Chapter 45

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Part 45 (Update by Aisha)

Party had slowly died down as all the guests took leave, one after the other. Finally it was just the gang of four left alone in the house, rejoicing and cherishing the day.

"So" Khushi heard a voice from behind her and turned back to see it was Abhay. She looked aside and found Anjali was being hugged by Arnav and there small evil smirk appeared on Khushi's face.

"Yeah?" She asked, raising a brow at Abhay.

"Are you sated?" Abhay asked, in a nonchalant way hearing which Khushi burst into laughter.

"That was the best think you could come up with?" She asked, controlling the fits of laughter that were occurring within her.

"Excuse me? I didn't catch you"

"I know what you are up to Abhay. Because your fianc is have a cosy time with her brother, you are either jealous and have come here to make her equal jealous, or you want to show the people and your fianc to be specific, that you've a sister too. And because right now your fianc is being hugged by her brother, let me give you a big tight hug"

She kept her Chocolate mousse aside, and gave Abhay a big hug.

"Umm actually, sorry to burst your bubble sweet heart, I asked you whether you are sated so that we may actually have some fun rather than hearing either your stomach growling or you complaining about your stomach growling"

Khushi at once broke the hug and saw Abhay's face plastered with a huge grin.

"Let me wipe this ear reaching grin of yours, you little devil"

"Acha? Let's see" Abhay said, crossing his hands across his chest.

"ANJALI" Khushi called and Anjali responded to it.

"Abhay is extremely tired and he wants to retire from this party so he could go"

She turned towards Abhay to complete her sentence

"and sleep"

"What! No Anjie, I am not tired a"

"Oh my poor lover boy! We all know you don't want to break her heart and make her upset that's why you are saying this. Anjali kasam se, he's very drowsy"

Anjali at once came towards him.

"Oh Abhay. You go and have rest okay. I know you must be very tired. Go home, rest. I am perfectly fine"

"Hey bu" Abhay opened his mouth to protest

"Abhay, I know you don't want to make me sad, but believe me, I am perfectly fine and very happy indeed"

"Yeah but Anj" Abhay tried to explain.

"Oh Abhay"

"Hey cut it out you two" Shouted Arnav from the corner and every eye were now directed towards him.

"It's quite obvious that his leg is being pulled by Khushi because, apparently, she can't hide her amusement" Arnav said.

Now every eye turned towards Khushi, who was sitting on the chair, holding its back for control, laughing like a maniac.

"Have I ever told you that you are the best brother in law ever" Abhay said and winked at Arnav, thanking him for saving the situation for him.


"I hate you for making me look like a fool over there" Abhay said, as they climbed the stairs to reach their apartment.

"Acha? How could I make a fool look more fool?" Khushi said, smirking.

"Extremely old and very idiotic" Abhay snapped.

"Acha baba.. I am sorry okay."

"You should be"

"And I am" blurted Khushi.

"Listen Khushi"


"We've to meet Arnav and Anjali tomorrow at Shantivan. By 12"

"Great" And with these words, she went to her bedroom.


"Thank you so much once again Bhai" Said Anjali as she hugged him once again.

"Oh Anjie, you can stop thanking and most importantly hugging me"

"Oh okay.. but still I just can't believe you arranged a surprise birthday and an engagement . Seriously YOU ARE THE BEST BROTHER IN THE WORLD" She said jubilantly and left him alone is his room.

Arnav smiled seeing his sister cock-a-hoop over her engagement. He realized that by helping her bringing close to Abhay, he was actually getting rid of that sense of paroling that kept on arising whenever he saw her happy. Previously, he thought, that because he had confessed to herself that he would give up anything to protect her from going through what Khushi went, was the reason that his sister was still safe and the moment he'll forget that, forget the pain he had caused to one soul, he would be punished with his sister. But now he was very sure, that the man she had got was the most deserving, because he was there with Khushi, when he gave her that scar.

What made even more jubilant was the fact that he was back with Khushi. They were friends, lover and partner in being cupids rather than being only lovers or only partners as the consequences didn't turn out to be quite good either way. He was glad, that he was given another chance to be a good person or the person Khushi deserves and that, made him adore himself, which he had forgotten to do in past.


The apartment was ringing with clatters of utensils and Khushi's screams over it. There was a catastrophic atmosphere in the kitchen. Abhay had taken over the duty of making breakfast to honor his best friend who had given him a big birthday surprise and the birthday present last night.

But due to his irrepressible happiness and anxiety to meet Anjali at 12, he could not concentrate on making breakfast and thus, there was a disaster in the kitchen.

"ABHAY SINGH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP THIS NONSENSE RIGHT NOW" Khushi bellowed over all the clattering in the kitchen and Abhay at once came to a halt.

