Chapter 49

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Part 49 (Update by Aisha)

Khushi smiled as she closed the door and sighed. If he was so seducing right now, wonder what would happen to her on their wedding night. And then she realized that was not the topic she needed to think about because there were thousands of butterflies in her stomach and she couldn't even stand straight.

So she kicked the "Suhaag Raat" out of her mind just when her cell rang.

"Arnav Singh Raizada, you will never change" She said smirking and without looking at the caller ID, picked the cell.

"So, can't stay even a minute without me huh? Mr Raizada?" She said, huskily, with a naughty hinge in her tone.

The line was silent.

"Oh! So someone has run out of words? I know you are standing at the door in the want of some more soft, warm and delicious dessert I gave you moments bac.."

"KHUSHI AT LEAST SEE WHO'S CALLING BEFORE SPEAKING" Abhay's shout shook her from head to toe.

"ABHAY?" She asked bafflingly.


"What are you doing?" She blurted out in nervousness.

"I think I must be the one who should be asking you this question" Abhay replied.

"I...Whatever. Why have you called?" asked Khushi, biting the insides of her cheek.

"Just to ask you that do I need to get you dinner?"

"Nah! I have eaten. Bye" And she disconnected the call, embarrassed.


Arnav entered the house and found pin drop silent. Apparently Anjali had not returned yet. He decided to check the schedules for the upcoming meeting so he could see whether he is free on the date the Pandit prescribed. He switched on his room's light and opened his laptop. Just then his cell rang.

"Yes Abhay"

"Arnav, me and Anjali were thinking about the marriage?"

"What? Did Anjali finally saw how hideous her choice is?" Arnav asked with a smirk.

"In your dreams, it about your wedding as well"

"What about my wedding?"

"I was talking to Anjali and I managed to persuade her to agree for a registered marriage"

"Are we discussing this again Abhay? Wasn't it decided already?" asked Arnav.

"Yes it was decided but I wasn't really happy with the decision you see. So, I just thought again, about all of this."

"So? Was your wondering fruitful? What do you propose?" Arnav asked clueless of where this was going.

"Anjali and I are wondering that, we don't have families, let alone large ones so what's the point of having a full wedding when there are hardly any people to invite? I think that let's get married in the court and for Khushi and Anjali's happiness we can go to the Mandir for the respective ceremonies like pheras and the Alok Nath ritual Khushi suggested. Then the next day you and me can arrange a combine reception and invite our business guests and your Californian uncle and aunty" Abhay explained in excitement.

"And you think Khushi will agree to that" Arnav asked sceptically.

"I didn't ask you about Khushi's decision. I asked whether you are in or not." Abhay asked in exasperation.

"I am in if Khushi's in" Arnav replied.

"Arnav Singh Raizada! Don't be a joroo's ghulam even before you get married. If you are in we can convince Khushi." Abhay said, getting riled up.

"I will only agree if Khushi and Anjali agree. I want them to be happy" Arnav continued, giving no damn about Abhay's taunts.

"Stop canonizing the girls Arnav. You were so distressed at this wedding issue and sudde"

"Are you standing outside my house because the bell just rang?" Arnav cut in.

"Yeah it would be Anjie. I am in the parking actually" Abhay informed.

"Okay bye" Arnav replied.

"HEY STOP!" Abhay almost screamed in the phone.

"What is it?" Arnav said, beginning to get irritated himself.

"I am your brother-in-law to be. At least show me some respect" Abhay said.

"Right now, it's my sister on the door. I'll call you in night. Till that time try to coax your friend" Arnav said and disconnected.


Khushi was lying on her bed, watching the old pictures. She smiled looking at the picture, Arnav was watching earlier that night. The way he was looking at her was so adorable. He was right, there was something in her expression which displayed that he loved her but unfortunately he didn't know the correct word.

It was long since she stopped feeling anything towards that scar Arnav gave him but today, at that moment, she even loving him for that scar. That was peculiar, her mind told her but she smiled and walked to her window to watch the moon.

They say that moon has lots of spots but that didn't diminish its beauty did they? Her love life has spots too but they make it more beautiful. If Arnav wouldn't have lusted her than there would be a simple "I love you Khushi. I love you too Arnav" and that's it. But right now, she had the assurance that she'll never be sad and words above "I love you Khushi" and for the first time ever, she was glad that Arnav once betrayed him because to get something, something has to be lost and to get this pure love she had to lose her impure Arnav.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the knock on the door and she knew Abhay had arrived and so did she, in great trouble. The smile immediately vanished and she leaped on the bed to push the album under the pillow and then called him to come in.

"What took you so long?"

"I..I was in washroom" She said looking here and there.

"What were you doing?" and this time Khushi looked him in the eye.

"Like seriously Abhay? I was in the washroom I just told you. " Khushi replied, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Fine. I need to change and then we can talk some things." Abhay said and left for his room, leaving behind a confused Khushi.

