Chapter 9

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Sorry guys, I made a huge mistake without even realizing it! I mentioned in chapter 6 that Amir had no daughter, but I had forgotten about Anjali! I don€™t usually proof-read my work, but now I think I have to since I made such a big mistake this time! But Amir is Anjai's father!

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Chapter 7: Fresh Start

***Khushi's Thoughts

***Arnav's Thoughts


Khushi stood there dumbfounded what is Arnav up to? Why does he want to be friends so badly€I shouldn€™t get involved with him. First thing tomorrow I will tell him that there is no deal and that will be the end of that. Khushi then went into her apartment and was about to close the door when she heard Lavanya Khushi don€™t close the door, I€™ll be there in a minute. Khushi walked straight into the kitchen looking for a cold water bottle in the fridge and saw Lavanya come in with a bunch of food. Good thing we arrived at the same time and the fact I brought Chinese food to celebrate! Bring spoons and plates please! While Lavanya was setting up the food on the table, Khushi brought the spoons and plates and sat down. How does it feel now that you are finally a model? Khushi asked Lavanya as they were devouring their food. I can€™t believe it, like you have no idea Khushi. I have been dreaming about being a model my whole entire life and now that I am, it€™s the greatest feeling alive. Enough about me though, how did the appointment go? Lavanya looked up at Khushi and noticed that she stopped eating Khushi, what happened; you know you can tell me anything. Khushi really didn€™t want to Lavanya to worry and just focus on her career now everything is fine, I won€™t know the results until a few more days, but I€™m pretty sure it€™s not as bad as it seems. I mean Dr. Raizada seems to know what he€™s doing anyways. So don€™t worry about me and tell me more about what went down today. Lavanya had a feeling that Khushi wasn€™t telling her something, but she knew better than to push Khushi, so she would go ask Dr. Amir Raizada tomorrow. The rest of the night went on with Lavanya telling Khushi about the meeting with the other models and how they were all gorgeous looking.

The next morning Lavanya woke up way before Khushi and headed towards the Delhi Hospital to find out what really happened and what Khushi was trying to hide from her. Lavanya reached the hospital and went to the reception area to ask if Dr. Raizada was available and the receptionist told her to go right on in. Lavanya knocked on Dr. Raizada€™s door and heard a Come in. She walked in and said Hello Dr. Raizada, I hope I€™m not disturbing you, but I really needed to see you. Amir then looked up to see Lavanya what exactly is this about Lavanya, is Khushi alright? Lavanya was shocked to see the concern that Dr. Raizada had for Khushi she€™s fine, but I know she is hiding something from me. So can you please tell me the truth, is Khushi going to be alright? Amir knew how much Khushi cared about Lavanya but he was happy to know that Lavanya felt the same way about Khushi or else she wouldn€™t have come here to ask him about Khushi€™s health. I don€™t really know Khushi€™s condition just yet, the results are going to come in tomorrow and I€™ll let Khushi know, so don€™t worry too much about it, Khushi can handle herself. Lavanya was yet again stunned to know how much Dr. Raizada came to understand Khushi in such a short amount of time it€™s not that I think she can€™t handle herself, it€™s just I am afraid she will take matters into her own hands and won€™t let herself lean on someone for support but anyways thanks Dr. Raizada for telling me. Amir knew that Lavanya would be there Khushi no matter if Khushi wanted her there or not it€™s my pleasure and if you have any more questions feel free to come and ask. Lavanya you should understand that you shouldn€™t be driving especially right now when your arm is injured. Come here so I can have a look at it. After Lavanya let Dr. Raizada have a look at her arm, he had told her to come by next week to get her cast off and then she told him thanks and bid him goodbye. On her way out she saw Arnav entering Hi Mr. Raizada and then he said his hello to her and she so hoped he didn€™t hear anything she had said to Dr. Raizada concerning Khushi.

