Chapter 2

WildestDreams Thumbnail



I do

Throughout the night I was not able to sleep.
I laid awake staring at the ceiling and exchanging text messages without emphasis and false flattery, with my future husband.

Even a trunk would have noticed how much they were forced and compelled all.
It would have been easier to call him and discuss the details face to face - like two normal people - avoiding various misunderstandings and misinterpretations, but I was already making a huge effort to move the fingers to write a text message, let alone talk about it. And I had no doubt that for him it was worth the same thing.
We had discussed for hours, how and how much time to spend together after the wedding, on attitudes to assume that when we were in public, and the things to avoid at all and ... I must say that we had nothing in common. Encouragingly, really.

After all, it was only a stupid job. And who like to work?
Thinking about it ,though, for me it meant a lot more.
This arranged marriage as inconvenient, expensive and well let's say it all, sad, was my chance to change my life and leave the past behind. It was my second chance built with so much effort and so many regrets.
Before reaching the final decision to leave my country and my family, I had been brooding over a lot , but when I decided what would be, I went straight and fast like a train .

I posted the ad on the internet, I had a passport, I bought some new clothes and waited anxiously that the box of my e-mail to fill with names that accepted my request or asking for more information.
Men willing to arrange marriage in exchange for money were so many. And among the hundreds of nicknames that I had read, including HotGuy007, SexyOnlyForYou and OnMyBedNow, I had chosen the most normal and that doesn't seem to conceal hidden meanings: Arnav Singh Raizada.

My phone rang again. I hurried to take it from my purse, while the yellow cab with black leather seats, continued its unstoppable run to the chapel.
"I'm already here, I'll wait out here. I have a black suit, but they all have black clothes. I hope that at this point, you remember my face. "
My heart began to beat wildly. In a few minutes I arrived at the destination, I would have walked down the aisle with an unknown man and a priest would have joined us in matrimony.
At that time the decision I had taken didn't seem so wise. Indeed seemed crazy and not beautiful and good.
Here we are, miss".
The taxi stopped next to a busy sidewalk. Through the window, I saw dozens and dozens of pairs in a row, holding hands or kissing regardless of the people around him. Some were elegantly dressed, others were wearing ridiculous outfits suitable for a costume party, but the thing that united them all was excitement. Everyone except me and the black-haired boy who had just opened the cab and was holding me his hand.
"Good afternoon Khushi" he said.
" Good afternoon" I whispered, dropping intimidated a twenty dollar bill in the front seat of the car.
Before touching the hand of Arnav, I wiped my sweaty palms on the skirt of my white suit. Even if the wedding was fake, Arnav had imposed a semblance of truth ... He said that the immigration office who has the practices of our marriage and those of my subsequent residence permit, could play some serious controls, sure it was not a staged just to get a green card. Apparently it was a fairly common practice ... and I thought I had come up with the plan of the century.
For a moment I wondered what will happen if they found our crime, then I told myself that it was better not to think about it.
" Are you okay? "He asked me gently kissing my hand, just as did the knights as soon as they met the lady.

I knew he was pretending, I knew that he used that attitude to get the semblance of truth, but even so, it took me a shiver down my spine. And then ... no, really ... I was not at all well. My head was spinning and all those kisses and those effusions that I saw around there, made me many memories emerge and consequently also the nausea.
"I'm fine" I snapped biting my lips.
"It doesn't seem so"
" I'm fine" I repeated glaring at him.

"You want to back out" He asked me quietly.
I could not understand how he could be so calm at a time like that. However, his question made me a strange effect. I flashed to respond with a nice yes.
Yes, Arnav. I'm sorry I wasted your time, if I gave you scrapes, but I cannot marry you, it's crazy. I got it all wrong, sorry.
But if I had not married, my visa would expire in three months and I would be forced to return to London, running into certain doom. And ugly.
" No, I'm sure what I'm doing " I said resolutely. "You?".
He nodded, looking at the row in front of him.

"I'm sure" he said
Who knows how would react my parents once I told that I wouldn't come back home and I had married an American. Would they come to take me or would theynot talk to mebecause ofthe disappointment?
Maybe I could omit the marriage for a while ... I would have said that I had found a well-paid job and that I was going to visit them as soon as I could. I was still twenty-three, I was no longer a child.
The river of my thoughts broke off abruptly when I heard Arnav's hand to shake mine. The awkward and forced contact with his warm skin, caused me a pleasant feeling coupled with a memory of something beautiful that I had not felt in a long time.

