Chapter 8

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Hey guyss i really wanted to update yesterday as it was my birthday to surprise you all with a new chapter so here you go! Don't forget to Comment and/or Like!

Chapter 6: Speak of the devil

*** Khushi's Thoughts
***Arnav's Thoughts

What the f*ck is wrong with you Khushi…that was my boss! What were you guys even fighting about? Khushi was irritated as it is so she responded whatever, that man can go to hell for all I care. He is the most arrogant son of a b**ch, I have ever met in my life. Lavanya knew it was best not to talk about this subject any further, so they entered the hospital doors. They went to the receptionist and told her that they had an appointment with Dr. Amir Raizada.  They sat down in the waiting area until they were called Jeez, you should have stayed home and rest, I mean instead of taking care of me right now it should be the other way around with your arm injured at least. Just when Lavanya was about to say something until Khushi's name got called and they both were guided to Amir's office. Both Lavanya and Khushi entered Amir's office Hello Khushi and Lavanya, I'm glad you both made it. Now if you don't mind Khushi please sit here and Lavanya can you sit there. Okay we will start first by getting some samples of your blood for some testing to see if you are healthy in every aspect. Once these results come in, then we can know how you are as of right now. 

Once the blood samples were given Amir had excused himself for a few minutes and the Lavanya got a call Hello is this Lavanya Singhaniya? Lavanya of course had said yes, I am Akshay Raizada the photographer from AR Designs and I was wondering if you can come down here so you can sign off on your official contract to be part of AR Designs as a model. Lavanya couldn't contain all the happiness she just felt and just started giggling. Khushi was right next to her wanting to know who she was talking to that could have caused Lavanya to behave like this. Then she heard Lavanya speak yes I can definitely come by and sign my contract. Ohmygod! Thanks soo much, you have no idea how happy I am right now. Akshay just chuckled, haha I can definitely tell, well if you are not busy…can you come by right now? Lavanya looked at Khushi and then started saying uhm. Well at the moment... but before she could finish Khushi snatched the phone Lavanya is not busy at all, she will be there in thirty minutes. Akshay was a bit confused on hearing someone else's voice And who is this speaking…? Khushi giggled, haha it's me, Khushi and I'm with Lavanya right now and she can certainly come right now! Khushi then hung up before Lavanya could have grabbed the phone what the heck Khushi, we are in the middle of doing your testing. How can I just leave you alone like this? Khushi couldn't help but smile at Lavanya's concern Lavs it's fine, I'm fine! You need to go and sign yourself a contract with AR Designs! Yay! So just go now! Lavanya was just amazed and happy that she has a best friend like Khushi in her life Thanks Khushi, but you better come to AR Designs with some food, we can have lunch over there, deal! And then Lavanya just sped off as she was so excited to be her dream job—a model. 

Amir came back to his office and looked around a bit confused Khushi where's your friend? I thought she would be here with you the whole time. Khushi responded by saying Lavanya had some important errands to run. Dr. Raizada when you get the results from my blood samples, can you please call me and tell me. I really do not want to involve Lavanya anymore. So for the next appointment when she comes again with me can you not tell her how bad my condition really is, I really don't want to worry her especially now when she has her career to worry about. Amir was stunned to see how mature Khushi is at such a young age Khushi, I understand your concerns and even though I am not supposed to lie about these kinds of things, I promise you I will not tell her about your condition any further unless you tell her. If you don't mind me asking, but I have been noticing that you are trying to distance yourself from people who truly care about you, why? I know it's not my place, but shouldn't you try to have the people closer to you so you can have support and love. Khushi knew the reason why she respected Dr. Raizada from the very start because he is always straightforward with her. Thank you so much Dr. Raizada, I knew you would definitely to understand. I distance myself because more than it's hurting them, it will hurt them more. I'm going to die, that's the truth but these people who are there for me will still keep on living and I don't want them to be sad. I want them to live out their life the way the want to and I don't want anything holding them back from doing just that. Amir knew he would get this answer from Khushi, and now he can see her point of view very clearly. Okay beti from today onwards I don't care what you have to say, but you are now my daughter and I promise you I will try to help you as much as I can. I can't help but have a soft spot for, maybe from the very first day you came in to meet me and that is when I started to respect you. Also because I do not have a daughter of my own so I want to treat you as one therefore no buts or talks about death. I know you are positive and you can handle things by yourself perfectly fine, but do remember I am here to help. Khushi started tearing up as soon as Amir said "beti" and after his speech she couldn't help but hug him I'm sorry I am probably ruining your coat, but that is the most heartfelt thing anyone has ever said to me. You are kind of just like my father and so I can't help but start crying. Thank you so much, you really have no idea how much this means to me! Khushi then backed away from the hug and Amir gave her a tissue to wipe away her tears. Khushi it is no problem. Well back to the topic at hand, I will call you as soon as the results come in so then you can come in and we will discuss treatments that may help depending on the seriousness of your condition. 

