Chapter 7

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Fake Wifey [Arnav POV]

"I hope you're joking " she said with an uncertain smile .
Unbelievable . I don't joke about serious things like this... no , not really , it was not my case .
But what amazed me completely and without any remedy were her cheeks red as she spoke and the languid tone she used.
I was sure that nothing she had said was studied or calculated, she was not the kind of girl to use tricks or techniques of seduction , she was so spontaneous . It looked like she was ready to do anything I asked her , in spite of sometimes she took the trouble to reply.
" No, I'm dead serious ."
I grabbed the yogurt from refrigerated and then the sliced cheese .
It was better if I dwell not to look at her or even worse, to be near her. Khushi had something inexplicably attractive and the fact that she wasn't know it , increased even more my desire to hold her and whisper in her ear a thousand compliments, or let her feel what reactions she provoke in my body.
I saw her scratching her heads , perhaps, trying to figure out if mine was yet another provocation fake , or if you were serious .
"Excuse me why do not we do that? Body art is indeed an art." I told her
" Yeah, right" she smiled looking into my eyes .
"It's part of our couples therapy ."
" I did not think we were already at loggerheads "she said.
" There are many things you do not know about our relationship ."
I picked up two boxes of cereal , pasta and apples , while Khushi wandered from one shelf to another observing everything with curiosity , that supermarkets in London were so much different?
She was wearing that dress that suited her very beautifully. I imagined her sitting in a field of sunflowers with the sunset behind and that I was taking a thousand pictures ...
Arnav , you should stop fantasizing .

And to think that this is the most chaste fantasy on her! If I had to write what I imagined during the night spent in bed with her , I would advise to avoid reading to people who have not yet reached 18 years.

I was not able to sleep and all because there was my wife next to me.
I was agitated, despite she remained for most of the time motionless in her corner , without encroaching in my half of the bed . Only in the morning, she had turned snuggling on my chest in a way so sweet that I was completely blown away , so I took a hundred photos silent and now I could not wait to download on my computer.

It had never happened to me and it was totally senseless . It was not the first I was sleeping and it would not be the last , at least I hoped so . Sure, it had never happened to sleep or just stare at the ceiling and just - in fact my case - but this was another story.

In those hours I had long sought the contraindication that had triggered the spring of attraction, however, I found myself very confused about it and maybe I should stop psychoanalyze everything, even the commas in a text.

At first I thought that my reaction was due to the fact that Khushi had put those stupid poles between us and saw that I was the prince of the forbidden and more. Then I thought that I was a man and it was normal to be attracted by a beautiful woman. Then I stopped thinking and started to take action.
The only time I tried to have a contact with her, it was only before and during the marriage, because in our estrangement and important step that we were going to do, but I just got out of that blessed the chapel, something had changed .
To make her feel more calm , I told her that whatever I did , it was not for fun or to try to reach an ulterior motive , it was only to look like a real couple. And much of it was true, there was nothing to fool around with the immigration office and I did not want to have trouble with the law , so it was better if we fake to the best. Then there was another small part of me , who knew full well that this was a fair excuse to be near her without she sent me away .

I did not even know why I did it , it was as if I did not want to lose this occasion , I do not know ...
I was hiding behind the semblance of truth, not to be refused . That semblance of truth that I was obliged to comply with and which at the beginning was not intended to help to diminish the hard shell around her , but to make sure that everything went smoothly and no one would notice that we were two strangers .
Things had changed suddenly , and all because she looked at me with those big brown eyes and she left me breathless. All because even she tried to take my hand , because everything was so reserved and shy to get on my nerves .

In any case, the fact that the plane she had asked me sincerity , I felt good and I did not explained how she could only think that I did my best with my attitudes.

I wanted to kiss her all the time , I wanted to remove her clothes off and stay skin to skin for hours and hours.

I chuckled to myself ... If I revealed my thoughts , she would take the bags and she would run away. Well , though the fact that she did not know anyone was in my favor , she could only return to London ... Ok , better not to tempt fate , that girl was unpredictable .

