Chapter 44

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Part 44

Life had sped up for Abhay-Anjali while for Arnav-Khushi it was going on its own pace. While Abhay and Anjali often went on dates and dinners, living the best time of their lives, Arnav-Khushi mostly stayed at home, either at Arnav's or Khushi's.

It was the stage of their relationship where they were rediscovering each other, getting closer and more comfortable with each passing day.

There wouldn't be a single day Khushi would get up without a smile on her face.

For Arnav, he would never stop smiling.

A month passed on and everything around the four was beautiful.

Today was the day, Arnav and Khushi had decided to gift something to the other couple.

It was Abhay's b'day party tonight and the perfect occasion.

The Raizada house was full of hustle and bustle as people ran from one corner to another. Khushi and Arnav had secretly organized a party in the house as they knew Anjali wouldn't be at home for most of the time.

It was a surprise party for both of them, Abhay and Anjali.


"What do you think Arnav? Would they like it?" Khushi asked, holding Arnav's arm, looking awed by the decorations and lights.

"If you do, they'd surely like it" Arnav replied, running his hand up and down along her arm, hugging her close.

Within a month, it had become a normal gesture from him. Every time they'd be together, Arnav would always be I touch with her body, either side-hugging her, holding her hand or just walking together with his hand resting on her waist.

Even after all this time, Arnav found it hard to believe that Khushi had forgiven him whole-heartily, and they were moving on together, towards a beautiful future.

He always wanted to be beside her, close to her. Thinking of a day without her would alone make him restless.

He was a totally changed man and all knew that.

Yet, there would be sometimes when he would think Khushi wasn't happy with him. It was like she still had a few insecurities about something, or maybe a few questions.

But he had never pushed it upon her; he had been waiting for her to ask him, in the mean time accepting everything she offered.

He had left it on Khushi. She would be the one to decide the pace of their relationship. Arnav thought he wasn't capable of doing it. He always feared of hurting her again.

But he was sure he wouldn't hurt her again on purpose, but what if he does it by mistake?

"No, I won't" He would resolve every time such thoughts would frazzle his mind.

He would do anything to keep her smiling, to keep her away from all the hurt and pain of the world.

He was yet to confess his love to her. They both knew he loved her, but the happiness of saying it loud hadn't yet arrived for each of them.

Khushi too hadn't talked about her feelings. She had asked him to be friends with him and that's what he was doing.

"A friend with benefits of a lover" That's what Abhay used to call him in Khushi's absence, pissing him off.

"I should leave now Arnav. Abhay had texted me that he and Anjali would reach there in an hour. They think I'll be taking them out for dinner to celebrate his B'day"

"And I am busy with my contract. I hope you three have a good time out" Arnav said and they together laughed.

It was good to be with each other, comfortable, easy as breathing. (Yeah, I love twilight :p )

"Shall I drop you?" Arnav asked, as they walked out.

"No, you're busy right? With your upcoming contract?" Khushi reminded him and he smirked.

"Yeah" He replied and kissed her cheek to which she blushed.

"Bye" He waved at her as she left.


Khushi reached her flat and was mortified by the sight before her.

"Hey Devi Maiya" She screamed, covering her eyes and turning her back at the couch upon which Abhay and Anjali were insanely kissing each other.

"What the hell" Abhay screamed too, getting up from the couch and quickly arranging his clothes and Anjali did the same.

"Why didn't you knock?" He asked, looking sideways as Anjali excused herself to the washroom.

"Hell. Why didn't you lock the door?" Khushi yelled, turning to face him and glaring hard.

"I..err." Abhay fumbled for an answer and not finding any, let himself fall back to the couch, grinning like a foolish.

"You think that was funny?" Khushi asked, angry at his smug behaviour.

"No, I was just thanking my gods that you walked in alone. I would have been so dead if Arnav would have seen me this way. I still remember that Take-it-easy-look' of him" Abhay said, chuckling while Khushi pursed her lips.

"Actually I'd have loved to see that" Khushi replied.

"Oh come on Khushi, now you are fussing. It's my b'day man..! Anjali was just giving me my present and I was returning the gift" Abhay said, winking.

"Yuck. I don't want to know it Abhay. Just keep your info with yourself and get ready, we have to leave" Khushi said, scrunching her face.

"Where are you taking us by the way? And most importantly, where is my gift?" Abhay asked and waited for the answer.

"You'll get your gift once we reach there. And tell Anjali to come out, poor girl must be so embarrassed and you are behaving all shameless. I am going to change" Khushi said and left to her room, informing Arnav that they'd be reaching there soon.


"Where are we going Khushi?" Anjali asked dubiously as the car took a familiar turn.

After hitting Abhay with some cushions while Khushi was in her room, she had finally managed to come out of her embarrassment and was back to normal.

"Are we going to Raizada Mansion?" Abhay asked, sitting alarmed up in the back-seat.

Khushi had insisted upon driving and Anjali being still angry on him, had preferred to take the front seat leaving him on the back-seat, sulking.

"Don't tell me you're going to report us to Arnav. We were going for the dinner right? And Arnav must be busy with his new contract" Abhay said.

"Why are you getting so worked up Abhay? Arnav called me and said, he has managed some time out and he wants to join us. So we'll pick him up and then we'll head for the dinner" Khushi delivered the practiced lines.

"Why can't he join us in the restaurant? He has that big SUV which he never stops flaunting" Abhay said.

"Don't tell me you're jealous of it too" Anjali said.

"Too? Are there more things he is jealous of?" Khushi chimed in.

"Of course. He thinks now you give more importance to Bhai rather him" Anjali informed laughing.

"Even you do the same Anju" Abhay said, making a face.

