Chapter 56

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Radhika Bharadwaj



I know you guys are going to kill me! But as a peace offering, here is the part one of the epilogue. I hope you like it! Comment and also, I hope to update the last part very soon :) Thanks for all the support! It really means a lot to me! 😃 😳🤗 
Image credits: creator. 

Epilogue (part 1)
Rainbow chimes

"Where the hell is Arnav," Anjali was pacing around the hall, with a phone in one hand and a notepad in the other. She was busy with some last minute wedding preparations and wanted Arnav to help her with something since it was his wedding and he was ridiculously picky about every little thing. But here he was only missing.

Looking at Anjali, Akash didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She got so high strung when something this big happened. This was the same when she got married. Even then Arnav wasn't there and she was running around yelling. Somehow, Arnav became the calming force that Anjali clung on to desperately. In a way, even Vinay couldn't calm her down the way Arnav did and none of them understood why. Just one phone call from Arnav would make her so happy. But if Arnav wasn't around for one minute, she would get all flustered and chaotic. Akash thought it was endearing.

"Di, what happened?" Akash went and hugged her sideways, "why are you so tensed?"

"Arnav is not at home. He is not picking up my phone," Anjali replied back hurriedly, it almost looked comical. Akash hid a smile and said, "Di, what happened. Why do you need bhai?"

"What do you mean why do I need Arnav?" she turned towards Akash as though she was going to pulverize him with her stare, "it's his wedding! He needs to be here. I sometimes just don't get that boy!"

"Okay, relax!" Akash took out his phone, "I will try calling him."

"Yeah, ok. Call him and ask him to come here right now!" Anjali said, dialing another number, "meanwhile, I will talk to this flower guy. No one has responsibilities."

Akash smiled as he saw Anjali walk away and almost immediately, he heard his brother's deep voice over the phone, "Bhai! Where are you? Anjali Di is going crazy here."

"I know," came the reply, "that's why I didn't pick her call. I was hoping someone more sensible would call and you did."

Akash made a face, "Whaat? You weren't picking her calls on purpose? Why?"

"Because if I tell her where I am, she is going to make it a huge deal and everyone is going to know. If I don't tell her where I am, she is anyway going to make it a huge deal and eventually, everyone will work it out!" came an exasperated reply from Arnav.

Akash grew suspicious, "where are you?"

"Okay I will tell you but only if you promise me that you aren't gonna let anyone know about this until I tell you to do so! Okay, now go to your room, lock the door and let me know."

Once in his room, Akash was like "okay bhai. I am in my room and it's locked and no one's inside. Will you please tell what is happening?"

"How serious are you and Diya?"

"Whaaat!" Akash almost yelled, "Bhai, what sort of question is this?"

"No, I need to know. How serious are you and Diya. Are you planning to get married?"

"Umm, yes. We are, I think. I haven't asked her yet, officially. But I think even she is interested since she has been subtly dropping hints."

"Okay, if you are this sure, ask her."

"But why now? I mean, what are you doing?" Akash was hell confused now. If his brother was upto something then it's going to be so... Gods, he didn't have words to describe.

"Because if Di comes to know her preparations is going to go waste, she is going to kill me!" Arnav muttered. Akash nearly had a heart attack listening to it, "you are not going to marry Khushi?"

"No, you idiot! I am going to marry her! Of course I am going to marry her. But the wedding won't happen in Raizada mansion. I tried telling Di but she wouldn't listen."

"The wedding won't happen in Raizada mansion? Then where is it gonna happen?"


"Bhai!" Akash was more or less irritated, "Dehradun? The wedding is less than five days away and you are like!"

"I tried to tell Anjali Di but she wouldn't listen. She went about planning the wedding as usual. But I am sorry, I have other plans which is more important to me!" his reply just annoyed Akash even more.

"But, Bhai, don't be ridiculous. Why do you want the wedding to be in Dehradun. What is wrong with Raizada Mansion. It's just a wedding."