How nice of you to drop in, is there anything you need? Amir got up from his chair and got a water bottle for him and Arnav from his refrigerator. He gave the water bottle to Arnav No dad; I just wanted to tell you that there is fashion show coming up soon, so I am leaving to New York next month. But why was Lavanya here? If Amir was stunned to know Arnav€™s keen interest he didn€™t really show it okay well I€™m guessing you will be booking a flight soon and I€™m guessing she€™s one of your models since you seem so interested now but as you know she hurt her arm so I was checking on it to see when she can get the cast off. In reality he really wouldn€™t have asked his dad about Lavanya, but before he entered his dad€™s office he heard his dad and Lavanya bring up Khushi€™s name so he was curious as to what they were talking about concerning Khushi but it seems like his dad won€™t say a word about it. Okay dad, well I just wanted to let you know and I guess I€™ll be on my way. Amir knew that the relationship between him and Arnav wasn€™t the best but he wanted to spend time with Arnav, Arnav why don€™t you have lunch with me today, it€™s not that very often that you come by to see me. Arnav didn€™t want to reject the offer so he checked his watch for the time but he also didn€™t want to be late to meet Khushi so he can teach her how to drive. Sure dad, let€™s go now, I have an important meeting later today. Arnav and Amir went out to eat lunch whereas Khushi was looking for Lavanya in their apartment and right as Khushi was about to call Lavanya, Lavanya then entered apartment. Where have you been, I€™m guessing you left early today which is weird. So where did you go? Lavanya couldn€™t possibly tell Khushi that she went to the hospital, so she showed Khushi grocery bags Khushi relax, there was nothing to eat and you weren€™t awake, so I went and got some groceries for us. And besides I got to leave soon because Akshay called me and said that he wants to talk about some photo shoots that were coming up. Khushi was glad that Lavanya has her own life to worry about and is becoming busy; it makes it easier for Khushi to not have to be concerned about Lavanya in the future when she€™s not there anymore. Khushi really hated thinking about what the future has in store for her, but she really can€™t help but worry about what is going to happen when she€™s not there anymore. Khushi okay I am leaving, I€™ll see you later tonight Lavanya was saying as she was getting out of her room and she understood Khushi did not listen to a word she had said Earth to Khushi€ Lavanya shook Khushi out of her trance yeah Lavanya what did you say sorry I wasn€™t paying attention. Lavanya stared at Khushi for a good five minutes until she started speaking Khushi I said I was leaving and I won€™t be back till later tonight, so don€™t wait up for me, okay? Khushi was kind of glad that Lavanya won€™t be coming back today so if Arnav does show up it won€™t be awkward and Khushi could then turn him down. That is absolutely fine and I€™m pretty sure you will have more of these late nights since you€™re a model now, so go! Haha Lavanya was happy that Khushi€™s optimistic nature didn€™t change and hopefully it never does okay baba bye!

Arnav finished his lunch with his dad and then parted ways. Hmm. I should go to Khushi€™s place so we can do our driving lesson and then Arnav drove to Khushi€™s apartment. Khushi just took a shower and was about to eat some chips and watch tv when she heard the doorbell ring. She didn€™t really check before opening the door and was surprised to see Arnav standing right outside her door. Hi, Khushi don€™t look too surprised. I had told you I would drop by to give you some driving lessons, so shall we? Khushi was absolutely speechless, but she was getting angry that without even saying yes, Arnav thought she would just agree um excuse me, I never said yes and before this even starts I€™m going to end this. So thanks, but no thanks I don€™t want to take lessons from you. Arnav still couldn€™t believe this girl, so he just walked into her apartment and just sat down on her sofa without even looking back to see Khushi€™s reaction. Well you can say no however times you want, but like I said last night I do want us to have a fresh start and become friends. And after these driving lessons if you still feel like I am not worthy of being your friend then I will not bother you again, but you better have damn good reason as to why you don€™t want to be friends with me. I mean come on, just look at me! Khushi couldn€™t help but laugh at Arnav and as much as she wants to say no, she knew he would be persistent enough so she raised her hand for him to shake okay you got yourself a deal, but throughout these driving lessons you cannot keep talking about yourself, I will go crazy listening to how conceited you are! Arnav then shook her hand and started laughing haha okay but to let you know I am not that conceited, I just need you to know how much of a good friend I am! And then Khushi and Arnav got up to leave the apartment and to Arnav€™s car for Khushi€™s first ever driving lesson. Arnav you go down first, I€™ll be there let me just go check on something and lock the door. I got to tell him before we start the driving lessons.

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Comments (5)

Hey Guys,I know it's been awhile since I last updated, but it's only because I lost the inspiration that I first started out with. However, I am trying my hardest to have a new chapter up this weekend!

10 years ago

wow brilliant updates loved them please continue soon.

10 years ago

Please go on your ff is great and I love it!

10 years ago

Note:I don't know if I should still go on with this FF, just because I was not getting much feedback and then it makes me feel like not writing anymore.So what do you guys think, should I still go on or stop?

10 years ago

great update looking forward for more

11 years ago
