Chapter 13

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I superbly messed with the PM's.Sorry if you haven't received a PM.


Placing the note on the table he felt the pain lessen.He belonged to that type of humans who'd probably hide their pain from others not expecting any help.Not everyone would fall for his trap.He knew he needed help.He needed a shoulder to cry on.His mom was the only person who knew that Swayam needed someone to talk to.For the first time,he felt a connect towards the person who has written it.Be it Nilesh or any creature on the planet,he wasn't in a complaining mood.More than being happy to have someone,who most probably would be a girl,describing his eyes he was happy that someone shared the same thoughts about life that he had.Holding an accusatory opinion about the events in life hadn't been his type.He refrained from having a strong blaming attitude towards life.Sharon has finally responded to his feelings,though not directly,she definitely had left him with a hint.To know the depth of the pain he hid from the world,the person who had written the note would have known him from years.For once life seemed meaningful.He collected the note from the table and walked towards his shelf.He placed the note in the shelf in which he had always preserved Sharon's belongings.With just two notes none could get a place in the shelf.This note was special.It refreshed his opinion about life.That life which seemed to have no meaning until few minutes ago.The note found its place in shelf only for the fact that it focused on the pain he had for not having Sharon confess.

Walking out of his room he thought to spend a little more time with his parents."Swayam,come fast",said his Mom arranging the table for dinner."Yah",said Swayam getting down stairs.Sitting on his side of the table he peeped into his parents room wanting to have a conversation with his dad."Your dad's coming",said his mom."Hmm",he replied not wanting to talk more."Hello son",said his dad reaching the chair."Hey dad",said Swayam smiling.He didn't remember the last time he recovered so fast from a heart break.It would take days and months for him to recover.The note writer knew the right chord to strike on to."How's it going??",asked his dad not indicating which part of his life-personal or professional."Everything's fine",said Swayam making both parts of life look normal."Good",said his dad.They finally sat for the dinner.A few days away he would have Sharon occupying the empty seat."Stop thinking about her",grumbled Swayam to himself."Oh dad can't you have business partners away from the dinner",complained Swayam listening his cell ring."From when has wedding become a business,my son.It's Mr.Rai Prakash",said his dad in a teasing tone."Well then what are you waiting for?? Answer it",said Swayam lowering his head pretending to eat.His dad raised his eyebrows observing Swayam's excited eyes."Hello Mr.Rai Prakash.Is everything fine??",asked Mr.Shekhawat."Oh god what does dad think?? Is he talking to his Banker to ask if everything's fine",thought Swayam looking at his dad."Oh whatta news!!! Congrats Mr.Rai Prakash",said Mr.Shekhawat excitedly."Another business deal.How could men be so insensible??Would I be one of these later in life",thought Swayam chewing the food slowly."Great",said his dad hanging up the phone."What??",asked his mom looking at his."hm...we have decided Swayam and Sharon's engagement date",said his dad.Swayam spit out the water on his dad who sat opposite to him."Ahhh Swayam..",shouted his dad."So...sorry",said Swayam coughing."Understand him.He's just excited",said his mom looking at him."I will go to bed",said Swayam."Why?? Wait",said his mom trying to stop him.Swayam walked into his room and closed the door behind him."Is this for real??",thought Swayam.Sitting on the bed he reached his phone expecting a call or a text from Sharon."Never",he thought sadly thinking about the past events.Just when he was on the verge of giving up his phone beeped.

"Any News??" Read Sharon's message making Swayam understand what she meant.Swayam smiled thinking how quickly they both got over the awkwardness after the store room incident. "No.Do you have any??", replied Swayam wanting her talk about the engagement first.Sharon smiled reading the message and replied him."I don't have any",read Sharon's message.Swayam smiled knowing how stubborn she gets when she has to listen something from him and excitedly typed a text and waited for her message."You soon are gonna be Mrs.Swayam Shekhawat.This is the news I've got.Tell me if you have anything more good.",read Swayam's message making her blush."Meet you at School tomorrow.Should inform gang about the engagement",read Sharon's message fading away his smile.Sharon looked at her phone and decided to let go of herself for a while and sent him a message as a reply to his previous message."May be I'm expecting more from her",thought Swayam when his cell beeped."You know even Surnames get boring after a period.I'm more than happy to be called Mrs.Sharon Swayam Shekhawat",read Sharon's message making him smile."Are you really??",read Swayam's message making it all the more difficult for her to respond."I really am",Sharon sent a message.


SwaRon inform the gang about their engagement.

Swayam waits for another note and receives one.
Sravani......2012-07-31 19:50:32

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Comments (32)

so sorry for late😳 but its not my fault i didn't get pm😭but update is amazing👏 loved swayam's thought process about their relationshipMrs. sharon swayam shekhawat 😃 sharon said that can't beliveprecap is interesting pls continue soon

12 years ago

sravani update ...please pretty please with a cherry on the top !!😊

12 years ago

this FF is soo freakin awesome..!!!they way you write is just perfect and please do pm me wen u update next time

12 years ago

please update the next part...

12 years ago

update 6 august ko aane wala tha...par 8 august ko bhi nahi pohonch paya update karo sravani

12 years ago

Awesome update!YaaaY the engagement date is fixed aaawww the texting part was super cute! And the Sharon noes Swayam so well...waiting for the next note!Update soon!

12 years ago

you promised an update on monday !!where is it ?😕update na... plzzz

12 years ago

Tum update karne wali thi Sravani -__- update karo...

12 years ago

awesome update...thanks for the pm...update soon...

12 years ago

Sravani please update...pretty please with a cherry on the top...

12 years ago
