Chapter 2

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Chapter-1 ( I OWN YOU)

Hurry up Girl... Madam Loren called all the girls of her parlor...Get ready soon... You have just thirty minutes more... You know how punctual he is...

Sanaya...she looked at her... You better behave yourself this time...Wear some attractive and short one needs here kurta Patiala girls... man came here to get relaxed from their families , their daily routines, wives...not to feel like at homes again ...Stop looking nervous all the time, as if I have kidnapped you here... it was you, who came here for money...i didn't call you week has completed till you came here, and not even a single boy, leave boy even any aged man showed interest in you... I fear, if it continues, I will fire you from job, then you yourself solve your problems... Madam Loren spoke rudely to Sanaya...

It was Madam Loren's Parlor... so called parlor, where on the name of massage, spa... girls were offered to their privileged customers...she was having great links in society and they mostly deal with high society customers, who can offer them good amount. Madam Loren was very cool as well as helpful to her girls... that's why when Sanaya came there for job, listening her problem how badly she needed money, she could not say her no knowing, she is inexperienced in this field...not only inexperienced...but even a virgin...

Virgin at the age of 26? First she laughed and then she was at the age of 16, girls lose their virginity and you didn't find a single man in your life? She joked her... Sanaya had not replied her... She just asked her one thing, will she appoint her as soon as possible as she needs money soon...

Madam Loren took pity on her and appointed her but cleared one thing...she don't help customers to choose girl, they themselves chose one form the girls of their choice, so seeing her clothes, she had told her, she may need complete makeover to become a girl of the man's choice...but Sanaya had not agreed for makeover till now even passage of one week...that's why she was still unnoticed, untouched and ...

Anyways... Madam Loren coughed brining her out of her thoughts... So I must tell you, the person who is coming today is the richest person of city, most handsome and most eligible bachelor... Mr. Randhir Singh Shekhawat...

Randhir...? She whispered...

No...Madam Loren scolded one is allowed to call him Randhir... Mr. Shekhawat... All call him so... he is bit arrogant, but quite a gentleman... and he comes here often...mostly twice in a week, don't know how he skipped his last visit this week... and the room on top floor, which is always locked is exclusive for better don't look nervous in front of him..waise to there are very are chances he will chose you... but still... Get ready...saying she sent Sanaya in...


Randhir Singh Shekhawat? Sanyukta thought to herself...

Sanyukta... or Sanaya at this Parlor...a girl from quite a decent family... but her fate had sent her here...she needed money quickly... she had just one month to earn rupees Five lakh and no job could provide her such a huge amount...she had reached here with the hope ,but when Madam Loren asked her name. Suddenly she spoke Sanaya instead of Sanyukta... and from last one week she was Sanaya in this dark world ...waiting for a man who will chose her for his enjoyment...the man who will pull her to this hell...but she had no other option except...

Sanaya. All ready? A girl named Mary came there, who had been a good friend of her in last seven days...

Yup...almost...she smiled applying kohl into her eyes...

So finally changed your clothing style? Mary winked at she had worn today a tank top with a skirt... for the first time, she had worn such clothes, the top had a deep neck and strapped at shoulder while she had chosen skirt upto knees even after repeat warning of Madam Loren...she was not able to wear shorts...

Why are you all girls so much excited at this Mr. Shekhawat? Sanaya asked marry...

Actually you know Sanaya, he is the only gentleman that come here...Mary smiled...

If he is so good, then why does he come here? Suddenly Sanyukta asked her...

Never ever ask such question here again Sanaya...Mary warned her... as we are here due to our some needs... All men also come here to fulfill their needs and remember one thing, we are earning livings for ourselves, our families because they need us...

Sanyukta lowered er head thinking...she is so right na? as much as I have known to these girls, all have some broken past like me... May be the way is wrong to earn living but what to do? Why to say others, could ever anyone think that Sanyukta Agarwal, Daughter of Millionaire industrialist Mr. Naresh Aggarwal can work on such place as an Companion? A single tear rolled over her face...

Soon they all heard announcements in their room from Madam Loren... All Girls, gather in the meeting hall...hurry up...

Listening they all rushed to the meeting hall, which was a clean hall having two chairs, one of them was occupied by Madam Loren and on second one in front of madam Loren, a man in Black suit was sitting having his face towards Madam Loren...

All the girls came in line an stood in a row in front. Even being a parlor, Madam Loren had set some standards they all had to maintain, no cheap ethics to gain attention of customers, dresses they were given to wear sexy but not so cheap. Cigarette smoking was not allowed there. the food and drinks being served to customers were as per their standards ad taste which were known personally by the staff... and girls have been trained not to use dirty poses or vulgar tricks in front of customers in rooms... Sanyukta was warned about all these rules.

So they all were standing in the row, when the man sitting on chair turned his face...

For once Sanyukta was astonished to see the man, he was tall, handsome, having prefect body and too attractive... why such man will come here for solace? He may get a lot better outside even...she thought for a while but suddenly jerked her views remembering what Mary had told her...they earn their livings due to such persons only...

