Chapter 12

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Hello.Here comes the next update.As promised its quite long.From next update I will be sending PM's to some people.Likes I get in the end never crossed forty two.I've decided to send PM's only to those who have liked my update on "PAGE-29" which has forty likes.Coming to comments I love your comments.Keep commenting.


Swayam caressed her cheek looking at her face observing her reaction."She did confess.Not in words",he thought looking at her.She confessed."I asked her if she loved me.She said not everything can be told",Swayam thought.Sharon enjoyed the feel of his touch.Her body was cold.Walking all round the school wearing shorts barely covering her body she felt cold.The warmth Swayam's hand added stopped her from shivering."That means she loves me.She said somethings had to be understood.Things which could not be said",thought Swayam who was confused.Rey observed the tears in Swayam's eyes.Rey stood behind Sharon covering them from the whole gang."Somethings wrong.Why can't they just confess and live happily",thought Rey walking towards Sharon.Sharon felt someone call her name but ignored not wanting to spoil the moment.Swayam removed his hand seeing Rey and walked past Sharon towards Rey.Sharon opened her eyes feeling imcomplete.Sharon composed herself and walked back to Simmi.

"Is everything fine?",asked Rey looking at Sharon who walked lifelessly towards Simmi."Nothing's fine",said Swayam lowering his head."Dude what's the problem.Are you two still in the same place??",asked Rey frustrated."No.We aren't in the same place",said Swayam."Good",said Rey assuming Swayam's tears to be happy tears."Do you think she loves me??",asked Swayam who needed support."Of course.Swayam can't you see her love in her eyes.The whole gangs knows you both love each other to bits",said Rey assuring Swayam."Why is that she never confesses",asked Swayam looking at Sharon."Swayam...Sharon isn't expressive.Do you know she's not a sorry person.She would have fight with her parents and feel sad for days.You know she'd feel bad about her temper but never apologized.People do have weakness.Just like you cannot share your feelings.",said Rey justifying Sharon's state."Don't you think five years are enough to confess",asked Swayam controlling his tears."Swayam look at me",said Rey turning Swayam towards him."See Sharon has been the same ever since I've known her.She's not expressive",said Rey.Swayam controlled his tears looking at Rey."Swayam ..Listen if Sharon doesn't love you she would agree for the wedding",said Rey trying to console Swayam.Swayam raised his head looking at Rey agreeing to his point."Swayam..she doesn't buy a dress if she doesn't like it.You think she can be forced for this important decision in life",said Rey still holding Swayam."Does she love me?",asked Swayam for the second time."She does.She will confess soon.Believe me",said Rey confidently."I hope so",said Swayam wiping his tears off.

"Swayam why didn't you answer my phone?",questioned Nilesh seriously.Swayam looked at Sharon and wanted to kill Nliesh for spoiling their moment."I didn't notice",said Swayam not taking Nil seriously."Oh...You got my note",asked Nilesh winking at Vicky."Are you gay??",asked Swayam."Are you crazy??",shouted Nilesh with a confused expression."What???",asked Rey."Yeah Rey.See this note of his",said Swayam reaching his bag."Which note?",asked Rey.Swayam handed over the note to Rey looking seriously at Nilesh."Maine note diya tha..par usse aisa kya hai jo muhje gay banade",said Nilesh still confused."Read it",said Swayam indicating Rey to read the note aloud."To the most handsome guy I've ever known..this is for you.", read Rey showing the red rose to the gang."What??",shouted Nilesh."Mujhe pehle se hi doubt tha",said Vicky."Baabu you coming and standing beside Kaagu...",said Neha doubting Vicky and Nilesh's friendship." Keep smiling.Your love. "read Rey looking at the gang's expression."Wait.This is crazy.I haven't written any romantic note to Swayam",said Nilesh in his defense."Nilesh..I never thought you were this cheap",said Simmi almost crying."Oh God...Simmi not you at least",said Nilesh freaking out."Gimme your bag",said Nilesh snatching Swayam's bag.Nilesh searched for his note and handed over the note he found to Rey looking angrily at Swayam."Read it.Now",said Nilesh."What is this??",asked Swayam looking at Nilesh."Ok.Now stop shouting",ordered Rey wanting end the confusion."Read it Rey",ordered Swayam."Stop staring at Sharon and concentrate on work. ",read Rey confused."Yeah.This is my note.Read the rest",said Nilesh looking angrily at Swayam."Your dost ",read Rey looking at Swayam."Wait wait.This is your note",asked Swayam looking at Nilesh."Yes",said Nilesh."Oh god ,,,Who's note is this ?",asked Swayam showing the other note."How on earth would I be knowing",said Nilesh angrily."Sorry Nil...",said Swayam hugging Nilesh."That's Ok",said Nilesh hugging him back."Don't ever call me gay...I've a girlfriend to whom I'm answerable",said Nilesh winking at Simmi who looked relaxed."Ok",said Swayam breaking the hug.Swayam had hand full of best friends.Though some of them are crazy they were good at heart.Amidst the pain he had his friends were the only ones to go to when hurt."Back to work",said Rey reminding everyone of their work.

