Chapter 9

WildestDreams Thumbnail



Wanna Have Masti?
The ceiling of the room was really fascinating.
Arnav was a photographer, an artist. He had a little bit more than normal human beings, something inexplicable and attractive.
One time, I do not remember on which magazine , I had read that the singers , actors, writers and all those who communicate and give a contribution to the world with their works have the power to reach people and to leave an imprint inside .

I knew nothing about astrology, but I was certain that Arnav on his ceiling , he played with precision , the galaxy and its constellations .
As soon as my eyes had adjusted to the dark, over my nose, had appeared hundreds of stars phosphorescent emitting a faint greenish glow .
I was genuinely impressed , I did not think that Arnav was so dreamy .

Every time he brought a girl in his bed and did anything but not sleep - like me and him at that time - so she was satisfied from the union that she would like to say something like, wow I am seeing stars .

I gave up my thoughts more than idiots and sighed .

What the hell ...I could not get to sleep. Even though I was laying in angle of the bed, it was as if Arnav was next to me . More than anything else it was a repressed desire , because he had been composed in his corner without ever straying into my half .
In the hours before we had done nothing but flirting and now I felt a little upset .
I was sure he was flirting , albeit in a veiled way .

He played , leaving me the thankless task of deciphering his words and saw how much I liked him, it was not a good idea ... because I could misrepresent everything and make the figure of the fool.
However , he touched me. And a couple of times I had the distinct feeling that he was holding back from doing something , to be more daring .

" Khushi, are you sleeping? " he asked.
No, I'm thinking about you and I can not.

"Almost" I turned on my side , clasping my hands under my right cheek . In the darkness I could see only his shadowy figure and sometimes the gleam of his eyes. "You can not? " I asked.

I heard him hold back a chuckle in his throat and then, as he did in Las Vegas, he slipped his arm under my pillow.

"I'm a bit restless " he said in a strange voice .
" Have you been drinking too much Coke or too much coffee ? " .
" Hmm ... I do not think ." he answered back.
Oh my God! But why should he feel restless ? Is it possible that my presence touched him so much?
" Shaken ... positive or negative? " I asked again .
" Positive for me and bad for you" he replied firmly.

Well , he had even given a more concrete answer at last.
I moved restlessly in bed the sheets twisting my legs. There was a smell of air freshener , the sheets smell fresh clean and there

was a surreal silence , I felt only the clock ticking on the nearby nightstand.
I wanted to flirt with him , to comment on his sentences with naughty jokes , maybe even joke above. But , perhaps, it was not the wisest decision to make when you are in a bed a few inches away from each other. You could really fall into temptation and then in error.

I wondered why I always liked what I could not have ... it seemed that I loved difficult task. He was engaged and I was little more than a stranger.
I had to face the reality and understand that if there was even something between us, it would have been only condition: the closeness, live in contact every day, my hormones...

And then I did not I told him that I did not want any involvement ?
Here am I, the queen of twisted .

"If it's bad for me , nor do I want to know" I mumbled turning around from behind him. But I was only playing a part , I would have jumped from the fifth floor to find out what he meant , though perhaps a little I guessed .

"It is a bad thing and enjoyable at the same time ." he said.
"You want to intrigue me? " I replied.

"I already know you are. Every woman is curious . " He stated.

"I am different from the others ." I remarked.

" Perhaps, in some ways ... " he uttered.

At least I was spared being considered as all the others. It was already one step ahead.
"Goodnight " I said, closing my eyes while hands sweated due to the nervousness.

He snorted then moved . Fast. He took me an arm under my breasts , pressing on the ribs and pulling me to him with a tug.
Eyes goes wide and I lost my breath.
" What the ... " I almost cry.
"We could combine business with pleasure , what do you say ? "he ask.

What a silly question . Even without that asked me , I'd agree. But wait a minute ... what was he referring?

Eyelids was half-closed when I heard his face close to mine, the cold tip of his nose back down from my cheek to my throat. And his warm chest stuck to my back and I could not believe I could feel his heart beating so hard .
I was not one the only upset then...
No, it could not be , I was mistaken for sure.

" Since we are forced to spend all this time together , why not exploit it in the most beautiful way that there is ? " .

I clenched my fists. The temptation to feel the lines of his face under my fingers was almost unstoppable . I wanted to taste his mouth to prove to myself that it was as soft as it looked.

