Chapter 4

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So here is another update...may be you all will be able to guess what ma be the back story...
Ok, i think i will not be able to complete in one more may be two...and one you may get by the evening i am totally free today,...
Till then enjoy this one and leave your guesses...waiting...

Chapter-3 (The Pain)

Yes doctor... Sanyukta got a call from the doctor early in the morning...

Miss Aggarwal, your Mother's operation's all preparations re over, her basic test are fine, we can operate her its upto you, the day you deposit the amount...

Yes, doc, I will deposit today itself...thanks a lot doc...thinking she moved towards Randhir's room...

She knocked to the door hesitatingly...yes, come in... he spoke from inside, his voice was a bit firm...

Mr. Shekhawat...she whispered hesitatingly...

Why are you here unnecessarily? Suddenly he shouted seeing her standing there ...

I want to go out for two hours...she spoke hesitatingly...

Wanna run away? He smirked...

If wanted to run, I wouldn't have needed our permission...

Good point... he nodded...what's the reason...

It's my mum...she sighed knowing he will not let her go without knowing reason.

What? His hands stopped immediately knotting his tie... What happened to mum? He moved closer...

Sanyukta looked surprisingly at his sudden concern...but in the meantime he hid his emotions... I mean anything wrong?

She suffered from brain tumor last year, is in coma till then. Now doctors want to operate her..i have to deposit charge by today for her operation..

Listening he turned his face away... I will ask driver to take you... Which hospital... He spoke slowly.

City hospital... thanks...she murmured leaving from there...

While Randhir slowly wiped his tear missing Mum...

Mum... Today again you gave all chocolates to Randhir? Eight years old Sanyukta was complaining her mother... Your all love is for your bestie's son...nothing for me...

Then why do you feel jealous sandy? Randhir chided her...

Because you get love of both Renuka auntie and my mom...

Anju ( sanyukta's mom)Pulled her in lap... are he is my son...when you will be big, you will get married and leave me, then Randhir will be there to take care of me na, if I will be ill... then why will not I love him more...

But I will not leave you ...never...Sanyukta hugged her mom...

Mum... Randhir came closer... I have other option... Me and Sandy will get married, then we both will stay with you forever...

Randhir you are too naughty to your age... Sanyukta's mom held his ear...i will tell Renuka...

As if she will have time to listen you Mum... Randhir's' face fell...she is too busy in her business that I don't remember when did she fed me last time...she does only one thing when she comes home...scold me on Mr .Sanyal's instance...and frighten me to send to boarding's forever knowing how much I hate to stay away from home...

He is your father Randhir... Anju caressed his face...

No he is not my father is dead... he is just my mum's second husband... Saying Randhir hugged Anju...

You are my son beta, we will always stay together... Saying she kissed his forehead...

And me? Sanyukta made a puppy face... When Anju pulled her too...I Love you both my kids...

And we love you too Mum... They spoke in unison...

Randhir wiped his tears calling at city hospital and asking doctor to give best treatment to Mrs. Anju Aggarwal...and instructed driver to take Sanaya carefully and stay there till when she wants..

It was evening dinner and for the first time in fourteen days Randhir broke silence at dining table..

How's your Mum now? He looked at Sanyukta.

She was shocked at the question... She is fine...all she said... Operation was successful. Doctor said, she will gain consciousness by tomorrow or day after tomorrow...

That night after fourteen long nights, neither Sanyukta got any call on intercom, nor any dress not even the middle door between their room was opened, she was feeling overwhelmed at Randhir's gesture... atleast he too had feelings...


She was happy next day having two reasons...first, doctor told her, that her mother was recovering fast, was Randhir's birthday... Her Randhir's twenty sixth birthday...

I know Randhir that was the black day in our lives...your tenth birthday... The day you started hating me... The day your left all of us... but I still thank god every year for bringing you in my life on this day...for giving me opportunity to love you...she caressed his picture in her diary...umm...moreover our mum is also recovering, so why not I make it a bit special... She was talking Randhir's childhood picture... ok, I will make your favorite chocolate cake...speaking she went to kitchen.