" Why are you laughing? " .
I turned to look at her , she had in her hands the candies.
"I was lost in thought ."
" Are you laughing at me? " She asked quietly sulking . That damned pout !
That was my weak point , it was struck to the heart . It was adorable and it seemed that he needed someone to hold her .
Sometimes my artistic nature , penalized me. I was able to see an angel in a splash of puddle.
I took off the candy out of her hand, throwing them into the shopping cart and then hugged her .
Semblance of truth , that's my excuse if she objected.
"Why would I laugh at you ? " I asked.
" No- I do not know " she stammered, staring at my mouth. And I stared at her mouth .
" Can I tell you one thing , Jaan? " .
I bowed my head to rest my chin on her shoulder . Better not to stay too close, my instincts could strike when I least expected it , in fact only a few minutes before I had the irrepressible instinct to kiss her and I stopped just in time .
"Do you want to be forgiven for laughing at me? " .
"Not at all ... " .
I kissed her cheek a first time and then a second time , pausing longer. "I love your lips, they are sensual to die ."
Khushi gasped and I was not surprised , I was there now accustomed to. All my compliment seemed to be a knife .
" Especially when you sulk ... if you let me, once we get home, I would get some photos ."
"No way " she muttered , her face on fire.
"Why not? " .
"Because no ... I'm not photogenic ."
" Maybe you're not by yourself. But for me you are. Your face inspires me in a way out of the ordinary , you should under me . "
I had exaggerated , I know.
" What ... what does it mean ? " .
" What I have do with you ? When you stop embarrass ? " .
"N- ever ..." she said uncertainly , shrugging her shoulders . "Not until you say these ambiguous sentences ."
Hit and Sank !
" Khushi, been under for me means under the objective. I love photographing from top to bottom , in the true sense of the term. The subject and me standing or lying on a scale to immortalize it . "
"What a strange tastes" she muttered .
I let her go and we proceeded to pay.

I was sure that my family would go mad for her once they'll meet her. Khushi was the opposite of the girls that I had always been, she had the face of an angel, the graceful and slender body of an angel , it was also sweet as an angel.
What are you ranting , Arnav ?

Perhaps I should say that I had a fight with my girlfriend , quarreled strong . My first impulse after accepting the job , was just the fact of making Sheetal jealous. Obviously I would not have said anything about the wedding , I would find some solution there and then .
" What are you doing ? " I asked, puzzled at Khushi when I saw her take the wallet out of her bag. I hated to see a woman pay, it was something stronger than me . Only the ten thousand it would be an exception.
"I took things for me , and I will not let you pay." She told me
"It's only two chocolate bars and candies , Khushi. Please ... " I replied back.
" Definitely I going to use your refrigerator for months. Please you ... " She said
I gave her a hip flick and I move forward threatening her with my eyes. "You'll pay again, but not tonight ."
She glowered at him then took a bag while Rahul , the guard of the supermarket, staring at us a bit strange .
" Hello giant." I greet him
" Hello Arn I have not seen for a couple of days, where were you ? " he asked.
I smiled. Rahul was part of the circle of my friends and he would not have missed an opportunity to blurt out the bombshell that I would give him .

I needed this gossip spread quickly, both for the immigration office that would be controls and to Sheetal .
"I went to get married in Las Vegas."
Khushi putting her hair behind her ears walked briskly to the exit without waiting for me.
"What a moron , stop joking ." he said
" I'm not kidding ." I replied smiling
Rahul looked at me from head to toe with a raised eyebrow . " Have you been drinking ? " .
"No. Do you like my wife? " I asked him.
"Nice tidbit , but tell me the truth." He said.
"It's the truth! " I snorted .
" And how the hell we do not know anything ? You're getting married from day to day with one that we have never seen ? " . he asked amazed.
" She comes from London, we met on the internet ." I started to say
" And you married her ? You're out of your mind ... friend . " he chuckled
"I know, but she was too pretty to let her escape " I said as I proceeded towards the exit. " See you around ! " .
Rahul growled , putting his hands in his pockets ... I wonder what he was thinking .
When I reached Khushi on the outside , she seemed nervous. I purposely did not say anything to see if she wanted to speak about what I had said to my friend. But she did not say anything until we crossed the threshold of the house.
" Maybe I should stay there with you when you're talking to that guy? "she asked insecure.
" I think so ." I replied
" I'm sorry, I did not want to be intrusive ." And she looked down
" You're my wife , it is assumed that my business is even yours." I told her
"Yeah," she breathed pulling off her shoes and walking barefoot. She had approached the window sill and she was stroking a pot now faded violets or daisies ... I no longer remembered .

She filled a glass of water and watered as I continued putting away the groceries in different beliefs .
" When ended your last love story? " I asked her point-blank. I had already realized that she was not inclined to talk about her personal issues, but we had to even talk about something.
"Two years ago " . she replied
" That much? " I told her.
She shrugged leaning with her back to the refrigerator . "It's so much? " .
" Well, you're a beautiful girl. It seems strange that no one seduce you . "I told her
" They could not ... " she whispered, almost to herself .
" Excuse me? " I asked .
She give a hint of a fake smile . " Do you mind if I take a shower? " .
"No ... no. Go ahead . " I said.