In any case, he should not dare to touch me. Clear agreements make for good friends. We were far beyond the semblance of truth and he should not afford to go beyond the limit.
"Listen" I started with an annoyed tone.
"You listen" he said looking in my eyes.
Hmm ... he had beautiful eyes, a strange color ranging from brown to caramel and together with black hair and red lips, created an irresistible mix and hard to not to look.
"I'm just holding you hand, okay? I'm not doing it for personal pleasure and not for the best of erotic fantasies. I do it because I have to. Maybe someone is watching us"
He's right. "What an idiocy" I blurted, just for the pleasure to go against him.
"For ten thousand dollars, it is not worth ending up in jail for aiding and abetting illegal immigration with crime of false ... false ... I do not remember, however, you understand, I hope. And you will not get a Green Card and you'll be expel from the country for life ".
I shook his hand, taking two steps forward, following the serpentine of people advancing toward what seemed at the time the scaffold of God, and not the altar.
"Okay?" I growled without looking at him.
" We begin to understand." He said.
I hated his seriousness. Why was not he smiling? I hated even his control. Why did not lose his temper?
I hated to death perpetually feel uncomfortable and out of place, both in attitudes and in the emotions that I plucked. It seemed that I was the only one not to have a place in the world.
Among the comings and goings of thoughts, however, I could not help thinking that Arnav was honest not to take advantage of the situation. He just holding my hand.
I hoped that no one was watching us. I was sure he/she would have immediately noticed our coldness, our distance though we were close ...
I took a step toward him, to touch his elbow. He was taller than me and if he had raised his arm to hug me, I probably would have lost in his embrace.
"Anyway Khushi" he said whispering in my hair. "You look ravishing this afternoon."
I looked at him puzzled to see if he was serious, if he was acting the part of the sweet boyfriend or if he tried to flirt going against my rules ... and frankly I did not understand. Well another point in its favor. Then, however, I realized that I had figured out something else ... means, that when he smiled like that, barely lifting a corner of his mouth, he was really sexy.
Okay, two points in his favor.

"Thanks for the compliment." I replied
I was amazed when I realized how quickly the marriages were celebrated in Las Vegas. One in every ten minutes, maybe eight minutes. Certainly, we waited more in the checkout line of a supermarket.
When the last pair, left the chapel greeted by a shower of rice mixed with confetti, panic came again.
"Arnav Singh Raizada and Khushi Kumari Gupta"
Arnav stepped forward, pulling me with him, while whistles and applause drifted behind us.
"Khushi"Arnav hissed in my ear. "I'm dragging you! Walk like you have to".
" I'm afraid" I muttered.
" Afraid of what? Think it's all fake, and that in a few months you'll get a divorce and be a U.S. citizen".
I snorted to release the tension and I had a stroke when I saw the look of person who was supposed to celebrate our wedding. Bob Marley?
Arnav turned to me to his side almost by force, taking my hands in his. My dear friend Bobby, a man in his sixties with a double raised his hand making a sign of the cross abstract over our heads.
" We are gathered here today ..."
Ok, Khushi. Breathe. Pretend you're on the set of a movie and you're acting with your handsome co-star.
On second thought, Arnavcould be an actor. His beauty was objective. He was nice and nothing else. And wearing that formal dark dress, white shirt and a red rose in the pocket, he was really in sparks. I had noticed several prying eyes remained on him. Mine too had been indiscreet. Ops. It was obvious that I had abandoned the strange promise I made to myself to ignore his appearance, not asking questions about him and not fantasize on him. I had spent a few minutes to decide, I must admit that my belief about it was really ridiculous and difficult to maintain. The only thing that I was still undecided, was the extent to let him knowabout my private life.

Moreover, it was not something so negative. I had to spend with him a few months before getting a green card and if it was better, at least for a little, to facilitate our relation. And here's the second thing that I had to change my mind in a matter of a few hours ...
He seemed perfect, a figure straight out of a fashion show as well ... I had struggled in front of the mirror to convince me to be nice with my simple white suit which probably did nothing but make me look paler than when I was not already. I wonder how he saw me ...
Khushi come on. Give a bloody cut. Remember your mission, do not let you be moved by events.

" Do you, Khushi Kumari Gupta take Arnav Singh Raizada as your lawfully wedded husband, to love him and honor him for life, for richer for poorer, in sickness and health, till death to part you? >>.
I got sad suddenly. I had imagined a thousand times my wedding and it certainly was not like what I was experiencing. And the man next to me was not the love of my life. It was really immoral arrange awedding, only to get a green card. I would have to go to confession as soon as possible, I was going to do one of the nastiest actions that a person can ever make. I was disgracing a sacrament and God would punish me.
" Miss Khushi Gupta?"
I looked at the fake priest sideways, for bringing me back to reality. I wanted to deprive him of that wig and scream on his face that he did not look like even from afar to BobMarley.
"Jaan"Arnav called me back gently. " Will you marry me or not? "
I could see clearly that he was restraining himself from laughing. What was so funny?
"I do"
"Finally…" The fake priest muttered annoyed. I wondered if it was legal to be married by that disguised man. Yuck!
" Do youArnav Singh Raizada take Khushi Kumari Gupta as your lawfully wedded wife, to love her and honor her for life, for richer for poorer, in sickness and health, till death to part you?".
"I do"he said
The priest sighed in annoyance. " Rings?"
I got panic. " Rings?" I asked myself.
How could I forget the rings? How?
" Yes, Miss. Rings, wedding rings, the golden circle that you put to the finger".
" I know what is a ring" I snapped annoyed. In that moment I wanted a handful of rice and confetti to throw against him.