Girls, Mr. Shekhawat is here as he needs our services... Madam Loren smiled extra sweetly...Sanyukta could just imagine, how important this customer may be for her...When Randhir Singh Shekhawat rotated his revolving chair taking glance at all the girls form left to right and his gaze fixed at Sanyukta...

Sanyukta felt a shiver in her spine noticing he was glaring at her...she could not stood by his gaze and lowered her eyes...

Five minutes passed so, she was feeling his continuous glare at her...

So Mr. Shekhawat, how may I help you? Madam Loren smiled...

The girl in green and Black... He replied coldly without any expressions on her face...

Sanyukta shivered from head to toe listening... no...all she could whispered wile all the girls as well as Madam Loren was shocked...he chose Sanaya...

Sir, she is Sanaya... Completely new one and inexperienced... I think you should reconsider your choice...

Then let me teach her new experience... He again spoke coldly... within five minutes, in my room...

Saying he left from there...

Madam Loren called Sanyukta to her...Sanaya... you have to handle him quite carefully. Its a matter of two lakhs...

Two lakhs? Sanaya was shocked...

Yes... He pays rupees two lakhs per night...he is given seven star facilities here... and you are totally inexperienced... all depend on you... make him happy once and i assure you will get money within one month, you need from amount paid by him, forty percent will be yours...all the best...

Saying she gave her basic tips... Listening Sanyukta was sinking into ground ...her tears were more and more rolling over face...

Now don't cry and go...he is not habitual of waiting and I don't want him to cancel tonight's contract...


Sanaya wiped her tears, took a long sigh and knocked the door before entering the room...

come in...Got the cold voice of Randhir Singh Shekhawat...

Sanaya is available on your service for tonight Mr. Shekhawat... she spoke slowly actually almost whispered..

Randhir didn't turn his face towards her even... Bring my Drink... Madam Loren told you my taste na? He spoke roughly...

Y...yes Mr. Shekhawat... she gulped her saliva trying not to look nervous at all and slowly moved towards bar counter can i ? How will i touch drink...i have never ever before... no, i hate all this..i can't... she was about to turn back...

No Sanyu... you can't can't step back now... its last chance for don't have any other option...this man can touch your body but not your soul... never...your soul belong to him only and will always be...Thinking she stepped forward towards bar counter. She had seen her father making drinks, so she had idea...she was feeling disgusted touching the glass...but then the face of her mother revolved in front f her ... Maa, I have to do it...for you, and I will... Because you are the only one , in my life and i can't lose you ever... my body, my decency is nothing in front of you...i can lose everything, myself but want you to be I will do it...and started making drink for him...

Welcome ...Welcome to the hell Sanaya...i mean Sanyukta... Sanyukta Agarwal... Sixteen years... Sixteen years have been long enough for me to hate you more and more... now i will make you hate yourself...Randhir Smirked thinking to himself...since last two years, I have been finding you continuously... as if you had disappeared from the world...but finally I found you here... yes this is the place you actually should belong to ..for what you and your father had done with me... Sixteen years ago...thinking in anger suddenly.. he broke the glass in I hand..

Ah...he screamed slowly...

Sir...are you ok? Sanyukta came closer... its bleeding...she held his hand

Not more than my heart...he muttered and he pushed her...Stay away, I can handle myself... And where is my drink? He spoke rudely...

Is this man really a gentleman? Sanyukta thought to herself...she slowly moved towards bar and brought glass for him...

She offered the drink in his hand...make it drink to me... He smirked at her... she gulped in nervousness...but seeing no other option , Sanyukta slowly took her hand towards his mouth feeding the glass...when suddenly she found a pull oh her waist...she was shocked when she found herself caged between his legs with his hands under her top on her waist...

Goose bumps had appeared on her body at the sudden manly touch on her body she had never felt before... Her hands stammered making the drink fall on the shirt of Randhir...

He angrily looked at her seeing his wet shirt...S...sorry...she muttered nervously...

He shrugged her hand making glass of drink fall on floor breaking into pieces...Sanyukta was afraid at sudden broken glass...

Open the buttons...he ordered...

She looked towards her, but could not take his gaze... I said unbutton my shirt. He ordered again...

She hesitatingly unbuttoned his shirt removing it from his shoulders while his hands were still on her waist pressing it hard...

As she removed his shirt he made her sit into his lap cross-legged on both sides of his legs, with that her short skirt had rose upto her thighs...her heart was beating fast at her condition and Randhir was enjoying her nervousness...

He moved his finger into the inner thighs of Sanyukta making her shiver...a smirk appeared on his face seeing her almost breaking that's what he wanted... Breakage of her soul that had broken him long ago ...

He entered his both hands again into her top moving but this time not only upto waist instead moving upwards towards her assets picking her top above. While kneeled towards her neck giving first wet kiss there.. with his teeth, he pushed the strip of her top downwards making more naked space for wet kisses and then moving to others shoulder too...but now he had stared not giving wet kisses but bites too converting to painful bites...while his hands were into her top just about to touch her breasts...

Sanyukta was breaking totally,

She wanted to cry loudly, she wanted to tell this man, I don't want all this...I can't do all this..i belong to someone...soemone very special from years... I am his wealth...only his...please don't do this to me...