"Oh, no, Akash!" Arnav hissed, "It's not just a wedding. This is a dream that has been weaved continuously from the past 18 years. Ever since Chippu came to know what a wedding was. It's not just a wedding, it's a part of her life. She has been carefully thinking every single aspect of how this had to be. For me that is more precious! I need this to be the way she has always seen it. This is not just a wedding. This is the biggest moment of our lives, our dreams and I am not about to mess that up!"

Well, how can be like this is what Akash thought. There couldn't be another Arnav in the world. Even if you went hunting with a magnifying glass or a telescope. That search would be zilch, for it was impossible for the God to create another masterpiece as his brother. Annoying, agreed. But a crafty, original masterpiece, nonetheless. Akash couldn't help but grin, "Man, I would have given anything to see this side of the great Arnav Singh Raizada for the past few years! I mean, you have no idea how glad I am that you are your original self."

"Enough with the glee, Akash. For once do something useful and get that mini Hitler off my back. She is definitely going to kill me if she finds this out."

"Bhai," Akash snickered, "Why don't you give this explanation to her, just as you did right now. I am sure Di will get a box of tissues once you are done, the sappy soap opera queen that she is."

"Nope, she isn't gonna cry. Do you anything about her. For all I know she is gonna turn hulk on me for messing with her wedding plans."

"Okay, alright. I will see what I can do. But at least let me know if you need any help with the preparations and stuff. Where is the wedding going to happen?"

"St. Thomas' Church, Dehradun" and Akash knew why Arnav was so paranoid.


Calming Anjali down was the hardest thing Akash had to do in his whole life and he cursed Arnav every minute for putting him through this. The point was, no one dared to mess with Anjali when she set her mind on something, especially on things where she got to be the hostess. But Arnav was Arnav and he was as stubborn as his Di when it came to his personal choices. There was no way Arnav was going to cancel his plans. It was a lot more precious to him. But since Akash couldn't give a reason of why this wedding was not going to happen here, he had no way of trying to get out of this situation. But, somehow, Vinay swooped in and convinced Anjali that may be Arnav and Khushi both needed some time and it was good to postpone the wedding for a few days. Finally, Anjali accepted that the wedding will be postponed for a few days until Arnav came back and explained what the hell was the reason. But she was now worried of how Khushi's going to react to this.

"Let Arnav handle this. Knowing Khushi, she probably knows the plans already. It would be better if we don't bother her with wedding details and stuff," said Vinay and Akash literally had to control himself from smiling. They had no idea what was happening. Oh, he was on the edge to see what Arnav was going to do.


The cryptic message from Arnav had Khushi all worried. He had asked her to not go to Raizada Mansion for a few days and she had no idea what was happening. What Arnav was planning. But she knew him enough to trust him and hence, even though she was worried, she didn't let anyone know.

The wedding celebrations was in full swing in the Gupta mansion. It seemed as though her father was on the top of the world, he was already up and about, overseeing the preparations himself. Ever since Shashi was shot, there was a monumental change in the house environment. Payal's irresponsibility had finally opened their eyes towards Khushi and somehow. Since they came to know she almost sacrificed her for Diya's safety, her step mom and aunt were much more civil towards her. They also seemed happy with the wedding celebrations. But Khushi was unsure whether they were happy that she was not going to be their headache anymore.

But Khushi didn't care. Nothing could pull her down to that abyss again. She was in her place. Her heart was happy and fluttering. The only thing that mattered to her was Arnav. Her Rinnie. Her precious.


Final touches were up and Arnav couldn't wait to see Khushi's face. Her reaction would be priceless. He knew it already. Because this was exactly how she had dreamed years ago. Standing there in the venue, drinking in the sight, Arnav felt proud of himself to have made Khushi's lifelong dream a reality. Ever since she was born in his hands, he knew the only thing important to him was her happiness and he was glad that he had the guts to take the path he was on. Everything led to this moment. In a few hours, Khushi would be his. Just his. A big smile made its way across his face, as he reached for his phone and made a few calls. Preparations were made. everything was ready, the stage was set to witness a beautiful dream become real.

