Chapter 3

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Ok guys , sorry for being late.
but as promised, chapter was sure to be given.
here is another Long chapter..
do leave your feedback...

Chapter-2 (Love versus Hate)

Sanyukta had quietly sat on back seat while Randhir had instructed his driver something before leaving.

As she reached Shekhawat Villa... the view was really was a palace instead... As she entered inside, a caretaker lady had come to her...Welcome Madam...she smiled at Sanyukta... Mr. Shekhawat had informed us about your may call me Diana...

What? Sanyukta was a bit confused, what did he say?

He had told us, one of his friend named Sanaya will be coming here...

Friend? Sanyukta was shocked... Was he hiding her true identity from all?

Let me show you your room madam... Saying Diana called anther servant, who held bag from Sanyukta while she followed them quietly... She was taken in the room was just adjacent to the master bedroom... As told by Diana about the villa...the whole floor had just two rooms. Master Bedroom that belonged to Randhir, and second one was the adjacent room that belonged to her now...

If you need anything, you may call in the kitchen Madam through this intercom... number list is placed in drawer... Diana was giving her instructions... Dinner will be ready by Seven...

Seven? So early? Sanyukta was surprised..

Actually we servants are not allowed to stay in the villa after eight, we go back to our quarters backside, Mr. Shekhawat loves his he loves to be alone form eight evening to six morning... So if anything is needed, you may inform in advance..

No problem, I will take myself...thanks...Sanyukta gave her a faded smile...

With the smile, Diana left from there, while Sanyukta went for a quick bath and changed to her usual kurta and Patiala., after light snacks sent by Diana, she called doctor...

Yes doctor, its me, Sanyukta Aggarwal... Yes, how's my mom Now?

She is stable Miss Aggarwal, but surgery is needed soon...Doctor replied...

That's why I called you doctor, please start preparations, I will deposit amount quite shortly...Ok, within seven day? Fine, I will deposit by next Monday... thanks Doc... saying she called Madam Loren to transfer money in her account...and then to Mary...

Yes Mary...did he find anything about him?

No Sanaya, nothing till now... He is checking all records of police, actually the phot we gave to Ronny is quite old na, an dthat boy must be big man now... so its getting difficult...

Mary had some links in Police department there who was her regular customer... She had requeted him to help Sanyukta to find Randhir... her Randhir Sanyal...

Mary ask him to check all criminal records a well as...all morgue records even...Sanyukta spoke with difficulty.

Do you think, he may more? Mary asked her...

No, its not possible...Sanyukta almost cried, but still... anyway, ask him to do anything to find out him, even money is not any constraint now... But I just need him. For once...saying she cut the call...

Then she picked her diary...opened its first page...

It had a childhood pic of a boy and girl hugging each other...

Sanyukta caressed the picture and kissed on it... I will find you Randhir...I day I will find you...and she started writing something on that.


Complete day was like normal, As she came to know from staff Randhir used to leave at eight in morning and return at exact seven in the evening, had dinner upto eight and after that they all leave for their houses...but as the clock strike seven, her heart started beating fast..he must be coming, by eight it will be ok, but what after that? She will be alone with him in whole villa... just the imagination was making her cry...she hold onto herself controlling her pain...when Randhir had entered, while she was sitting in drawing room, without even looking at her, he had been to his room and then after half an hour he had appeared back and sent message for Sanyukta for dinner.. Dinner was quite silent affair, he had acted as if she didn't existed even... while Sanyukta had just soup as she was not able to even breathe properly in fear, what after dinner?

After dinner, she had immediately ran back to her room...she wanted to close the door so tightly that no one could open it ever...but her luck was not so good... Suddenly when the intercom of her room rang...

Fearing she picked the receiver...just to listen the same cold voice...

Do you need an invitation to come to me?

And the call was cut...this small call was enough to make her heart skip numerous beats at time...she slowly moved towards his room with heavy feet...but to her surprise...suddenly a door opened in her was the door joining both the rooms opened from Randhir's side with remote in his hand... Slowly she entered his room...which was larger than life room while he was standing in the gymnasium area hitting his punching bag...