"Don't call me that" Anjali shrieked as Abhay said it purposely, knowing well Anjali hates that name.

"Okay relax everyone. We're almost here" Khushi said.

"You didn't answer my question. Did he sell off his vehicle or is petrol price puncturing his pockets?" Abhay said, grinning alone on his stupid joke.

"Ever heard of car-pool-system'? We'll be doing that Abhay Singh. Go green, save resources" Khushi rejoindered and Anjali laughed.


"Why is this placed dipped in darkness? Is Arnav Indian Batman?" Abhay made the remark as the trio entered in the hall.

"I think he isn't at home. Let's leave" Abhay said, taking Anjali's hand and turning back towards the entrance.

But he stood stupefied in his tracks as the hall lit up, all at once and he heard a big group of people wishing him "Happy B'day" in an overjoyed, bubbling chorus.

He and Anjali turned simultaneously to face the source of the voice and they were totally in surprise.

There stood so many familiar faces in the hall.

Abhay's friends, Anjali's friends, a few close colleagues of Khushi and there stood Arnav too, in between the crowd, looking quite irritated.

"Surprise party? For me? Here? So many people?" Abhay kept asking questions with an idiot look.

"Get over your trauma Abhay. There is a lot to unfold" Khushi said and she walked to the center to the hall to reach Arnav, who smiled at her.


The party was going on with its full rage. After the cake-cutting session, Abhay fed the first piece to Anjali, then to Khushi and then to a hesitant Arnav. Remaining of the cake was used to smear faces from which Arnav strictly stayed away. This was the reason he hated such b'day parties. He never understood why people get so kiddish?

Once the smeared faces got clear and retouched by the owners, everybody hit the dance floor.

There was a soft romantic tune being played, and Abhay-Anjali danced in euphoria, forgetting the crowd around.

Arnav and Khushi danced too, holding each other close, building up their own good memories.

As they danced, Arnav was trying hard to not let go of his control. Khushi looked ethereal in his designed dress which he had gifted her lately.

Twice he was close to kissing her but every time, Khushi pulled back, whispering him to behave in the crowd.

The dance was soon over, and people were heading for the dinner when Arnav's microphoned voice pulled their attention.

"Hello fellas, this is Arnav Singh Raizada"

"And this is Khushi Gupta" Khushi's voice followed.

Abhay and Anjali's head turned towards the center of the dance floor, where Arnav-Khushi stood with a follow spot focused upon them, holding mikes.

"What are they up to now?" Abhay murmured in Anjali's ears and she shrugged her shoulders in an I-don't-know' way.

"Well, let's wait and watch then" Abhay said and they went all ears.

"I know you guys are really starving after all the fun we had, but I promise we'll keep this short" Khushi continued with a smile and looked at Arnav, signalling him to take over.

"We are here to further surprise my little angel and the lad who's now standing next to her. Hereby I and Khushi announce this day as the engagement day' of Anjali Raizada and Abhay Singh"

As the entire crowd broke into wild applauses, hooting and cheers, Abhay-Anjali stood stupefied, giving bemused glances to each other and then to Arnav and Khushi.

"Come on, walk on the stage you two" Khushi commanded from the stage and winked at Arnav.

Abhay and Anjali took another one good minute to overcome their states and smiling crazily walked towards the constructed dance floor.

"I..Arnav.." Abhay wanted to speak but emotions overwhelmed and outweighed his words and he ended up giving a bear hug to him.

Seeing the men in such a way, Anjali's and Khushi's eyes moistened.

"Party organizers? We're waiting for the ring ceremony" Someone from the crowd cheered and people hooted again.

"Hey come on you two, do it quickly. I am really hungry" Khushi said and Arnav fished out two rings from his tuxedo pocket.

Giving one to each, Arnav stepped back, letting the follow spot, fixed upon Abhay and Anjali.

With immense pleasure at their hearts and eyes at each other, Abhay and Anjali exchanged the rings.

With that, there went another round of hooting and clapping.

"Congratulations Abhay and Anjie" Arnav and Khushi spoke in unison.

"To others, bon-appetit" Khushi said and people laughed, finally heading to the dinner.


Hola people,

I hope you guys enjoyed this one.

As you all would have already estimated, this story I nearing it' end. *Oh, I am sobbing now* 😭

With a few more updates, we'll have to bid adieu to our loving SOL. *More Sobbings* 😭 😭

But that might be a little long, I think four or five updates (most of which would by Aisha as she'll be active from tomorrow onwards). 😳

In the meanwhile I would be writing Keep Loving Me, Will You?' and Against All Odds' 😆

But that's later thing. For now, please like the update and let me know if it was good enough or not 😉


P.S. New readers please DO NOT send me buddy requests until you have commented on any of my stories.

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Comments (68)

10 years ago

Ab Update de dijiye Kiran ji😆😳

10 years ago

OMG! U have posted the precap too? The comment above made by me was for the last update! But why did the blush vanish dear? Now I am also a bit tense like Arnav 😕

10 years ago

Super se upar 👍🏼 U r possessed by the genius genie Kiran ❤️

10 years ago

oops.. such an important answer for Khushi.. waiting for the update..

10 years ago

awesome precap !!!! cant w8 for d update !!!! update soon , I guess khushi is shocked !!! as u say that story is coming to a end so I guess it will be yes n I want it to be a yes !!!

10 years ago

Oh these Precaps Make me want the update more and more 😛 UPDATEEE PLEASSEEE 😊

10 years ago

WOOOHOOO He confessed!! FINALLY !!Thanx for the precap!!Now eagerly waiting for the update!! Is she not happy about the marriage! plz update soon!!

10 years ago

nice precap. waiting for d update

10 years ago

update soon

10 years ago
