Chapter 9

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Part 9

And then, Khushi Gupta realized that no matter, whatever it takes, she'll bear him till she can't defeat him.

With that decision Khushi regained herself, corrected her look and mustered her paperwork.

She silently prayed for some strength from her Devi Maiya, so when he will taunt her for the designs, which for her were perfect, she could maintain the image she established in his view.

"Please, Devi Maiya! Maybe I won't be able to tolerate his remarks, but I want to show him the tigress as long as I am in front of him. Don't make me weak before him."

She looked at the things, checked if she was missing something or not and then with a deep breath closed the door of her cabin behind her.


Arnav was pacing in his own cabin.

"Like what? Spending other night with me and then running away just like you did before?"

Who was she to talk to him that way?

The question surfaced in his mind, every time he thought of her, which he did since the moment she had entered this office.

Arnav Singh Raizada was a one man show. He could do everything by himself; epitome of multi-tasking. He was the coolest hunk in college, and she was the prettiest thing he had laid his eyes down. The moment he saw her, he wanted her and what he wanted, he got.

He lusted her the moment he set his sight on her. He fulfilled his lust and then flew to California to live his dreams.

The morning after that passionate night till he again met her, he never ever thought of her.

But That day at the party, it didn't take him like 10 seconds to remember that familiar face of her. It was clearly etched in some corner of his mind.

That day in the party, and when he offered her the lift, he thought of her; just as his past but today, she was a lot more than his past. She was wild on his mind.

He never knew when his pace increased and he bumped into the fragile figure, which once he lusted.


"Be strong, Khushi. Be strong" Khushi kept on repeating the words to herself till she reached the office.

She knocked once, twice, thrice but there was no response. Then She went to the peon, the one who introduced himself in morning and asked about Arnav's whereabouts and came to know that he was still in his cabin.

"Then why isn't he answering the knocks?" she wondered.

She again went back and knocked for the fifth time, getting no response finally she opened the door and BANG!

She hit direct to him, chest to chest!


"Hello, it's Abhay Singh speaking."

"Yes Sir? How can we help you?"

"I would like to make a reservation for two at 7.00 pm"

"Okay Sir, at this time, would you like to have tea or other facilities as well?"

"No, we'll arrive by 7:00 pm, we'd like to have tea, then I am planning for the movie and then we'll have dinner as well"

"Very well Sir. Thank you for calling Sunshine Hotels. Your reservations are made."

"Thank you"

And Abhay cut the call.

"Perfect, Khushi's gonna love it" He smiled, satisfied by the way to celebrate her first day, the day she laughed.


The heavenly smell of his after-shave was intoxicating. But the day spent with him, keep flashing in front of her and she backed away as soon she hit him.

"I m sorry', Sir" She said, looking everywhere but him.

"It's ok. Show me the designs" Arnav said, sounding all carefree and indifferent. But he could still feel her soft body, against him.

"Concentrate, Arnav!" he mentally slapped himself.

He sat in his chair and ordered her to sit on the one in front of his table, but she denied.

"I m perfectly fine standing, Sir"

"Seems like you are having a bit of a trouble calling me Sir" He said, raising his eyebrow.

"To be honest, yes. I personally don't like calling the person SIR who doesn't even pay me and always tries to mock me" She shot back.

"Oh, So do you want me to pay you for calling me Sir" he ignored the latter part.

Khushi could feel herself boiling but she was thankful to him for that. After all she could maintain her strong while angry.

"It's no use clarifying anything, Sir, please check the designs so I may proceed" She said, politely yet with voice overloaded with self confidence.

"Well let's see" He drowned in the files.

She started tapping her foot out of sheer nervousness, waiting for him to say something.

"Nervous?" He asked her without lifting his gaze from the files.

"No. Why will I be? It's not first time that I am presenting my designs to anyone" she replied.

"Hmm Ms. Gupta, I really didn't know, you were so good at this. I thought you were only good in your looks to attract a hunk like me and then, cry over it" He said, with a smirk.

Khushi felt as if the ground slipped beneath her feet. After all this time, didn't he even realize that direct mention of that night was like putting daggers in her heart?

What is wrong with him? Why he keeps on mentioning those stuffs when not required.

At first, she kept on staring at him. Eyes wide open, jaws dropped.