Mr. Shekhawat... Sanyukta spoke with difficulty...

My drink... all he said.

She slowly moved towards bar counter, prepared a drink for him and went to him...

He immediately finished it and threw glass on the floor just to break looking at Sanyukta from head to toe...

Seeing his condition, Sanyukta was sure, it was not his first drink...when he slowly moved closer to Sanyukta..

So Miss Sanaya...he picked her face holding her chin with his forefinger...what do you think you are? A sophisticated homely girl...wearing such clothes? These clothes are meant for innocent girls not the sold girls like you...saying, he pulled the shoulders of her kurta tearing it apart...

She was shocked at Randhir's action...her eyes were dry but pain was visible on her face...she turned her face away disgustingly... till when Randhir's hand moving from her arms to her shoulders had reached at her back pulling the back portion of her kurta in rags..

She should not take the humiliation anymore...

Finally she shouted... Mr. Shekhawat... You wanna my can do anything you want to f**k me...go ahead...but you don't have right to humiliate me like this...

I have...i have all the right Miss Sanaya...because I own you...i have purchased you with huge amount... your body (he held her waist tightly under ragged clothes) your skin (he meshed his nails into her skin) everything belongs to me... He looked into her eyes...

Sanyukta could not bear his wild eyes anymore which were already red in anger ...when he continued... it for first time your clothes are being torn apart? Saying he pushed her away from him...

While Sanyukta was all lost into past listening his words...

Uncle...please...uncle please stop... Ten years Sanyukta was crying to Mr. Sanyal... Don't do it to me...

While Mr. Sanyal was tearing her frock to rags...While Randhir sitting on ground folding his legs to his chest was also shouting... Mr. Sanyal stop it...please leave Sanyukta... Don't do anything other...Mr. Sanyal, I promise she will not tell anything to anyone...and I will agree to every demn thing of your... Please...

But the man was laughing cruelly till tearing Sanyukta's clothes...

Remembering a shiver passed through her body...when she heard a hard punch on the punching bag bringing her to sense...she turned to find Randhir had left her standing alone there again punching the punching bag...

Wiping her tears she looked towards him...Leave...he shouted...she looked strangely at him...

I said leave... before the animal inside me kill you...get out...he shouted punching bag hard... Sanyukta immediately ran from there holding her clothes crying hard in her room at her condition..

Of course this man don't crave for my body...what is he upto? why don't I get...she was crying hard.


Next morning, by the time she got up, it was already ten AM, she came to know from Diana, Randhir had already left...

Diana was all praising for Randhir saying how nice he is, how helpful he is to all his much he cares for their families...also telling her he hates people around him and he is all alone without any friends...

What is this man? He doesn't hurt me physically but he attacks me emotionally...what does he want...Sanyukta was still thinking when it was night again and her fear had taken place in her heart instead of all these questions... After dinner thinking about same, she reached in room to find a red transparent lingerie placed on bed with the note...just written...within ten minutes...

She was too much afraid seeing such clothes, she had never worn in her worst dreams...

But she had no other option, slowly she went towards washroom and changed to those so called clothes or no clothes when the middle door had opened , she slowly moved towards his room pulling clothes to cover her thighs and above to cover her assets...

Randhir was sitting at the bar counter with drink in his she entered in his room, he looked at her with desiring eyes...

Yup, today you are looking your realself...atleast not fake like yesterday...saying he slowly moved towards her holding her waist pulled her closer making her body crush into him hardly...

For a moment Sanyukta's eyes met with him but soon she pulled it away while Randhir slowly took his hand to her face shaping it with his thumb, finally brushing her lips hard... Sanyukta was shuddering at his actions...

When Randhir slowly leaned towards her for her lips...Sanyukta stammered at his action when their lips were just few millimeters apart...

Anything Mr. Shekhawat but you can't kiss on my lips...she whispered ...

Randhir just stopped there with the past in his eyes...

