Chapter 3

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The bridal suite was ... you know ... A Bridal Suite?
As soon as I set foot in the huge luxurious room, the agitation resurfaced, worse than it was successful before the wedding.

There were red and white roses everywhere, champagne bottles kept in cool; soft and fragrant petals on the bed. On both tables there were two tickets of congratulations written personally by the manager of the Hotel, there was fresh fruit artfully arranged in a large bowl of fruit and a small loft and there was even a hot tub with the water bubbling .
I swallowed, trying to keep the panic at bay.

"My bags are at the lobby of the hotel; maybe it's better if I go to pick them..." I said
"I already thought. A porter will bring them within the hour here" Arnav replied back.
Arnav raised an eyebrow and looked at me puzzled, before he takes off the jacket and loosen a few buttons of his shirt. Every movement was mesmerizing.
"You have the same look of panic that you had before entering in the chapel ... I dare too much if I ask you why?"
I walked away from him, coming from across the room and pretending to fix the curious fish that swam inside a giant aquarium. I had the feeling and fear that my crazy husband could pounce at any moment.
"No, actually ..." I said

"Do you feel uncomfortable, here with me?" He asked, almost sorry.
"Do not you?" I asked eating my fingernail and trying to remedy this strange situation.

So far, he had not done anything that would make me think badly. It was probably me who had more lewd thoughts about him and not vice versa. In addition, I knew that all his care in the details was done because he didn't want neither of us to be discovered by those immigration officers.
I would not have succeeded so well and certainly I would have avoided even those nauseating and romantic petals arranged in a heart shape on the bed.
In a sense, even if indirectly, he was worried about me and no one has imposed on him nor was part of our prenuptial agreements. If we add the fact that he had a girlfriend who knows where, all the doubts could disappear giving way to the only certainty that he wanted to take home the ten thousand dollars, getting rid of me as soon as possible.

"It's just a job" He said resolutely. "We have said and repeated ever since. You have no reason to be nervous ... it's all fake".
Why did I let him weigh that situation? I had to remedy as soon as possible, my behavior was not correct and did not want to risk that he left me before the time.

"Okay" I said, breathing deeply.
" I'm a good boy, Jaan" He said, grinning as he took off his shoes.

I smiled a bit forcibly, to try to loosen the damn voltage. It was all fake, yes.
The wedding, the rings, the suite and our respective behaviors in public. If I wanted to get the green card and he the money, we were forced to follow certain patterns.
And then, if I have to be honest, apart from his behavior, Arnav did not look like a bad guy or a person who took advantage of the situation and of a girl alone in a foreign country who would share the room with him.
However, I could not shake off the embarrassment. He was still a man and I barely knew him, even though he was my husband.

I saw him take off his watch, then put his hands to his belt and looked at me.
"Turn" he said staring me with his head at one side.
" Why?" I asked, confused.
"Because you flush as soon as I get close to you, so I do not think you will like watching while I take off my pants"

My eyes widened and I turned back, walking stiffly towards the terrace.
What nerve he had, I really could not believe it. It is not true that I became red as soon as he approached me... Ok another point in its favor.

I stood on the terrace for a while, enjoying the fresh air and breathtaking views of the sunset. Now that the night was waning, each teaches glowed with the street lights in a wide variety of colors and the headlights of the cars and the stars twinkling in the sky made Las Vegas magic.
After obtaining the residence permit and I would not be bound to Arnav, perhaps I could go to live in another city, perhaps in Los Angeles, or in New York. I could enroll in the College and continue my studies that I had abruptly ended two years earlier.
Another thing to do necessarily was to get a job. Money unfortunately was not unlimited and I could not rely on my parents. After paying Arnav for his salary and all the other things like the suite, I would have remained just a nest egg to survive without problems for a couple of months, then I would be in trouble.

" Khushi, why do not you join me?".
I stepped back and turned my head toward the window that overlooked the room to see what he was doing.
"I'm here...Give me company" he said

His black hair was completely wet, sticking out from the edge of the bath tub.
He wanted me to have a bath with him? Oh Devi Maiya ...
"I do not have a costume" I said returning to the room.
"Neither does me." He said narrowing his eyes.
I stepped back.

"Are you naked?" I blurted alarmed.
Arnav frowned and ran his fingers through his hair, in a really sexy way.
"No, I am not naked." He said
I felt guilty again for accusing him for the umpteenth time, without cause.

"Come and enjoy a little with me, come on" he answered.
"I have to come into the water?" I asked again.
Arnav sighed exhausted.

"I'm not bad boy. And then I do not bite" He winked at me. "At least not in the water" he said.
"What a funny guy. However, how can I? Within dressed?"
"I'm in with boxers" he said slowly, his voice warm and low.

I do not know for what absurd reason, the images little caste of him naked, crossed my brain.
"Erm ... your girlfriend has nothing against it if we take a bath together remaining in intimate?"
"Then she should get angry every time we go to the pool or beach?"

I was going to reply again, but he held up a finger to silence me.

"I cannot find the difference between a swimsuit and lingerie set, if not in the tissue. So let's not be hypocrites, please."
With an angry gesture, I lifted my chin and pushed my hair behind my shoulders. I reached the bathroom; I took off my clothes and wrapped my body in a white cloth.

Again, I wondered the reason behind the vast difference between my behavior and that of Arnav. He was so peaceful, calm and acted with such ease to get on nerves. I was the opposite.
Why before choose him, I did not know him at least a little? Maybe I should find someone more akin to me ...
"Close your eyes" I said acid once back to the tub. "And do not peek."

Arnav closed his eyes and smiled without saying a single word. He was leaning with his back against the tub and threw his head back on the edge.
I dropped the towel on the floor and soaked the first foot without taking my eyes off him.

