Chapter 15

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Part 14

For years,from the time realization dawned upon her of her love for Swayam,from the day he had quit making any emotional contact with her,she craved for this ease,the emotional connect,which seemed to have been achieved.There they were,lost in each other only till Swayam interrupted asking the most unromantic thing ever.Sharon,finally, registered his question,who was ready to pounce on him with an equally sarcastic answer."What'd I trick you about??",questioned Sharon straightening herself and letting her fingers out of his hair."I thought,knowing your sarcasm,that you were fake excited to be Mrs.Swayam shekawat",answered Swayam raising his eyebrows."You know what? You don't minimum sense",said Sharon walking away.

"Minimum sense ?? What on earth does she mean??",thought Swayam looking at her silhouette disappear.Swayam,who had never left an opportunity to make her realize his love had,for a record,failed in even maintaining the romantic moment.

Sharon walked to the conference room.Managing an entire school,that too with twelve people,was a daunting task.Each one would have an opinion and to make them all agree for a thing was even more hectic.They had taken almost a month to decide the name of the school.Of course,a visiting member was Taani.She saw them all waiting in the conference room for them.The school was just six months old but still had over seventy students being trained in different dance forms.Their main funda for the school was-never say no.They could have easily taken a few students interested in a single dance form.But having to teach different dance forms they could be connected to the dance,their passion,their love.Entire St.louis,even friends had laughed it off when they had declared to start a dance school.Some of them went to B-schools.While some joined their family business.Only these twelve,the two teams,had planned something different.

Sometimes,life isn't about living.It's about leading.Leading yourself to your passion.Passion doesn't have an end.May be that's why it's called Passion.

Their friends might earn well,have all the riches and luxuries.Possessing satisfaction in this era had become the luxury.They had that satisfaction,which many are deprived of.They possessed luxury and wealth will follow.

"Hello",greeted Sharon dropping her bag on the conference table."Heya,Sharon.Where's Swayam?",questioned Rey.Time had changed so did best friends.No one noticed when Rey and Swayam became best of friends amidst their tension filled college lives."Rey,at least occasionally talk to me",replied Sharon sarcastically.Swayam had taken away her only best friend.But he had given her many more."My girlies"as she calls them.Now all the women were in one team.And the "hardcore feminists" as they called themselves.But they sounded more like female chauvinists to male beings.Over all,equations had changed,teams changed.Now there were two teams-not dazzlers and weaklings but the girlies and the dudes.What remained intact was their friendship.

"Sharon,please.You know you will remain my best friend",said Rey smiling."Someone's jealous",Swayam said walking in standing behind Sharon."Oh gimme a break.I've my girlies.What say??",said Sharon smiling proudly looking at their girlies gang."Yeah.Who knows that better than us??",added Nilesh."By the way,you both together??",questioned Rey doubting if there was an announcement to make."Yeah.Together",said Swayam."What's the matter??",asked Nilesh."Actually,we are getting engaged",declared Sharon casually.There was silence in the room.It felt like the God's went into seclusion.It seemed like the whole world had stopped functioning to take notice of them."What?",said Swayam sporting a scared look."Are you serious??",asked Rinni.The whole gang turned facing Rinni.While Rinni,Swayam and Sharon looked at the rest innocently.The rest continued staring at Rinni.What's this bloody day?? Firstly,Swayam and Sharon announce their engagement,which until recently sounded good only in imagination.Secondly,Rinni asked the correct question at the right time.This day surely had some magic."Congrats",spoke up Rey running towards Swayam pulling him into a hug."Yayyy",shouted the gang.Finally,the day might have some magic but watching the gang being so silent was more scary than a horror movie.

"Finally",shouted Nilesh.They hugged and congratulated the couple.Why did life have to so unpredictable?? Had they known one day they had to be together they never would have gone through the immense pain.May be,even life wanted them to know each other's value in their lives.Sharon stood in the corner of the room observing Swayam who was surrounded by the guys."He looks so happy",thought Sharon.


Swayam receives a note.
Sravani......2012-09-19 02:10:02

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Comments (12)

ohh sravani update karo na plz...

11 years ago

its more than a month since you have done last update ..Please update ..

11 years ago

Hey luved the update...rinni is so cute...n then the gang's reaction to go all silent ...u rightly described that it is more scary than a horror movie...luved the ending where sharon is staring at swayam...waiting for nxt part...continue soon...n pm me.

11 years ago

awww soo cute lol and rini hahaha !!!btw i was wondering are you gonna add kriya ??

11 years ago

Awesome part!!! pls update soon and dont forget to pm me!!😊 arjuhiswaron0072012-10-13 19:43:57

11 years ago

great workloved this partplz update soon

11 years ago

Plz update ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!And pm ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

11 years ago

I read the complete SS today ..Loved it please update

11 years ago

The update was really awesomeSwaron cute lil fight n sarcasm talks:pGood to see bonding between girls tooGang's reaction was somewhere hilarious I think they got a biggest shocking news n first time rinni ask right ques...:pWaiting for next part

11 years ago

lovely update sravani...the way you have penned it is beautiful...loved the gangs reaction😛 n rinni was cute😆update soon please...pretty please...

11 years ago