Happy Birthday Randhir... Sanyukta hugged him with kiss on his cheek, see I brought a cake for you...she showed him cake with his and her name...So you are big boy now...nine years old...she giggled.

If I am a big boy, why do I get kiss on cheek...don't you see movies? All big boys kiss on lips...he spoke naughtily...

Randhir , I think you are watching enough movies these days... Sanyukta slapped him... Only big people kiss on lips...

Ok...Randhir nodded, ok promise me, when we will be big, and you will marry me, then you will kiss me na?

Ok baba...snayukta hugged him ... Snayu...i brought something for you today...saying Randhir showed her a diary...

Diary? Sanyukta saw, you know I hate writing, even then?

Are open it na? Randhir gave her, while Sanyukta opened first page, it was having their picture hugging each other...

With the words written

"This Diary belongs to Randhir and Sanyukta, No one else is allowed to read it"

Below a big RS was made with sketch...

Wow...this is beautiful... Sanyukta chuckled... But I will write just memorable things on it, nothing else...and they both cut cake feeding each other...

Looks like your first kiss is reserved for someone...someone special...he stepped back with smirk...

Yes, it is...all Sanyukta said...

So you think, some good man may love to you even, a girl staying with another man? Randhir stepped back...

That is not your problem...Sanyukta replied back...

I asked you something? Randhir stepped forward...

I Love him , that's all... He hates me , that's another truth...that's all...Sanyukta replied...

Listening Randhir laughed loudly...He hates you, still you wait for him?

What's the difference between hate and Love Mr. Shekhawat? Sanyukta looked into his eyes

Both have same Passion for each other, same wait for each other, same possessiveness for each other... if the only difference is...

In love you may die for someone, and in hate you may kill someone...

I know, he must be wanting to kill me in hate, and I am all ready to die in his love...

I must tell you neither i was in the mood, nor I was going to kiss are not so kissable even...Get out... Randhir said pushing her away...and soon Sanyukta had left from there...

No Sanyukta...your love will not affect my hate towards you...i don't hate you because you hurt me, I hate you because you hurt my soul...forever... I will not kill you in my hate, I will make your life hell that you will demand death every second...shouting he broke all the bottles on bar counter in anger.


Days were passing like this as well as Randhir's torture to Sanyukta.. Not even once he tried to get intimate to her, but Sanyukta was all shocked till now, that's all this torture for which he had paid huge amount for her...

reet212014-06-10 05:24:19

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Comments (29)

Thanks all... for liking...Next part will be in afternoon as going to update the other FF...till then stay you all...

10 years ago

Wow ur writing is superb👍🏼👍🏼Please..plzz continue soon...I waiting for it eagerly N if possible do PM me dear n keep writing😳😳

10 years ago

hahhaha yesterday am totally tied up with some other work... even unable to Res it :) cool... dats grt sure sure will wait & wat abt the other ff... pls update dat also... ur both are simply awesome...

10 years ago

This was brilliant..The story is getting interesting..rD loves sanyu but is denying it..but wat makes him do so?Update soon

10 years ago

Loved it story is damn interesting yaarcnt wait to read the nxt part wud love to c how mysteries unfold & how SanDhir r connected???And y randhir hates sanyukta???Update soon

10 years ago

ya i was missing your "darling" word yesterday on this story...Umm...will say just stay tuned till afternoon...

10 years ago

Darling... seriously I am amazed... he loves her a lot can't see her in pain @same time hates her to peak... yaar wat is d reason??? Now I am scared for Sanyu... its for sure he won't hurt her physically but how much emotional torture will he give... Sorry for the late response... ab jaldi next part post karo eagerly waiting... Love❤️

10 years ago

awesome story plzzz cont soon

10 years ago

Thanks guys for liking the update...can't reply personally because i have to write long updates too,but assure i love all your comments...Love you all...Reet reet212014-06-10 21:56:32

10 years ago

Omg Seriously dear this one is amazingI really like it...Each part is full of meaning of lost lovePlz plz pkz update soon and pm me...

10 years ago
