Chapter 6

WildestDreams Thumbnail




" Khushi, did you hear? Fasten your seat belt ."

I roused myself from my many thoughts and chuckled .
" As if it could save my life if the plane were to fall ."
" Fasten the same."
I did as he said and Arnav rubbed my arms , it was cold there , the air conditioning was too high and I was still wearing the light blue dress without sleeves.
" If ever the plane were to fall by the hand of God and some of us were saved, the belt will prevent us to run away and we will burn or die ... " .
Arnav covered my mouth narrowing his eyes until they become two small slits .
" Bird of ill omen , I'm still young to die ."
I chuckled and he patted me lightly on the cheek , then turned compound.
" Young " I said " how old are you ? " .
" Twenty-eight " .
As soon as the plane's engines began to turn emitting a thunderous roar , the air hostesses showed us where it was emergency equipment and how to use it in case of danger , they pointed to the doors from which we had to go out in the event of and ditching a lot of things completely useless in my opinion.
The plane took off while the houses below became smaller and smaller until it disappears altogether. In a few minutes we were flying over on a thick blanket of pure white clouds and thanks to my window seat , I could admire the view without being disturbed.
" Arnav , we should talk ."
"Yes, I think so too" he said turning his face towards me.
The bright light of the open sky , struck him directly on his face ... now highlighting his eyes.

" How should we involve in Boston ? If anyone in your family comes to see me? And what about your friends? " .
I did not mention his girlfriend on purpose. I did not like the topic.

" Calm down " he said lifting a corner of his mouth . " I always get the limited mind of one man, one question at a time please."

He stroked his chin and ... Dev Maiya, I would go crazy with that attitude. I was weak of heart .
" Where do you want me to start? " .
" Where did you get easier."
H moaned , settled back in the seat and that verse , he had done once before , I felt a shiver down my spine. It was something exciting that made me think of him in a really naughty and out of my usual standard .
" The best thing for both, would tell one truth to avoid to get trouble with our own words."
" Yes , it's true ."
" Only you and I know how they really happened and no one else . Efforts should be made to maintain this line all the time we need until you will issue a green card , after which we wait for some time and we will start divorce proceedings " .
" Perfect ."

It was only a matter of habit , only a few more days and I would definitely drive to be really convinced his wife. Not that it was difficult ...
Anyway, once in Boston , I would have avoided as much as possible to go out with him in public , anything that he could condizionate his life , give him boredom, or discomfort. And I did it for my personal dignity , I did not need a man to spend my day. He was just my compromise I needed him to get my new life , and it was better if I did not lose sight of the goal . This is easier said than done and I had already found my expense ... it's hard to be indifferent to someone you like . And I liked Arnav .

" But I was forced to mention something to my family. Otherwise they'd have killed me" he said amused.
I shook my head... even a small part of my head, made me feel important to the idea that his parents knew about me , I could not sit quiet and wait, I was too ashamed .

" What did you say exactly? " .
" That I came in Las Vegas to bring you into town with me and live with. You're officially my girlfriend for them. Just that I can not avoid telling them about the wedding , so when we meet them , I will say that one night taken from our crazy love, we got married. A little bit of drama , but eventually they got used to my crazyness, so they'll forgive me . "

I chuckled nervously.

"If I can avoid meeting them is better, I'm afraid to do some gaffe ... and then they do not know that you had a girlfriend ? " .
"No , they do not know, or at least , they're losing interest in my love life until I have to tell them that I have a serious story ."
I scratched my forehead. His sentence implied that his girlfriend was just a fling or a minor.

The idea appealed to me too .

" So far you've only had stories unimportant ? Like, a different girl every day? "

That thought gave me unexpectedly ... annoyance.
I wondered what was his reputation within the circle of his friends.
" Maybe" he chuckled . "I'm normal. I have my adventures and my stories more or less long , nothing exaggerated."
He took off his jacket and placed it on my arms.

"Here, you get goose bumps ."
"Yes, but stop it" I snapped pouting . A pout that surprises even me.

"There is no need for all this attention when we are not at risk. Don't push yourself too much, it is really ... pathetic ."
I used clever women's language to speak, I was not correct .
If I had to use human words and understandable to man, I would have to say this: tell me the attention that you give me are not always due to the semblance of truth . Tell me that you are not faking, tell me is what you want to do ...
Arnav pursed his lips in a way that I had ever seen.

" You are sour ."
" At least I do not pretend to be what I am not ."
" As if you know me enough to know when I pretend or not , right?".

It was enough that he told me that was not true , that I had the wrong impression and that his loving and caring attitude sprang from me, to have me next to gim, by knowing me slowly .