But maa... Who is more important her brain questioned...Maa or he?

Maa... She whispered and a tear escaped from her eyes...

Randhir listened the word and looked at her face...for the first time since last one hour...and her single tear , her pain could not go unnoticed by him... he immediately pushed her away from his legs...

Gather yourself...all he said while leaving to the balcony of the room... While completely broken Sanyukta was sitting on the floor whole night... thinking had she escaped from losing her dignity or it was just start...

And Randhir was sitting on the couch in the balcony with closed eyes...No Sanyukta, your tears can't affect me... You had hurt me a lot...its my turn now... I will take revenge from you... Today your tears turned me down, but I promise, not always... I will spoil you, like you spoiled my life... and I promise that...

It was morning, when Randhir came to the room... he found Sanyukta sleeping on the floor itself, her eyes swollen, maybe she was weeping for the whole night, her hair were covering her face...he could not control himself, slowly moved towards her and removed strands of hair from her face...with the touch Sanyukta immediately woke up and sat folding her legs to her chest...Randhir immediately stepped back...turned his face and spoke coldly...go back...Saying he left from there...


I hope you had the pleasure last night Mr. Shekhawat... Madam Loren gave a fake smile to Randhir expecting his blast due to inexperience of Sanyukta, moreover Sanyukta who was standing behind Randhir was making her suspicions prompted...

Of course, it was a beautiful night... Randhir gave her a fake smile looking at Sanyukta and gave a cheque to Madam Loren..

She was shocked...he wasted his two lakhs just now and still saying it was beautiful...

Thanks a lot Sir... Madam Loren smiled...

By the way Madam Loren, I have an offer for you. if you like... Randhir turned back almost leaving from there...

Yes sir, my pleasure... She spoke...

Ummm... I wanna book this girl for long... he looked at Sanyukta while her heart skipped a lot beats...what did he saw in me so?

Long? Madam Loren was too long?

Till I am not bored of her... Randhir winked... let's make a lump sum deal... Fifty lakhs...but condition is she will be staying at my place...

Fifty lakhs? Madam Loren was shocked...for this bimbo? Sure sir... Anytime...she was almost jumping.

Sanyukta was feeling like grounding I a saleable thing?

Yes I am, don't forget, you just had a night with stranger... you did it or not but you had... so you are saleable...she thought to herself...

Randhir immediately took his cheque book signed and gave to Madam Loren...looked at Sanyukta...come in ten minutes Miss Sanaya...

She was still in shock, when Madam Loren shooked her... You are lucky Sanaya..Mr. Shekhawat himself chose you...she didn't say anything and ran to her room...while Loren followed her...

Sanaya...Go with him...

No madam...i can't... I am not such girl, I can't be his Mistress...Sanyukta cried...

Oh, you can't be mistress to a single man, but you can be an escort to every dirty man? Madam Loren looked at her...

Sanyukta was surprised... Madam?

Yes Sanaya, you must be thinking na, I am saying this for money... no beta, I am saying for your future... he pays two lakhs for one night, if I deny and he comes to you every night, fifty lakhs will be earned just in one month... But as much as I have understood you, you belong to really decent family. may be your problem is so big to bring you to this black world...she caressed her face...

You need five lakhs na? with this deal, as i already told you, you will get twenty lakhs at a may get your need fulfilled immediately... moreover he said till he gets bored from you...and i have seen this world specially these rich men. they can't stay only on single taste for many days... I know, he will be bored from you within one month, two months or maximum six months...but you will be free after that...and if your deny this opportunity, may be it will take you years to repay me that amount because such customers are very rare...others are those who pay only twenty, twenty five thousand... So choice is all yours... Be an escort here and sleep with many...or become his mistress...for few months and solve all your problems... saying she left from there...

After few minutes, Sanyukta came with a small suitcase in her had...Madam I am ready to go...she looked away from Randhir...

Good decision... Madam Loren smiled...take her Mr. Shekhawat, she is all yours...

Randhir smirked and stepped forwards towards Sanyukta shaping her face with his thumb... From now onwards, I own you... Sanaya...

reet212014-06-09 04:38:21

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Comments (29)

awesome update dear very different story line u penned sanyus emotional part very wellcontinue soon :))

10 years ago

Thanks guys...will update by five pm...

10 years ago

Thatt was Awesomee!😉Update ASAP!

10 years ago

mindblowng ff dearder is certainly some mystery connectng d twocant wait 2 read morepls pm me wen u update

10 years ago

Thanks guys for liking the story...Its my first trial on something completely dark.just hope, it goes well... hope to update in the afternoon...

10 years ago

Hey nyc... Yrrr pplzplz pm me naa

10 years ago

Dang! This was so well portrayed... I was so scared for Sanyu... but I really hope everything unfolds all the way! Thanks for the pm! great job!

10 years ago

Woohooo maaza aa gaya jaldi se plz update n pm me plz plz

10 years ago

oh now he owns her, what will happen now

10 years ago

hey pls update soon...cant wait...

10 years ago
