Chapter 4

Jin. Thumbnail



Silent Torture

The next day.

Randhir rubbed his eyes as the sunrays hit his face. He looked besides and found that neither Jiggy nor YoYo nor Sahil are there. He lift his wrist and looked at his watch. Quarter past eight. He have been sleeping for so long? Even Jiggy must have wondered the same. Randhir is an early riser, doesn't matter how late he sleeps or doesn't sleep at all. The first thing Randhir did as he woke up is to look for Sanyukta. The door of the house is open, so he went inside. He was disappointed not to find her there. Only Kaustuki was sleeping selling the horses off. As he turned around he bumped into apple cider smelled wet hair at the door. He instantly knew who it was before composing himself of droplets that fell into his eyes. "Sanyukta" he called her name.

Now my entire day would be a disaster, she wanted to retaliate. But remembered her resolve, disturbing with indifference, torturing with silence and killing with kindness.

She feigned as not noticing him while chaffing her wet hair with towel and went straight to her sleeping beauty friend, upsetting Randhir, "Kaustuki.." she shook her, "Kaustuki wake up"

Later that day.

Randhir was making the design for the electricity project. Others just were strolling around or chit-chatting as he wouldn't let anyone interfere in his design. He was done after an hour. Yes, Exactly. This is the design i want.

Randhir (to everyone) - Come here! Guys the design is ready (glaring Sanyukta)

Sanyukta was assembling and dissembling her tool kit when she hear Randhir say, "Do you need a special invite farzi?" She went to him and sat beside Kaustuki as Randhir explained his blue print. According to him his generator would yield better result as instead of diesel, which the other team is working on, this would work on windmill energy. The fuel consumption is nil. Therefore, it is very much economical. Everyone quite liked his idea while Sanyukta's face is expressionless.

Randhir (to himself) - who cares (rolling his eyes), i'm sure she is speechless. Afterall my idea is wonderful (smirks)

The search for carpenter is given to YoYo, who later returned saying that the only carpenter was already hired for the day. He'd probably be free by the evening. Till then, as a captain he gave instructions to collect the required materials. Sanyukta was given one too and she didn't say anything. Infact Randhir was feeling restless. More than half the day passed and still now even a word exchange with Sanyukta? This was driving him crazy.

"We need to put all this together" he said. And everyone worked on those wood pieces. As Sanyukta was about to pick one, Randhir taunted her, "Oh you just leave it, Girls cannot do such things. Your soft hands will get injured" Not really taunting, but he was provoking her. And Sanyukta knew this, so she threw the wooden stick on the ground and sat under a tree, leaving Randhir dumbstuck. She was secretly enjoying this. Though she made thousand promises to ignore him, somehow she couldn't. However, she managed to make believe that ignorance outwards.

Then came the moment when Sanyukta feared her pretence will be out. Parth came to their team with a jute bag.

Parth (looking at her) Hi Sanyukta.

Randhir's blood was on a marathon and Vidhushi's was boiling. But Sanyukta put a sad face and looked at Randhir. Then looked down, with her hand on her cheek and not replying him. Relieving yet confusing Randhir to a great extent.

Randhir (in anger) - what the hell are you doing here? (turning Parth's attention to him)

Parth - (smiling) i just heard that you guys are in need of a carpenter. He'll be free by today. (looks at Sanyukta) However i feel if you'll need these not wanting to waste your time, (giving the bag to Sanyukta, which was grabbed by Vidushi)

Vidushi (opens the bag) - Tools? (looks at Parth)

Randhir narrows his eyes as he looks at Vidushi taking out a saw from it.

Parth - yeah, the carpenter had extra tools. So i got them for you guys.

Randhir - (taking two steps towards Parth) What on earth did you think that we'll accept your pity?

Parth (shaking his head) - I was just helping.

Randhir - (yelling) we don't need rival team captain's help, (pointing fingers at him) Get that straight.

Jiggy (puts hand on Randhir's shoulders) - Arrey Randhir bhai, let's take it, we need to submit it by tomorrow evening and we haven't even started.