" I do not care " I lied through my teeth.
"It's better if I sleep . I do not want to hear you any more ."
Arnav sank into the seat, crossing his arms over his chest and closed his eyes . He was grinding his teeth , I could see from his jaw highlighted.
I took off his jacket and threw it on the legs.

" Thanks, but I do not need ."
Without looking at him , I turned completely on the opposite side of him, looking into the sky infinity in front of me , until I fell into a deep sleep.

" Do you love me ? " The distorted voice of a man fills the air. " Tell me ."
" Yes , I love you ."
It's dark , I still do not see anything. I'm scared, too scared . I do not have regular breathing , I feel faint .
"It was not your fault , then. Your love killed her. You made me fall into your trap , you're not at good ."
"It was not my fault " I say with a trembling voice .
" Yes , it is. You took my life and even her . And the little creature what has done ? They had no guilt."
"It was a big mistake ! I did not want to ."
Someone grabs me by the shoulders and pull me . " From me you can not escape ."
" Let go of me ." A hand grabs my neck and squeezes , squeezes .
" Leave me alone! " I scream again as something sharp is piercing the skin at each point.
I feel the tears coming down and the scream of fear that remains trapped in the back of my throat.

" Khushi? Khushi ? Wake up ."
I opened eyes interposing hands between me and Arnav . I was surprised when I heard the salt of tears burning my cheeks.
"Let me " I said with a trembling voice , but it was reported to him. It was his voice that had me terrified in my dream.
I jumped up , wiping my tears with the back of my hand and I reached the bathroom fortunately free.
I locked myself inside, leaning against the door and squinting trying to dispel that horrible voice that kept echoing in my ears .
Khushi , calm down. It was just a bad nightmare . Calm down .
I splashed my face and looked in the mirror , I looked awful, even uglier than I was when I looked in the toilet of the bar where I met Arnav for the first time .

Escape was not anything for me because those nightmares and those fears had followed me across the ocean . For the first few days I had left basking in the pale illusion that everything had changed for the better and that the past was past remained trapped behind me. But it was enough ... I do not even know what . I could not understand what had triggered again that macabre vicious cycle , but I understand: the pale illusion of having a brand new life , was gone . The ghosts kept coming back from the past and torture .

I heard a knock at the door. Yet I was sure that the electronic switch was solid red .
" Khushi , it's me . Are you okay? " .
" I'll catch up soon."
" No, open this door ."
I snorted and I opened the door , went out into the narrow corridor and avoiding timidly worried gaze of Arnav .
" You did not have to come here " I said before heading to our seats in the back of the line . " It was just a bad dream ."
I sat down , resting my elbow on the armrest. As we passed, some people were turned to stare mischievously curious because we came from the bathroom together .
" You were upset and you were crying . What did you dream ? " .
"I do not remember."
" No, you tell me ."
" As if you know me enough to know when I pretend or not , right?" .
Using his own words , I managed to get the effect hit and sunk .

He orbit eyes and slammed his back against the seat clutching his knees with his hands. He gave me the impression he was repressing a series of insults , but I was not entirely sure , he did not seem the type who lost his temper so easily. I might have to test its resistance ...

"I do not even know why I continue to talk to you, but I hope you understand that alone is not the right attitude to move forward. And it's only three days we are together."
" And what is the right attitude ? Pretend always, as you're doing ? " I ventured again hoping for a different answer.
"I do not pretend , Khushi ," he said piercing me in my eyes. " I have no intention of wasting so much energy ."
"Sure" I laughed bitter but happy.
"Sure" he repeated. " Why do you find it strange that I give you a jacket if I sense that you are cold ? What is false? " .
" Because you can avoid it when we're alone" I raised my shoulders.
" Do not flaunt this caring attitude even when no one can discover us ."
" I do not know what people you're used to , but I am not. Beyond the contratc made , we are making a human relationship and it is normal that could happen that I worry about you. How do friends, is not?".
" Yes, Yes " I said casually , trying not to smile.
I was able to get the answer I wanted. He was sincere .
Where were all my little speeches made before the trip ? Why did I care so much that he was sincere with me? It was such a contradiction ...
All that we were living , it was false from beginning to end , false and premeditated . I should have realized by now that projects do not need to do anything, in fact only serves to make it clear that we are small and useless compared to fate. It is fate which pulls the thread of our lives and leaves you believe that you have full control over your decisions , because in reality we are all dragged by events, without remedy .
And Arnav had dragged me into a vortex unexpected and dangerous.
"Now that it seems we have solved the first dilemma , we try to solve the most urgent " he asserted making me feel like one of those girls that frivolous clings to detail.