" What would be the most beautiful way? " I whispered almost voiceless .
" Hmm ... Khushi, Khushi ... " .

It was the most exciting reproach that I had ever received in my entire life and I was going crazy because he continued to brush and not to touch me. Because his mouth hatching does not rested , flowed slowly.

" Do not ... " I stammered .
Ok , I had to take back...what the hell!

By now I realized that I liked him and that the earlier speeches that I had done , they were not worth a damn , but I was not a girl who was sleeping with strangers. It was my husband , that's fine , but he wanted to take advantage of the situation, I was not so blurred as not to understand it. I was not so stupid and by the way, he has a girlfriend He was smart-ass!!

"It's not a good idea ." Damn Khushi, Damn myself. "It's not a good idea and we've talked about . And the fact that I'm your guest do not mean that I should give myself to you. "

I turned away from him , back in my corner .

" Is this what you thought from the beginning? " I asked. " That staying here meant for me share a physical relation with you? " .

My throat burned and I almost risked choking .

I was just stupid. If he nodded, if he had said yes, I would have fallen upon the world , and not because it was not lawful for him make certain thoughts , but only because I was so in the clouds I could not see what I had before .

" Khushi , can I tell you something? " he whispered.
"Lets hear " I said defensively.
" You do not understand a damn thing about me. Good night . "

He got up from the bed taking the pillow and left the room , slamming the door .
I sat in the dark with a lump in my throat and a strange feeling of wanting to cry because of that misunderstanding. He had left me alone in his bed in the most ugly way that might be.
I pulled the covers over my nose and called myself an idiot forever.
I could have answered by No to his demands , without accusing him like I did.

Since I liked him so much I would have to go with feet of lead and do not shoot the first bullshit that came into my mind , even if it was not so much bullshit . However, there were thousands of ways to express a thought without being offensive and I had them avoided , of course, and without preamble, I went to the point.

Congratulations Khushi, once again.

I was left alone and had avoided saying a phrase obvious: I even leave you the bed , I'm going to sleep on that couch uncomfortable and just to let you know that I will not take advantage of you and that I have been offended .

I fell asleep late at night, after counting hundreds of stars phosphorescent the only ones to keep me company on my first night of living together.

I opened my eyes when I heard the front door slam .
I rubbed my eyes and kicked the sheets away . I was shattered and my back hurt.

I turned to the place cold and empty where it should be Arnav . Sleeping had changed my mood, and now I no longer felt guilty but I was angry with him.

I could not take responsibility for everything , it was also because of him that I had misrepresented his words, thinking something else. Rather than leaving me alone , he would have let me know in words what was his thought.

I sat tying the hair in bulk, making a kind of bun similar to a bird's nest . Usually when I was angry I did not want to see anyone , and I was certain that Arnav was already out of the house . Alone with my bun, beautiful.

Then in the folds of my pillow I saw a small blue booklet .
I raised an eyebrow and grabbed him . Signed by Arnav .
Yuck! I would not read his note , never ever ! He did not deserve it after having treated me that way !

Good morning , Jaan.
I'm sorry about last night.
Make yourself at home, I'll see you this afternoon when I return.

Adorable ... what the ...? I had read that note without my will. What a strange thing ...
I dragged my feet to the kitchen and put the kettle on . I arranged the cushions on the couch and watered the violets on the windowsill.

I also tried to sing or listen to the news , but the words that Arnav had written on the slip of blue kept turning around in my head I'm sorry , I'll see you this afternoon , Kiss.

Anyway, he would not have got away so easily. I was a tough one , and I knew enforce. The only major problem was that I did not want to make the tough, but that's another story.
I put a little order here and there and take shower just to keep my mind and body occupied. When I got back in the small living room , I saw a laptop with flashing light placed hovering over a stack of books .

I chewed my lips moving my weight from one foot to the other .
" No one will notice if I look ever ... " .
I went over and took it in my hands, then sat on the couch resting it on my legs .

I lifted the monitor and lit up immediately with a blue light . And that monitor gave me a nice surprise , as when you open an Easter egg comes out or when a joke of a cake . But it was not as enjoyable .