Vidushi (looking at Parth with moon eyes) - That's rude Randhir, Parth has brought so lovingly.. (gives a huge smile to him)

Parth feels it is better to leave the place, as Randhir would reject them if he stayed a minute longer.

Randhir's mind was working overtime. One fourth was on project and three-fourths was on provoking Sanyukta.

Randhir (to himself) - Shall i ask her shape the edges? Atleast i'll be able to speak to her. No, i have told her myself that this isn't for girls. Then how? (looks at her, sitting with her hand on her cheek and looking at the ground)

He went and sat beside her, pretending to study the chart but looking at her from the corner of his eyes. Sanyukta did not look at him despite the fact that being few inches away. She behaved as if he is some Mr.India who is invisible for her.

At night, Randhir felt enough is enough. His restlessness is pushing his limits yet he didn't give up. Instead he was hell bent on making Sanyukta give up her resolve of apathy. The dinner is ready. And he knows sanyu has made it. Today she sat with them. What's the point of ignoring at dinner when she is with him all the time project, physically.

Randhir (taking a morsel and glaring at Sanyukta) - Aunty! You have magic in your hands. I really like the food today. (waiting for her reaction)

Old Lady (correcting him) - No son, you are mistaken again. Sanyukta made it today too.

Ofcourse he knows it. Those distinctive flavours set off waters in his mouth. The point is Sanyukta did not look at him. Has she gone deaf? He wondered. Where is that proud charade smiley look she gave the other day when he uttered the same words?

Randhir - I'm Sorry.

Jiggy choked the water he had, Vidushi slipped the morsel from her hand, Sahil gulped down his saliva and YoYo statued like hit by an invisible electricity. The Randhir Singh Shekhawat, Rank No.1, Certified MCP, I'm-a-gift-to-mankind attitude and Egoist jerk has just said 'Sorry'. Did they hear correct? Have all of them gone music-deafness like color-blindness together?

Randhir (looking at Sanyukta, what actually looked like he is seeing the lady) I'm really, really very Sorry. I shouldn't have done what i have yesterday. (apologetically, making sanyukta actually lift her eyelids)

Sanyukta understood he is saying this to her. So the silent torture worked..hmm..

The old lady (brushing it aside lovingly) - It's ok son. I'm glad you realize how expensive is water here. (the gang sigh.. oh! He is saying sorry to aunty!) We don't even have proper storage for rain water.. (and she continues her sob story..)

Then something caught his sight as he looked slantly down. And in an alienated way he didn't like it. Sanyukta has a shard on her inner arm, probably of wood? Hell yes, it is wood.

'Sanyukta.. why the hell do you prod in the things not meant for you?' Randhir's eyes spoke these words out of concern.

After dinner, sanyukta was placing the dishes after the old lady, Kaustuki and Vidushi washed them. She turned back and gasped in shock.

Sanykta (catching her bosom) - You scared me!

It was like music to Randhir's ears as it was the first sentence she spoke since morning. Sanyukta realized the same and bit her lips.

Randhir (catching her hand and twisting it a little) - How did u get this. (pointing the shard)

Sanyukta (rudely ungripping her hand) - None of your business.

Randhir (unsettled) - It is my business. You worked on' wood. Didnt i assign that task to Vidushi.

Vidushi (from behind) No.. umm.. actually (fumbling) I needed help. So.. however sanyukta was sitting on the dole.

Randhir (raising his voice) I am the captain of this team.. Understood. And if you go against my orders next time.. I swear...

Sanyukta started walking away while Randhir is taking orchestral classes of Vidushi. Too slow.. Randhir grabbed her hand and took her at outside at the porch.. He made her sit here and took out band-aid from his bag.

Randhir (clutching her hand firmly to place the band-aid) - Not just tool kit, engineers should learn to pack first-aid kit too. But how will you know this? You are a farzi engineer.

Sanyukta pulled her hand away. Randhir looked into her almond brown eyes and grabbed her hand. She pulled away again, he grabbed again. She pushed him this time, Randhir was enjoying it. Finally she is fighting, but then she is fighting away. He clutched her hand tight this time, finally she succumbed and Randhir put the band-aid.

