Chapter 8

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Touch Me Yes...Touch Me Not
I was confused and happy.
A pair a bit strange, but not for Khushi Gupta, of course.
Arnav, with very persuasive ways, asked me what I thought if he had decided to overcome those stupid limits imposed by me, in a moment of absolute stupidity.
His breathing, accompanied by his mouth that ran down my neck, had shaken the stomach. And that persuasive voice, he used when he wanted to get something, clouded my brain.
I was never sure of anything in my life - just about anything - except the marriage... and the fact to want his attentions, of any kind they were.
Then why had I turned away abruptly, reiterating that our relationship was just works and I did not want any kind of involvement?
I must have hit my head as a child, there was no other valid reason, and my parents would have to be more careful of me.
Of course, now it was their fault and not my stupid fears that conditioned even when it seemed that there were not.
Arnav was like a prince and I liked him so much ... and it was not the only man to involve me so quickly and so completely. I had a different and unique experience, which later was revealed to the horrible consequences that I had suffered. I did not mull it over, the important thing was that now it was over, but the fact remained that when a man approached me , although he was nice and sweet as Arnav , I did not do anything but think of what would become later. Because men change after they get what they want, after you fell in love and they made you dependent by their love.

The last thing I wanted was to lose my head for him and I was afraid because it would be as easy as drinking a glass of water.
He was the guy that did a lot for me, in every aspect. So far ...only one was able to withstand my shyness, he worked and worked, every single day, until finally disappeared altogether, leaving me free to live the relationship at best. Arnav was the second .
And I soon found out that with him to let me go it was easier and maybe it was because I had more experience, I was older and I was not entirely ignorant of certain matters between man and woman. Or just depended on him, and I took merit that I did not deserve.
However, beyond all, he has still her girlfriend and the two of us lost no opportunity to flirt and it was incorrect.

" Who are you? " .
Arnav opened the door, letting in a boy with delicious dimple on the chin. His eyes were very black.
"My name is Khushi, Khushi Kumari Gupta...Singh Raizada!"
The boy turned to Arnav scrutinizing in the air

" I got a voice and I came to check it out myself to see it was not the usual bullshit"
Arnav grinned and put his arm around me .
"I am happy that the gossip hastens in this neighbourhood Shyam. Meet my wife" said Arnav.
"You're out of your mind "replied Shyam.
"Someone told me that " Arnav answered smiling.
Seeing my puzzled look, Shyam shrugged, pursing his full lips.

"Not for you , young lady. I understand why he had such a hurry to get married, but I mean ... Arnav is a wedding! And we have not even organized a stag party !" .

The major concern of the friend of Arnav did not seem to be the marriage itself, but the fact that he has not celebrated properly before he got married .

"We could do it later" asserted Arnav sitting around the table. "Come and sit together to eat a bite."
"What kind boy " Shyam chuckled. "Thanks newly wedded Arnie."
"I know you 're here to eat and that you do not give a damn that I was married." said Arnav

Shyam touched his heart pretending looked sad that made me smile. " How cruel !."

Arnav punched him on the arm and then put food on the table .
They had known each other for quite some time, I could see that they had some confidence , maybe they had attended school together in the past .
After eating an entire plate of chips, Shyam turned back to Arnav .

"Sorry, but you mean before we can even arrange a bachelor party? Like ... a striptease, even if she is already your wife?" He touched his chin. " And she already knows of our plans ?."

Arnav chuckled and licked his fingers dirty with mayonnaise.
" Jaan, have you anything against it ?" He asked me with a wink.
Oh shit ! "EMH , I ... " I stammered
Shyam looked at me curious , just the same way as my husband!

