Chapter 51

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Chapter 51 : (Update by Aisha)

Four days passed in anguish on the boy's side and tension on the girls. While the boys couldn't help but admire their respective girls and have them all by themselves on the wedding night, the girls were either hysteric due to their preparations or emotional due to marriage.

Arnav had booked an appointment in the best beauty salon for Anjali and so had been done by Abhay for Khushi as Abhay has objected that it was his duty to arrange things for Khushi and Arnav had reluctantly agreed to it.

After the appointments for the salon were being discussed, Abhay had teased Anjali by telling her that

"I'll suggest a makeup artist who's makeup doesn't wear off for like a week" .

"why?" Anjali and Khushi had asked in unison.

"Because I don't want to get scared on the wedding night. At least let me give 7 days before I see the real face of my to be wife" Abhay had replied with his tongue in cheek.

"ABHAY" Anjali had screamed and Abhay had burst into fits of laughter seeing the morose face of Anjali.

"That was rude Abhay. She's so pretty and you are all behind her" Khushi had chided him.

"And you're her lawyer?" Abhay had stuck out his tongue at Khushi and had left to attend the caterers but not before kissing Anjali's cheek and whispering I was kidding' in her ears.


After much of awaiting and expectations the wedding day had arrived and there was a chaos in the Raizada Mansion.

The servants who had long forgotten the virulent side of Arnav Singh Raizada were now taken aback by his caprice behaviour. He was barking orders to every single person he saw and took out errors in every single work he checked.

The only people who were at the mercy of his wrath were Anjali and Khushi. Even Abhay was at stake and thus he was completely out of scene.

Abhay had long finished all the work pending on his side. His house was done decorating when Arnav's designer arrived. Thus he and Khushi had specifically nothing to do. Khushi had an hour before she left for parlour and more importantly this place which she called her home. She was reaching Mandir directly from parlour and this was her time to bid adieu.

Amidst the cheerful and jubilant atmosphere of the house which was well decorated by the finest marriage planner, there was an elegiac feeling in the air, probably due to the farewell the place was about to see.

Abhay and Khushi were seated in the hall of their house recounting every single memory they could remember, while Abhay typed it in his tab. They wanted to secure every single moment they spent together to remember how they both backed each other in the time of pain and sorrow.

Thinking of all the times, Khushi remembered how enraged Abhay was when he first saw Arnav in the restaurant. And that day when they realized that Anjali was Arnav's sister at her birthday, she had felt like she was about to witness a murder in some seconds which thankfully she didn't.

She recalled how betrayed Abhay had felt when Khushi didn't tell him that she had forgiven Arnav and all these memories proved just one thing that how sincerely Abhay cared for her.

A smile reached her face as she thought that the people who were literally thirsty for each other's blood are now as Anjali calls them "The Chaddi buddies!"

"Hey what happened?" Abhay asked observing the smile on Khushi's face.

"Nothing just reviving the time when two enemies became Chaddi buddies"

Abhay laughed. That was indeed something seriously to ponder upon. Never in his life he thought that he will befriend the man who ruined her friend's life but time changes and so do people.

"You know I am actually glad that Raizada left you in the first place" Abhay said as Khushi sat with her head on his shoulder.

"Because that's why I found you. I don't know how I would've lived all alone if you weren't there. Just me and my tanhayee" Abhay chuckled and then continued on a serious note

"Moreover now I am least worried about you because now I know that you'll be as happy as you deserve to be in life. Arnav is a changed man and he really loves you."

"Yeah" answered Khushi and added,

"And you should thank me as because of me you got a Chaddi buddy too" giggled Khushi.

"Oh indeed, that's the best part" Abhay laughed too.

"Hey did you ever thought that Anjali will be your Bhabhi and Nand too" said Abhay.

"No! I didn't but its interesting na?"

"Yeah. God felt this pathos for me, so he got me Anjali"

"Yeah, Anjali must've done something seriously wicked" Khushi teased him.

"HEY! Not funny okay" bit out Abhay.

"I thought it was." Khushi winked as she got up and checked upon her things as it was almost the time for her to leave for the parlour.

"Who will I eat ice-cream with? And watch movies, and check out hot chicks at market" said Abhay as he shut down his tab and looked at Khushi.

"You can do it with Anjali and when I come to stay but the last point, I think you get over with it"

"I don't need to" winked Abhay.


"Shut it Khushi. I meant I don't need to because I'll have a hot chick all by myself 24/7 365" answered Abhay and Khushi rolled her eyes at his antics.

"Stop rolling your eyes and come with me. I got to show you something" said Abhay with added glee and Khushi followed him to his room.


The moment Abhay opened the door to his room, Khushi's jaw dropped. She had never seen anything so exquisite.

The bed in the room was decorated beautifully with rose petals and candles and there were pink and white roses on the walls, and in the light of the neon bulb the room looked a smaller fraction of romantic heaven.