Khushi left Amir's office and exited the hospital feeling a lot lighter than usual. It was probably all the crying I did…how embarrassing but he is very kind! Now time to buy food to celebrate for Lavanya's new job! Khushi just picked up Chinese food for both her and Lavanya and headed out towards AR Designs to go have lunch with Lavanya. Whereas Khushi was on her way there, Lavanya reached AR Designs and rushed to meet Akshay to sign her contract officially. When she opened Akshay's door, she not only found Akshay but Arnav as well. Hey Lavanya, what the heck happened to your arm?! Are you alright?! Did you drive like that by yourself? Lavanya was so ecstatic that it took her longer to process what Akshay was talking about. Oh yeah I am perfectly fine, I accidently fell when I went to visit my parent's over the weekend. Haha yeah I left Khushi at the hospital for her appointment…and then she got cut off by Arnav her appointment? I  thought it was yours? Lavanya cursed herself in her mind for that slip up but as she was about to say something Akshay cut in Bhai, you were at the hospital this morning? Arnav didn't want to really involve Akshay but as he was asking yeah I went to go meet dad to talk to him about a few matters and that is where I ran into Khushi and Lavanya as it seems but Arnav was still looking at Lavanya for an answer to his question which meant Lavanya had no choice but to answer him yeah Arnav I meant to say my appointment, I was done with my check-up and as I got the call from Akshay to sign my contract Khushi insisted I go…but I didn't really realize that I was injured and just rushed her, but she but before she got to finish Arnav got a call and excused himself. As Arnav left, Lavanya felt relieved to that she covered herself before anyone got to know so where is my contract? I just want to sign it! Akshay was confused at first but was happy to see Lavanya so happy uh oh yeah here all you have to do is sign and initial here, and then you are part of the AR team! So welcome! 

Khushi finally reached AR Designs with a bag full of Chinese food to feast with Lavanya in celebration. As she entered the building, she couldn't help admire the beautiful interior and was mesmerized by the beautiful designs on the mannequins that she saw. She was not really looking ahead as she was walking so Khushi bumped into Arnav watch where you are going?! Khushi recognized the man's voice and knew it was none other than Arnav. Arnav didn't realize where he was walking, he was just yelling at Aman over the phone about an important business deal that got cancelled, until he bumped into a lady in front of him. He had caught her from falling and didn't realize who it was at first and then as soon as she got out his hold, he had saw Khushi. Why am I always the one who has to watch where she is going, maybe you should try it too sometime. And look what you have done; you made me drop all the food that I brought. He then wondered why it was always like this that each time they met they always somehow ended up fighting. Akshay and Lavanya were coming down from his office and got a glimpse of Khushi and Arnav who seemed to be an intense argument. Khushi, I didn't think you would come! Did you bring me my favorite, Chinese! Khushi then stopped staring at Arnav and then heard Lavanya and ran to her to hug her. Congrats Lavanya! I knew you can do it! Yeah I brought it…until someone bumped into me which in the process made me spill all the food. Arnav was stunned to see Khushi just run from him into Lavanya's arms, but was angry that she blamed him for spilling all the food, excuse me, it was not my fault, so don't pin it on me! Akshay then came right beside them, Hey Khushi what brings you here? Khushi smiled at Akshay well since Lavanya got her dream job, I thought why not celebrate with her with food. So then I decided to come here! Among all the happiness she was feeling, Khushi thought about how Lavanya even arrived at AR Designs Lavs...did you drive here? If you did I swear I will kill you! Lavanya then knew she was in big trouble especially after seeing Khushi's angry look, Khushi, heh funny story, you see…well it's your fault you forced me to leave and then on top of that you still haven't learned how to drive yet and you start school soon! Khushi then started to laugh hahaha since you're stuttering so much just to tell me, I let this one go, but next time I won't! Hey! It's not my fault, you were supposed to teach me but now look at you…you got hurt! Lavanya and Khushi were conversing with one another totally forgetting that Arnav and Akshay were also there with them too. And whatever now that you're done, let's go and celebrate! Akshay then remembered Sorry to say Khushi but Lavanya won't be able to celebrate just yet, she has a meeting with the other models right this very minute and we are getting kind of late, so you guys can celebrate later!  Then Akshay dragged Lavanya away Akshay, drive Lavanya home since she's injured, we don't need her to get hurt again! And I'll take Khushi home since it's getting late. Khushi waved both Lavanya and Akshay good-bye, uh excuse me, when did you offer me to take me home? And even if you had, I would have said no anyways. Khushi then proceeded to walk away from Arnav, but Arnav grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to him I wasn't offering since I will drop you off and I'm not taking no as an answer. Then without listening to Khushi, Arnav dragged Khushi to the elevator to go down to the parking garage. 

