpless.. She tried looking up in hope of finding any stars but found herself being engulfed in more darkness.. Her body began to betray her.. She was weakening with every passing second.. Her heart no longer beat.. She watched her hands trembling, her fingers turning as white as snow.. Fear gripped her in triumph.. She slowly lifted her hands to her face only to realize that she went cold and numb.. Her lungs constricted making breathing impossible for her.. Her throat went dry not allowing her to shout.. Pain filled her mind making her numb to any emotion..

She reached the end of her spirit to fight back.. Her painting was no more a colorful sky but the one with a dark weeping lifeless tree.. For the first time, she willed herself to get lost in the darkness around.. She shut her eyes as if welcoming the awaiting death..







Khushi felt the above emotions flooding her cold veins, clearing her clouded mind, stroking her slumbered heart, screaming at her defeated senses as she felt herself supported by a pair of huge, muscular but gentle hands, preventing her from falling into the pit of affliction..

"Open your eyes, Khushi.."

She felt herself being lifted from the ground and cradled against the owner of the hands and the secure and loving voice calling out to her.. Afraid to let go of the life spreading slowly into her, she refused her savior by turning her head from side to side.. She felt the grip on her tightening when she heard that voice again.. It was ringing through her soul as if soothing it, making it to come to life.. And it was then she recognized that the soft and warm voice was a man's..

"You'v waited too long to shut yourself now, Khushi.. I'm here, finally and I won't let you break down anymore.. "

What?! How..How did..did he know?!? Her name? Her pain? Her darkest fears? Her deepest wishes?? Who is he???

What was it in his voice that made her insides go wild and calm at the same time.. His touch providing her the haven she always had been in search for.. Even before her mind came to a conclusion, her heart forced her eyes to carefully open..

Chocolate brown..

Love undying..

Care heart melting..

Warmth never ending...

"Look.. It's dawn.."

His low whisper spreading heat all over face..

Khushi snapped her head to the direction he showed.. He let her down to stand on her feet as gently as possible.. Khushi felt alive.. A smile broke out of her lips as she took in the rising Sun.. Remembering the incidents few moments ago, Khushi turned back abruptly only to collide with the same warm and hard body.. She felt herself being encased in his huge hands gently.. Khushi lifted her eyes to look at him but once she met with his chocolate brown ones, she couldn't take her eyes off them..

"The night is over, Khushi.. So is the wait.. I'm here.. All you need to do is, listen to your heart, Khushi.. Look at things the way Khushi used to and you'l find me... Always.. Close to you.. Close enough to hold me if you stretch your hands.."

Saying this, her Savior started walking back, his eyes never leaving hers.. Khushi could do nothing but stare at the depths of his Brown warm orbs.. Finally when he was starting to fade away, she found herself asking..

"Who.. Who are you..?"

He smiled warmly at her making her feel strong and loved..

"The ray of the dawn you eagerly wait to watch each day.. The ray of the dawn your father promised you of.."

And he vanished..

" no no.. Wait.. No, wait.. Come back!!"

Khushi startled awake, screaming.. She was still breathing hard, hurrying her words in heavy whispers pleading him to be back.. She ran her hand on her fore head wiping the sweat.. A dream, it was, true.. But it felt so real.. As if she lived it.. She had gone through the dark phase of her dream, many a times by now.. But the dawn.. The dawn was new..

She got down her bed and looked at the clock.. It was almost 3:00 in the morning.. She took out her Amma's painting brush, held it to her heart and walked to her balcony.. The night's cold winds of Manali were stinging her small form.. But it was nothing to what she felt a few minutes ago.. She looked up to the brightest twinkling star smiling down at her beautiful face..

"I need you Amma.. No matter how old I become, I'l always need you.. I..I'v tried Amma.. I am.. To be like you.. Strong, independent... I know people find me like that but, it's just a facade I put up so that they can't take more advantage of me than they are already taking.. But.. Your Khushi isn't as strong as you are, Amma.. I..I'm tired.. Scared.. I..I don't know why I'v had that dream.. But, for the first time.. For the first time I'm praying with all my heart that it comes true.. Though it was a dream, though it was for just a few moments, I could feel it, Amma.. I want my forever to be in those few moments.. The love, the care, the safety, the happiness, the warmth, the strength, the protection, the life.. Everything I once had with you and may be even more.. It..It makes me want to be selfish for the first time.. I don't want to let go, Amma.. Help me.. Please.. Guide me to listen and follow my heart.."


"Di? What the!! It's just 3:30 in the morning?! Nani! What the hell is going on? Why is the entire family awake? Aakash?!"

Arnav was shocked would be an understatement.. He informed all of them about his leaving to Manali.. Both for Khushi as well as the new branch.. Knowing well about them, he also asked them not to wake up since he would start off by 4:00.. Since the roads to Manali might get blocked if there will be any Snowfalls which is likely possible to happen given that it was nearing winter now.. But, his family are beyond Unbelievable!! Why take the disturbance? Its not as if he was going out for the first time! And for Christ's sake, he is NOT a CHILD!!