The day went on with working.Swayam not able to concentrate on work after the store room incident.Sharon sat in the corner of the hall trying to concentrate on work when she found her bag missing.She searched for bag and asked Simmi and Rinni if they hid it.Swayam handed over bag from behind looking at Sharon."You forgot your bag at the notice board",said Swayam looking intently into her eyes."Thank you",said Sharon looking at Swayam's eyes which were red."Swayam",said Sharon feeling sad for him."That's OK Sharon",said Swayam walking away."Why Sharon??Why??",thought Sharon questioning herself.

"Thank god Nil.You aren't a gay",said Simmi sitting next to Nilesh."Simmi I'm glad it's solved right here leaving none of us with assumptions",said Nilesh smiling at Simmi."I thought I lost you Nil",said Simmi holding his hand."Ab tu zyada romantic math ban...we are working",said Nilesh not looking at Simmi."Nilesh..",warned Simmi angrily." know right I'd never leave you.Remember the day I asked you out??God I was so scared",said Nilesh holding her hand."I know.But Nilesh I've been waiting for you to ask me out since our college days",said Simmi pouting."I didn't realize that it was love Simmi.Swayam and Rey were the ones who helped me",said Nilesh remembering the day he asked her out."But Nil..look at Rey and Swayam.They have helped us all in finding love but they aren't happy",said Simmi looking at Swayam and Rey."Simmi chill.Sharon loves Swayam.You know it.Everyone here knows it.Whole college knew it.Swayam's turning blind.Coming to Rey it takes to time to forget love.When it's true love it might even take whole life",said Nilesh."I hope they soon will be happy in their love lives",said Simmi looking at Nilesh.

Swayam saw Sharon leaving with a sad face."Why??Both of us are hurt whenever we get close",thought Swayam.Swayam felt sad that she hadn't informed him that she's leaving.Since the day their parents decided that they would be getting married Sharon has always informed Swayam when she left."Is she ignoring me??",thought Swayam when his cell beeped."Swayam I'm sorry for whatever happened today.I didn't mean to hurt you.Sorry again if I've made you feel uncomfortable.Be back Swayam.Why are you hiding yourself from me??I'm leaving.I couldn't walk to you and inform you.Sorry for that",read Swayam a message from Sharon.Swayam read the message finding it difficult to accept her multiple apologies."Rey",called out Swayam wanting to show the message.They had everything in private.The gang wondered most of the times the reason for their fights.Even the reason were kept secret.It was the time to let go.Let go the privacy for a moment."Yeah.Coming dude",said Rey."See this",said Swayam handing over his cell to Rey."Are you serious??",asked Rey not believing that Sharon apologized not for once but thrice."Yeah.Tell me now??',said Swayam."She definitely loves you.",said Rey smiling."Hope so",said Swayam.

Swayam reached his home remembering yesterday's drive with Sharon.Anything in their relationship wasn't consistent.Even the happiness.Sadness.Any damn thing.Swayam lowered his head not observing the person who answered the door.Swayam was welcomed with a warm hug from his sister."Bhaiii",said Taani hugging Swayam."Taani...when did you come?",asked Swayam hugging her tight."Bhai Is everything alright??",asked Taani.The four years they lived together helped each other understand more.Taani and Swayam grew closer to each other during their college days.Taani was the only one who saw Swayam spending sleepless nights.Rey knew Swayam but Taani stayed with Swayam."Yeah",said Swayam wanting to end the conversation.'You go freshen up.I made your favorite",said Taani pointing towards the dining table."Sure",said Swayam walking towards his room.Taani sensed something wrong but decided to stay calm.Swayam and Taani had their dinner together.Taani observed Swayam being silent.He wasn't the one who'd stay quiet during the dinner.She decided to call up Sharon as Swayam wasn't showing any signs of initiating conversation.

Sharon walked out of the bathroom wearing a robe.The day hasn't gone well.Though Swayam confessed she could see the pain in his eyes.This day will be the most cherished and also most unforgettable.Sharon walked to the dresser grabbing a night suit.She walked to her drawer and sprayed her favorite perfume.She changed into casuals and walked to the table where a red piece of paper and a pen waited to be given graced by her attention.Sharon slowly picked up the paper thinking what to be written on it.Taking the pen she started writing when she heard her phone ring.Walking to the bed she cursed the caller for spoiling her mood."Hello",she said showing disinterest."Bhabi",Taani said."Hello Taani.Finally you have reached Mumbai.How was your journey",asked Sharon making constant effort not to show the pain in her voice."Bhabi don't hide.By now I know you very well",answered Taani."Nothing",said Sharon."Bhai ..he's acting weird.Can see the pain in his eyes",quipped Taani expecting answer."How will ...I know",re-questioned Sharon."I thought you'd be knowing bhabhi...I will hang up",said Taani hanging up the call.

