Chapter 10

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I had made yet another bullshit .
I did not have to answer in that way , he was just trying to be polite and to return the minds peaceful after the misunderstanding of the previous night .

And most importantly , I wanted to go out with him, even though I said to myself a thousand times that I should not do it.
Sooner or later I should have become aware of many ideas have changed since I arrived on the American continent .

He was angry and I knew that there was not the slightest possibility to be wrong , I just hoped that it would take him some time for him to dispose of the bad mood and come back to be with me, as it was at the beginning.

Or this time I had to do the first step , in fact I had to do .

But I had no idea how to act. A cute short message or a phone call? Would I make dinner for him or would I give him a little kiss ?

I nibbled a carrot with my head hanging off the couch, then placed my face down and then again with my feet against the wall. Time passed slowly, I was bored , it did not seem to spend ever.
The round clock ticked past four in the afternoon , I wondered how many hours I still had to wait for the return of Arnav .

I turned the ring on my finger , it was so nice that fake ring, I would not have taken off even when all this fake drama would end.
Slowly I realized that my eyes seemed to have become heavier and I was glad to get some sleep in the meantime, then the home phone rang.

Eyes widened not knowing if I had to answer or not. Thinking about it , no ... I would not have done. If she was the mother of Arnav or his girlfriend , what was I supposed to say?
" Hello , I am Arnav ji's wife , are you okay ? " .
I chewed my lips until entered the answering machine answers .
Hello , I'm Arnav Raizada , do not leave messages too long, I'll pay the bill .
" Hey man , why do not you answer the phone? Get your ass up from the couch and answer! " .
It was Shyam , I was sure . Why Arnav did not answer the call of his friend ? Had something happened to him?
" Okay, f*ck you. See you tonight at ten o'clock at The Roxy, Be ready! " .

Shyam hung up without even saying goodbye. Perhaps in America was the custom of not using good manners , I do not know .
While thinking on the various differences in customs between my country and the one where I was, I did a quick search on Google and I saw that The Roxy was a very famous nightclub and was also close from home.
But Arnav did not look like a disco type ... I wonder how many things I did not know that about him.

At eight o'clock in the evening the door lock turned . For a moment it occurred to me to pretend not to hear and stay on the bed staring at the stars on the ceiling, then I decided that I was an idiot.
I got going in the living room , but Arnav had already locked in the bathroom . I heard the sound of the shower and the hum of the electric razor.
Perhaps he was in a hurry ...
I went back on the bed to mull over until Arnav was not in the room heading towards the closet .
" Hello " I said putting session.
" Hello " he replied absently .

"I wanted to tell you ... " .

" Damn I can not find my shirt ."

" I'll help you look for it? " I proposed mysef.

"No , thank you. Ah there it is . "
He took a dark jeans , a watch from the bedside table and shoes from under the bed and then evaporated again in the bathroom.

He gave me the impression of not wanting to talk to me ... with all the good reasons .
After about fifteen minutes at high speed across the living room .
" I'm going out , I'll see you later ! " .

I heard the lock click and then I got sad . On the other hand I could only blame myself. I had behaved badly more than once with him and now he no longer accepted.
I was left only one thing to do, unfortunately. The worst I had ever thought of doing , in fact.

I have been in a club only twice in my entire life , and the last I had promised myself that I would not have set foot again , it was not for me that environment. Too much noise , too many people , too much transgression . I stood well in my shell to read a good book or dozing in the park under a tree.

I know ... I am a person really uninteresting. My mother says I was born tired.
I sighed and opened the suitcase , sitting on the floor.

I did not have much to wear to go for club , just a lot of suits. But introduce me to the disco with the suit meant to commit a crime .
Luckily I had brought with me a black pants , something casual yet elegant that immediately I tossed on the bed. Now I had to decide what to wear on, it was quite a dilemma .

Blouse, not too serious . T-shirt with the stupid butterflies, either.
Lightweight sweater like in grandma, definitely .

Then, perhaps I finally found something I needed . It was a black shirt and flared clutching on the waist . It had one sleeve and it was looking nice.
Too bad I could not wear it with the converse , I would have to put a pair of heels .
And so DeviMaiya save anyone who gets in my way tonight.

I made a line of eyeliner on the eyes, put on mascara , a bit of blush not to look like a zombie and lip gloss . Then I went to the bathroom and I settled with the foam hair.
And to think that all those tricks I had not even used at my wedding , and that was a bad sign.

I liked Arnav a lot, and besides wanting to forgive myself , I wanted to impress him.
I left the house at a quarter to ten . Using Google Maps I had calculated that after thirty minutes of walking street, I would arrive at my destination . Expecting a few bumps like I turned the corner wrong , I would still come by eleven , so a perfect time.

It was Friday night , and there was a decent move around by car and public transport. I passed a few lounge bar, where I could not get so great was the crowd near the counter and then there were the delicious restaurants.
Moreover Friday is the same all over the world , is the day where you do binge , is the true beginning of the weekend.
When the feet began to hurt and I felt the insistent ringing behind me , I thought that was not a good idea, decide to walk up to The Roxy . I moved from the sidewalk to the side of the road to flag down a taxi , with the usual method or you stop or put me under and for the first time in my life I succeeded without any problems. The taxi stopped a few feet in front of me , flashing the orange arrow .

" At The Roxy thank you."
" You don't know the place , right? "Asked the driver .
" Actually no."

He went up down the block then turned right and stopped, all in less than two minutes.
"Here we are . I should ask only twenty U.S. dollars for the trouble, but I'll make an exception. Goodbye. "
I scratched my cheek and thanked him feeling like a fool. The map which provided Google was wrong ... or I hasn't paid too much attention .