Thing about Arnav is, he is unpredictable. You never know what he is upto. There is no set pattern to what he does. So when the Raizada family found themselves in an empty airport hangar, waiting for the Guptas to arrive, everyone had one question in their mind. Had Arnav gone mad?

A while back, Arnav called on the landline and asked to be put on the speaker. Akash obliged and what followed next became the million dollar question. Arnav had plainly said, there was a flight waiting for them in hangar number 13. Everybody had to immediately reach the airport and board the flight. No questions asked. He had also mentioned that Guptas were also going to come. Once the call ended, all of them could do nothing but stare at each other. None of them had any idea of what was happening. None of them but Akash.

Try as he might, he couldn't even smile a bit. He knew all along what was going to happen and now to see the plan in motion gave him a headrush. But sadness was he couldn't jump around in joy. All he could was wait- wait until all of them reached Dehradun.

The Guptas too had received a similar phone call. Since all of them, including Khushi, thought the wedding was going to be in Raizada mansion, none of them suspected a foul play. They knew this was something important, hence had come to airport without any delay. Now with Vinay ushering everyone in, they were comfortably seated in the plane and within five minutes, it took off to a destination they didn't know. All they could was wait.


When Khushi stepped down from the plane, she immediately recognised the cold breeze. This was the wind of her city, welcoming her again. This city's heartbeat was embedded in her soul. There was no way she couldn't tell where she was. Her heart soared as she realised she was in Dehradun. A huge smile came across her face, which added to the confusion of the rest of the folks present around her. Diya was looking at her as though she had gone cuckoo in the head, "umm, Di? Why are smiling like a loon?"

"Because this is my city," she winked, "my heart and soul!"

Vinay was like, "so you know where we are? Did Arnav tell you what this was about?"

"Nope," Khushi smiled again, "I had no clue. But there is no way I step into Dehradun and not recognise it. This place is forever within me. I know everything about it. Even how the breeze is!"

But that revelation did nothing to tame down the confusion the others had. But before any of them could voice anything, a tall guy in a tux sauntered up to them with a polite smile, "welcome. Arnav sir has arranged everything. Cars are waiting for you, if you may please come this way."

Glancing at each other and not having any better idea, they all made their way toward the cars. Everyone were asking questions to Khushi but she herself had no idea what they were doing in Dehradun. May be one of Arnav's idea to send them away so he could plan their surprise back in Delhi. But Khushi had no idea what awaited her. Her prince charming was waiting for her, waiting to gallop into their dreamland.


The familiar turns made Khushi aware that she was coming to her place. Sunshine. The place where everything started. She couldn't wait to meet Sister Avantika. She couldn't wait to see the church, hear the familiar chirping of the birds, rustling of the leaves, gurgling of the streams. Every moment she had spent here was flashing before her. It was an epic Deja Vu. She reminded herself to thank Arnav for choosing this place to shoo her off to. One last time here as Chippy, before she became Mrs Arnav Singh Raizada. Arnav had probably known this, that's why may be arranged this whole visit here. Whatever he was planning, she was happy that she got to come here once more!

The cars stopped at the gates of the orphanage and Khushi almost jumped out of the car to run inside the orphanage. However, seeing place decorated, she faltered in her steps, confusion reflecting in her eyes. The rest of them milled around her and began to wonder what was happening. But before Khushi could think any further, she saw Sr. Avantika walking down the cobbled path that led to the gates. Her smile widened, as the questions took a backseat and she sprinted to meet her second favourite person in the world. As she hugged her teacher, she felt the familiar tug of parental love and buried herself in all the motherly affection. People who didn't know about her were still staring, a thousand doubts running in their head. Finally, she untangled herself from Sister, as the rest of them reached them, and voiced the question that everybody was waiting to ask, "Where is Arnav? What's going on?"

Avantika smiled, "Arnav has a surprise for you. He has asked you to go to the First Place"

NK, who was very silent somehow during the entire trip, spoke up, "what is the First Place?"

Khushi beamed, "follow me! I will show you!" and bounded across the lawn to reach a small stone facade which was now decorated with white lilies and streamers. She stood there, her eyes searching for Arnav, while everyone else was staring at her. Diya, who noticed something odd, said, "why are there speakers here?"

