Chapter 2

Jin. Thumbnail



Liquid Electricity

Seeing no one near the hut Randhir steer himself to the path he saw Parth that morning. There he observed Sanyukta coming from the oppose direction with a lost smile on her face. Reaching her, he held her hand and pushed her to a secluded lane..

Sanyukta was exasperated, "What's wrong with you Randhir?" she screamed.

-"where the hell were you?" he lashed out.


-"Dont act so innocent Sanyukta. You went to meet Parth right?" he confronted her.

Sanyu was shocked, how did he know? "I didn't go to meet him, i was just taking a stroll when i saw him. I thought.."

-"and you thought, why don't i go and grab the chance to know the new eye candy, isn't it?" he said, making Sanyukta disgusted, "Do i need to jog your memory you that he is a rival?" she didn't speak anything, which awed Randhir. He was disturbed. "I don't want you to see him again." He said, rather ordered her.

-"I'll meet him, Randhir. Enough!" she warned him to mind his own business and tried to walk past him. But he swung her to wall and stopped he with his hand.

-"We'll be doing electricity generating project only," he said, in an attempt to provoke her.

-"You are the captain. Do whatever you want" she said, tired and not in mood to fight. " But let me go" she turned to move from other side. But he trapped her between his two hands.

Sanyukta was baffled, "Randhir, what are you doing? Have you gone mad?"

-He took a step towards her, "Have YOU gone mad?" he yelled pointing fingers back at her.

-"Dont shout Randhir. You'll grab attentions" she warned him.

Darkness enveloped them, moonlight was their only source of vision. Indeed it was scary if not romantic.

-"Sanyukta, " he held her hand, tight, "I want you to cut off all the ties with Parth, now. Take this as your captain's orders"

-"Randhir, leave my hand. Dont forget, it is I who made you the captain. Why don't you understand its a healthy competition. And Parth is a genuine guy who.."

-"Oh.. so now you find him good, genuine, nice and what Sanyukta?" he ridiculed, piercing deep into her eyes, "why don't you do one thing, help him to win against us"

-"You have lost it" she freed herself.

-"No. You have lost it. Befriending our opponent's team captain"

-"It's my life. And my wish" she said, proving the point, "And you cannot dictate whom should I speak to"

-"Because of him, you are fighting with me." He held her hand again pushing her to the wall.

-"Did you hit your head somewhere? I'm sure you had a memory loss. For your kind information, we always fight Randhir. We never spoke normally"

-"Oh yes. Now what exactly normally means to you girls, lemme guess, the ever so romantic moon talks and promises to meet again"

-"RANDHIR!!" now she was losing her patience in Randhir's limit-cross verbal duels.

-"Sshhh! Don't shout! I know how to either," he jibed at her, now that his ego is on the verge of satisfaction, "And you should be ashamed of yourself Sanyukta. Did you forget that your marriage has been fixed that you are celebrating Valentine's with some other guy?" This was a blow on her character. She impulsively pushed him and rose her hand to slap him. Just like last time. Nevertheless, this time he was too quick, he caught it before it landed on his cheek.

Raging in fury, with his other hand he caught her face between her jaws, making her lips part. She tried, distancing herself from him by hitting him continuously with her other hand but in vain. He leaned closer and closer, making his lips just few centimeters apart from hers. Closer, closer and closer, as their blood and pulse rate vibrated out of sync. This liquid electricity is adulterating his hatred with amalgamation of emotions First one of them being, despair.

He saw a very different scenario in Sanyukta's eyes. It was fear. She can defend a man's bad intentions and alarming advances, not that Randhir had anything of these sorts. But can she defend a man's dense passion for her especially when she herself can feel it? Sanyukta did not want repeat the epic kiss history with Randhir. She lost control over herself that day. However, today, there is possessiveness in his eyes. She could feel it. This troubled her. Despite the fact that Randhir affected her deeply, she can consider only detestation from him. Something has changed, she knew. Hence, even if Randhir kisses her today, which she hopes he does not, she decided not to kiss him back in bloody feud. Like telepathy, Randhir read her thoughts.

Tears clouded Sanyukta's eyes and fell on his hands. This made him feel guilty. He hated tears. Particularly if a girl cries, he feels allergic. Moreover, Sanyukta's tears should give him sadomasochist pleasures, isn't it? Hell, no. He loathed it. Therefore, he left her stumble to the ground and escaped the place as fast as he could.

Sanyukta, brought her knees to herself and cried leaning her head onto this. I hate you Randhir, I hate you from the core of my heart. I hate you.. She stood up after a while in realization. When did she fall weak? The problem is Randhir. That crazyball brings out forbidden desires in her and she like a pomerian pup gets ready to walk on fire. Remember Sanyukta, for Randhir engineering is just a choice. He has lots of time to revolve around you. But this is your dream for which you are fighting. You can't let him come in between. She wiped her tears and made way to the hut.



-"Women are like sand. The firmer we close our fists, the sooner they'll slip away from us"

-"Even the air would die of suffocation when i close my fists

Parth laughed at stubborn Randhir, "Then why are you worried?"

TheDreamCatcher2014-02-18 10:55:00

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