At that moment it seemed as if was hiding something . It was a strange feeling that led me to think that she had not a past so clear and the nightmare she had done on the plane, was a confirm. I wanted to know more, I wanted to understand what was going through her head when she was lost...
Maybe a guy had made her suffer , or he had betrayed her . And she still loved him ?
In my head broke some kind of alarm. She could not love him again ... God that bother me.
When Khushi returned from her shower , she wore a soft suit that made her look even thinner than she was already .
She was a little uncomfortable, her face was an open book to me. I could put myself in her shoes and understand , so I would do anything to make her feel better.
" Can you cook ? " I asked her.
" Yeah, you want me to do it ? " she replied back
Her eyes lit up instantly. Probably keep herself busy making her feel good .
" If I do not want to risk to die because of food poising , yes." I told her
She gave me a slight pinch on the arm , heading for the kitchen .
" I'm good and I 'll prove it ." she told.
" What else can you do? "I asked in a low voice with a mischievous tone .

In a nanosecond my head was invaded worthy of scenes from po*n movie , maybe more. Khushi , under that hard shell was passionate to die , I had guessed right from the start and I had also told her. I went crazy by the desire to see her without brakes, to see her let go.
"I am a woman, I can do everything. My mother has used me since childhood , "she said sincerely . I did not know if it was a good thing that she had understand or not my two-way question.
" Hmm ... interesting." I told her.
" Stew meat? " she asked.
" Oh no! Stew ? My grandfather eat the stew ! " I said.
" We often eat it in London in the evening. And we're not old . " she replied back.
" This is America , Jaan" I tickled her side. "Cook burgers and fries ."
"As you wish ." she said
" If you agree so easily to my every request, you know I could ask you anything ? " I asked her.
" Just do not go beyond the limits ." she told me.

It's true when a person keeps you at a distance, it triggers more of your cravings.
I went over to her while she was busy to cook burgers and pushed her hair slightly away, giving her a kiss on the neck . " And if I wanted to surpass the limits ? " .
She walked away just to look me in the eyes. Her face was lovely.
"I'm a lesbian." She declared.
"Please ... " I replied, pulling her to me.
"No ulterior motives , you know - just work , do you remember ? " she said.
I kissed her neck still soft inebriating of her sweet perfume. " Maybe I do not remember ."

She put her hands on my chest and bowed her head ... she liked my kisses ...
How could I resist ? It was as if she was yelling at my ear : I like it, continues.

After all, it was my wife , right? I had to take care of her in all circumstances of life. I laughed inwardly . Even though I knew it was all a huge farce , I just needed very little to get used to her.

"You have a girlfriend ! And I do not want any involvement! "she exclaimed suddenly going way .
Neither do I want any involvement , but there are some things that are beyond our control , unfortunately or fortunately .
Then the doorbell rang.
" Who is it? " Khushi whispered, her eyes widening .
Considering the time, it could only be only one person behind damn door.

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Comments (31)

Thanks to all of you for liking the chappy. As I can see, you're all enjoying this Naughty Arnav ji😉😉 Happy ji 😆 And about the lines "Mom used me to since childhood" means Khushi's mom trained her do all female's homeworking thing ji...nothing else. Now ready to know who is behind that door? Sheetal or someone else?...*cough* Shyam *Cough*😆

10 years ago

read all the parts in 1 go..lvd it..!ur arnv is so sexy..!! i lov the way sheetal is @the door nah...cnt w8 4 the dhamaka..!plz pm me wen u updte..!!

10 years ago

woww...loved the update dear...its getting more n more interesting...arnav's POV was fabulous...plxxx continue soon...nthnxxx a lot 4 pm...

10 years ago

I cant get enough of this ff di. Its soo full of hotness.. ahh so enjoy it :) update soon dilove u

10 years ago

Lovely update! So Arnav is attracted to her as well. I wonder if it was sheetal that interrupted them Do contine

10 years ago

crap is that Arnav's girlfrien?

10 years ago

i just love this story... it was good to see his point of view... so he has no other motives...but is plain attracted to her.😳now who is at the doorstep???

10 years ago

Awesome update... 😉My god Arnav wild desire... 😳her LIPS... ufff... ☺️he is some feelings for her... 😊Love it... ❤️

10 years ago

nice update... so Arnav too has strong feelings for her... it was nice to read from his pov... is it sheetal at door?

10 years ago

Wow wow finaly arnie's pov, oh my god that was a lvly one so so our arnie baby likes her or hmmm lets say lvs her ;) oh god oh god that was an awsm one ;) i lvd it.

10 years ago
