Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

A/N: A chapter after really long time and the reason has already been explained. 😳 Thank you to all of you for praying for Aisha's Ammi and wishing her a speedy recovery. She's better now, still recovering. Depending upon the situations, either she or me will update the story.

For now, I dedicate this chapter to someone who is more excited and eager than me to have this chapter posted.

Huma Di 😃 (HUMII10592)

Thanks a lot Di for waiting for the story with not so much patience and bringing a smile on my face with our comments on the thread. 😉

Happy Reading to all. 😳

"Now why do we need a priest to fix the wedding date?" Arnav and Abhay's voice came in unison while their faces dripped with exasperation.

"Stop whining you two" came Anjali and Khushi's voice in unison, their own faces dripping with irritation.

"But explain me this one thing Khushi. I want to get married to you, you want to get married to me. Same equation goes for Anji and Abhay, so what the f*** is that priest going to do?" retorted Arnav and Abhay nodded.

"Arnav Singh Raizada and Mr. Abhay Singh, both of you need to keep your extra logical minds out of this business. It's women department. Me and Anjali will handle it" replied Khushi, her voice declaring the end of the discussion and Abhay prompted something to Arnav to which he nodded mechanically.

"Now since we do not have large families, it's me and Anjali responsible for everything." Continued Khushi and Arnav raised a hand.

"Yes Arnav?" She asked, biting back a smile at his expressions.

"You can't kill my Auntie and Uncle who reside in California. They'll be attending the wedding." Corrected Arnav.

"But Bhai, because they'll be attending the wedding directly they count as guests." Anjali intervened.

"What about Abhay? Doesn't he have any living relative" asked Arnav, turning at Abhay who nodded in negation.

"All of them are resting in peace and I wouldn't want to dig them out of their graves and make them attend the wedding. Although there are few cousins but we never stayed in touch. So it's just me and my tanhayee" Abhay said, expecting a sympathetic look from the audience but sighed as he got none.

"So how do we get married? I mean if we four get married on the same day, who's going to do that Alok Nath ritual?" asked Abhay.

"Alok Nath ritual?" inquired Arnav.

"It's the Kanyadaan he's talking about." Anjali replied.

"He's been following Alok Nath Memes page on Facebook and Twitter" Khushi continued.

"Why the hell are we now discussing Alok Nath instead of the wedding preparations?" asked Arnav, confused with the explanation.

"Exactly" said Abhay, his eyes glued to his tablet's screen.

"See, let me put this simple and straight" Arnav said, taking the lead and the rest three nodded.

"I am hiring a wedding planner for the wedding. He'll manage the headache...I mean the preparations" corrected Arnav as collective glare from Khushi and Anjali made its way to him and Abhay plainly smirked.

"And then we can get married on two different days"

"On the first day, me and Khushi will get married and you both can play the Alok Nath part and the next day you both can get married and me and Khushi will do that part" suggested Arnav, looking up to read responses.

"Hey wait..! Why you and Khushi on the first day? Why can't me and my sweetie get married first?" asked Abhay, dismayed.

"Because I am Arnav Singh Raizada and secondly I suggested the idea" replied Arnav with an expression which made Abhay snort.

"Why don't you say that you can't wait to marry Khushi? Abhay cut in.

"Yes I can't. If that makes you satisfied, keep it that way. But it's me and Khushi getting married on the first day" Arnav announced.

"Arnav, I think we four can get married on the same day" Khushi cut in.




Came the collective question from Arnav, Abhay and Anjali.

"Today when I was in office, Mr. Roy approached me. Dunno how but I think he had an idea about me and Arnav. He asked about us and I explained him everything and he was overjoyed with the news. And he said he would gladly want to attend the ceremony. He also said that since he doesn't have a daughter of his own, he wants to do the Kanyadaan' for me" Khushi explained.

"So you reckon that Mr. Roy can serve the role of your father and Arnav would do for Anjali?" asked Abhay and she nodded in approval.

