Chapter 5

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Note- Red Colour- Diary, blue- Flashback form Randhir's Point of view...

Chapter-4 (The Shattered truth)

Mum... Sanyukta hugged her mother with tears...I Love you...

I love you too Mum... Randhir muttered standing in the corner of the room looking at Anju.. are you my sweetie? Mom wiped her tears...

I am sorry mum... I told you truth of Mr. Aggarwal and you faced such problem..

No beta, I am told me truth and I am in such miserable condition in one year, and you knew the truth from sixteen lived with it losing everything...

Listening Randhir got a bit conscious, what truth they both are talking about? And Sanyukta said Mr. Aggarwal instead of Dad?

Ok, Mum, I don't have enough time, my job is really tough, maybe I will not be able to see you frequently...but you take care. And remember, whatever happen to me... I will love you always...saying Sanyukta hugged her mom...

But can you do one favor? Her mum cupped her face... Please find him...not only for you, but for me.. I want to ask him forgiveness for your Dad's deeds... her mom was in tears...

I will Mom... I am already finding him... don't worry...Sanyukta caressed her Mom's face...when Anju looked at Randhir with questioning eyes...

This man? She asked Sanyukta...

Mum, he is... Sanyukta lowered her eyes... but Randhir came closer folding his hands.. I am his boss...she is event manager in my company...we had to go somewhere, she had to visit you before, so I came with her... how are you now?

Ma fine, Thanks beta... Anju blessed him...

Ok I have to leave...take care...saying Sanyukta left form there while whatever Randhir could gather from their conversation, They were talking about him. he wanted to know.

Sanyukta was looking away from the passenger seat while Randhir was driving with lot questions in his mind.

So Miss Sanaya or Miss Sanyukta Aggarwal? Finally he broke silence... As doctor called you...

Sanyukta looked towards him... Sanyukta...Sanyukta Aggarwal...all she said...

I am listening... he spoke...

Sanyukta understood, he will not leave the question till she don't reply properly...

Finally she spoke...

Sanyukta Aggarwal...Daughter of Mr. Naresh Aggarwal... owner of Aggarwal group of industries..

... Two years before suddenly Aggarwal group of industries trashed... one night, its all factories caught fire at same time...everything was burnt and remaining was lost in auctions.. She sighed

Listening a smirk appeared on Randhir's face...

Mr. Aggarwal could not handle stress and he passed away with heart attack while me and mum shifted to another city and I joined a good job in an office. life was back on track when suddenly last year, mom had brain tumor, and that made mum slip to coma...

She was shifted to hospital, when doctors in our city referred her to here in city hospital. I could not lose my mum at any brought her here... doctor had told operation will cost approximately ten lakhs. i had five lakhs with me but no one was in complete world to help me... and I reached Madam Loren's Parlor... There you came, owned me...and the commission I got, mum got operated. Thats all... she sighed speaking everything in one breath...

Mr. Aggarwal? You call your dad by name? he wanted to know..

Well that's personal matter...she looked away...

I have all ears towards you. he spoke again...

We were not in good terms since last few years... I had broken all relations with him... Anything else you wanna know? She asked in frustration...

One last question... whom mum I mean your mum was asking you to find out? He looked towards her. he wanted to it he? But instead of speaking she turned her face away, he could feel she was crying... for a second, he wanted to sooth her, he wanted to pull her for hug, to take all her pain...but he jerked his thoughts away immediately...when her phone rang...

Yes Mary...she spoke...

Ya, Ronny found him? a smile appeared on Sanyukta's face...Where...

What? He was adopted? By someone after that? He found record? She spoke...

yes, she is looking for him only? And she is succeeding? But why now after so many years? So desperately?

How much money doe Ronny want? I can pay him...ten lakhs? Ok finalize the deal. i will transfer now...but make sure it is he Randhir ... Randhir Sanyal...and she cut the call... Listening Randhir stopped the car immediately...

Sanyukta looked towards him in shock... Nothing, I imagined a car ahead ..all he spoke looking away...