Next Morning

Sharon tried to act normal and wanted to speak to Swayam.It'd only add to his pain if she ignored him.It was a mistake.It was their love that spoke.Also they weren't uncomfortable physically considering they have had their romance through their dance even during the denial mode from both the sides.Sharon reached the school first and walked to the entrance when she involuntarily walked to the store room.This room has added one more moment to their life.She entered the store room trying to re-live the moment.She wanted to do a slow dance with Swayam.She planned to spend the nights after their marriage doing a slow dance with Swayam.To see him sleep peacefully beside her each morning was the only dream she ever dreamt of. She wanted to give him peace.Love was secondary.She knew that Swayam loved her and will always love her but it's the time when Swayam deserved to be pulled out of the pain he has been in.The gang joined Sharon in the rehearsal hall after sometime.Swayam walked in late still effected by yesterday's incident.Sharon walked up to Swayam wanting to wish him morning before everyone."Good morning",said Sharon softly."Uh...Good morning",wished back Swayam not smiling.Sharon dragged Swayam out of the rehearsal hall not knowing exactly what to be done."Sharon...",said Swayam walking with Sharon."Swayam...don't be like this.I don't like it.I just wanted to tell a thing",spoke Sharon not looking at Swayam."Go ahead",said Swayam not expecting anything that would change his mood."Dad wasn't ready to get me married to you.I know he has forced me to see you.Later he felt that I wouldn't be happy if I get married to someone who doesn't me.That day I forced dad to get me married to you",said Sharon not looking at Swayam indirectly conveying her love."What??",questioned Swayam almost shouting."Yeah.Now bye",said Sharon walking to the rehearsal hall."Ohh god why is she so confusing??Does that mean she loves me??",thought Swayam walking behind Sharon.

Swayam entered rehearsal hall when Rey walked to him with a smile."Kya ho raha tha??",asked Rey winking at him."Kuch nahi..",smiled Swayam."chal jo kuch bhi hua brought back your smile",said Rey feeling happy."Sharon hi mujhe ek minute mein haasa sakti hain aur rula bhi sakti hai",thought Swayam looking at Sharon.The day went on with routine.Swayam reached home and unlocked the door.Taani and his mom had gone to shopping."What's with these ladies?? They shop before leaving a place and also after reaching a place",thought Swayam opening door.Swayam freshened up and reached his bag to take the file he has been working on.Swayam touched something fine once again and grabbed it wanting to kill Nilesh if it's a note.Swayam pulled out a note written on a red colored paper."Nilesh was with me all the while today",thought Swayam not doubting Nilesh.Swayam opened the note which smelled the way the previous note did."It's the same person",thought Swayam getting into his detective mode.Swayam opened the read if written in the same way wanting to come to a conclusion if he had the same writing the notes.

To the most handsome I've ever known,
Have you ever looked at your eyes?? If you haven't give a treat to your mirror.Anyone could be lost in your eyes ever.Forever.You seriously have to stay back and relax.The pain you have in your eyes isn't something that you deserve.The way your eyes light up suddenly makes you adorable.Pain in life is constant.You gotta deal with it.Be it love or work.We all experience pain but the grace with which you face it defines you.Be strong.Things you love come your way only after you walk through the path of pain.Your eyes are the best I've ever seen.Wanna know when you look breath taking??When you dance because one can see your happiness in your eyes.And when you are angry.The anger clearly visible in your eyes.Do not forget life gets better with pain.Can you crave for things you love when you have them?? You don't.Wanna look handsome?? Do it with your eyes.Your eyes show your honesty.Don't ever lose this quality of your's.

Your love.

No Precap

My other works if you haven't read:

SwaRon OS-Her anklets.His Cycle.And the rain. -SwaRon OS Seven hours of realization-Trail to Real -Swaron OS-This is madness Swayam.

Sravani......2012-07-17 06:07:43

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Comments (31)

Pleasseee beggg uuu!WHY NO PRECAP??????????????DONT TELL THE FF ENDED!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 years ago

Omg ! dis is one of the BEST ff's i've ever read till now! Seriously pls mind PM'in me the next tym??i really love this.. and an intro bout me.. is I AM DANGEROUS!! i dont get an update.. i promise yu i will THREATEN u to get one!! So.. fr nowPLSSS UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!! *Puppy dog face..* and *sad eyes* :) i Really enjoyed reading it till here.. do continue!

12 years ago

update karo jaldi jaldi..😆

12 years ago

Sravani update karo na...its been really LONG😕

12 years ago

Upadte plzzz. yaar why no update😭

12 years ago

such a sweet update..reallie loved itn d chits dat sharon puts in swayam's bag..aww love dem...waitin for sharon's actual confession..update soon..

12 years ago

update karo na pleaseee*baby face*

12 years ago

Sowwwiiieee sravu...:( My net wasn't working.. That's why I cudn't rply to ur pm or like n cmmnt d updates...All were amazing.. I'm keenly waiting for Sharon's 'actual' confession...:P N m loving this 'secret admiror' thing of swayam...:Pn do update soon n do pm me ha... Plzzz...*baby face*

12 years ago

sravani please update na...pleaseee...(i know you gave a long update 5days before but i seriously wanna read the next chapter soon...pleaseee)

12 years ago

This content is hidden.

12 years ago