"It's really nice of Mr. Roy." Replied Arnav.

"So I and Anjali will meet the Panditji and he can finalize the date for the wedding."

"Why just you two? I would also want to be there" Abhay volunteered.

"I think I can come too" Arnav said, looking sideways and Khushi smiled at him.

"All discussions over now?" asked Abhay. Getting up from the couch and gesturing Anjali to follow.

"For now, yes" Khushi said.

"Okay then. I and Anjali are going out for dinner. You two want to join?" offered Abhay.

"No" Arnav instantly replied as Khushi was mid-way to agreeing.

"Okay" Abhay said, leaving the hall and Anjali followed.

"I'll drop her to Shantivan after the dinner" Abhay's faint voice reached them as they had already stepped out the hall.


"So this is why you refused?" asked Khushi, as Arnav snaked his hands around her waist while she cooked pasta in the kitchen.

"Never knew you were this smart" murmured Arnav, nuzzling his stubble on the exposed skin of her neck.

"Stop Arnav. It tickles" She giggled, chopping the veggies.

"What about this?" He asked huskily, flicking his tongue over her neck and then sucking the skin.

"Ar..Arnav.." She moaned.

"Gosh..! You're turning me on Khushi" He murmured in her ear, his hands now roaming leisurely on her front, feeling her bosoms.

"Please Arnav, let me cook" She gasped as he pressed his front hardly against her back.

"It's so hard to keep my hands off you Khushi. You are a drug" He replied, inhaling the scent of her hair.

"And drug is bad for health" she chuckled, taking a step closer towards the kitchen slab, distancing herself from his body which was causing a tickle in the insides of her stomach.

"Not all the drugs" He replied, taking another step at her and once again, orienting his muscular body against her soft back.

"Please Arnav. I am hungry" she said, closing his eyes as his hands found their way to the slit of her kurta and caressed the smooth surface of her belly.

"Really Khushi? Even I am. Let's go in the bedroom" He replied, holding a chuckle back at her choice of words and she widened her eyes.

"You pervert! I meant the Pasta" she quickly explained, her cheeks reddening.

"That's what I meant too babes. Cook it instantly and we can have it in the bedroom." Arnav replied, finally laughing at her boggled expressions.

"Run Arnav before I murder you with this very same knife" threatened Khushi, flagging the knife before his eyes.

"Oh I am scared Khushi, so I am heading towards the bedroom. Join me soon darling." Arnav replied, grinning at her and she smiled as he left.


"Food is ready" Khushi announced as she stepped in her bedroom holding two steaming bowls in a tray to find Arnav lying flat on his belly on the bed and turning the pages of her college album.

"I never thought you would have preserved these pics" He said, looking at her with remorse filled eyes.

"Even I had thought so but I just couldn't make myself to throw these memories away." She replied, as she noticed the pic he was staring at.

It was a pic from the camp they had gone to and Khushi was standing against a tree with Arnav beside her.

She was looking at the camera while his eyes were glued to her face.

"You know what Arnav? After you left, I could never understand why are you looking at me in this pic. I mean you never loved me back then" Khushi asked, and regretted asking the question as she noticed something going off in his eyes.

"Because I was obsessed with you Khushi. You were different from the rest of the girls and that was that made me pursue you. Even though back then I never knew what love was, I always knew you were special from the rest. But never realised in what way you were special to me. I took it in the form I knew. Lust." He answered, closing the album and placing it back on the headboard of the bed.

"I now find it funny that how you used to bring flowers for me and comparing them with me. I always found those lines cheesy though I never complained." Confessed Khushi, hoping to wipe the gloom off his face.

She knew he had suffered enough for his mistakes and there was no way she would allow him anymore to feel bad about it.

"Trying to make me smile, are you?" asked Arnav, looking through her attempt.

"The pasta is getting cold. I prefer it hot" She replied, reaching to the tray and placing it before him.

"Dig in" She said, and started herself.