Whole day as well as evening went thinking for Randhir...why does she want to enter in his life again? That day he didn't come home at seven. All servants had left when it was midnight and he entered...he went to his room and was about to sleep... But sleep was much away from him today...he slowly opened the middle door and went near Sanyukta's bed finding her sleeping peacefully with smile on her face while a diary was placed near her on was same diary gifted by him...he slowly picked it up and came back without disturbing...

He half laid on the couch opening the diary... first page that belonged to him only...

A tear rolled over his face...

He opened first page.

It mentioned...

11th june 1998

Happy Birthday Randhir, you gifted me diary knowing I hate to write, but will write all important things, otherwise it will finish soon and I know,, you are so lazy in gifting..

Reading a smile appeared on Randhir's face...stupid girl... always I had to do her homework. Never ready to write on copies...

Next entry was on

15th December 1998

What has happened to you these das Randhir? You are always afraid, don't come to home, neither you talk to me properly. Even when I asked you about it, you shouted at me? Moreover even you ran away seeing my Dad? Pleas tell up to me... I am your bestie...we are big now, I can understand...

Randhir...what happened? Why are you sitting alone and crying? Everything fine? Sanyukta wrapped around his shoulder.

Leave me alone sandy, I am fine...Randhir jerked her hand..

Randhir mum was asking you didn't come since four days... let's go home, I am not going to listen any excuse...Sanyukta pulled him to her home...

Randhir come beta, I made your favorite ice-cream...anju fed him...suddenly when Mr. Aggarwal came there.

Dad. Sanyukta ran to him hugging him.

Mr. Aggarwal looked around and at Randhir... are you...he came and tapped his face...

I am fine. thanks...saying he dropped ice-cream and ran away from their...

What happened to Randhir... why is he so much afraid? Anju spoke trying to follow him, when Mr. Aggarwal stopped him...leave anju, he is kid yet... anyway, after freshen up, I am going to Sanyals... Mr Rakesh Sanyal and me are having party tonight...

A tear rolled over Randhir's face remembering incidence...they and their Parties...bullshit...speaking he turned the page...

Next entry was after six months...just one day after his birthday, the day he left home..

12th June 1998

Why did you leave Randhir? You could listen to me atleast, I could explain, why I did? Why I blamed you...just in morning Renuka auntie told me you have run away...from them, from me? Why? Everything was horrible, but we could find were suffering from one year and you didn't share with me... Today I broke all relations with Mr. Aggarwal...yes, My Dad has been changed to Mr,. can he stoop so low?

But you could tolerate everything for one year then why did you run away suddenly? I know you hate me for what I did, but I didn't have any option...

You know, last night I slept on was difficult but soon I will be habitual of this? How can I sleep peacefully when you are in pain...

Uncle...please...uncle please stop... Ten years Sanyukta was crying to Mr. Sanyal... Don't do it to me...

While Mr. Sanyal was tearing her frock to rags...While Randhir sitting on ground folding his legs to his chest was also shouting... Mr. Sanyal stop it...please leave Sanyukta... Don't do anything other...Mr. Sanyal, I promise she will not tell anything to anyone...and I will agree to every demn thing of your... Please...

But the man was laughing cruelly till tearing Sanyukta's clothes...

Just when Renuka had come there...

What's all this is going on...she looked at Mr. Sanyal?

Yes Renu, I am also asking Sanyukta, what's all tis? Who did all this? Mr. Sanyal suddenly changed his tone to sweetness...

While Mr. Aggarwal too stepped ahead. Sanyu, my baby, who did all this to you... Sanyukta tried to push them away when Renuka held her. sanyu, baby who did all this?

Sanyukta sighed for a bit..and fingered towards Randhir...

Randhir...he did all this with me...crying she hugged Renuka tight...

Yes Sanyukta, I tolerated everything...i tolerated every demn thing thinking when I will be big, I will take revenge from them because you and Mum will be on my side...but how could you blame me for the offence I could never imagine to think? You blamed me to harass you physically? You used to speak I am filmy? But how could I harass you at the age of ten? Did you ever imagine? It hurt, it hurt my soul... My soul was broken that day and its broken till now...i hate you... I hate you so much...he wiped his tears breaking all the things around him...

He wanted to stop but he continued... Next entry was after ten years...

