Chapter 57

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Radhika Bharadwaj


Epilogue (part 2)
 For a thousand years...


Breathe in... breathe out... breathe in... breathe out...

She was trying to control her racing heart. Her hands were clammy, sweaty and she thought she was going to faint out of sheer magnitude of whatever was happening. Her legs were shaking. The tension in the air was palpable but so was love. However, she had no idea why she was so scared and on the verge of having a panic attack all of a sudden. Everything was what she wanted. He went one step ahead to make sure of that. Why was she scared. Was there something funny going on?

Thing about this entire plan was it was a surprise. So, all in all, she wasn't mentally prepared. It was one thing getting married, when you know all along how it is going to go, It's another thing to come somewhere and discover the best surprise happening. May be that's why she was so scared. But she knew she couldn't fall apart so childishly because another petulant child was waiting for her. Arnav's thought brought a smile on her face and she turned in her chair to look at herself. Diya and her battalion had given her some space to collect her thoughts after getting her ready. She was alone, yet she hadn't seen herself in the mirror yet. She knew Diya would have done a fabulous job but somehow, she was scared to look. But she turned slowly, faced the mirror and lifted her eyes to meet her reflection.

For a minute, she thought she was staring at someone totally different. Khushi Gupta couldn't look like this! She just looked like a normal girl, nothing special. But today, somehow, she looked like a princess. A really gorgeous princess. She smiled, looking at herself. Her makeup was simple yet radiant. It was nothing over the top. Her hair was in a messy chignon at the base of her neck. Loose tendrils of her hair, curled, framed her face. A gorgeous diamond headpiece held her bun and the veil together. Teardrop earrings dangled, sparkling. However, nothing compared to the absolute masterpiece she was wearing. When she walked first into her suite, a black clothes bag awaited her. She was too scared to open that. When Diya and Anjali helped her open the box, she was taken aback for a moment as the gown bedazzled her. Hands down, it was the most beautiful wedding gown she had ever seen and it was specially made for her. Now that she wore it and stood in front of the mirror, her eyes travelled down the exquisiteness that hugged her perfectly, accenting her curves. The material was shimmering like moonlace. It felt very light in her hands. It caught the light and reflected it in prismic halo. It was a full length, micro sleeves gown with a heart neck and plunge back. It was simple, with no out of the way designs but the way it was made, made all the difference to how it looked. The gown was layered, each layer had been weaved to perfection with different patterns, so when laid on top of each other, they came together like a beautiful painting with multiple layers. Even though they had so many layers, they were not pouffe. They didn't spread around like an umbrella instead, they cascaded like a waterfall around her feet. The minute weaving mirrored lights differently, having no need of jewellery to light her up. She had paired them with simple white and silver studded stilettos, that gave her the height and the poise. All in all, it was a gown that brought out Khushi's personality and her nature perfectly. It was simple yet it was classy and unbelievably gorgeous. She couldn't have imagined the amount of effort Arnav put into this dress. She had no words. She was just ridiculously happy that she was feeling like a queen.

A shrill buzz ruined the moment for a second, but as Khushi looked at her phone screen, her heart soared. Breathless she picked up the phone, "hello!"

Arnav could hear her breaths, it was enchanting, "hey, gorgeous!"

"Arnav, this dress, it's just..." Khushi tried to rack her brain to find the perfect word to describe what she was wearing, but no results at all. Her brain was numb. Arnav chuckled, "I know I am the best. But that gown was just waiting for you."

Khushi smiled, "you haven't changed a bit. Still have your way with the words."

"I am going to change a hell lot if you don't come in a while. I probably wouldn't even mind to barge in the room and drag you out. To hell with traditions and good fortunes."

"Why don't you do that then?" Khushi's laugh reverberated through the phone, making Arnav even more restless to see her. Trying hard to control himself, he cleared his throat and muttered, "I will, if you don't come here soon. But now the important thing is, there is a box kept in the right shelf of the dressing table in your room. Take it out and wear whatever's inside. I hope you like it."