"Chotey, just be quiet.. Come here.. Have something before you start out.."

"But Di.. You are pregnant and.. JEEJAJI.."

The call from his gritted teeth was enough to warn Shyaam and he quickly piped in..

"Before you mash me up into some boneless paste or something even terrifying, let me remind you how adamant your Di can be especially when it is regarding you.. Trust me when I say this, Arnav.. She didn't let me sleep the whole night.. Not a single minute.. And guess what?"

Shyaam pulled a smirking Arnav and whispered..

"I had to bear her tantrums of complaining that I don't love her family as much as I love her.. And why? Because I asked her to sleep since she's pregnant and that you aren't a kid anymore nor is travelling new to you.."

"Chotey, Whats going on?"

Both the brother and his brother-in-law broke out in a shock followed by a smile..

"Nothing Di.. I..I need to leave.."

Break-fast was a noisy affair with every one asking him to take care of himself and Khushi.. It was as if Khushi had been a part of his family since ages and he was just going to get her back.. All the while, he noticed that his Nani was a bit off guard.. Just as he was about to bid a proper good bye, Arnav heard his Nani calling..

"Arnav beta.."

"I'l be back soon Nani.. Hopefully, successfully.. Please take care of yourself.. Just because I'm going to get myself a wife, I won't leave my lover.. You'r my first girl-friend and that'l remain forever, Nani.."

Nani laughed and patted his head.. She then took out a velvet box and gave it to Arnav..

"This was your Amma's.. Its the possession of the Bahu of this house.. Give to the who deserves it.. "

Arnav was touched.. He hugged his Nani and nodded..


"So, Bhai.. All ready?"

chirped an all excited Payal looking at Arnav who was engrossed in his laptop..

"Hmm.. I guess.. There's this one Sharma and one Myeh.. We'l handle them tomorrow and everything else is sorted out.."

A totally crest fallen Payal shook Arnav and made him look at her in shock.. It's not everyday you see your employee acting all childish as if she was being taken to a fare.. Yeah she was like a sister to him, but this sister, was always a matured kinda woman..

"Did I go wrong?"

"Did I ever ask you anything about business Bhai? Do I not know what expert you are in it? I was asking about your family and.. And Khushi.."

Arnav shut his laptop and leaned back looking up..

"I don't.. Huh.. All I know is.. I need to get to know her.. I need her to get to know me.. I always admired her, Payal.. I don't know if it is love but, I know it is more than just a well wisher.. I..I don't know.. Seriously, I don't know.. I just want to give a try and see where it leads to.. If it goes as I hope, then I'l be the happiest man ever.."

Payal smiled as she too leaned back and spoke softly..

"Don't worry Bhai.. I can assure you that the moment you'l see Khushi, you'l fall for her.. And mind it, it would be really hard to gain her trust Bhai.. She's not a happy, care free girl that she portrays herself as.. There are many layers of hurt, pain and betrayal behind that smiling facade.."

Finding Arnav listening to her with rapt attention, Payal continued..

"But.. As far as I know my Bhai, No one ever could resist to his charms.. So would be the same with Khushi.. Specially when you are going to try with your heart as well.."

Arnav smiled at Payal..

"Hope so Payal.."

After another hour, Arnav and Payal reached their destination..


"Aunty! Oh God!! I missed you.."

Arnav felt warm seeing the middle aged woman and Payal converse.. Finding him smiling, Mrs.Gloria signaled him to come forward.. Just as he was about to hug her, he heard a sequel and turned around only to be bumped into someone small.. He instinctively held the person who was about to fall due to colliding him..




"Khushi!! Child, Are you fine?"

Arnav heard Mrs.Gloria calling out to the petite woman in his arms.. She slowly opened her eyes..

The same hazel, dove shaped twinklers..

Just as Arnav was about to pull her up to a comfortable position, he heard her whisper..

"Chocolate brown.. You.. You'v come??"

Chaverah_TFC2014-02-03 04:29:18

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Comments (1)

marvelous update candy ..๐Ÿ‘ at first i was confusse that what is happning here ..but then i read its khushi's dream ..arnav is her ray of dawn sound intresting ..๐Ÿ˜ƒ ~~ But Di.. You are pregnant and.. JEEJAJI.."The call from his gritted teeth was enough to warn Shyaam and he quickly piped in. "Before you mash me up into some boneless paste or something even terrifying, let me remind you how adamant your Di can be especially when it is regarding you.. Trust me when I say this, Arnav.. She didn't let me sleep the whole night.. Not a single minute.. And guess what?"~~~~ My mouth was hanged Open ๐Ÿ˜ฒwhat the !!! shayam is so scared of arnav !!! God I was laughing like hell candy .. ๐Ÿคฃ fiinally our hero meet our heroin ..eagerly waiting :)) P.s missing you candy ๐Ÿ˜ญ beenish2482013-11-21 03:23:48

10 years ago