" Any person we happen to meet , whether or outside my house , we should tell everyone the same thing."
"This, I had already figured out ."
" Do not interrupt me " he snorted, eyes wide. " We say that we met long ago on the web and we fell in love and we made nonsense of the wedding in Las Vegas. It'll be the same story for all, without exclusion or with regard to my acquaintances or with regard to your . So if those immigration office were to ask a few questions , we should not be afraid of the statements . "
" Okay."
"Remember , Khushi ."
" I memorized , Arnav ."
" For the rest of our lives will remain the same , names of relatives and friends, past jobs , former , studies and everything else ."
I yawned on purpose to make him understand that I had received the message and there was no need to dwell so much , I was not hard on the uptake .
After yet another okay, Arnav did not open his mouth more for the rest of the trip and continued to stare everywhere but not in my direction and I imitated him angrily . Yuck!
"Do not believe it's all easy for me "he whispered after carefully studying each little nails.

" You're still a stranger and I admit that I'm smoothing out several sides of my character to make work out contract" he sighed . " And I want you to help me . I pretend . I help you, and you help me ."

I stared ... it was so sweet his face . Whether he used his naughty phrases that when he was angry, he did not lose that look adorable . It was absurd .I looked like a ghost possessed .
"Yes" I just said and then feeling guilty about my nearly scene.

Half an hour later , the plane landed in a squeal of tires on the asphalt. The commander said to the microphone that we were in advance of a quarter of an hour and informed us that the temperature outside the aircraft was twenty degrees centigrade. When finally stopped on the runway , all passengers stood waiting for the doors were opened , allowing us to go down.
Arnav had made me go ahead and given the temporary overcrowding , he remained at my side with the fingers of his left hand easy holds up to one of those overhead storage compartment and forefinger of his right hand stuck in a loop of my dress for make sure that no one was standing in between us.

I plucked up my courage and turned towards him lifting me on toes and keeping in balance placing a hand on his hip.
" Do not mind ... sometimes I'm stubborn " I whispered .
"Sometimes ? " he repeated. I felt his beard rubbing against my cheek .
"Yes usually I'm not so bad ."
" Thank goodness ... " .
" Peace ? " I asked with gentle eyes .
"It is peace ."

I left him a light kiss in the cheek and then went back to look in front of me , until I started to get off the plane .
I tried not to think that he had said that there were ulterior motives in his actions than to carry out the work , because in reality - and going against myself - I wanted there to be, that the second end was getting to me .

Regardless of whether we're in public or not , I wanted every caress and every stupid attention was made to me because he liked me .
In a few days I had gone from trying to keep him as away as possible from him to get used with extreme remedies at his touch , let me clarify that I had no ulterior motives.
The usual Khushi ... you never know what he does.
After getting our bags , we went in the immense parking lot adjacent to the airport where Arnav had parked his black Toyota Hunday and at first glance , brand new .
" Please , Mrs. Raizada " he said opening me the door.
Surely his girlfriend was already there and had enjoyed all his attention ... because I was sure that she loved him as Arnav was the maximum that a person could want. I was a complete stranger , let alone with his better half .
Ok , I admit it ... his girlfriend, even though I had never even seen her in photography and I knew very little about her , she was unsympathetic .
"I'll make you a little off the shelves in the bathroom and the closet " he said after leaving the airport traffic .
I nodded silently .
" Then I'll leave you space for your shoes and other things."
I nodded again , feeling uncomfortable. I thought just the practical side of living together and I had done wrong, I would have to prepare psychologically, for at least soften the blow . It would have been difficult even though I was certain that Arnav would have been in the house a short time , because of his work commitments and his life .

" Are you okay? " .
"Yes" I hastened to say , then I corrected myself . " Actually, no , I will not bother you in your home."
" I think I can put up with a girl who speaks sulky at times and does everything to disappear in the eyes of others. Then it is only for a couple of months , if I was not sure about it, I would not have proposed , trust me " .
" Okay, okay . Lets talk no more" I said, forcing a smile.

After ten minutes of road , we arrived in a neighborhood with high -rise brick and with a lot of people going in and out of the shops, young people skateboarding and grandmas who strolled quiet . It did not seem a neighborhood of luxury, but not a single one infamous . It was nice , yes.

Arnav went into an underground car park screeching tires on smooth pavement . We took our bags and then we went into an elevator full of graffiti and writings of any kind. I wonder why stay in an elevator with someone , it was always so embarrassing ...
When my husband , put the key in the lock of the door of his apartment on the fifth floor , my stomach jumped .
We advanced in the dark with our suitcases until they turned the switch on .
I do not know why, but I had imagined an attic , bright , very wide and the color cold and detached , but it was quite the opposite.
I thought of one bedroom apartment with coffee-colored wallpaper and beige carpet , stained in several places. The entrance opened onto a living room, where there was a leather sofa against the wall side with a round coffee table that held a lamp and several books . Opposite the sofa , there was a plasma TV and the inevitable play station .