Randhir (still clutching her hand) - why are you doing this? (sanyukta looked away) You really think it has any effect on me, Idiot! (he scolded her in a low horse whisper)

Sanyukta looked at him, widening her evocative eyes and Randhir gave up.

'Ok fine. It effects me' he confessed as he held her childlike startled face 'You have spoiled me Sanyukta'

She smiled. Infact she was controlling her laughter. This was the most bizarre confession ever. The way he emphasized each and every word only made it sexier.

Later at night,

Sanyukta twisted and twirled in her sleep. Randhir's words echoes in her ears.. 'You have spoiled me Sanyukta'

The next day, Vardhaan asked them to assemble near Sarpanch's house. Kabir's team is also present with him. Parth smiled at Sanyukta which she returned back bigger. Randhir saw this and was ready to snap her neck but kept his emotions bottled up in Vardhaan's presence. Afterall if Randhir is leader, Vardhaan is the boss. He hates to admit that he sometimes fears Vardhaan. Two reasons. One, because he is good at character analysis and showing mirrors. Two, he is kind of crazy' making difficult to fathom reason behind his actions. He feels threatened to deal with him as it is outside his comfort zone. The announcement was made that they need to show the demo of their projects tonight.

Randhir (to himself) - Should i say this to Vardhaan Sir or not?... What will he think?

After a series of mind duels on how exactly break to the news to Vardhaan, he finally decided to go with it.

Randhir (nervous) - Sir we are actually changing our project. We don't need a carpenter. We need a blacksmith. We are making a pump, similar to the one we made in college but which will filter the water while it pressures its way upwards. I have designed all the specifications, pressure and depth needed and the place where it has to be inserted. Please have a look at it. (he gasped for air as he finished it in one go)

The team members were in half-shocked half-surprised except Vardhaan who gave i-know-something-miracle-like-this-will happen winning look. And Randhir didn't care for them except for Sanyukta, who looked at him proudly. He understood that significant one thing of life. That all the achievements, all the appreciations and all the attainments are useless unless you earn admiration by one particular person in your life for those. And that person for Randhir is Sanyukta.


finally completed.. thanks for bearing with me.. And please guys one worded comments give me heartaches. Use 'like' in that case. And i would love to see your analysis on this.

TheDreamCatcher2014-04-14 08:16:02

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Comments (97)

thank you srividya

9 years ago

n dear plz accept my buddy request 😊

10 years ago

amazing story dear wanna read more of ur writings

10 years ago

Read all parts in one go and its an amazingly written story. The status said its completed but I cant see the part 4. Was it an uncensored part which you decided to send thru pm only.

10 years ago

amazing short story ...beautifully written

10 years ago

Wow I just came across this. It so so so beautiful. I am short of words. I could picturise the whole thing while reading it. and this sandhir story bought a smile to my face. It gave me one of those feel good vali feelings and I am very happy that I read this. Your version of the village track is so beautiful that I wish it were what had actually happened in the show. Randhir had a character development. Sanyu became stronger. And sandhir became more understanding of each other. You even connected the hate kiss beautifully. Well done dear. Truly a beautiful sandhir story 👏 Loved it

10 years ago

awesome ss !!totally loved it !!!randhir's thoughts while talking with parth was hillarious !!sanyukta's silent treatment was really awesome !!and i loved randhir's confession !! awesome !!loved the ending especially !!!amazing and beautifully written ss !!do write more :)-kiki 😳

10 years ago

WowI just read itSuperb workTotally loved itAwesome jobSandhir were so perfectly portrayed

10 years ago

I donno why didn't cum across this ff ...It was damn great!!!!!!! the way u expressed randhirs and Sanyu feelings!!!!!!!!!Really loved it!!!!!!!!!!! Keep writing tich!!!!

10 years ago

Wow tich!! M really sorry for my late down with fever...loved the way u carried the plot so far...😃

10 years ago
