Chapter 52

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Chapter 52 : (Update by Kiran)

As Khushi and Anjali stepped down the car their eyes were awe struck with the scene which offered a joy to every beholder's sight.

The entire Mandir had been beautifully decorated with beaded lights which radiated golden hue and the rose petals had been artfully used to provide a stark contrast to that golden hue against the white walls of the Mandir.

The approaching dusk simply added to the beauty of the sight and enchanted the viewer for a few seconds.

"Khushi? Anjali?" the pensiveness was broken by the animated voice of a girl who seemed around twenty years of age and wallowed forward to meet them and was evidently struggling to avoid getting tangled in her Lehanga which she carried with some difficulty.

"Gosh..! Both of you look exquisite" she gasped and gave them an admiring look while Khushi tried her best to recall if she knew the girl.

"Lavanya, you look too beautiful yourself. Indian outfits do compliment you" Anjali addressed the girl and hugged her.

"Khushi meet Lavanya. She's my cousin. Manorama mami's daughter" Anjali introduced Lavanya to Khushi and as Khushi nodded, she too was taken into the generous hug by Lavanya.

"And now I understand why Arnav Bhai was in so much hurry to get married." Lavanya whispered in Khushi's ear as they hugged and Khushi blushed.

"Come on, let's get in. Mom and Dad are waiting inside" Lavanya pulled back and escorted the brides to the Mandir.


After ten long minutes of teasing and blessings from a very affectionate Manorama mami and enthusiastic Mamaji, Khushi and Anjali were made to sit before the sacred fire.

Khushi learnt that Arnav's Mama and Mamiji lived in California and Lavanya was their only child. They had flown from California and had reached the city this morning.

The priest was busy arranging things and Mamiji helped him throughout while Lavanya found everything too intriguing.

"Why are the grooms taking this long? I still have to meet Abhay" Lavanya pouted.

"Take the name of the charming and charming is here" Abhay's jaunty voice filled the space and Anjali's eyes involuntarily followed the direction of the source.

Clad in burgundy coloured brocade Sherwani, Abhay looked extremely flamboyant and ravishing making Anjali gasp in awe while Abhay on the other side was equally smitten by the sight Anjali presented.

Dressed in a deeper shade of red, she looked as breath-taking as him making it obvious that they were perfectly made for each other.

"Wow Anjali. You have such a wonderful choice. I mean..Abhay..awesome.." Lavanya gushed over Abhay and Abhay grinned profusely, enjoying the attention while he could read the glares Anjali was now throwing at him.

"Lavanya, behave yourself. He's your Jijaji" Manorama chided and Lavanya giggled.

"I know mom. But ain't I his aadhi gharwali? I have seen that in a movie" Lavanya replied, high-fiving with Abhay who winked at her before taking his place next to Anjali.

"Where's Arnav?" Khushi whispered to Abhay as Abhay busied himself with throwing stealthy glances at Anjali.

"Aah, poor man was having second thoughts about marrying you. I guess he finally realised how perilous this affair can be. I mean this is a deal of life time and..."

"Shut up Abhay" Arnav's voice cut in and everyone noticed him walking in with a beaming face and Mr. Roy closely followed him.

Arnav's dress:

As Arnav walked in, his Mami and Mama rose to greet Mr. Roy while Arnav's eyes were fixed upon Khushi's face who in turn was looking at him.

They shared a silent conversation to which the world remained clueless.

"You look beautiful Khushi"

"I can say the same about you"

"I am too excited to wait for tonight"

"Haww. Let's get married first. You seem too eager"

"Don't tell me you aren't looking forward to it. We shouldn't forget how you had attacked me in the SUV" Arnav smirked and Khushi quickly looked away in shyness.

"Enough of ogling session Arnav. I am waiting here to get married to my beloved" Abhay snorted and everyone shared a laugh.

"Muhurat shuru hone me kuch hi samay shesh hai" (The auspicious phase is about to start).

Earlier it was decided that Abhay and Anjali will get married first and Arnav will perform the Kanyadaan ritual but Mahinder Mama and Manorama mami had offered to play the part of Arnav and Anjali's parent and Mr. Roy was to perform the ritual from Khushi's side.

Arnav took his place next to Khushi and Mr. Roy and rest of the family took seats on the mattresses spread on the floor in a semi- circular fashion round the sacrificial fire.

And thus started the mantra chanting and several big and small rituals which were guided by the pundit and Mamiji helped the couples to perform them.