" Do you want a divorce, Swami ? "I said at last moment.
" But Jaan ... " Arnav replied back.
I kicked him under the table as I was not much good at lying. Although Shyam was a friend of his , he was not to find out anything about our farce.
" You're my husband now. And ... and you will not touch any other women until the end of your day. " I said firmly.
I did not mind the idea, looks a bit ...
Shyam rubbed his temples with one hand. " A real curse. We lost a comrade in the trenches ..." .
I looked at him questioningly. " What do you mean ? " .
" Do not you know that saying ? Haha ! Shadi Ka ... " answered back Shyam.
" Stop , Shyam " Exclaimed Arnav . " You can not say such things in front of a woman! " .
" Talking about women Arnav." Started to say Shyam "You will not have nothing against it if I go out with Anjali , right? " .
" Do not you dare , Shyam . Or you're dead " Arnav replied back
I began to panic ... Anjali was his girlfriend ...
" Do not bother . She likes me and we often chat" Shyam said .
"No" replied Arnav .
" Do not be a caring brother, she is also an adult and I will not abuse her" answered Shyam.
"No" Arnav repeated with grim look.
So she was his sister ... I breathed a sigh of relief. I had already got the anxiety alone in thinking that the strong jealousy was restricted to his girlfriend , because he did nothing but make me understand that he loved her and really was not a trivial as I had thought myself..
"Let decide Anjali, okay? You know that I will not be an asshole with her ".
" Shyam , if you ever make suffer or I hear something that I do not have , dug your own grave ".

His friend, spread a white smile and also very nice and nodded happily. I wondered how Arnav would react if one day he realized to be jealous of me. He was not an impulsive type, so I figured that he used the tactic of silence to express his displeasure, or to launch the murderous glares.
After we finish eating, Shyam walked toward the door.

" Thank you for yet another invitation to stay to dinner here " Arnav chuckled . " And nice to meet you Khushi. I'm sure Arnav will present you to all his friends , knowing how much he is conceited on his things"

I was a thing of Arnav . I belonged to him . Of course , only from the point of view of his friend and the majority of human beings on the face of the earth and they considered marriage in those terms : a life of belonging to your partner.
For as they were my ideas , be considered to be owned by someone , would have infuriated me to death but ...

" Bye Shyam , it was a pleasure for me" I told him
Arnav walked him to the door.
" Night ! Surely your will be a good night" waving his hand he winked " But what happened to Sheetal ... "

He did not even finish the sentence that Arnav almost slammed the door on his face , then closing with double-locked .
He returned to the living room grabbed the remote and threw himself on the couch like a dead weight , turning on the TV .
At that moment it did not seem a good idea to get close to him , he was weird . Although he had his eyes fixed on the screen, it was evident that no one was watching it . He was waiting ... but I did not understand what. Perhaps he expected me to join him or to make him a few questions.
I began to eat fingernail.

" What are you doing standing there ? " He asked without looking at me. " You do not want to see a little bit of TV? " .
" Maybe it's better if I go to bed " I replied him back .
A bed? There was only one bed in the house and then there was the couch and I had not thought about the possible solutions.
In Las Vegas, I was the one to tell him that there was no problem if he wanted to sleep in the bed with me. It was wrong to let him break his back on the couch, just because we did not know enough and so it would have seemed strange. Now, however , we were in his house and no longer in neutral territory as the suite of that hotel . Now it was he who decided , and I was curious to know how he would behave .

" Yes , go ahead " he said .
"Arnav ... though I do not want to bother you . The sofa is big enough for me , I 'd be fine" I told him.
" Why should you bother me? " he asked.
I shrugged . " Your girlfriend would not be happy to know that we sleep in the same bed"
" Khushi , I will not let you sleep on the couch and nor I'm going to sleep on it. My girlfriend will not know anything if that's what you're worried about " he told me .
"But" I begin to say.
"Not buy . There is no risk that you bother me because you almost sleep on the edge of the bed and you do not even move." He said.

I did not move during the night? How did he know things that even I don't know ? Perhaps in Las Vegas he had observed while I was snorting like a bull , maybe I also talked in my sleep , saying dirty things , or I had even touched him and Arnav, not to make me feel ashamed did not say anything ...

" Okay , whatever you say " I told and I walked into the bedroom and Arnav followed me making me see where the light switch was , pulling some extra blanket if I felt cold.
We got clean sheets and together we began to make the bed . The silence seemed to have expanded in that room and it was really unbearable. It weighed on my mind as a rock and it was horribly embarrassing.
"Your friend is nice" I said all of a sudden just to break the silence.
"Yes Shyam" he smiled.
" He hasn't understood that we're acting, right? " I asked.
He shook his head as he slipped the pillow in a pillowcase , then smiled at me with a strange gleam in his eyes.
" I will touch you and no other until the end of my days ? " He asked, repeating my sentence . " It's a promise or a threat? " .

I chewed my lips and looked away and saw a beautiful picture of Arnav in black and white that took up half the wall of his room. I had to appear nonchalant as possible, if he understood that he was my weak point , he could play on it too much.