The screen showed for its entire width , a picture.
There was Arnav with a smile that I had never seen , along with a beautiful girl . Their were embracing each other . He was watching her . And she clung to him in a loving embrace .
That was his girlfriend ... and it was better than I ever could only imagine. She was a goddess, even comparable to me. Heaven and Earth, in the true sense of the word.
I was staring at them with sharp eyes for a while trying to find fault with non-existent , until I felt pain for having bitten nails too .

Then suddenly my cell phone rang and I nearly fell to the ground the laptop .
" Hello? " .
"Hey it's me, you were doing ? " It was Arnav.

I've been hating you. " Nothing much ." I said.

" Then come to lunch with me, I'll pick you up in twenty minutes ."
"No , Arnav ."
"Why? Are you not well ? " he asked worried .

" I'm fine instead stop worrying about me. No need to go out together when we can avoid it and you should not feel obligated to invite me , really. Go out together only when necessary and just . For the rest I take care of myself . " I declared in a single breath.
"Well" he replied coldly , after which I shut the phone down .

Jealous.. shouted a voice inside my head.

Maybe I exaggerated ... again, well done Khushi Kumari Gupta...Singh Raizada !

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Comments (37)

Thanks to all of you for liking the chappy. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada in action tolight up the mood of her hubby ji😉

10 years ago

thanks to all of ji@nidhidev:Hahaha...thanks a lot for the lovely comment ji :DUpd soonish ji :D

10 years ago

So they shared the bed ! Looking up the ceiling was illuminated with looked like stars *cries loudly**bachelor night ipk**cries again*Hehehe...Arnav full on , openly flirted with Khushi putting in some so called suggestive words ! Hey Bhagwan..put brains into Khushi ! She thought Arnav really wanted to go ahead ! Obviously on hearing that Arnav in anger left the room telling Khushi that after so long also, she had not understood him !Its Morning and Arnav has already gone out. Khushi gets up makes her hair into a bun and she noticed a slip left by Arnav... See you in the afternoon...kiss...KISS...whats that now..note ending with writing ..KISS !!! *thinking cap on*AWWW...SO SWEET !!! Arnav apologized for his last night's behaviour also in the note ! But what did he mean by KISS !!! Hmmm..could have written a simple .. Bye !Feeling bad for Khushi, when she saw the screen wallpaper of Arnav's laptop ! Arnav looking softly into a beautiful girl's eyes... JEALOUSY CREEPS IN !!! Yeeeh ! So Khushi is jealous of the girl whom she thinks is Arnav's girlfriend, and Khushi is upset about it !!!! In that frame of mind when she answers Arnav's call, she makes excuses not to meet him for lunch. AGAIN KHUSHI !! AGAIN YOU DID IT ! Arnav disconnected the call coldly. But then what do you expect, hez said Sorry also, but still this behaviour ! He was concerned also, thinking you arent feeling well or something ! But no, Khushi brains please ! By the way she called herself ...KHUSHI KUMARI GUPTA ..SINGH RAIZADA !!! One step forward..jealousy there only if you are falling in love !! Damn interesting..continue sooon plz...

10 years ago

nice chapter...really liked...can't khushi keep her tongue in check!!so now she is attracted towards arnav and jealous about sheetal too!!poor arnav is doing so hard to keep it up to khushi but...waiting for more!!!

10 years ago

Both Arnav nd Khushi s attractd 2 each othr,,,,,Bt she s controlng herslf...Coz she knw that he has a GF...Intrstng...Waitng 4 d nxt part...Cntinue soon

10 years ago

Awesome update.Khushi's insecurities and trust issues are forcing her to hold back even though she doesn't want to. Though we can't blame her completely - Arnav has a girlfriend , or that what he has told her.But I think you have saved something for the future update in the character of Arnav. If Arnav had been serious about Sheetal he wouldn't have propositioned business with pleasure.Nonetheless I loved reading their bedroom scene. It was too good.

10 years ago

wow Awesome update... 😉Love it... ❤️

10 years ago

looks like a lot of things need to be settled between them

10 years ago

amazing update their conversation was niceKushi is not forgetting his girlfriend The note was cuteKushi is jealous And phone call convo was a bit rudeSimply superbUpdate soon

10 years ago

loved the update but arnav forgot he has a girlfriend but khushi is not forgetting it loved how she kept thinking the wrong thing or is it she is on the right track and he is just love making her feel guilty awesome update thanks for the pm

10 years ago