"What? Did I just leave you speechless?" Asked Arnav.

"Actually you did. I was simply awed to know that it's not you who's good at many things, even I am as you just mentioned. thank You...Sir" She said, with a very fake smile which made him go lunatic. He was expecting everything but a smile from her. And here she is answering him back.

"Take the designs away and resume your designing" He said, furiously.

"Very well Sir, thank you for appreciating the designs though indirectly, never expected this from you" She said and gracefully went out of his room.

The moment the door closed behind, Arnav hit his hand on the table with so much force, that things fell from it. The roaring noise didn't go unnoticed by Khushi, who smiled in between her tears.

"He makes me cry, I make him crazy" She said to herself.

She entered her room and felt herself boiling beyond limits. She was about to do the same, throw the notepad hard, when she recalled the vanishing of smirk from his face and she smiled.

"Things won't be the same anymore Arnav, and I'll show you that" She said.


It was 5:30 pm and Khushi was all done with her work.


Arnav was way too satisfied with this day and all he wanted to do now was go home and stand underneath his hot shower. This day had totally driven him crazy.

He was looking out of the window, then he closed his fist really tight as he saw the scene in front of him.

Khushi was walking out of the office gate.

"Abhay'" she nearly screamed seeing a man getting from a car, and ran to hug him.

"Oh God, Khushi" Abhay replied avoiding himself from falling backwards.

"Are you crying?" He asked, as he could feel his shirt getting wet, while Khushi silently cried.

"What happened, Khushi?"

"I hate him" She said, really softly.

"Come with me, we'll talk" He placed his arm around her shoulder and she kept her head on his shoulder and together they walked towards Abhay's car, unaware that someone was envying their bond. His insides and outside burning with anger.

"Dammit" He banged his fist to the wall.


"I was so happy that now I'll be a demand of everyone as I've worked for Arnav Singh Raizada and what did he do? He ruined my pride, my satisfaction by saying that he couldn't believe I am good at this too. Abhay, when he called me in the morning, I couldn't get his tone because it was too serious and I realized that this serious avatar will help me succeed, but all he did today was forcing me to cry again." She said, sobbing softly than before.

"You are a complete moron, Khushi Gupta" Abhay said, listening the overview of her full day.

"What the hell?" She said, blowing her nose.

"See, previously you couldn't even stand him face to face. Today, you not only stood in front of him, but replied in the way, he couldn't even dream. Who cares if you cry back in your cabin, now you make a mess of him. Khushi today, you stood up to him and cried at his back, one day, you'll stand up to him as well as behind him. Trust me ! I know you' You are a slow learner" HE said, giving her a naughty wink.

"I love you, Abhay' You are the bestest friend ever." She said as she hugged him again.

"Love you too, sweety" he answered.

If not for Khushi, he would have murdered that Arnav Singh Raizada. But he knew Khushi wouldn't be too happy with this. And he sighed.


While Khushi and Abhay had the time of their lives, having evening tea, watching films and then having dinner, Arnav was in turmoil .

Nothing was helping him. Her attitude, her words were driving him crazy. And now that whosoever bas**rd with Khushi. All of this was too much to control.

He never gave a damn about her. Never even thought of her for a split second, and today, she had occupied his mind really hard.

Khushi Gupta had begun to affect Arnav Singh Raizada. Very deeply.

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Comments (32)

Thanks for reading and appreciating it..😃Have forwarded you a Buddy req..😳

11 years ago

I came across ur story while browsing N i read all chapters in a go , LIKED it very much. Now waiting 4 jelous Arnav. Update soon .PLS PM ME WHEN U UPDATE.

11 years ago

jealousy track... i love it

11 years ago

cant wait for jealous track

11 years ago

ya... I am also fan of Manorma.. Hello Hi Bye Bye...No prob.. jab time mile tab aavo.It's ok...

11 years ago

Lol loved to see jealous angry ASR loved it pm me and update soon :)

11 years ago

wow jealous Arnav is a treat😛.

11 years ago

Awsome update:)Really loved it:)Thanks alot for PM:)Will be really waiting for next update:)

11 years ago

Yayyy... Way to go khushi... Loving this khushi but seriously not much liking this Arnav... :(But the update was awesome...

11 years ago

Wow blast update.khusi is doing is right.

11 years ago