They reached Arnav's car and he opened the passenger seat for Khushi, even though Khushi relented at first she knew she didn't really have a choice in the matter so she just hopped in. Arnav closed the door and smiled in satisfaction and then got into the driver's seat. Before he started the car he told Khushi to put on her seatbelt and he saw her fumbling with the belt, if you needed assistance, all you had to do is ask Khushi! Khushi was already upset with Arnav from this morning and then at his office and now she was just outraged that he could still say that to her no I can just do it perfectly fine and it's not like I asked you to help or anything…but before she could finish Arnav already grabbed the seatbelt and strapped it on. During the time he had grabbed her seatbelt he had gotten really close to her face oh jeez, why does he have to be so close to me! And why am I blushing….? Stupid why did I even do this…she smells so good and her lips look so plump enough to eat…Arnav then finished strapping Khushi in and then proceeded to drive out of the parking garage. As he was driving he saw Khushi look out the window not even trying to converse with him oi miss, do I look like a fricken driver to or a gps system…I have no clue where you live. Khushi train of thoughts got disturbed by Arnav I know that dummy, I was going to tell you… just take a left from here and then keep on going straight and then I'll tell you when you need to turn. The car ride was silent besides Khushi giving directions to Arnav. Arnav then stopped right in front of Khushi's apartment complex and as Khushi was about to get out Arnav grabbed her hand. Khushi wait…I know we haven't always been on good terms, but I really would like to get to know you. Khushi was very surprised at Arnav's statement uh yeah I guess I'm sorry, it hasn't always been you, I think we just got off on the wrong foot. But as for getting to know me…it's better for you to stay away from me. Arnav was not only surprised but a bit hurt that Khushi didn't want to get to know one another. Khushi, you don't even know me and like you said we got a wrong impression of one another so I would like to make up for that. Shouldn't you first get to know me and decide after instead of before? Khushi was speechless why is he trying so hard to convince me to get to know him first? Arnav it doesn't matter, it still won't change my decision and like I said it would be the best for both of us to not to even know each other. So that's just leave it at that, okay? Arnav was getting frustrated now that the girl in front of him was saying no to him, there never has been one girl that ever turns him down and this girl has the nerve to turn him down. Khushi, maybe you think it's the best, but I can say it really isn't. You have no idea what you are missing out and for that I have a deal, since you need driving lessons and I want you to get to know me, I will give you driving lessons and then you can get to know me better and after you get your license you can decide after that if you still want to be my friend or not! Before he could let Khushi oppose him, he drove off. While Arnav was driving, he started to recall what he had said to Khushi oh jeez, what am I doing? All just for a girl?! What is it about Khushi that is making me do things that I would never do…?

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