That's when Arnav's deep voice, resonated across the entire area, "Hey people! I am pretty sure everyone is hell confused but now is the time to explain!"

"Whaaat," NK drawled. Literally, everyone's face had morphed into the same expression. Everyone except Khushi. Her face was eager with anticipation of what surprise Arnav had planned. She waited with bated breath as his voice continued, "ladies and gentlemen. I am going to tell you all a story. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl who loved to dream. She didn't just dream. She weaved those dreams, bit by bit, with love and care. Her dreams weren't fantasies. It had a sense of reality. It had a purpose. That little girl dreamt her best friend would become an artist. She poured all her confidence into that dream and yelled at him every single day to make it a reality. Then, the boy hadn't realised that this was not just a dream. But eventually, when he was tested beyond endurance, he came to know this dream was the path he needed to take to realise his lifetime goal and he did. Today, he stands tall in front of everyone. Behind him the massive ARF glows in the sunlight. Today, that little boy has become Arnav Singh Raizada and it was because of that little dream!"

Tears made their way out of her startling green eyes, as Khushi heard the familiar tale of their life. This was amazing! He had made this trip special beyond expectations! Now, she couldn't wait to meet her man and hug him tightly. But the story continued, "but that wasn't just one dream that she dreamt. She had a dream for herself. A dream to work with Mother Nature herself and blend in with her true power. Which she did. She became that hardcore scientist and conservationist who doesn't fear from running behind snakes, wild animals, and all that! In fact, she is so amazing that her best friend is extremely proud of her to have become the mighty princess Khushi Gupta. One who doesn't fear to yell loudly at her guy in a bustling street in New York City!"

Everyone started laughing, looking at Khushi and fondly remembering the story of the first time they met after years of separation in New York. Even though the fight was ridiculous which made them both angry at that time, it was memory they were going to cherish forever for that was the day when the true nature of both of them had come out. Strong, sarcastic and not caring about what the world says!

However, the story wasn't finished. Khushi listening to Arnav's voice, mesmerised, "but no matter how tough she was, she was still that little girl who had dreamt a lot. One such dream, the only dream which was literally written down, bit by bit as she planned all the details of how that should become a reality!" That was when Khushi began to realise what was happening- the decor, the streamers, the white lilies all clicked into place like missing pieces of puzzle and she covered her mouth in sheer surprise and unbelievable excitement, as soft music began to play in the background, and Arnav's voice continued, "Even though he thought it was annoying to hear her rant when they were about 7 years, that dream became everything to that boy, as he remembered that promise he had made to her. That he would make her every dream come true. Today, as that girl is standing in that very place, where she came to this world, I can't wait to let you know that now the time has finally come."

Khushi was literally on her seventh heaven. She couldn't contain her tears. She was sobbing yet smiling, fidgeting on her heels, waiting to hear those words from him. OMG, her Rinnie was just the best! He was just... she didn't have words to describe her happiness. She felt she was going to combust any moment, for every molecule in her body was alive! Yet, somehow she knew that voice on the speakers was silent now, giving her a moment for everything to sink in. She was about to get married today. She was about to see her man, the one who went one step ahead than everyone else to make her happy. This was best wedding she could have asked for. However, she wiped her tears and waited, before she heard Arnav's voice again, "I remember every little detail you had planned and I hope it has turned out exactly the way you had envisioned ever since you saw Sam and Anisha get married in this place, 18 years ago. Apparently, it's bad luck for the groom to see his bride before the wedding. While I don't give two hoots about this, Sister does and you know I can't say no to her. So hurry up, you have two hours to get yourself to believe the dream you had 18 years ago is coming true. Everything is ready. Your gown is waiting for you to give it a life. Even though I designed every inch of that fabric, thinking about how it would look on my Chippu, I haven't seen the actual dress either, you know, like for obvious reasons. But I can't wait to see you in that. Ever since you were born in my hands, I knew we were meant to be together. In just few hours, it is going to happen. That big moment is waiting for you. Get dressed and meet your Rinnie in two hours, in the place where everything comes alive. I am waiting, Chipps!"