Arnav smiled at her small attempts to make him feel better and he decided it was no use to stick to the past and sulk.

Mistakes done can never be undone but they can always be corrected.

He was going to correct them by making her happy each second.

As they together started eating, lines of sweet conversations broke loose and they revelled in each other's presence.


"Time to bid adieu" Arnav said, standing in the doorway with his one hand elbowed against the door.

"Bye" Khushi smiled.

"A plain bye? I need something sweet after the dinner" Arnav said, a smirk appearing on his face.

"Ice cream? Shall I get it?" Khushi asked, her eyes glinting with naughtiness.

"Naah. That would be cold. I want something hot and sweet" Arnav replied, amused as she played along.

"Hot chocolate?" Khushi offered,.

"No. That would be too hot. I want something softer and more delicious than the hot chocolate" Arnav said, running his gaze to her lips and she blushed.

"That's out of stock for now." She replied.

"Really? Let me find out then" He said, wrapping a hand on her waist and pulling her close.

"fine fine. Lemme give it to you" she said, turning into the colour of ripe tomato.

And she leaned in, he closed his eyes to feel her lips on his but was taken aback as she placed a feather kiss on his left cheek, giggling at his expressions.

"That was unfair Khushi. You don't know how to serve a proper dessert to your guests. Lemme teach you now" He said in the usual husky tone and her heart lurched as he rubbed her lips with the pad of his thumb.

"This is softer and warmer" He continued in the same slow and consuming voice and her eyes fluttered close.

"I love you" He whispered softly just before replacing his thumb with his lips, making her stomach droop low and low with reptiles somersaulting in it.

She moaned his name as he brought her body closer to his, making her stand in between the V' created by his legs.

Her heart thudded wildly as he bit her lip softly and flicked his tongue over it.

As his hands reached to the sides of her chest, she kissed him back with equal vigour.

They broke apart as their lungs reached to the extent of collapsing with oxygen deficiency and Khushi rested her head on his shoulder.

"It's getting challenging to stop" Arnav exclaimed and she smiled.

"I can actually feel that" Khushi replied and he quickly stepped back from her.

"'t help it. It's natural, a reflex action you see" He replied with a grin and colour crept into her cheeks.

"Bye" He said, once again leaning in and pasting a chaste kiss on her lips.

"Bye" She replied, waving a hand at him as he walked towards the lift.

Life was indeed beautiful for them with a happily ever after on its way.


P.S. To know more about Mr. Alok Nath, please Google him. 😛

Proof Read by: Cheeni [Cheesemad] ❤️

Pearl_Oyster2014-01-23 11:00:11

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Comments (34)

cant wait for the weddings

10 years ago

superb updatethat aloknath scene was amazinghahaa loleverything is going so sweet..roantic..n hilariouswish things remain like this forever for themhappily ever aftercan't wait for their wedding

10 years ago

nice updatelove dis nok jhokwaitng 4 nxt

10 years ago

Hey thanx a LOT FOR THE PM!! Really liked the update !! waiting for the next PART-"WEDDING"!!PLZ DO update soon m waiting

10 years ago

Awesome update...The kiss & the romance was lovely...I wish they contiune like that ...

10 years ago

Loved the update Kiran... Can't wait for he weddings...

10 years ago

aww beautifull..nicealoknath rasam was fummy...they r so lovey-divoy couple...plz plz next chap update soon...plz do write mature content it will be if u want..

10 years ago

lovely update...their hotness n intimacy showed how they were longing for each other...secured love..

10 years ago

loooved itit was awesomethe first part was funny where arnav and abhay questioned and complained like kidsthen abhay and anjali went out for dinnerloved that kitchen scene. romancing in kitchen... not bad arnav ;-)loved it when khushi tried to make arnav feel better. he should not think abour the pastthe last scene was cute!!!!!!will be waiting for the next update

10 years ago

Awesome update tat was romantic 😳

10 years ago
