Chapter 8

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Part 8

(Flashback in Italics)

"Please make it fun for me Devi Maiya " She prayed as she looked at the Pamphlet, the theme, color-design, and all the criteria she had to keep in mind while working. She had took out her designing pad when her cordless rang.

"Yes?" She asked, really nervously.

"Ok, did you see the pamphlet" She heard a voice.

"Who's this?"

"Arnav Singh Raizada, Dammit" He said, irritated already.

Khushi took the receiver away from the ears and stared at it. What had happened to his voice? Maybe he sounds like this when he was serious.

"Yes, I saw it"

"Sir.." Arnav replied.

Khushi gritted her teeth.

"I am not your employee, I.." She stopped in mid.

"Fine, I saw it, Sir, now will you please excuse me, I've designs to work upon" And with that she cut the call.

Arnav sat with the cordless against his ear. Out of all, he never expected THIS from Khushi. But he'll soon tame her new attitude.


Khushi had designed an outfit which was perfect with all the requirements, she was told. She grinned widely seeing her achievement.

"Way to go Khushi! With this talent, you can rule the world." She was delighted and began working on another piece of design.

Khushi was in the middle of it, when she stopped working.

"Devi Maiya ! No matter how much I hate him, Arnav Singh Raizada will give me a lot. Me, a normal designer, if recommended by AR would be the demand of every single Fashion House. So why shouldn't I take advantage of it? When he can do, I too can" She thought and a smile appeared on her face.

Khushi paused her work and looked at the clock. It was just 11:30. She'll leave at 5:00 and she had a whole day ahead. She walked off the chair and began to pace in the room.

"For how long will I be so lugubrious and gloomy for his return? May be DM sent him to open doors for me! I mean, take the look around Khushi! You are working for ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA! I am working for AR FASHION HOUSE! I've the job designers dream to get. And what do I've to repay for it? Just by designing and calling him SIR, That's it!" What makes me sad, is seeing his face, his smile, seeing him! What if I try and not to see him? That will make my day..." Khushi thought and thought and than and finally settled on it.

"Perfect! Arnav Singh Raizada, I've had enough... This time I'll take advantage of you!" For the first time in years, Khushi danced her way to the table and took out her cell.

"Hey, lover boy" She teased him

"Khushi?" Abhay said, not believing her carefree tone.

"Nahi gham" She chuckled.

"What? I didn't get you"

"You dumbo! Accha tell me, what's up, my boy?" Abhay actually smiled hearing her like this.

"No, you tell me what's up with you my.. girl"

"I.. am the happiest person alive. It's over Abhay, my bad days are over and I'm all ready to rule the world"

"And who will be me? Your secretary" Abhay teased her.

"No! You'll be my doorman"

"What? You beeech" Abhay made a sour face.

Khushi laughed.

"Are you laughing?" Abhay asked, happily surprised

"Aah.. yes, I guess so"

"God, I don't know what's up with this day"

"Accha Abhay, we are going out for dinner tonight."


"No ifs and no buts. We are going. You are picking me up from my office and then together we'll celebrate my first day in AR Fashion House. Ok?"

"Ohk" Abhay agreed

"Love ya.. Bye" She kept the phone

"Is she okay?" Abhay thought.

He had met Khushi, in a mandir, when she was sobbing and complaining to her DM for snatching everything away from her. She never realized how some one was eavesdropping their conversation.

"DM.. What do you want from me? First you took my mom and dad then Arn.. and now you are trying to snatch my Buaji from me. What is more dear to a girl. You know what? I won't ever talk to you DM!"

"Excuse me, whatever you say, don't say that" Abhay said, placing his hand on her shoulder in a friendly manner.

"Why shouldn't I? She took everything from me"

"Your parents are dead?" asked Abhay, and she nodded.

"Do you live with someone else?"

"Yes, my buaji.. but she is very ill and.. wait.. why am I telling you all this?" She asked

"Count yourself Lucky. My parents are dead too. My dad was the only child and my mum had only one sister, who's abroad. You know what, I simply have no one. I lived in a trust for 15 years of my life, until now, when I can earn myself, an apartment. Still I never hated her! She gives us happiness, she can give us sorrow too"

With these few words, Abhay had won Khushi's heart. He didn't get why she was still a little distant from him, until when, her buaji died, and she was shattered.

Abhay had offered her his apartment, since she refused his job offer. It was than when Khushi told her past to him and they developed an inseparable bond.


Khushi was done with few more designs by the time it was lunch hour. She made her way to the cafeteria and ordered a pan-pizza for her (She's a non-veg, you know).