To the right of the small living room there was a tiny kitchenette , a fridge covered with colored magnets and a table. On the left , through the open door I could see a closet.
Arnav carried the suitcases in the bedroom and when I noticed his forearm in tension followed by his derriere, I hurried to look away.

Khushi, I would not have ever expected from you.
"There is time to fix the stuff, now if you do not want to die of hunger, we should go for a little spending ."
" Okay," I said, looking around a little uncomfortable.
"If you feel tired , I can go alone. There is no problem ."
"No, I 'm coming with you" I replied with a smile . " We will not have many opportunities to get together, so it's best that I start to look around you ."
" Give me a few minutes I put myself comfortable."
Disappeared into his room and I turned a little walking around , poking here and there. Every wall was full of frames and strange photographs, surely all taken from his hand. There was a lot of nature , animals and pictures that immortalized . There were books and magazines of the National Geographic also scattered on the floor , and yet he didn't seemed like a guy who read so much.
Stay in there with him a few feet from me and imagine how our lives would be in the next few days , it made me tremble . We were husband and wife living together under the same roof . Expectations were nice , made me think that I might have to get in the habit . Bad Habit , of course.
"Here I am ."

Arnav was back wearing dark gray suit pants , a black hooded sweatshirt and sneakers.
I loved the sporty look and suited him more than ever.
We went down the street and made the customary gesture to take my hand , now I don't push him away, on the contrary it was me who was looking for when he forgot to take my hand .
That was the supreme gesture and identifiable by a real couple . And he had understood before me because since the day of the wedding, he had insisted to do so.
People kiss on the street, have sex in the bathrooms of clubs, hugging ... but there is not necessarily a true feeling of the way ... but keep your hand , require a continuous physical contact , interlock the fingers with a sense of possession, is like shouting to the whole world this is love.

Entering in the supermarket , I began to observe the shelves and the various products finding individual differences with those in London . For example , I had never seen the Coca Cola cherry and sandwiches with five mega burgers in!
Even the section was oddly sweet and whole megs. The chocolate bars were not the usual hundred grams... but almost 1kg, really impressive .
I took two tablets anyway , right for the moments of despair . Maybe I and Arnav together we could eat while watching TV .
"Do you like chocolate? " .
He circled my waist with his arms , making me pirouette in front of him .
" Who do not like it? " I tried to say with a firm voice .
"Hmm ... you're right " He left me a kiss on the neck, a kiss unlike any other. The more intense and humid.
"Take some more tablet " .
" Two are not enough ? You want to make me fat ? " .
"Do you know the body art ? " .
" Yes ."
He touched my nose with his and then very quickly I saw his lips back on mine and then down on my chin.
I held my breath and held also the craving to stretch my lips to his and kiss him .
" I want to paint your naked body with chocolate. Prepare yourself , I do not take no for an answer."

I loved the creativity of artists ...

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Comments (31)

Thanks to all of you ji. Sorry for not upd in these days But I had been busy with exams. But now finish ji. I'll upd on Weds with Arnie POV ji and maybe also on Friday ji... A little bit of patience ji :DD

10 years ago

updatess dugguuu?????????????????????????:D doing tooo goood !! :D

10 years ago

I'll upd asap guys..been busy with exam till today...thanks for liking it soo much ji :D

10 years ago

WOOW! that was an one go read! super exciting to read and quite hot i tell you di. It has something misterious and something idk how to describe. But love the feelibg while reading this. Totally love the idea and their romance. Live your naughty side di :D love you.. Mwhaaah

11 years ago

Awesm update...This s getting more intrstng...Lovd it..Cntinue soon

11 years ago

came across your story today...nice concept...

11 years ago

5 more days to go for the next update parmji waiting

11 years ago

Awesome update... 😉At last reached the flat... ohh yeah... 😳Love it... ❤️

11 years ago

i had my fingers crossed while i logged into IF this morning and my prediction was true..i got a new chapter to read! 😛 ok back to the point...the way arnav said "" Bird of ill omen , I'm still young to die ." it was very funny😆 always holding their hands together part is so adorable...a very lovely and great update it was altogether... 😊

11 years ago

Nice concept. Love it.Paint her whole body with chocolate !piece of artist's creativity !The small arguement / disagreement on flight was cute. Holding each others hands. So sweet !Eagerly waiting now... :D

11 years ago