"Oh Abhay" Khushi let our in surprise, her eyes mesmerized by the sight.

"I didn't imagine this in my wildest dream. This is beautiful" Commented she and Abhay's heart filled with an emotion he knew not but it swelled with what he knew was pride.

This room was no match to his lady love in beauty but he was sure this would take Anjali off guard for a second just like she did to him every single they met co-incidentally.

Abhay smiled at the memory.

Had he ever imagined that the girl he saw in the cafe and then at the signal would be the one for whom this bed was decorated?

Life's weird, weirdly beautiful.

"Let me send a picture of it to Anjali" Khushi said and opened her cell but Abhay stopped her.

"No! Let her get surprised, just like you did" He said with excitement bubbling in his eyes.

"Just like I did" he added to himself.

He could already anticipate Anjali's reaction to this.

And he was already imagining the sight when Anjali will be sitting on it, it would be a sight to behold.

It surely will be.


"Mr Raizada, your room's been decorated"

The word room' set Arnav's heartbeats on race and he couldn't wait to see if the room was decorated as he wanted it or not.

"Okay I'll see to it" replied Arnav as he paid the check to the decorator and dismissed him.

Anjali, who was also in the room accompanied Arnav to see the room of her would be Bhabhi.

As Arnav opened the door knob of the room he let in Anjali enter first and as he followed his eyes were awe-struck.

The designer couldn't have done a better job than this. He wanted the room simple yet elegant and it was just his way. The colour scheme was tea pink just like Khushi had wanted it to be and there was a very neat and classy look to it.

To say he loved the room would be an understatement.

It was perfect like his love life was going to be, something which he hadn't thought was possible.

That night was still vivid in his eyes when he had realized his love for Khushi and had thought of having her in his room forever and the time had finally come.


"I wonder how Arnav's room is decorated" Khushi wondered loud enough for Abhay to hear.

"It would be pretty, but not as this" replied Abhay with a smirk.

"Oh please! Mine will be more beautiful" Khushi out cried.

"Acha?" Abhay asked, his eyes dancing in mirth.


"We'll see" he replied and continued,

"By the way, what's the point of decorating the beds when it has to become all messy"

"Excuse me? You should have the manners." Khushi said failed to catch the double meaning.

Abhay stopped. He looked at her to see if she was kidding but her face said she wasn't

"You didn't get me did you?"

"Yes I did."

"No you didn't"

"I am not stupid Abhay. I know you were trying to say that all these petals will leave stains and will be uncomfortable and"

"NO!" Abhay said laughing


"Let Raizada explain that to you" He winked at her and walked past.

Khushi first raced her mind to get the meaning of what he just said, and when got it, she blushed thinking of the romance they did four nights ago and his threat for the wedding night. The thought of the wedding night caused her great discomfort so she called Abhay and said all the bad words she could even think of.


Just standing at the door of her room ached her heart. This was the room she confided her worst secrets to, where she dreaded to end up at nights and cry out her frustration. Where she covered the long journey which commenced from crying and ended at smiling.

"Hey doll" Abhay broke her trance.

"Thank you so much Abhay! I just don't have words." She said with emotions choking her voice.

"Its okay love" He broke the hug and kissed her forehead.

"I don't know where I would've ended if there were no you. I would've long died" said Khushi, acknowledging everything Abhay did for her, playing the role of a father, a brother, a mother and a friend.

"So would I have Khushi. You helped me fight my loneliness. Without you, my life was as colourful as "the blackboard and the chalk"

"Seriously Abhay? Blackboard and Chalk?" asked Khushi, looking at his face and stifling a mocking chuckle.

"Well, that's the best I could think of"

"Of course, you pea size brain and your shitty comparisons"

"And my pea size brain is telling me that we're getting late" replied Abhay.

"Yes we are. Now stop talking and let's leave already" answered Khushi and hurried out of the room before Abhay could come up with something else.


"Let's go Anjali" Said Arnav as Anjali came down.

There had been half an hour of crying from Anjali and coaxing from Arnav before Anjali had finally decided that she was ready to leave.

"Mohan will drive you to the parlour and Abhay is dropping Khushi there. Once done, Mohan will drive you two to the Mandir. Is that okay?" said Arnav.

"Yes Bhai" replied Anjali and waved at him as she stepped in the car and the car drove off.

"Yes Abhay, have you dropped Khushi at the parlour? Yeah, I am leaving now. Will reach the Mandir in an hour. See you there. No, that is fine. I have already sent Aman to fetch Mama and Mamiji from their hotel room and he'll be getting them directly to the Mandir. Okay. See you soon" said Arnav and disconnected before getting in his SUV.

The day was promised to be the best of his life.

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Pearl_Oyster2014-05-10 11:24:56

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