Diana... She called caretaker...

Yes mam...Diana asked her...Looking quite happy today?

Yup...and i need your help...i wanna prepare a small cake, will you help me? Sanyukta smiled whole heartedly in last fifteen days..

Cake? Diana was shocked...

Actually Mam, cake is not allowed in this house...

What? She was shocked...

Yes, Mr. Shekhawat hates kept quite...

Can't even a small one just for me? Sanyukta requested...

Diana could not help but smiled... ok, you can but make sure it is finished before Mr. Shekhawat arrives home...

Thanks... thanks Diana...saying Sanyukta ran towards kitchen and soon her cake was ready...and it was just five PM by then..

Diana, its almost ready but hot yet... Sanyukta smiled... I have to freshen up, will come back soon...ok? Saying Sanyukta left for her room...

But may be her luck was not at her side that day too... As she went upstairs, Randhir entered home...he was quite bad in mood for the same reason Sanyukta was happy... HIS BIRTHDAY, the day he hates the most...

Cake? He saw on dining table just entering the hall...that too his onetime favorite chocolate cake...and his anger was on heights seeing that...

Diana... he shouted...

Ye...yes Sir...she spoke in fear knowing how cool he was and how fearing he can be at times...

Who brought the cake? He shouted...

Sanaya Mam prepared it...she needed one today...she spoke hesitatingly...

Listening his anger was on peak...but he controlled his expressions, and said Diana...ok...give it to me, I will give to her...saying he picked the cake and moved towards her room in anger...

He entered in her room just to find her happily singing a beautiful song...but his anger was covering his brain his heart and his all emotions...

As she listened noise. She turned back just to find Randhir standing there holding cake in his hand...

Mr...Mr. Shekhawat... She whispered...

So you wanted cake even coming to know I hate cakes? He looked ta her face...what's the reason?

Its...its my betsie's birthday... She whispered...

Listening he just stormed in anger holding her tight and I will tell you how birthdays are celebrated...saying he took cake in his hand mashing it on Sanyukta's neck, shoulders after tearing her dress...her face and all over the bare space on her body...she was shocked at his action...

Leave me Mr. Shekhawat...she cried...

No Miss Sanaya.. you must know...this is the best way to celebrate birthdays;... He looked into her crying eyes but her tears were not making hi anger as well as his pain lessen... Didn't anyone teach you? Then let me teach you...saying he started licking cake from her neck with his tongue, moving from neck to her shoulder to her cleavage and to the upper parts of her breasts... but he was not just licking the cake, he was biting her hard...for the first time, it was too hard, that it started bleeding form the bites...her blood had mixed in the cake cream but as if nothing mattered for him at the moment...Tears were continuously flowing through her eyes...she was stopping him, but his own pain was not to the end...when Sanyukta noticed, it was not only she, but he was also crying badly while torturing her...she paused for a moment... Why is he crying? But immediately jerked him away... Mr. Shekhawat... Stop this nonsense...he came back to his senses and immediately left from there form the middle door leaving it open...

Very next moment, Sanyukta was standing under shower crying at her condition...shouting away all her pain, all humiliation...crying, washing all the wounds, she sat on floor... Today, I came to know Randhir, much humiliation, how much pain, you could have felt on your tenth birthday...when all this was being done with you...

There Randhir was also in same condition in bath could I stoop so low? I wanted to torture her, but how could I give her that pain, that wound, that had hurt me always? I have really turned into a beast....he was sinking himself in the tub again and again punishing for his deed.


That day Sanyukta didn't go for dinner nor Randhir had went downstairs...the staff too had left at their time...the middle door was still open but it was completely quiet on both sides only things could be listened were ...Sanyukta' sobs lying on the floor. And Randhir's' hits to the punching bags, the volume could tell how angry he was...

Sanyukta herself didn't know when did she slept lying on the floor... To be woke up at mid night listening cries from Randhir's room...she had never listened before...

She looked and checked the middle door was still open that's why that room's voices were audible here but crying so badly?

Should I go to check? No atleast not after what he did today...she thought to herself...