If I had caught him staring at me, he would have heard me!

I was really hoping he doesn't look at me and did not realize that my set was not the most intimate sensual; on the contrary, it was a normal white bra with small embroidery on the edges and the pants to complete. I also had a tank top so that it would cover the belly and the back.
I noticed that his muscles were well-proportioned and he had wide chest. It was not that much carved, but still exuded strength and virility. He kept his legs wide and open hands, caressing the water.
While immersing the other foot, unable to take my eyes off him, I slipped and fell in the tub, even making an embarrassing bomb effect. What a shame!

Arnav grabbed my arm and held me immediately.

"I do not want to become a widower so soon."
I grunted as I took off the hair that was plastered to my face and then I freed myself from his grip, away from him as possible. It was a normal tub, not an Olympic swimming pool.
"I must be careful with you, Jaan" He said quietly before returning to relax from the thousands of bubbles of.
Without replicating, I followed him and I must say that the bubbles in the hot water were embracing, a real blessing for body and mind. In my future home, I would have liked a hot tub.
" Will I ever meet your girlfriend?" I asked in a low voice after a while.
"I don't think" he replied
"Why?" I asked again
"If I do not present her all bad girls, she'd go in paranoia." He replied
I burst out laughing.

"It would be a compliment?"
He moaned and all the hairs on my nape pricked.

"Yes, and I seem to have found the right way to not embarrass you and do not put you on defensive".
His mind was more open than mine, it was clear. He was also smarter than me. He understood that willy-nilly, he had to form a relationship and then let's all, being nice is not necessarily equivalent to premeditate bad actions or try to achieve ulterior motives.
The fault was mine ... unfortunately I carry around a wealth of experience on the shoulders scary to say the least.
" How much will it cost this suite?" I asked, changing the subject.
"Nothing. I know the manager and he did this kind gift in order to ride Ferrari".
"Oh, great! You have a Ferrari?".
" No, it belong to my friend Shyam. I do the photographer for a small newspaper and sometimes I take work for the National Geographic."

I could see that the boy had an artistic streak. I imagined him with camera in hand, looking for the right angle to take his wonderful photos. Or I saw him climb a tree and take pictures of birds magnificent and colorful.
"And you what were you doing in London?"
"I studied". I said completely erasing the last two years of my life.
"What?" he asked
"Architecture" I replied
"Why did you decide to marry an American to get a green card?"

Before starting the strange and surreal adventure, I had asked myself how would have been do such a work. I would not have got money in return, but something far more valuable: a second chance. I had promised myself, not to pursue any kind of relationship with my medium of exchange, not to intrigue about his life and I was still undecided about what to tell him of my past. But I found some difficulty from the beginning, ever since I had met him for the first time. It must have been for the fact that he was curious by nature, or the fact that his beauty was acting in a negative way on my mind, but I was acting in the opposite way as I had promised to do, and it was one thing that I could neither I wanted to fix it. The only thing on which I had absolute control was my past and by the time I had no desire to tell him.

"I'm starving" I said, changing the subject. "I have to eat something"
Arnav blinked twice.
"Erm...Yes" He said and he come out of the water and handed me the towel gently. "Do you want to order something in the room?"
"If you do not have anything against it, I would go out for a breath of fresh air. And then I have never seen Las Vegas at night."

"Do not you want me to come with you?"
Why he used that tone?
"Sure, I want" I said, pretending that I had misspoken earlier. "Otherwise I'd lose before I even get to the Hall of the Hotel".
"I think so too" he said with a smirk.

For the next hour, we exchanged only a few words in syllables.
The porter had brought my stuff, so from the pile of clothes I chose a cool comfortable jeans and a blouse. Meanwhile I was waiting for Arnav who was in the bathroom, I sat on the edge of the bed fantasizing about my future, and a new job, a new home ... and I hoped that my parents did not take too bad my decision not to return.
I would have said that I lived in Miami, a place distant from where I was truly. Tell them the truth was too dangerous.
"You can use the bathroom now"
Arnav was advancing towards me, wearing a dark red robe with printed logo of the hotel ... and he was terribly fascinating. Much more than fascinating.
Before he realized that I was eating him with my eyes, I took refuge in the bathroom.

Yet it was not from me doing lewd thoughts on a stranger.
Perhaps it was only fatigue that was playing tricks on you.
After I finished getting ready, I tied my hair in a ponytail.

"I'm ready." I said
"Very well" Arnav replied.
He wore a dark jeans and a white t-shirt with a leather jacket on. And around his neck, he had a camera.
I smiled.

"Tonight, you dedicate yourself to photography?" I asked
"No" he blew up. "Tonight I dedicate myself to you"

It seemed like a nice threat. I blinked.
"I'm not photogenic" I said.
"This is not true." He answered.

He approached me and everything happened so fast that I did not even realize.
He undid my hair, undid a button of my shirt to better discover my neck and ran his thumb to my lips to get me to open up.
"Delicious, I would say" he said hoarsely before dazzle me with a flash.
Ok ... the situation was getting quite out of my hand.

Oh Devi Maiya...Seedi Sadi Chori Sharabhi Ho Gayi

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Comments (54)

Updating time ji...Thanks for the support ji

11 years ago

heyyy Duguuu ...misssing the updates yaar... plz come back sooon

11 years ago

Its getting mre and more intrsting, eagrly waiting to read dear pls update.

11 years ago

Where is the update???????? Please update soon

11 years ago

waiting for the update yaaarrr :(

11 years ago

Waiting for your update, dear😊

11 years ago

waiting for the update ji

11 years ago


11 years ago

Arnav is many things he arranged without any thought of money.and no gf meet too.

11 years ago

Arnva is not the one he shows. Something fishy.

11 years ago