"DAMMIT" He threw another file at the floor.

"GET HER OUT OF YOUR MIND ASR" Arnav roared to his head.

Since morning, Khushi's face flashed in front of his eyes. He knew it wasn't that "Lovely Feeling" and he hated it.

"I need a break! I need a break!" With this, he rushed his way to the cafeteria.


Khushi was peacefully having her pizza when she heard the voice, she loathed the most.

"So, eating peacefully?"

Khushi looked up and saw his Trade Mark Smirk.

"Oh how, I feel like ripping his face off, when he smirks" Khushi could feel herself boiling, but she maintained a straight face.

"Why? Is eating a non common job in AR?" she asked trying to return back a smirk.

"Oh. You found your tongue? And what's up with this broad smile on your face?" he asked ironically.

"Yes unlike you, who has tons of wrinkles on your forehead. Seems like you are really tired" She said, still trying to produce a smirk like his.

Firstly Arnav couldn't believe she was smiling or rather making a silly sort of face.

Since that night, he had never seen her smile and when he did, he could bet she was faking it.

"You are upto something, aren't you? It's all over your face." He said, putting his coffee on the table, where lay her pizza and he folded his arms across his chest.

"Even if I am Why shall I tell you that?" She replied, maintaining her smile.

"Good point. Why shall you tell me. But I shall tell you some thing. I never knew you could smile like that. I thought you were a cry baby" He said, with his smirk getting bigger.

For an instant, her smile faded when she heard his words, but the next second it was right back on it's original place.

"I am still a cry baby, when I think of the night, Mr Raizada! But I am very elated right now! You wanna know why?"

"I guess I'll love to know.." He said

"Leave it, I don't feel like telling it to you" With these words, she grabbed her stuff and walk past her, when he grabbed her elbow, because her hands were full.

"I don't like this attitude, Ms Gupta"

"Why? Is it driving you crazy?"

"No, but it's urging me to do something, that you'll regret for the rest of your life"

"Like what? Spending another night with me and then running away like you did before?"

Arnav laughed hearing her.

"Running away? If you wanna think that, you are most welcome. It's just that, I had a whole future in front of me, rather than loving you"

And for the first time in the day, Arnav succeeded to wipe that smile over her face!

Khushi didn't reply anything and Arnav left her elbow.

"You may think, you won today Arnav. But I swear one day, it will be the other day round" She said, determination vivid in her voice.

"Like I care" He said and walked past her. He stopped and turned back.

"Get me your designs and remember to call me SIR, or be ready to face the consequences"

"I've faced the worst consequences of all Sir, I'll bear these as well.. And I'll get you the designs only after my loving lunch... SIR"

And Khushi went away from there..


The minute he entered his office, he took off his coat and threw it on the couch.

Was she the same girl, who couldn't meet his eyes? Who couldn't help but stammer when he appeared?

Arnav couldn't believe this drift in her character, but out of anything, his determination to tame her, increased with every single second


Khushi entered her cabin, locked it and pulled the drapes.

She threw herself on the couch, and sobbed.

"How could he be so heartless?" She cried and cried.

"I thought you were a cry baby"

"Running away? If you wanna think that, you are most welcome. It's just that,I had a whole future in front of me, rather than loving you"

"your love my lust"

And then, Khushi Gupta decided that no matter, how insulting and heartless he tried to be, she'll bear him till she can't defeat him.


Leave your POVs. I'd love to read them. 😳


Pearl_Oyster2018-05-23 10:44:25

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Comments (17)

nice updateatlast khushi tried to be normal againsorry for the late comment

11 years ago

Pls Kushi don't be back to a crybaby.

11 years ago

Want khushi to teach arnav a good lesson.

11 years ago

oh m so desperate to read him regretting for his past n TADPING for khushi!! he's rude , arrogant, heartless jerk!! wats more to see in him do update soon cant wait now to see him falling madly for khushi!!

11 years ago

thnx plz update and pm me soon :)

11 years ago

I liked Abhay & Khushi convo he is the strong sholder for her.. Arnav 's mind always think about Khushi...

11 years ago

Really really nice n mind blowing update.Arnav is atrociously horrible, I wonder what will happen when he will witness Khushi's bonding with Abhay.

11 years ago

Amazing update.Loved it.Poor khushi,feel bad for her.Thanks for the pm.

11 years ago

Superb UpdateI like Khushi's determination...Don't let him rule your Life Khushi..Update soon

11 years ago

Fantastic Loved it😃

11 years ago