"Whatever it is, I am pretty sure I'll love it," Khushi muttered hurriedly as she searched for the box.

"Alright, see you in our place soon, love you," Arnav blew a kiss before hanging up. Khushi couldn't stop blushing. With trembling hands, she pulled out the box and opened it to see a ridiculously beautiful platinum chain with a heart pendent. She slowly opened the pendent to find both their photos inside. A catch: it was their childhood pics. No matter what, Arnav never failed to surprise her. His every gesture had a profound meaning and everything went back to their golden days. Nothing was more valuable to her than her memories. Her hands reached out to wear the chain, but she stalled. No this was only meant to be worn from his hands. Clasping the chain in her palms, she drew a deep breath, collected all her thoughts and walked out of the room. Her father was waiting outside, to escort her to the aisle. She gave him a nervous smile, hugged him tightly and walked hand in hand to meet the man who was her life.


It was twilight. Stars fuzzed out in the low light as the sun slowly went down, making his way for the moon. Birds chirped excitedly as they returned to their nests. The stream gurgled merrily and the leaves rustled in the wake of all the excitement this place was about to witness. Arnav stood on the aisle, clicking his shoes in impatience as he talked to Akash. The wait in his eyes was a sight to drink in. Everything around him come alive. The trees had stardust and twinkly lights around them. The aisle was covered in green vines and purple flowers, dried leaves made the most interesting decoration. Fireflies fluttered around. The seats were filled with the people who meant everything to him. Just one was missing, his life. Taking a deep breath, he turned, breathing in his surroundings. His eyes looked around the semicircular open area where the wedding had been set up. It was all green and wood. Flowers bloomed everywhere, soft music played, rabbits danced around. It as magical. But it was far from perfect for he had his eyes waiting for the only person who could make this place come alive.

As he turned back to talk to Akash, everything went quiet and he knew this was the moment. A faint smile danced around his lips as he turned around, and whoa! he forgot to breathe. Walking down the aisle was his Chippu, looking absolutely divine, as she walked towards him with a smile on her face. Her face glowed in happiness, which automatically reflected on him as he saw her. The world around them lay forgotten as Rinnie an Chippu both regarded each other. Her face was all his eyes could see. His smile was her eyes could see. The moment they had dreamt together was finally here and it still seemed like it was all dream. But a magnificent dream.

Arnav's hand reached out to take Khushi's as her father gently placed his daughter's hand in his lawful son's hand. Khushi's eyes glittered a tear or two as she looked at her father. But smiled slowly as she stepped on to the platform and turned to look at Arnav. Arnav's smile was wider than ever and he looked drop dead gorgeous in the charcoal black suit and a white shirt. Khushi swallowed a gulp as Father Rodrigues came forward to initiate the wedding. The hall went silent as the nature started her symphony and everybody gathered around to watch the spectacle.

"Do you, Mr Arnav Singh Raizada, take Khushi Gupta as your lawfully wedded wife and promise to love and protect her forever, in sickness and in health?"

"I do," came Arnav's reply without missing a beat.

"Do you, Ms Khushi Gupta, take Arnav Singh Raizada as your lawfully wedded husband and promise to love and protect him forever, in sickness and in health?"

Khushi looked at her Rinnie with a huge smile as she replied, "I do"

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," said Father Rodrigues, "can we please have the vows and the rings?"

Akash and Diya smiled as they handed over the rings to their respective siblings. Arnav turned around to face Khushi, as he held the ring in his hand, and muttered, "Chippy, words cannot describe how much I love you. Words cannot describe what you mean to me. Words cannot describe what our life is going to be from now on. For its magical. All I want is you by my side, with your smile and your scoldings to give me strength and happiness. That's all I ask."

Khushi wiped her tears and muttered, "From the minute I opened my eyes, you have always been the only one to be there for me. You have been my strength when you were not there by my side. It was your teaching that led me to where I am. All I ask is your support, inspiration and love for the rest of my life."