"Good. Now you please go and iron our clothes, I'll do the honors of making the breakfast"

"No Khushi I want to thank you" He said, taking back the spoon she took from him.

"You want to thank me?"


"Then please let me cook. Because I don't want us gnawing at Shantivan from hunger or set our kitchen on fire" She said, grinning and Abhay laughed too.

"Well, I'll do the ironing then." He chuckled and left the kitchen.


"So, what's the plan?" Asked Khushi.

Anjali, Abhay, Arnav and Khushi were sitting in Anjali's room. They were there to discuss Abhay-Anjali's wedding.

"What do you mean what's the plan Khushi? It's just a marriage" Said Arnav.

"Umm Arnav.. I don't how to break this to you but marriage is not just marriage. There are so many things to be done, so many functions to be arranged, so many people to be inv" Khushi started.

"Whoaaa" Cried Abhay from the other side, making Anjali and Khushi digress their attention to him.

"I am not going in this mess Khushi. Let's do it simple and I don't know... solitary" Abhay said.

"A registered wedding." Arnav suggested, joining him.

"A registered wedding?" Asked Anjali, raising a brow at the two.

"Yeah, court marriage to be specific" Abhay replied and Arnav nodded.

"Are you two out of your damn senses" Roared Khushi while the boys looked dumbstruck, wondering what heinous crime they did to deserve it.

"Khushi's right. I am not running away that I'll go for a court marriage. It's going to be a proper wedding" Anjali said, quite authoritatively.

"But Anj" Abhay opened his mouth to protest but Anjali didn't let him finish.

"No ifs and buts Abhay. If you say another word then I am making sure that there's a proper destination wedding" Anjali said, crossing her hands across her chest.

"No No no.. No destination wedding, that's like a head-ache. Let it be there way. Okay a proper wedding" Abhay declared, quickly taking in the situation.

"Bu?" Arnav had just opened his mouth to retort to Abhay's submission, but Abhay shot him a reassuring look.

"Come with me aside Arnav. We need to discuss" Abhay said.

When they were out of the girl's hearing reach, Abhay whispered.

"Proper marriage means loads of functions and loads of functions mean loads of time with Khushi... Alone" Abhay explained emphasizing the last word and Arnav smiled a crooked smile.

"You don't need to be emphatic on "alone" Abhay. I quite get what you mean brother" Arnav said, side-hugging Abhay and then they both laughed.

"Is there any special reason to laugh?" They heard a voice and turned back to see that both the girls were there.

"I.. " Abhay opened his mouth to reply.

"Nothing. Abhay was telling me the benefits of a proper wedding" Arnav smirked and walked towards Khushi.

He held her wrist and pulled her with him.

"Bye guys, I'll drop Khushi at the apartment" He called as he left, dragging a stunned Khushi.


"Remember once you were threatening my best friend to be a little decent with Anjali while you drag me wherever you want. Fair enough" Khushi snapped as the waiter just disappeared.

Arnav had brought her to a hotel to confess the reality which he couldn't wait to reveal before her. They were sitting in the isolated area of the hotel and the management was strictly forbidden to allow any person to come there. Arnav Singh Raizada influence.

"I am elder and the brother, so I am the boss" Arnav smiled and answered.

"Acha? Then Abhay's elder than me and he's my brother so apparently, he's the boss too. And I won't be surprised if the doesn't allows me next time to hang out with you.

"Then I am making sure, they don't meet as well."

"You are so cruel" Khushi said.

"Well I didn't bring you here to give me a lecture, I brought you here to" He went silent and Khushi didn't fail to notice that the humour in his eyes, vanished as he came to end his sentence

"To?" She looked at him, directly into his eyes and he averted his gaze away.

"Khushi.. I really want to tell you something" He said scrupulously, as if he was measuring his every word that came out of his mouth to prevent him from any repentance in future.

He was here to tell her how much he loved her and couldn't bear to be away from her. He wanted to make her realize that he wanted this friendship and the love hidden in to be prominent and above all he wanted to go through the happiness his sister was feeling. He wanted to marry her, on the same day as Anjali and Abhay.

"Speak up Arnav?" There was hint of tension in her voice.

She knew what he wanted to speak. He wanted to tell her what he hadn't uptil now. But she had figured it out in all those hours of talking and cherishing their friendship but what made her upset was why Arnav being so hesitant and nervous about admitting that.

Arnav on the other hand, tried hard to get over his nerve spasm.

"It's all right. She has forgotten and forgiven everything."

"I love you Khushi. I love you just like you loved me back in college and now. And"

He paused for a second. His heart was rejoicing with triumph to see that blush come on Khushi's cheek and he wanted to secure it in his memory.

