Chapter 46

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Part 46 (Update by Aisha)

In that minute, it didn't matter that his heart needed equal or extra condolence. What mattered the most was to bring Khushi out of that haze of grief, because nobody was perfect and he knew that better than anyone.

What he didn't know was how to make himself believe the new truth, it was painful but he had to deal with it and help Khushi feel better.

"Stop crying Khushi" He said, his voice almost a whisper, caressing her hair.

"Arnav..I k."

"Shh" He said, placing a finger on her lips, and smiling a painful smile.

"Don't say anything more Khushi. I totally understand and it's really okay. You don't have to be sorry for it"

"But Arnav, I know you're hurt. How can I just forgive myself for doing this? I was so stupid" Khushi said while looking up, searching a hinge of anger in his eyes but she found none.

All she met in those eyes were varied emotions of love and understanding, yet a few tears too.

"See, you're crying because of me" She said, sobbing again and hugging him.

"No, I am not" Arnav replied, looking away from her and wiping a tear which streamed down his face.

"You are a liar. I saw that" Khushi said, now cupping his face.

"Oh that? I was crying because you were" He admitted, smiling at her and wiping the last tear streaming on her cheek, there by resting his head on her shoulder.

"Arnav?" She asked, after a silence of two minutes.

"hmm?" He asked, looking up and caressing her cheeks.

"You hate me now?" She asked.

"No, I love you darling" He said, kissing the tip of her nose and making her blush while her heart swelled with love for him, love which was now free of all sorts of concerns and doubts.

He loved her the same way she did to him.

"So, shall we leave now? Or you want to continue washing my coat with your tears?" He asked, trying to make her mood light, while his own was heavy with anguished thoughts.

"Haww? I was washing your coat with my tears?" She asked, rolling her eyes.

"Indeed you were, Khushi Kumari Gupta" He replied, shifting back to his chair.

"Whatever Arnav Singh Raizada. I'll just come" She said and left for the washroom.

Arnav watched her leave and ran his fingers through his hair, letting his anguish loose.

Anguish which wasn't directed towards Khushi, but on himself.

He felt angry over himself for making her Khushi suffer so much, so much that she had to take up such a step to get over the pain.

"All you give, eventually comes back to you" He didn't how when these forgotten lines surfaced back to his mind. The lines once said by Khushi himself when they had been discussing the strange ways of life.

Even though the revelation hadn't changed his love for Khushi yet he couldn't make himself believe that his Khushi could have taken such a big step.

"Why can't she? And you never know how deeply situations and life can change a person. For instance, are you the same person you once used to be?" His conscience asked him and he didn't had an answer.

He wanted to believe the bitter truth yet it was crushing him within, but he was sure he will overcome it. His love for Khushi would help him. With that thought, he smiled in self-assurance.


Khushi reached the washroom and clutched onto the washbasin to hold her breaths.

She was panting hard because she began running once she was out of Arnav's sight.

She wanted some time alone to adjust to feelings which were overwhelming her heart.

All she wanted to do now was hug Arnav and never let go.

His each smile during their convo, his each gesture was brimming with love and she loved him for it. She loved him more and more, if that was even possible.

Finally, she could feel a healed heart beating inside her ribs. A heart devoid of the painful scars of past.

She once again felt lively, ready to start the next phase of her life, another landmark.

Marry her Arnav.

She knew she was ready for it, physically, mentally and emotionally.

With such thoughts, she corrected her smudged kajal and appereance.

Today was the day she could jubilantly declare that she loved Arnav Singh Raizada from the core of her heart.


Arnav saw Khushi coming towards him and a genuine smile came on his face.

He had made himself understand that if Khushi could accept him with his past mistakes, he could do the same.

She reached to him and Arnav placed an arm around her shoulder and together they walked out of the hotel towards his SUV.


"So was that boy hot like me?" Arnav asked, desperate to begin a conversation, as he noticed all Khushi was doing was smiling and blushing to herself.

"Please Arnav, can we change the topic?" She said, giving him a quick look.

"Yeah sure" He said awkwardly and silence fell in again.

"Arnav" She spoke, in a low voice, after two minutes.

"Yes?" He said, looking forward on the road.

"Don't you feel betrayed?" She asked, clutching her purse hard.

"I thought we were supposed to change the topic?" Arnav said, raising a brow at her.

"Ehh.. yeah yeah, still I wanna know. Didn't for once you thought I have betrayed you?"

"No I didn't." He replied, still looking forward.