11th June 2008

Happy birthday you must be a big boy, and i hope you must have come out of the past... I just wish wherever you are , you must be happy... I have completed my graduation, now even I stopped using luxuries of Mr. Aggarwal, thinking I don't know how your life will be... I have joined a job at receptionist... Mr. Aggarwal beat me with belt when he came to know saying what people will say...but nothing matter for me...mum wants to know the truth, but I didn't tell her anything.

Randhir was confused reading this...

25th May 2010

Renuka Auntie Passed away today waiting for his son..On her last breath, I told her the truth. Truth about her husband and his son...i didn't want her to die with the guilt of mother of a characterless son, I told her, it was not his son, it was his husband who was characterless.

If you knew whole truth, then why? Why did you blame me Sanyukta?

5th July 2011

Mr. Sanyal died in car accident... and I was really happy today... his body was disgusted in accident could not be recognized... what a good decision by God...such person deserved such death...

7th feb 2013

Mr. Aggarwal's all factories burnt to ashes. his villa, his properties sold under auctions. i told him today. This is known as pure decision of God. Do bad, how can be good with you? You hurt the pure innocent soul of Randhir, you broke my could you be happy... He dies, with attack, I didn't shatter a single tear,. That man didn't deserve my tears...but how all his factories burnt suddenly? Is it you Randhir? Are you back? Did all my wished kept you safe and sound?

Yes, it was me Sanyukta who hired goons to burn his factories, when Mr. Sanyal's accident was by me. how could I leave them...and my next target was you... two years, I had found you from the day you disappeared finally my detectives told me, you had reached to Madam Loren... and so i...

He turned few pages, those were her struggle in new city when he found new entry after reaching in his home...

26th May 2014

Today I have reached Shekhawat Villa, Mr. Randhir Singh Shekhawat owned felt disgusting but I had no other option, I am sorry Randhir... but Mary told me she will find you with the help of Ronny. I just want your forgiveness... Nothing else...

Hum. ya I owned you just to torture break you as I was...but you are already broken Sanyukta, then why ? Why did you blame me for such a crime I could never imagine in my dreams?

11th june 2014

Happy birthday Randhir...Today I prepared your favorite cake but Mr. Shekhawat... he meshed complete cake on my body, he licked me , gave me wounds...with hate, I don't know even what that hate was for? For me or for cake...

Randhir you know, that was just humiliation he gave to me. but the pain I was feeling was not for my body...

It was for you, sixteen years back...i had just seen I could you would have felt When Mr. Sanyal and Mr. Aggarwal were meshing cake on your body, they were licking you... you were crying badly to leave you...but they were seducing you...again and again...

why did he run away? why did Sanyukta blame him? why he hates her so much?

Everything tomorrow.but first do leave your feedback... as this was the toughest work i have written ever and don't think will ever be able to write again...

reet212014-06-11 05:23:28

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Comments (32)

awosame too interesting upload next part soon

10 years ago

This was so brilliant..RD has gone through so much...feeling really bad for him..glad he loves his MUm..I am so proud of sanyu..but really wanna know wat made her to this..But RD shuld also undertstand na..she loves him so much..toh koi na koi wajah hogi..Waiting for ur next update😃

10 years ago

This was totally dark! and there are so much mysteries! Please update quickly! You're a really good writer and it takes courage to write those scenes. i appaud you for trying to break that uncomfortableness and try to explain this the cleanest way possible! scary... and sad. but the way you wrote it made that work out! good job!👏

10 years ago

Thanks a lot liked my story.and i am in love with yours...ya today being last part, all doubts will be cleared why Snayukta did that, why she blamed him for nothing...t was my first dark as well as mature work..i have always been short of words for such things... and i am happy all liked it...yup, all doubts will be cleared today...

10 years ago

This content is hidden.

10 years ago

Thanks guys for liking my first dark work... i have never tried such work before...get ready for last update today afternoon...

10 years ago

What a wonderfully written dark story. Waiting for your next update. Do PM me.

10 years ago

Oh my god... ur story... i have no words to explain yaar.. continue soon dear... its realy heart touching..

10 years ago

OMG ur story is getting intense And I'm getting impatientReally wanna knw what happens nxt...Update soon yaar

10 years ago

Oh my god... That was so good... Amazing... Thanks for pm...

10 years ago
