Chapter 1

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Thier First Meeting

I almost reach my target ... now I could not draw back.
On the piece of paper that I held in my sweaty fingers, I had hastily marked the street name, where there has to be a building or home or any other place that need to be comfortable to be able to have a conversation with delicate tones like mine.
I was in one of the most famous streets of Las Vegas and the sun was burning like crazy. The air was muggy and smoggy day and the city was not as striking as in the night. Not that I had seen at night, since my flight had just landed, but I had been looking for a substantial amount of images on Google.

I stopped in front of a bistro with a sign intermittent red and green and a maid thin staring at me with a raised eyebrow.
Number forty-eight ... well I had arrived at my destination. I did not expect to find myself right in a public place, but I had to adapt to the situation.
I walked unsteadily and after greeting politely - no answer - I sat around a rectangular table green.

I put my bag and my useless sweater on the chair next to me and I thought I had to order something.
What were the Americans drinking at noon? Coffee, beer, wine? A juice?
Since I do not want to be labeled immediately as the boring British girl drinking tea, I decided to order some lemonade ... at least it was refreshing, no?

I thought I was really weird. I was so determined on issues of vital importance and that they needed to reflections and then I dwell on trivial things like choosing a stupid drink.
I got up and got to the toilet and I rinsed my face with fresh water.
I looked at my reflection in the mirror and I almost did not recognize. I had lost a lot of weight, my eyes were rimmed in purple and I look tired.
It was the ballast which I carried with me from my old life and soon would disappear together with London and throughout the UK.

I looked at the clock and realized that there were only ten minutes left to set time for the appointment.
I sat down at a table in plastic and I realized that my hands were shaking.
What's done is done.
Actually I never thought of having such courage and such a straight face, instead I had had to think again.
Maybe ... I could use methods more appropriate and less drastic, but it was useless to continue to mull it over.
From now on I should just look forward, erasing the past. From now on I would be a new Khushi ... and not the past Khushi.
To take the last important step, however, I needed a man, but that did not mean anything.
Handsome, ugly, old, young, bald it would be, I do not give a damn. A few months of forced cohabitation and, of course, I'd given him that ten thousand dollars, there was little clause that he should not dare to touch me at all.
"Khushi? Is you?"
I gasped. Well, we were there. My future business colleague who had requested the appointment had arrived.
Until that time we only had telephone contact and if he had not insisted so much, we would have been made directly on Saturday in front of the chapel to get marry.
"Arnav Singh Raizada, right? ". I asked
"Right" he said
I stood up and held out his hand and for the first time I saw him ...
He shook my hand vigorously looking strictly in my eye. His gaze did not go down on my body, not even for a millisecond, while my ... well, I would not swear.
"Am I late? "
"No, I come earlier" I said.
I looked at him for a moment ... he was definitely good-looking. Maybe even more. I wondered why he was going to get into such a mess.
Oh ... I had already made too many questions and I should not have.
I was buying his help, it was just a job. Quick and painless. Just past the time of the controls, he would return to his old life and I would be finally entered in my new life.
"I will not go with unnecessary formalisms, I think I've already said you what are my desire" I said resolutely.
The young man in front of me, waved his hair, nodding.
"I do not know perfectly the laws governing, but I was informed on several U.S. sites. At the end of work and as soon as I got the green card , you'll get your ten thousand U.S. dollars >>.
He nodded once looking at my face and maybe I was wrong, but I saw his mouth bent into a slight grin amused.
"Obviously we will not have any obligation towards the other, just enough time to spend together and ... " I hesitated.
I did not know how to explain what I wanted to say without the risk of offending him, looking like the star of the century that snubs ordinary mortals. But then what did I care?
Who knew that guy? He would be a short and forced bracket of my life, after which he disappeared.
"And?" He asked in a low voice.
"... And the fact that what we are doing is important and set out on paper, this should not even give you the opportunity to think that I might be willing to other types of contacts if not the verbal >>.
The boy smiled, showing his white teeth and straight, and then turned his gaze beyond the window, where the traffic was rushing.
"I can see you're a typical British girl" he said.
" Huh?" I asked, not understanding.
" You're using a lot of words to simply say that you're not willing to have s*x with me"
I shut my mouth and my hands, to the surprise of hearing those words with so much ease. Of course, maybe I had dwelt too much, but he had been more than synthetic. And here I was worried about not being offensive ...
"Your fears are unfounded, however" He continued playing with a pendant hanging from his neck.

"For me it is a job to be completed and then I have a girlfriend and I do not care to get into trouble"

"Well" I said, unconvinced "And your girlfriend has no objection to see you make such a step with another woman?"
I bit my tongue immediately after pronouncing that question. I had to stop with the curiosity and I had to force myself to the nasty mine. Always! Although, sometimes some questions arose spontaneously.
" I'll tell her sooner or later" he said thoughtfully.
"Why are you doing this? Why have you sent the mail with your availability?"
Oh, I relapsed! I should stop now! Stop it!
Less I knew less I was involved.
<< My question is ... why do you do it? >>.
I closed my mouth immediately; I was not there to tell on my own.

"Sorry for the inconvenient question, of course you do not have to answer" I said.
Arnav nodded and then stood up.

"Now I have to go. All other details we could discuss them calmly at another time, so there is no hurry and no war of the worlds around the corner "
I nodded. What kind of insolent! It was he who insisted on seeing us there and now he dismissed it as a stupid after only two minutes of talk time!
"See you tomorrow" I growled.
"Sure, at 5pm in front of the chapel."
"Yes" I whispered, feeling a void in my stomach.
"Ah, here, I do not need this anymore now. Goodbye " He said leaving a note on the table.
I opened it with anger and scratched my face with not a little embarrassed when I realized what it was. I crumpled it and threw it in the nearby garbage. I did not need to read it: I was myself to write those words.

Looking for man open-minded, to satisfy young girl to realize her dream of becoming an American citizen.
Offering an adequate reward "only in money."
If interested please contact me at this same e-mail address.

Well ... really pathetic…. How could I make up with such an idea? Anyway, it was useless to cry.

I do not see any other solution to stay away from my country forever. And the only way to do that was the one I had just taken: take a trip in America, meet and marry an American citizien.

DUGGUlicious2013-06-06 07:34:43

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Comments (40)

Hey Lovely Readers Thanks for liking a lot this concept ji... Khushi wants to get US. Citizien and her solution is ARRANGE MARRIAGE with Arnav ji *.*. The contract is simple: Don't get involved in each other life and don't get intimate... Kya Hoga?!?! Lets find it together ji PS: I'll update once more before going on holiday ji. This means in the end of the following month ji

11 years ago

HEy... i loved the prologue yr..and m totally loving the concept... i hve never read yur works before but i totally loved yur work on this fic...would love to read more... try and PM me when evr u update next...😳TU... :D

11 years ago

Thanks to all...may upd Tomorrow ji :D

11 years ago

loved the story khushi wants a contract marriage with Arnav to get citizenship of USA looking forward to read it please update soon

11 years ago

Thanks to all of you ji Lovely Readers I'll upd asap ji :D

11 years ago

Wow! New FF!👍🏼An interesting prologue.

11 years ago

wow the start is fab loved it

11 years ago

Hai dear :)happy to seu wt d new ff, its an intsting and waiting to read new chaptr.

11 years ago

niece prologuewaiting to read more.Love!!!

11 years ago

I love the concept. Can't wait to read more..

11 years ago