" What do you want to be? " I asked .
What did I say ? ! Damn Khushi, you should choke on your own tongue!
"Both options could be tempting " he answered.
He threw the pillow on the bed and turned on the bedside lamp , putting also an alarm to the clock
" You have to work tomorrow? " I asked.
" Yes , do you mind ? " he said .
" Will you stop fooling around tonight? " Pretending to be exhausted, I chuckled and threw his jersey on the face. " If I did not know our agreements , it would seem as if you're flirting with me".

"Don't say it " he winked at me .
"Are you always in the mood for jokes? " I asked raising an eyebrow.
" And if I am not joking ? " he said.
" Again? " I smiled at him once again .

My cheeks hurts by dint of all those smiles of circumstance made to prevent him understand that I was going to die as a doornail. With the excuse of going to brush my teeth , I went in the bathroom looking in the mirror with spirited air , as if I had just seen a ghost. Arnav was serious , he was flirting with me ! And I was leaving the field free to do whatever he wanted !

I should be mad at him, yelling at him because he was going against the agreements and against what he had said and instead I felt butterflies in my stomach . They were millions of butterflies crazy .
I never expected to be able to feel butterfly again, because my mother had told me that could only happen when you are so young and inexperienced . Growing up you lose everything , the world fades and its variegated colours are drawn from the usual gray normal.
Well, for me it was not valid that speech, it was as good as if it was the first time that I liked someone and I fantasized about him.
I rinsed my face and then went back in the room and what I saw gave me the coup de grace .
Arnav was undressing , perhaps to get dressed for the night, but he was pulling up the shirt .
He had pulled up from the back leaving me a full view of his broad shoulders and well defined.
It would not going to be an easy night ...

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Comments (28)

Thanks to all of you for liking the chappy. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Hehe, It was Shyam, not Sheetal. She will her entry within few chapters meanwhile many things will happen between Mr.&Mrs. Raizada ji😉. Shyam going to play a positive character 😃 So don't worry about him ji. Khushi has a PAST. You will learn soon what is about ji😆 And now lets update.

10 years ago

hey i just came across u r indexloved the dark love story - it was a little disturbing ...but it was tender and beautiful towards the endi am falling in love with this story and want to follow it i have sent u a buddy request pls add me to u r list i will follow all u r light romantic and humourous stories

10 years ago

I love this story for the light and casual storyline though you tend to get a bit mysterious. But, that adds to the charm and makes us wait for the updates.Khushi is slowly falling for Arnav. The stubborn and emotionally reticent person she is , she won't even admit her feelings to herself. You haven't yet revealed her past and what makes her react so sharply to many situations. I am waiting for that part.The chemistry between the leads is awesome. I am waiting for something drastic to happen but I guess drastic steps won't work in case of Khushi. She will only run away from him. Sheetal is somewhat related to his past but till what degree is she part of his present ? The fact that Shyam mentioned her means that she did play some role in Arnav's past but I don't think she matters anymore.I am a little suspicious about Arnav's actions. I don't think it is purely because of the money Khushi is paying. I she hiding something ?Update soon.You are doing a brilliant job.

10 years ago

So Arnav introduced Khushi as his wife to Shyam. Only to leave Shyam speechless for a second or two, not believing that Arnav had married ! Pleasantries over Shyam pushed out of the apartment, after he asked Arnav if coast was free and cud date Anjali !Ha! Only one bed ! Arnav in full Flirting Mode ! Casing butterflies in Khushi's stomach ! So they are going to share the bed only ! No couch business here ! Hey Devi Maiyya ! Whats gonna happen ?Waiting for exciting things to happen...

10 years ago

nice updates... Kushi did enjoy their proximity... so it was shyam who was at the door...he seems to be good here... waiting for the next

10 years ago

Lovely update! They are getting along so well! N Arnav is shamelessly flirting with her!

10 years ago

both ASR's pov and Khushi's pov (55&56) were too seems like both are sailing in the same boat...i hope shyam is not a threat here 😃thanx for the update...pls continue soon 😃

10 years ago

So it was Shyam..not Sheetal...Awesome update...Khushi s trying her bst 2 control her feelings...Bt Arnav s flirtng with her...Intrstng...Eagrly waitng 4 d nxt part...Cntinue soon

10 years ago

Awsum ff lovd it read it in one go pls pm me nex update waiting eagerly

10 years ago

Ahhh why did u stop there!!! Now just update di. I cant wait

10 years ago