But cries were not stopping even ten minutes had passed...

If he has left humanity atleast I can't .thinking she went inside and the scene was horrible... Randhir was sleeping on the bed and he was crying badly while sleeping as if he is experiencing some bad dream...

Sanyukta tried to understand, what he was saying...

No... no...please...don't do to me... this hurts... it hurts badly...please leave me...please... Mr..."she could not understand what name he was taking ,she slowly moved ahead... And tried to shake him. Mr. Shekhawat...

But he was still crying... No leave me...he jerked her hand... Don't touch hurts... no..." Mr. Shekhawat, its me Sanaya, no one else is here...she tried to wake him up... But he was still crying...

Finally she shook him waking him up...Randhir... no one is here...its just me...

Listening his name, Randhir cooled a bit, feeling Sanyukta closer to him, he pulled her for tight hug... Sanyukta was unable to understand what had happened...

Don't ...don't leave me... don't leave me, otherwise they will...he was sobbing Like a kid...

Yes, Randhir, I am with one will do anything to you... Sanyukta had understood, he was talking while sleeping...may be some past was hunting him badly...she caressed his back...

Don't leave me please... he whispered again relaxing and just after few moments, he was sleeping gain holding Sanyukta tightly. Sanyukta tried to move a bit away but she was afraid, if he wakes up again.. so after lot struggle she decided to stay back.

It was early morning, Randhir opened his eyes and tried to take side... some soft skin touched her waist...

He looked at found himself sleeping in Sanyukta's arms, who was holding him carefully till now.

Last night's memories appeared in front of him, how Sanyukta had handled him...he slowly tried to get up from bed not disturbing her but as he tried to remove her hand from his waist...she got up with jerk. Mr. Shekhawat , are you ok?

He looked at her...ya I am...saying he left for washroom without looking at her..

She too got up and left for her room...

One hour passed, Sanyukta got freshen up and got ready and received call form doctor...

Miss Aggarwal, your mom gained consciousness...

Really? Thanks doctor...tear flew through her eyes...

She wants to see you, can you come today? Doctor asked her...

Let me see doctor, I will need permission from my boss... I will try...she spoke hesitatingly...thanks doc...saying she cut call and turned back just to find Randhir standing behind her.

Mr. Shekhawat? She spoke...

So your Mum gained consciousness? Wanna go? He spoke a bit politely...

Sanyukta didn't reply anything... Come I will drop you... And...thanks...for last night...

All he said while leaving, and Sanyukta was standing like statue... Did he just thanked her for last night?

Next part within one leave your feedback...

reet212014-06-11 04:08:52

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Comments (11)

update sooon plz...hving xm day aftr nxt day hv 2 prepare bt cmng 2 if n chking ur ff nw & den

10 years ago

Superb post dear...u really a great writer👏N I really loved randhir as he was talking politely with sanyuPlzz next post soon n do PM me plz 😃

10 years ago

This is awsm lovedit jaldi se plz update...

10 years ago

hey plz update it aftr that i ll not be able to read cz i have to prepare 4 my examasmamahsud2014-06-11 05:11:34

10 years ago

Thanks guys.but am afraid, should i update next one? its completely dark... i have goosebumps while writing...for the first time i wrote such thing... Oh my God...very tough job...feeling so much depressed... reet212014-06-11 05:09:41

10 years ago

Darling... wat to say... for a moment you kept Randhir as a villain and next moment like a kid... yaar its simply superb... loved... aaj tho festival hai... getting updates soon... love

10 years ago

amazing update...y randhir is behaving lyk dis wid sanyu????waiting

10 years ago

thank what you imagine the truth may be?may i know your guess?

10 years ago

resunresits getting intresting bt I am soo sad for sanyukta & randhir 😭 I think Randhir's 10th bday got spoiled because of her..but y wil she do so? no idea 😕 may be its because of his father? anyways u update asap. .I cnt wait to know the complete storyavniarpitha2014-06-11 04:34:41

10 years ago

so quick? even i didn't updated in title?😊thanks dear

10 years ago
