Chapter 3

Jin. Thumbnail



Silent Torture

Randhir was taking sturdy steps with his hands in his pockets. C'mon Randhir when you faced Sanyukta after the kiss then why not now? You didn't even kiss her this time. But his voice was screaming and cursing him that this time Sanyukta wasn't his partner in crime. Though the lane scene few minutes back was same as lab one few days ago, this one looked more like forced. Because of that idiot, Girls! I can never understand them. One time they react and one time they don't. Now I look like a sinner. That was the longest night in his life. Jiggy's kick-boxing training was like pushing the halted car. It started, it drove but then what? It stopped again after a distance. He spent flickering the lamp and thinking about hate kiss. Now he would go through that entire trauma again. He dug his aggravated hand into his hair, why the hell did he attack her feminine defences? Obviously because the green-eyed monster - jealousy attacked him and ruffled the man inside him. He hit a pebble on the ground. "Ouch!!!" someone yelped in pain.

Jiggy- (catching his groan) - who's there?

Randhir - (coming into the faint moonlight) - It's me.

Jiggy (coming to him) - Arre Randhir bhai, dinner time and where have you been? Come.

Oh no! Now how will I face her? His other part laughed at him, C'mon Randhir. You are a man. And men don't show helplessness.

He entered the house with Jiggy' The dinner has already started. Jiggy helped himself and Randhir, while Sanyukta preferred to be in the kitchen on the pretext of making hot rotis.

The old lady - (serving the food) you guys have dinner, sanyukta isn't hungry.

No one really cared much, but exactly knew the reason. She would eat after they leave to sleep outside. Randhir felt it is better if he leaves soon. And he did the same. When the guys put on the sheets outside to call off for the day and the door was closed' Sanyukta had dinner. She knew she have to face Randhir the next day, but tonight she did not want to see him and shake her determination.

Sleep dodged Randhir. And Sanyukta inside knew that he didn't sleep when everyone did' because there are no noises of snoring. He expected she would have slept peacefully. Really Randhir, you except her to sleep peacefully after your colourful deed, his inner voice said, as he turns in sleep.

This is not working. He wished he could peep from the window but damn, it's closed. 'Sanyukta', he creased his forehead. May be a walk will help.

A few minutes, and he didn't realise he reached the same place where the dig was, into which Sanyukta fell the morning. He saw someone sleeping with his back faced towards Randhir. As he went closer, he saw it was Parth. He looked like an innocent child when the white beam of light fell on calm face. Randhir decided to taunt him. He stood between Parth and the moon. It was dark, and then he moved, making the light fall Parth's face. He did the same again and again, disturbing his sleep. And Randhir's sadistic pleasures continue...

After sometime Parth opened his eyes. He rubbed them and saw Randhir. It didn't take much for his Einstein brain to realise that Randhir was teasing him.

Randhir-(grimly) Sarpanch have kicked you out of his house isn't it? That's why you are sleeping with mosquitoes

Parth (sitting up straight and smiling) - I like to sleep under moonlight. And i use mosquito repellent lotion, thanks for caring.

Care, my foot! Randhir thought. Parth was trying to deduce the expression behind his frigid look.

Parth (in his ever so sweet voice) - I thought you don't like your rival team's captain. Can i know why you took so much pain to wake me up?

Randhir - (alarmed) no' (he sat beside him) i mean i wanted to sit here.

Parth - oh you like the moon too.. i can understand, this is the best place in this village to look at it.

Can i strangle him? Randhir thought.

Randhir - I don't think about such girly things.

Parth broke out into laughter.

Randhir - (looking at him strangely) Abbey oye! Did i crack a joke?

Parth - No, actually Sanyu said the same thing so.. i was just.. (laughing again)

Sanyu??? Now he is calling her Sanyu! Randhir thought locking and unlocking his fingers. Now that her topic has come, he decided to ask him what is exactly going on between the two.

Randhir - (clears his throat) you know Sanyukta before you came here right?

Parth - No. I don't. And even you know that. (Randhir was startled) You saw us introducing ourselves. (mischievously) may be you were too jealous to nice that.

Randhir (Shocked) WHAT? Jealous and me? (randhir wanted to smash his head to the tree) And I hate sanyukta. Infact i hate the entire womankind.

Parth (surprised) But they are a gift to mankind.

Oh! This is the reason farzi is flat on him, Randhir gritted his teeth.

Randhir (putting his hand on Parth's shoulder) - dude, women are no one's own. You know they need to be kept in control orelse they'll fly away.

Parth (softly) - but if your love is true they'll come back to you.

Randhir was shocked. His usual way of manipulation against girls didn't work on Parth like it did on YoYo, Jiggy and Sameer and god knows how many boys since his school. He did give up. He tried for few minutes..

Randhir (as if talking in Parth's favour) - No my brother, you don't understand..

Parth - (unable to comprehend) what is there to understand? I didn't get you. They are humans, not animals to control. And women, are like sand. The firmer we close our wrists, the sooner they'll slip away from us.

Randhir (clenching his fists, tighter) when i close my fists, even the air would die of suffocation.

Parth (taken aback) then what is the use? Isn't it like romancing on a dead body? (Randhir looked puzzled) I meant, take this. They are near us, but not with us. How will we able to live in peace?

Randhir (gets up) - You won't understand dude. I'll leave.

Parth ( smiling ) good night and best of luck for your project.

Randhir (gritting his teeth) I don't need luck, i'm rank no.1 and I have skills. (he left the place)

Parth (to himself) - strange guy! And I thought he likes Sanyukta.

He put sheet on himself and drifted to sleep.


guys this part is not over yet..

I'll update part 3(B) tonight in this same post.

Read how sanyukta's silence will torture Randhir after the show. And tell me if you like my new script-style or should i continue my old style of writing.

TheDreamCatcher2014-03-05 05:54:02

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