Chapter 1

Jin. Thumbnail




Moonlight Sonata

Sanyukta kept walking through the erratic lanes of village. It's night time, furthermore rural people drift to sleep by 7pm being early risers. Yet she felt safe for a walk there unlike in cities. After reminiscing her arch enemy's words, she realised she reached the place the dig is, into which she fell the morning. *flash* Randhir not ready to leave her hand and dragging her away from Parth *flash ended* She brushed her thoughts aside as she saw a figure sit beneath the tree, looking at the moon. It didn't take her much to realize that it was Parth. Afterall she has seen him closely, seen not noticed, his built and stature is one of its kind among men around her.

-"Want company?" she asked him with a faint smile. She felt positive vibes from him, hence did not hesitate to strike a casual conversation.

-"Sanyukta?" Parth smiled back. But it isnt like the one he showered morning. His teeth aren't visible.

-"You seem lost" she said as she take place beside him, because she could empathize with him. He was going through the same.

-"You too" he said looking away from her.

It was easy for them. The comfort level was spontaneous though they spoke less to each other. It wasn't needed. Because the understanding and encouraging gestures that matters most. That's what Sanyukta realised spending those few minutes with him.

-"You always so shy?" she asked him trying to divert herself.

-Parth still looking straight, "Sometimes makes me wonder, why it is so difficult to keep our self interests aside?" He was clearly not happy with electricity generating project. "Why we are left alone otherwise?"

Parth's questions took her back to the problem she faced just few minutes ago.


-"Are you mad, Sanyukta?" Randhir shout at her "Stop you woman-oriented good-for-nothing thinking"

-"Randhir, these people need water. We, in college buy mineral water when our bottle finish though we have water filters every floor. And here.." Sanyukta told him, "They have only one well which is 5km away. And mind you, it's because of us that aunty is left with no water now. What will we drink?" she reprimanded, the water splash fight that took place between her and Randhir in the afternoon. They have however brought water again and made apologies to her.

-Randhir got frustrated, "Enough. I can't take this anymore. I only want to win Sanyukta this dream team competition, Farzi. Do you even realise the level of this competition?" He took his bag, ready to leave from there. But before that he asked his team to choose. "Whoever wants to be with me, you decide"

Except Kaustuki and YoYo, who isn't in the competition anyway, are all against her. Yet she didn't change her decision. She just couldn't agree with Randhir inspite of being a team player. She needed some time off, to think what is right and what is not, approach a conclusion for supporting Randhir. So she took stroll around the village, her mind occupied in this thoughts.

*flash ended*

-"Why do you feel alone? You have you ever-so supporting mentor and..." she paused, "Sarpanch's blessings"

Parth looked at her this time. He smiled giving if-only-you-know gender bias isn't the only problem in this world. He didn't really answer her as he speaks less. Really less. Sanyukta didn't proble him, like she always does to Randhir. After few minutes he said, "Shall we talk something else?"

-"Ahaan.. But i'm the only one who talk." She cracked, making him chuckle. Silence again for few minutes. Sanyukta was awkward, it's novel for a certified chatter-box like her. Yet it is soothing. She always thought she is what she is around Kaustuki, Jiggy and yes, Randhir. The sharp-tongued. She discovered silent side of hers with Parth, who still isn't speaking anything than looking at the moon.

Meanwhile, Vidushi came in search of Sanyukta. She saw her and Parth together and burned in jealousy. 'what the hell is Sanyukta doing with rival team's captain?' she decided to hear their conversation at a distance.

-"You are fascinated by the moon, isn't it?" Sanyukta asked Parth. He nodded, no reply. She raised her eyebrows. "But isn't it a girly thing?"

Sanyukta's question made Parth turn his head to her.

-"What? I don't know that moon is copyrighted with 'Only For Girls' tag" He said. "Isnt it unviversal?"

-"You think so?"

-"Yes" he said in affirmative. "Everything in this world is equal between man and woman. And there is nothing like girly thing by the way. Not even cooking." He said, surprising Sanyu.

-"Child birth?" she asked.

-Parth was shy, "yes,. " he looked down, "it's the only exception. That's the reason women are blessed ones. They create miracles"

For Sanyukta it's a drastic change. She turned to the moon Parth is looking at. She doesn't feel reticent, she didn't care judgement, she only looked at moon. If only Randhir knew the beauty of moonlight along with it's travelling distance, she thought. The involuntary thought of Randhir brought her back from reverie.

-"Got to go" she stands up, "Nice having self-talk with you" she teased.

-"hmm.. Sanyukta." He called her making her turn, "Tomorrow same place?"

-Sanyu grinned and he understood her acceptance of his invite, "Good Night Parth"

-"good night Sanyukta" he said and drifted into his old friend moon again.

Randhir on the other hand, is doing push ups with a vendetta. How dare she refuse dream team's captain? To rub salt with freshly ground pepper on his wounds, Vidushi came to him.

-"Hmph,. Good Night Parth.. Good Night Sanyukta.." she mimicked, "what does she thinks of herself?" she spoke loud, intentionally to make Randhir hear.

And it did grab his attention.

-"what the hell, vidushi?"

-"Dont ask Randhir.. That Sanyukta.. I have seen her with Parth. And both are behaving like long-lost friends" Vidhushi emphasized on 'friends' by contracting her middle and index fingers.

-"What?" Randhir stand up and grabbed her by hand, "What is she doing with Parth?" he squeezed her hard.

-"Ah.. what do i know? Making Valentine's plans may be. Who knows? Both are too interested in moon talks"

That was enough. Looking at Randhir's face, one would assume if he had eaten bhoot jholakia, the most spicy chilly available in the world. He was all red in infuriation and his eyes, filled with envy. Pushing Vidushi mercilessly aside, he took brusque steps towards the hut where they are staying. The fun begins, vidushi smiled triumphantly.



-"I'll meet him Randhir, ENOUGH!"

She didn't want to repeat the epic kiss history with Randhir.

TheDreamCatcher2014-02-17 21:46:20

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