However, I was here and there I could even get here if I had not stopped the taxi , because the disco was just five minutes from where I decided not to do more walking .

Once there before, there were two big brutes who were blocking the entrance. I went over and one of the two with glasses spoke.
"Ten dollars."
I took from my purse the ten dollars and he stamp the back of the hand .
"You can enter."
I'm a sexy bomb ! But were they crazy? Branding a girl with such a sentence could be dangerous!

I walked into the chaos of people moving under the strobe lights and splashes of scented talcum powder . The disco was huge and only at that moment I wondered how the hell I was going to find Arnav . Shyam had told him that he'd see them there and I was really hoping that he would show up .

Then I thought that given the age of Arnav and saw that he was no longer a teenager who wanted to dance the night away in a big crowded , it could be that along with his friends had taken a private room .
I turned to wander a bit trying to orient myself in some way, but it was difficult .
I saw the neon sign of the toilet and headed that way until I caught a glimpse of thick red ropes that divided the area from tables and chairs . I stood there in front , looking at the people who were sitting and hoping that Arnav was there, or at least that there was Shyam , otherwise I would have to continue to turn in the middle of the fray without shoes.

Then finally I saw him and only then a flash of genius illuminated my brain : his girlfriend could be with him!

Arnav saw me and narrowed his eyes to see if I was really me ... I guess. To be true, I was sure that he did not expect to see me there .
He rose from his chair while all the people who were close to him had focused thier eyes on me .
While he was coming towards me , I felt my throat dry .
He was so handsome ...
He had a dark shirt and his hands in his pockets. His gaze was fixed and not happy in mine, and he was sexy as hell .

" What the hell are you doing here ? "He told me two inches from my face.
"I ..." I stammered . "Are you angry with me? " I asked shrilly .
" How did you know I was here? And how did you come? " .

He looked at me from head to toe and then folded his arms across his chest twisting his lips as if he were disgusted .
I took a step back without even realizing it , and then another. I did not like to be judged and not even be looked at in that way. I knew my limits and I knew I was not great but there was no need he openly disapproved . It made me feel bad.

" Okay, I was wrong to come."
I turned away but he grabbed my elbow before I could even do the full tour . He stepped over the red cord and dragged me into a secluded corner and a little less noisy.
"So? " .
"I wanted to apologize ," I said, thinking to start eating my fingernail , but I had eaten almost all . "I behaved badly with you and you did not deserve it ."
Arnav put his hands open to the wall behind me , pinning me to his gaze . Because of the heels, it was enough for him to lower his face and not the back to look me in the eyes.
" How'd you get here ? " He asked again.
" What does it matter ! " I snapped slamming a foot into the ground. "I'm here to make my apologies " I rolled my eyes . " However, I hailed a taxi in the race ."
" What ? " He exclaimed , widening his eyes. "You did a stupid thing ! You should have called me! " .
"Neither do I think of that ... " I replied.
" He could hit you ." he remarked
" I know. I had only to walk a little more and I found the club on my way . " I said
"Walking ? " He shook his head. " Dressed like this you walked ? " .

I wrinkled my lips looking over his shoulder .

"You're not in Notting Hill , Khushi. Are you going to put it on your head? " .
He knew the neighborhood where I lived in London , but ...
His concern made me vibrate pleasantly stomach . Slowly I was going up in the clouds and I was doing everything not to do it show .
He does not mind the apology , he was worried about me .
It was once again adorable my laad governor.

I propped myself up on the toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek and then hugged him ... to make him feel that my excuses were true , and I liked his attention .

" All right " he whispered wrapping me in an arm around my waist. " The course of true love never did run smooth*"

I laughed leaning against him. " You always find the aphorism to suit every situation."

" I'm good huh? " .
" I'm sorry, really . I acted like a fool . " I told him
He kissed my forehead . " Why did not you wanted to go out with me? " .
Jealous ! Screamed still that inner voice .

"Sometimes I wake up with a bad mood . You do not have anything to do , " I lied.
" Tell me now if I risk my life every time you wake up ."
"No! " I joked with him that suddenly he stroked my cheek.
" You look beautiful tonight ."
Ah ... I wanted to melt at the same moment . I had artfully coiffed just to impress on him and apparently was successful.

"Thanks ..." I sighed . " But now it's better if I leave" .

He lifted my chin and kissed me on the side of the mouth. " Jaan ... it's time to meet my friends ."

No, of course this night I would not be coming home alive.

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Comments (37)

Thanks to all of you for the comment jiAnd here the banner of this FF made by Nabz🤗DUGGUlicious2013-10-31 03:38:53

10 years ago

Awesome update...Loved it..Nd d precap seems very intrstng..Cntinue soon

10 years ago

Excellent update and teaser ji :). Love their friendly banter and this is one of my fave FF.

10 years ago

friends? i would b glad if it includes his girlfriend too

10 years ago

awesome update and teaser plz update soon

10 years ago

update was wonderful...😊Is Arnav love her already?????wanted to know...& precap was awesome...update soon...thanx for pm...

10 years ago

ooh...arnav is soo him...yaar..😳n precap seems...intrestg...:)))jaldi jaldi update dena,,,.pls..

10 years ago

Awesome update... 😉man its getting more interesting... and about the teaser ufff... update soon... Love it... ❤️

10 years ago

awesome update khushi is tying to come out of her shell and she over paid the driver and arnav blasting her for coming and then listen to her apology awesome update thanks for the pm

10 years ago

Wowww Wat an update ... Lokin forward

10 years ago