"Here they are."
Arnav always holding back an amused smile, took out two rings from his jacket pocket and handed them to Bob.
How strange that he had thought about him, we have not really talked about it. In any case I would have refunded the money he had spent.

"Do you want to slip on these damn rings? Have you any idea of how many people I have yet to marry?"
I opened my mouth almost shocked. How he dared to utter those words? We had paid to celebrate that sort of function and he was casting away!
Arnav hastened to put the ring on my finger, shaking my hand and I did the same. For a moment our eyes met, froze, and we realized.
In this faking scene something was true, that did not depend on us.
Both we took breathe becoming aware that we were together ... We were husband and wife.

"Say cheese"Bob said without enthusiasm indicating a child lurking behind a small altar with a camera in hand.
In a matter of a few seconds he dazzled us with different flash.
"With the power vested in me by the state of Nevada, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Now you kiss the bride"
Now kiss the bride and leave. That was what he wanted to say and even exploitative child labor.
The child came up and continued to dazzle us with a thousand flash, while Arnav leaned over to give me a light kiss and superfast between the mouth and the chin.
He has wasted himself ... not that I'd hoped otherwise, it is clear.
Before leaving the chapel, I gave a murderous look toward the faux Bob. On another occasion, I would have yelled at him and I could use him as a target for the launch of the cakes.
After being hit by a shower of rice and confetti, we managed to hail a cab in the race. As soon as we were inside the car, Arnav let go of my hand and loosened his tie.
"I have never met a woman who wanted to get into fights with a priest" he said, with a hint of fun.
"Haha" I protested. "That was not a priest. It was just a twist of fate. It seems that someone wants me to weigh the fact that I had arranged a fake marriage. False even in the smallest details."

Arnav looked at me puzzled and I did not know how to interpret his looks, it bothered me. However, I had to admit that unlike a few hours before he seemed looser and less serious, that cold neighborhood bully attitude, it was almost gone and his smiles became more and more frequent.
"About it" I said, watching my wedding ring. " I want to repay the faith. Luckily youhad thought about it, I had missed it completely".
"You do not have to give me anything" he said
" I want to repay you. Allow me to give you at least half the money."
My ring was really nice. It was all smooth gold and on the surface there were three small diamonds. He must have paid a lot. Sure ... he could have been limited, it was still a fake marriage.
"Half of the money would amount to five dollars. I do not die of starvation if you do not give me back the five dollars of your ring".
" Five dollars?" I repeated in a faint voice.
"Yes, I bartered with my Di. She is full of junk and the combination wished she had two rings very similar >>.
I looked at my ring and it did not seem at all a junk or one of those things of costume jewelry. It was the same as that worn by Arnav, only that his was devoid of diamonds.
"Are you sure that they are fake?."
"Very much.And I believe that together they have cost much less than ten dollars. I was robbed as usual" he replied
"Where do I bring you gentlemen?" Asked the taxi driver interrupting us.
"At the Palace Hotel" Arnav said firmly.
I looked at him to see what he had in mind, and once again I could not. The previous night we had talked a lot, more than anything else we had clashed, but each of our ideas on where and how to spend time after the wedding, had been only just an idea.
Noticing my gaze, he looked at me with obvious lifting the corner of his mouth that way so sexy.

" The bridal suite is waiting for us, Jaan"
DUGGUlicious2013-06-12 02:37:10

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Comments (39)

Hey Lovely Readers Thanks for liking a lot this concept ji... , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I'll update once more before going on holiday ji. Next upd maybe on 10th of July. TO receive PM add in your buddylist ID DugguEdwardKMH

11 years ago

Interesting story... I am loving the concept...

11 years ago

Thank to all of you ji About PMs, add in your buddylist the ID DugguEdwardKMH

11 years ago

very nice nw they r married...

11 years ago

this awesome. Do pm me for the next update please

11 years ago

that was superb...she want to fight with the priest...loved it...

11 years ago

Woderful start!!!!! plzzz carry on its going to be superb like ADLS so im eagerly waiting for updates..., thanx alot

11 years ago

its gonna be fun reading khushi monologue...khushi will have a hard time to keep her sanity with her

11 years ago

oh I so love this wud b fun to read abt their married life

11 years ago

Thanks to all of you ji readers

11 years ago