Khushi sank to the ground, her hands covering her face. Tears didn't seem to stop. That moment was just so overwhelming. She didn't know how to react. While her heart was itching to go on a rampant dance marathon, her body seemed to have no strength, since it was all knocked out that strange, strange man- Arnav Singh Raizada! Her hands were trembling, her lips were quivering in the magnitude of the momentous moment. She was going to be with him for the rest of her life. It was so huge!

Sr. Avantika, slowly held her and gave her a big hug, "he's been on it for god knows how long. That bridal gown he has designed for you, took the better part of 6 years. Even though he never knew you were alive, that was one thing he couldn't stop himself from doing. He has not seen that dress, that masterpiece, because I asked him not to but he knows it inch by inch. I don't know how he can measure something so perfectly but I am pretty sure it will look exquisite on you. Come, my child, your prince is waiting for you and he is getting impatient to see your face!"


As Khushi was escorted by Sr. Avantika, Anjali turned around slowly, trying to take in everything. But she was startled as Arnav's voice boomed again from the speakers, "Di. I know you are probably really mad at me. But I am not sorry. This was something I had to do. I will take any punishment you give me but I am not going to apologise," Anjali smiled. Typical Arnav. She wasn't mad at her brother. How could she be. "Pagal," she muttered before he continued, "Nani, I know, you wanted a traditional wedding but you will have a lot of chances for that to happen in Raizada Mansion. You invite the entire Delhi for that. But this wedding has to go ahead in this way because we have weaved it together. I hope you understand," Devyani wiped her tears. Her grandson was one character.

"So, everyone, I know you guys wouldn't have packed anything. But not to worry. Everything is ready for you. The guys will take you to your rooms for you to get ready for the big event. I couldn't inform you earlier for obvious reasons. Else this wouldn't have been a surprise. But I do hope everyone likes what ever is been kept in the room. It's all Arnav's personal designs. The premium collection. Hurry up, I am waiting. And oh, Akash. Thanks dude for not ratting out my secret. Half of it wouldn't have been possible if you hadn't supported. Now I know Di is going to kill you but bear it for me and also, get on with the thing I told you to do! Hurry up, time starts now!'

Akash grinned sheepishly as his family members rounded up on him. He scratched his neck as he eyed his Di and her angry stare and muttered meekly, "don't worry, Di. A certain bespectacled brother of the hottest bachelor in town is going to get married in Raizada Mansion if a certain crazy, harebrained character is going to say yes," and he winked at a frozen Diya, his hands making their way to his pocket, where he had the ring, that Arnav had helped pick for his sister in law!

  Wedding bells!

radzbharadwaj2017-02-18 12:30:06

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Comments (16)

beautiful story. 😊 loved it, it have all the elements that needed for a nice story.

7 years ago

Very nice story..enjoyed reading it through and through..'

7 years ago

Omg...I loved it...d way u wrote it...I wanted to be there to see it...awesome!!

7 years ago

That was the best surprise everBeautifully written

7 years ago

Read it all. Its an awesome story. Loved it. Waiting for the final part.

7 years ago

Just started reading the story. Love that Khushi is a tech wizard and an oceanographer and the ship is headed by two women. The links to first two threads are needed, but I did manage to find them.

7 years ago

heyjust read the is awesome...loved itloved all the characters and the way u have defined their relations with each otherfairy tale this is what it was..they united even after everythingcan u plz plz start season 2 or something of this after next if arshi stay together now...there are so many things that they dont know of each other...they need more healingplzi really really loved it../

7 years ago

Superb and beautiful surprise.Loved the update.Continue soon

7 years ago

the dreams that were never a dream in the first place is now becoming a reality 👏

7 years ago

Wow it's really wow this is amazing... No words to describe Arnav's love. Thanks for this wonderful story... I ll really miss this Arshi a lot after the end.. I loved your story a lot.. kushi is lucky to have her dream coming true... Eagerly waiting for the next part please post it soon

7 years ago