"I want to marry you, along with Abhay and Anjali" But these words, took away all the sparkles from her eyes and the blush had gone as if it was never there. His inside tightened; didn't she want to marry him?

"Khushi.. Please say something" He said, placing his hand on hers, feeling a maelstrom building within him.

"Arnav actually..."

"Yes?" He said but Khushi remained silent, furiously searching words to continue.

"Do you have any issue with the marriage part?" Arnav asked, feeling his heart was going to burst with all the sudden tension which had condensed around them.

And to his great disappointment, she nodded a yes, making his heart sank.

"What? If you don't want it with Abhay and Anjali. It's okay we'll delay an" He tried to hold onto his expectations, and so wished she would say yes to this.

"It's not that Arnav" Khushi said, looking extremely sorry and on the verge of tears. It hurt to hurt him. But she had to tell him that.

On the other side of the table, Arnav went quite. He could sense something really bad coming his way and he waited with baited breaths.

"Arnav... I..I am really sorry but after you left me..I.. get over with your grief friends and attended this cocktail party..and..I... got drunk..and...I.."

Arnav closed his eyes, fisting his hands on the table. He knew what she meant.

" Arnav. Please don't hate me for this. I was so drunk, I didn't knew what was happening around me"

"It's okay Khushi. I get your point. Please don't explain. Bu..But..Wh..Who was the guy?" Arnav asked, a huge lump stinging his throat.

"I.. he was a friend..but after that.. we..sort.. of broke up." Her eyes were now brimming with tears.

"I..What do I say Khushi" was all Arnav managed to say.

"I am really really sorry Arnav. But how would I have known you would come back to me. I needed to get over you so I tried this but it never helped. I haven't even told Abhay about this but I wanted to tell you. But then I wanted to spend a little more time with you so I could tell you everything without breaking your trust and now when you said this marriage thing, I just..I am so sorry Arnav. I am not good enough for you" She said, hiding her face in her palms and breaking down.

Arnav sat there, stunned and looked at her crying form. Her sobs, her confession everything was stifling him. He was hurt but he couldn't blame her for it. It was his mistake, if only he hadn't hurt her so much in the past, she would have never dared to take such a step. And now she needed him.

Clearing his throat, and swallowing the painful lump he got up from his seat and walked towards her, sitting on his knees beside her.

"Ssh Khushi. It's all right" He said, removing her hands from her face and holding them in his.

"I..Arnav..I know you hate me now. But I." She said, letting more tears flow down. She felt so embarrassed and dirty.

"Ssh" He said, stroking her hair while she hid her face in his chest.

In that minute, it didn't matter that his heart needed equal or extra condolence at that moment. What mattered the most was to bring Khushi out of that haze of grief, because nobody was perfect and he knew that better than anyone.

What he didn't know was how to make himself believe the new truth, it was painful but he had to deal with it and help Khushi feel better.


Getting shocked faces, are we Aisha? 😳

Guys please don't kill us, but this was needed. This is the last stage for Arnav to understand that he can't have everything perfect his own way. Life goes on and few things occur and no one can change them. So let's see how Arnav deals with this new revelation.

I was so sad reading the last part when Aisha sent me this update. Great job Aisha darling. 👏

P.S.If you get PMs for this story and would like to continue receiving them, please visit the following thread and LIKE the post. 😳

Pearl_Oyster2013-12-11 11:16:07

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Comments (49)

Will be waiting for the update!

10 years ago

Would be posting the update post 10 pm 😳

10 years ago

Lovely update bt d end part ws sadreally it ws shockingcontinue n pm me also

10 years ago

Loved it alot:)Totally awsome:)Superb:)Will be waiting:)Thanks alot for PM:)

10 years ago

Very well written this is indeed a test of Arnav's love. surely he should realise that he cannot expect khushi to mop around for him when he acted so badly towards her. In fact I think Arnav should overlook this asap and reassure khushi that it is their futre that matters not their past and he should be happy that khushi shared this with him

10 years ago

Nyc update... Loved d honest khushi...Excited fr d next...Thnx fr d pm...

10 years ago

Loved this update! It's a shock but did it happened in reality or khushi is testing Arnav?

10 years ago

Hey thanx a lot for the pm!! REally awesum update!! I really liked it a lot!! Plz do update soon cant wait more to read!! its sure dat he will not leave her!! Wanna see more romance of ARSHI!!

10 years ago

Arnav has no right to feel hurt that Khushi was with someone elseI am sure he slept with other women tooHe had left her, what did he expect that she will save herself for him in case he came back?he is a moron if he expected this

10 years ago

Hawww so Khushi got physical with somebody when she was drunk??

10 years ago