As the minutes led to hours, the bridegrooms were asked to tie the Mangalsutra around their bride's neck followed by applying the vermilion on their hair partition.

The atmosphere grew emotive as the Kanyadaan was performed concurrently by Mr. Roy and Mamaji.

The ceremony concluded in elation as Arnav Khushi and Abhay Anjali were declared traditionally married' by the panditji and blessings from elders followed.

The Vidaai (valediction) ceremony was an unravelling one as Anjali hugged Arnav and Mami, Mami and Lavanya before leaving with Abhay and Khushi had been hugged by a very emotional Abhay.

Arnav had even teased Abhay for his tears while he himself had managed to successfully hide his own.


"Thank you for marrying me Anjali" Abhay held Anjali's hand and kissed her knuckles.

"I know I have done you a great favour Abhay but you need not mention it" Anjali replied and Abhay threw her an amused look.

"I would have been the biggest idiot if I had ever expected you to behave like a traditional, blushing bride Anjali and see, you didn't prove me wrong" Abhay replied, laughing at Anjali's expression while the chauffer drove them on.

"Quite right Abhay. Just because I got married to you, doesn't mean I'll shy away and act like we hardly know each other" Anjali replied.

"Well, I never expected you to" answered Abhay.

"Good for you. By the way, where are we going? I see this is a different route"

"Not a different route darling. Just a longer route"

"and why so?"

"Don't know myself. Just as we had gotten in the car, Khushi had texted me to take the longer route" answered Abhay as he played with Anjali's hair.

"I wonder why. By now Khushi and Bhai must be home and Mamiji must be welcoming them" Anjali replied and Abhay didn't miss the small tint of poignancy which contaminated her voice and Abhay was well aware of the reason.

He knew she was sad about no one having to welcome her in her house and an empty house would be waiting for them.

"Know what Anjali? I have decided an exotic place for our honeymoon" Abhay said with a sudden excitement, making an attempt to cheer Anjali's mood and she brightened immediately as she probed him further about the destination.


"Surprise" Khushi's voice greeted Abhay and Anjali's surprised faces as they unlocked the door of their house and found Khushi beaming up at them.

"Khushi?" Abhay and Anjali asked in unison.

"And I am here too" Arnav's sailed from inside as he joined Khushi.

"Bhai? What are you doing here with Khushi?" Anjali asked, sweetly surprised.

"Don't tell me you two have been ruining my bed arrangement" Abhay warned and Khushi frowned at him.

"Shut up Abhay. It was Khushi's idea to reach here before you two and welcome the new bride of the house" Arnav informed, making a millionaire smile spread on Anjali's face while Abhay was too overwhelmed for words.

"Khushi, get the kalash before Abhay once again drowns us in his tears" Arnav said and Khushi hurried in only to emerge out with a rice filled kalash and placed it at the doorway.

"Anjali, now use your right leg to push the kalash and step in" Khushi directed, recalling the instructions her Buaji had once explained here.

After the Kalash, Khushi placed a salver filled with thick red colour on the floor and Anjali stepped into it.

Red foot prints left their mark on the marbled floor as Anjali further walked inside the house, her eyes moist with unshed tears.

"Thanks a lot Khushi. Thank you Bhai" she hugged them before Abhay did the same.

"It's okay Anjali. Abhay has always been what I needed him to be so this was my only chance to do something for him"

"Have a happy married life Abhay" Khushi turned to Abhay and wished him while he simply nodded as words were the last thing which could express the gratitude he felt towards Khushi.

"Now we would leave you two in some privacy as Mamiji is waiting for us. I and Arnav need to go" Khushi said, as Arnav placed his arm around her.

"Take care of my Khushi or.." Abhay threatened Arnav while the latter gave a bored expression.

"Bye Abhay" Khushi cut in and they waved goodbye to Anjali and Abhay.


Arnav and Khushi were received warmly by Mamiji and Lavanya who had already made preparations for Khushi' welcome.

After all the rituals, Mamaji asked Arnav to carry Khushi in his arms as per the Raizada custom and he gamely did so.


"You have put on some weight Khushi" Arnav teased her as he softly brought her in his room while Khushi had no time to retort back as her eyes were too mesmerized by the beauty of the room.

"Arnav, this is.."

"I know Khushi. I opted for this theme and colour because I know this is how you like it" whispered Arnav in her ear and she smiled profusely.