"What's up with him?" She wondered and later shrugged her shoulders.


"So you are saying that we shall do this registered marriage and then have a grandeur reception" asked Khushi after patiently hearing Abhay's perception.

"Yes." Abhay replied triumphantly thinking that he managed to persuade Khushi without any coercing.

"Oh and I've to give up my dream of Pheres and All"

Khushi said in a tone which nearly gave Abhay goosebumps and he decided to clear things right away without igniting her anymore

"No no no you'll be living your dream. We'll go to Mandir together all four of us along with Mr Roy''

"Oh..." Khushi said pondering on his every word and that feeling of triumph swelled Abhay's heart. He was glad that he did what Arnav couldn't. Arnav wouldn't have persuaded her in his wildest dream and he would soon be celebrating his victory

"But then I am surely giving up my dream of having a big wedding where lots of people come and throw flowers during Pheres and congratulate me".

The triumph feel vanished into thin air again and this time Khushi was baffling Abhay.

"The reception will be there "He said cautiously.

"Then keep you reception in your damn pocket! I want a big wedding!". She screamed and walked away but stopped in mid.

"Is Arnav in"

"Not until you are" Abhay said but regretted his words. He should've made both of them evil in her sight and now he made Arnav the good lover boy and himself the bad heart-breaking guy.

"That's my man" She literally spat the words and walked away.

"Hey listen. Stop overreacting Khushi." But when she didn't give him any concern Abhay grabbed her and chided.

"Fine! Have a grand wedding and invite as many people as you want and I'll see how you manage and gather more than 15 people in total! "and walked away.


Pondering on Abhay's word by giving his idea a valid amount of thinking, Khushi realized that they all were correct. They didn't have big families and then there will be loads of people at the reception. Mr Roy will be there to do the rituals but she had a condition and she was putting it in front of the remaining trio. She thus texted Anjali and told her to meet them along with Arnav at some mall for the full and final discussion.


"I don't know why I am even here when you don't even give a damn to what I say" said Abhay seethingly as they sat in the mall's food court waiting for Arnav and Abhay to arrive.

To diminish the feeling of immense repentance of giving Abhay less importance, she was constantly glancing at the arrival.

Finally they arrived and they moment Khushi looked at Abhay he rolled his eyes as if telling to see the place and Khushi remembered the times they spent in this food court. Those were the times where the better alternative than marrying Arnav Singh Raizada was dying an illegitimate death but now quite the vice versa.

"So why are we here" Asked Anjali and Khushi cleared her throat and spoke, her eyed glued on her Abhay's face.

"I think Abhay's right an"

"What?" Abhay interrupted and looked at her shocked

"Ahan. You're right. We're having the marriage your way but there's one condition".

"Now that seems normal "Abhay added and she laughed.

"We all are getting married in Mandir and not a registered marriage. That's too marriage"

"To be very honest. All I want is getting married asap and I don't care how" Arnav said and Khushi admired him

"Yes. even I think that lover boy" He said pissed.

"Aww Abhay. You are so cute" Khushi got up to hug him

"Okay then it's done!" Said Arnav

"So let's the preparations begin". Anjali announced and they all nodded in approval, slow smiles appearing on their faces.


Pearl_Oyster2014-02-08 11:20:05

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Comments (48)

Hey i just now complete reading the whole story its really interesting ... love the concept as well as characters. n now i am really looking forward to whats next...

10 years ago

happy valentine aisha" border="">

10 years ago

Hey awesome update deari m eagerly waiting for their marriage😃

10 years ago

Found your story and read all 49 parts in a go..Loved it..Please pm me whenever you update next..

10 years ago

Loved the update 😊 But what's the problem in registering the marriage too after getting married in a mandir? Let them follow religious/ traditional rituals in marriage but after that they can jolly well register their marriage in the court in front of the marriage registrar!

10 years ago

comment for chapter 49.. omg will be 50th.. congo in advance jihaha.. idiots... they were still confused how would they marry.. chalo atleast now it's decidedloved the updatecontinue soon

10 years ago

comment for chapter 48such a beautiful nd cute chapterso glad they are finally getting happiness especially khushiso it's decided that they are gonna marry same dayloved arshi's cute and romantic moment.. loved itsorry for the delay now off to read next chapterPS: thanks a ton for PM kiran

10 years ago

oh Lord they are getting married but still can't decide what kibd of marriage they want

10 years ago

@ Aisha thank you so much for the wonderful update.K K Kiran thank you for posting it.😳loved this chapter is in the air...both the bridegrooms are eagerly waiting for their journey with the love of their lives..oh so now they are going to perform all Alok Nath rituals in the temple..loved the chhhoti chhoti nok jok between Khushi,Abhay and Abhay -Arnav..kuchh pyar bharein pal between Arshi.thank you so much for the pm,take care.😊

10 years ago

superb update...arnav was so impatient to get kushi as his wife...waiting for the next...

10 years ago