"Though I was distressed initially, angry at myself, hurt yet I didn't think you betrayed me. Because that's like, not even possible. How could you have betrayed me when you never knew I would return back and this is your life Khushi. You had, have and will have the right to take your own decisions. I am no one to judge you. Actually I don't think I even have the right to judge you. It's not like that I had never been intimate with other girls" He said, keeping his voice flat, and looking at her.

"Yeah but never landed in bed with her" She said with a sigh.

"True but then what I did to you was despicable. I had left you, left you when I knew you, it's me all you have. And what you did was your choice. My deeds ruined your life while yours ruined none"

Khushi remained silent. She desperately wanted this drive to end so she could hug Arnav for one more time and tell him how deeply she loves him, for everything.

"I guess that was supposed to happen. I deserve it" He murmured under his breath yet Khushi overheard him.

The rest of the drive was silent.

Arnav was recalling all the good memories associated with Khushi whereas Khushi was preparing herself for the climax.

Khushi found it hard to contain the excitement within her but she had too.

As the car stopped before her flat, she stepped down and waited for him to come out.

"So?" He asked, looking at her face which was showcasing myriad emotions.

"Come here" She said and he chuckled, that sounded quite tempting from her.

"Yes?" He said, walking to her and standing against the closed door of the SUV.

It was a dark night and the only source of the light was coming from the parking of the building Khushi resided in.

"I have got to say something" She said, stepping close to him and keeping her both hands flat on his chest.

"Something more?" He asked, trying to read her eyes while she let her hands travel up his chest and entwine behind his neck.

"Khushi maintain decency" Arnav said, his breaths racing at the proximity.

"I have a question" She said, looking in his eyes.

"Hmm?" He said, maintaining the eyelock.

"What would be your reaction if I say...that.."

"that?" He said, leaning into her, smelling her hair.

"That whatever I said in the restaurant was a lie"

"What?" He said, sniffing her hair and she nodded.

"WHAT?" He said shocked, pulling back from her, searching her eyes for any clues.

"Yes Arnav..actually..I was..You know? A little insecure which I shouldn't be but I wanted to.. you know get sure of.." she said stopping in between words to have a look at his face.

"You were lying? You didn't...?" He asked, once again unable to believe the situation.

"Yes..I lied. I was just confirming my doubts. That what would have been your step if I had done such a thing" She said, now fearing his response. She knew he would be angry, scream at her but she was surprised when he didn't do any of it only continued staring her, with looks she couldn't decipher.

"You won't say anything Arnav?" She asked, her heart fluttering wildly at his silence.

"Didn't I hurt you?" She asked dogmatically, wanting him to speak up.

When he didn't reply again, Khushi began to be agitated.

"See Arnav I am very sorry if I hurt you. I.. you should try to understand that I was scared. Isn't that natural? I needed to be sure, to see your reaction. I know you must be hurt with but you'll forgive me no? I am sorry for being so hard...Now please speak something, shout, be angry, but don't remain quite" She said, tears welling up in her eyes.

When she was on the verge of crying those tears out when Arnav moved forward and pulled her into a big embrace.

"Just hear this Khushi. I love you beyond any terms and conditions. I love you more than myself"

He broke the hug and placed his lips on her forehead.

She placed her hands on his waist. They had memorized each other, his lips on her forehead and her hands on his waist.

They stood for minutes, feeling each other in their arms, inhaling each other's scent and sealing them in their memories.


Me and Aisha hope this update helped the racing minds of several of our lovely readers here. 😉

If it did, guys show up the response and like the update. I see many sleeping buddies. Get up people. The FF is nearing it's end. This is the high time to show your presence. Be active 😳

P.S. We'll be getting a new thread for the next update. 😉

Pearl_Oyster2013-12-13 10:40:16

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Comments (47)

Still have to like the comments on this thread :PPearl_Oyster2014-05-24 06:03:45

10 years ago

got the link lately .read in a go .its really amazing

10 years ago

Thank god its khushi lie i got so dishearted by what khushi said to him aout her pastShe just wanted to see his rection and arnav supported herIts so nice to readawesome update

10 years ago

i am glad dat arnav comforted her and accepted her with whole heartomg dat was a lie...:O

10 years ago

oh wow!!!!She lied she was not with anyone

10 years ago

hahahahaha totally awesome 😆

10 years ago

loved iti knew khhshi was lyingso now her insecurities are overarnav loves her unconditionallynow it is time for some confessions ;-)will be waiting for the next update

10 years ago

Awsome:)Just loved it:)Totally superb:)Thanks alot for PM:)

10 years ago

very nice update... for once i thought that all she was sying was truth...but then suspense broke down...

10 years ago

Awesome.So Khushi was lying to know his response.. Waiting for next chapter.

10 years ago