"Come here" Arnav took her hand in his and brought her to the bed.

Another rapturous gasp left Khushi's mouth as rose petals showered upon her the minute she climbed into the bed.

"Wow Arnav. This is beautiful" crooned Khushi as she opened her palms and the petals landed in.

"Arnav?" Khushi repeated as she turned her gaze around and found him standing before a drawer.

Khushi's brow lifted in questioning as Arnav gave her a small smile and walked back to her.

"Khushi spread your palm and close your eyes" he asked her, joining her in the bed.

"No, I didn't ask you to narrow them. Just close them" Arnav smirked as he read her confused face.

"Okay" Khushi breathed into his scent as he was sitting too close to her.

Seconds ticked by and Khushi felt something cold sliding up around her ring finger.

She quickly opened her eyes as Arnav lifted her palm and kissed the ring he had just slipped in her finger.

The ring was made of small alternate cut stones of sapphire and diamond instead of the normal solitaire work and carried a classy and elegant look.

"Arnav" Khushi whispered in appreciation and hugged him and Arnav winced.

"What?" Khushi quickly pulled back and asked.

"Your jewellery pricks. Let's get you out of this" Arnav complained and Khushi giggled.

"Don't giggle at me Mrs. Raizada. It can be pricey" Arnav warned.

"Maybe I want it pricey" Khushi answered with the same boldness and before she could make a run for it, Arnav lurched forward and pinned her on the bed.

"In that case, let's start" Arnav whispered, nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck and Khushi whimpered.

"We'll start with your earrings" Arnav further whispered and reached for her earrings, slowly undoing each of them and moving to her maang tika.

All this while Khushi's chest heaved with laboured breathing and Arnav studied her expressions as his hands reached to her neck and slowly removed her necklace and other ornaments.

By the time he was done, Khushi's cheek had reddened and her eyes were semi closed.

"Ready Mrs. Raizada?" Arnav leaned in and purred in her ears, his voice as husky as it could get.

"Mr. Raizada can we sleep now? I am bone tired" Khushi whispered back, her eyes still half closed.

"Not so soon Mrs. Raizada. This has to be a long night" Arnav replied as he slid his hands under Khushi's back and rolled her over so that she was lying on her back.

[Mature content ahead. Please read at your own disposition]

"Please Arnav. I feel shy" Khushi whispered with a soft undertone as Arnav started undoing the strings of her choli.

"Look at me Khushi" Arnav commanded with a tone Khushi couldn't think of disobeying and she softly turned her face to him.

"I want you Khushi" Arnav said, his eyes dark in desire and Khushi bit her lower lip.

"Allow me yourself Khushi, please" Arnav requested his voice barely audible and Khushi hands quaked as she brought them over his chest and softly ran them on his Sherwani.

She heard him inhaling a sharp breath.

"Arnav, I love you" Khushi said, as she continued feeling the contours of his chest over the rich material of the Sherwani.

"I love you too Khushi, more than I can ever say" Arnav replied and giving a fleeting look in her eyes lowered his mouth upon hers, taking her lips in a sweet leisured kiss.

The effect was immediate as Khushi felt her blood singing and her mind fogged.

She moaned achingly as Arnav softly bit her lower lip and then ran his tongue over it spurring her to do the same.

She didn't know how but in next seconds her hands were running through his hair, combing the richness with her fingers and loving how they felt against it.

Another moan escaped Khushi's lips as Arnav probed her mouth with his tongue and caressed hers.

She heard him groan in exasperation as he had pull back from the kiss to allow some oxygen in their otherwise drained lungs and he concentrate on her neck.

"Undress me Khushi" Khushi heard his eager voice next to her ears before he tugged at her earlobe with his teeth and then licked them making her body feel like jelly.

"I can't Arnav" She replied, overcome by shyness and her eyes widened as Arnav brought her hands on the top button of his Sherwani and using her hands, undid it.

The next two minutes were too slurred as Arnav brought his hands to the hem of his Sherwani and got rid of it in one swift motion followed by removing her Choli from her upper body.

As their skins touched Khushi felt a trail of fire igniting somewhere deep in her body and her hands once again reached for his chest, this time with no barrier of clothing.

"This Lehanga is too heavy Khushi" Arnav whispered, his hands softly running over the expanse of her shoulder and his lips shortly followed.

"Then get me out of it" Khushi replied, feeling aroused and brave.

"I would if only you help me these slacks" Arnav answered, his hands reaching to her breast and feeling their softness.

"Let's do it now Khushi" Arnav said as he loosed Khushi's lehanga and slipped it out of her, leaving her dressed in her inner wares.

Khushi helped him step out of his slacks and Arnav grinned at the horrified face of Khushi as her eyes ran to her lower body, eyeing his hardness.

"Don't be surprised Khushi. You have already seen it" Arnav exclaimed as he once again leant in to kiss her Khushi smiled against his lips.

"I have a faint memory" Khushi answered as the kiss ended and Arnav moved his mouth to her breasts, tugging at the dark bugs which strained against the thin material of her red satin brassiere.

"This time I'll make sure you don't forget" Arnav whispered in her ears and undid the brassiere, his mouth coming over the straining buds and he sucked her.

"Arnav" Khushi whispered his name as pleasure coursed through her body and threatened to rule her already fogged senses.

A groan was emitted by Arnav as Khushi ran her fingers on his chest; her finger nails softly grazing the skin, travelling to his navel and further continuing southwards over the waistband of his under clothing.

"Enough Khushi" Arnav grunted before pinning her hands and top of her head and dipping his face in her navel, kissing her, nuzzling her.

Khushi's body went rigid and her movements stilled as she felt him moving further south.

She body literally gave away as she felt Arnav's hot breath lingering over her core.

The world ceased to exist and what remained was this moment, the burning desire to be possessed by her husband and Khushi desperately wanted it to happen now.

"Please Arnav" She moaned and Arnav relented.

Reaching up, he gave her a small peck and the remaining shreds of cloth from their bodies were discarded.

Khushi welcomed herself to a new world as Arnav possessed her body with his, driving in and out and taking both of them to heights of pleasure.


The morning felt sweltering hot and Anjali opened her eyes to find a barely dressed Abhay lying over her, his one hand resting between her hairs while the other was securely done around her bare waist.

The night had been an overwhelming night of pleasure to both of them and Anjali felt extremely sore, credits to her extra horny husband.

Admiring the calm and sleeping profile of her husband, Anjali ran her hands through his hair and blushed as she noticed nail marks on his shoulder and back.

Leaning in, she placed a chaste kiss on his lips and undid his hand from her waist.

Just as she was about to get down from the bed, Abhay pulled her back and she found herself pinned under him.

"Where do you think you're running to Mrs. Anjali Abhay Singh?" Abhay asked her, his lips already on her neck where they sucked the only prominent vein.

"For a bath husband" Anjali replied back, failing to keep the smile off her lips.

"Of what use is the bath when we're again to be sticky and messy?" asked Abhay and they once again went back to their morning lovemaking.


Attention: I have created a new PM account which I'll be using very soon. So, kindly add the following account in order to continue receiving PMs. 😊


Pearl_Oyster2014-05-10 12:08:20

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Comments (101)

beautiful story dear loved reading it...

6 years ago

Just read the whole story, having recently come across it. Its beautiful. Pleasure to read.

6 years ago

It's really amazing ff. I really loved it.Some parts was very emotional. Nice ending. I love it

9 years ago

Hu dears...Read it in a go...You both did a grt job

9 years ago

Its Such a awesome story... Most very heart touching dialogue...Love it...👏👏

9 years ago

Hey dear, just read ur story full, its a sweet heart warming story of four people, I loved each and everything about the story, specially abhay and khushi's relation it was unique and poor.I loved how for a long time khushi was adamant and dint give in to forgive arnav so easily.Ans I love arnav's redemption, specially when it came to his sister did he realize more that how wrong he was to khushi, but eventually their love grew to no bounds.Loved each and every conversation between Arnav and Abhay it was funny, all in all a very cte less complicated sweet story.Thanks for sharing.

9 years ago

Wow its really a interesting and different love storyLoved this story too muchVery well and beautifully writtenWith lots of twist emotions and surprises Really love your writing skill too muchWill love to read more of your works

9 years ago

Wow what a beautiful story.Loved the style of writing and it's creativeness.Loved all the twists, suspense, emotion and concept.Really liked that 'Scars of Love' is quite deferent from all the other Arshi ff I have come across on this forum.Liked how the story concentrated on the four main characters and not clouded by the extended family or others too much.Caps up to you guys for a wonderful piece of work.

9 years ago

Lovely story. Thoroughly enjoyed it. You are awesome. 😊

10 years ago

Combined thank you from me and Aisha 😳

10 years ago