They smiled as they slipped the rings in each other's fingers. The Father continued, "you may now kiss the bride."

Arnav smiled as he kissed Khushi on the cheeks and whispered, "remember how the idea grossed you out? This is something just between us. No one needs to see it."

And that's how the wedding was done, as Rinnie and Chippu walked out hand in hand, ready to embrace their new life. Celebrations erupted all over the place and there were constant hugs and ashirwads. Everyone was just happy that happiness was back in the family.


"Chhote, the wedding happened according to your wishes, grihapravesh will be our wish," huffed Anjali, "you gotta problem?"

Arnav laughed as he looked at Khushi's face, "nope. Not at all."

"Good, because even if you had a problem, I could care less," anjali strutted around the hangar as they were ready to board their jet. His Di was adorable. With the wedding done amazingly and the after party bringing out the best in all of them, they were now ready to head back to Delhi for the formal Grihapravesh of the newly married, which was so weird since the wedding was Church style. Arnav just chuckled and muttered, "I know you wouldn't listen to me even if I said no. But I don't have a problem. Khushi's even wearing a saree for the occasion. See?"

Khushi was wearing a brilliant red saree that was Arnav's first gift after the wedding. As a designer, Arnav never had to worry about buying stuff to Khushi. He could always make them. It sorta became a private joke that Khushi would always designer stuff and Diya couldn't stop snickering at that.

"Yeah, and she looks gorgeous!" gushed Anjali, "how come you never got me designer sarees from your personal boutique? They're only reserved for your wife or what?"

Arnav smiled at the word wife. His Khushi was his wife now. Just thinking about that made him happy. Never would he have thought that his life would become so beautiful or they both would come this far in their life. It was just so good that he feared whether someone would snatch it all away from him in a moment.

"You have not given any sarees to Di?" Khushi looked at her husband pointedly, but blushed inwardly as realised he was no more her goofy bodyguard. He was her husband. The thought made her feel like jelly.

"Umm, nope, but I can give you a shop of sarees like right now if you actually like the designs I make," winked Arnav at Anjali and ushered her inside the plane. Within seconds they were all airborne, heading towards Delhi to start a new life!


The table was filled with a bunch of photographs and the family milled around, gushing over each and every picture taken at Arnav and Khushi's wedding. The photos were beautiful but they did no justice to the magic of Arnav and Khushi together.

"Look at this," Diya took out a picture of Arnav and Khushi dancing. They looked adorable. "We should frame this!"

"No, not this," Akash took out another photo, "we should frame this. Look how adorable bhabhi looks in Bhai's arms." The photo was of Khushi being carried inside Raizada Mansion by Arnav. One of the best moments ever. Akash would have never thought that this day would actually come and he would get to see Arnav being happy and voluntarily carrying a girl in his arms.

"You know which one you should frame?" Anjali smiled, holding a candid picture of Arnav and Khushi after the wedding. They both were in indian attire, standing over the ledge by the stream in the church. Amidst all the leaves and flowers, they stood in each other's arms, laughing over something they remembered. Arnav was holding Khushi by her waist, Khushi had both her hands over Arnav's shoulders and they were completely lost in each other, staring at each other, with huge smiles on their faces. They hadn't realised that someone was taking a picture. This treasure was spotted by Chris, who captured a perfect moment that was about to become a huge portrait hanging in their room.

Everyone cheered in the room as the choice of the portrait became obvious and turned to look at other photos that were scattered around. One another priceless moment that was captured was Akash proposing to Diya. Sitting on a compound wall near First Place, Akash had showed the ring to Diya. Nothing over the top, no kneeling on the floor and stuff. Very simple and elegant. What made that photo priceless was Diya's expression as she saw the ring. Surprise, excitement, happiness, love danced around in her eyes. Just amazing!

"This is going to go in your room when you get married Akash," Anjali joked. Akash chuckled as Diya opened her mouth to say something. Just then the phone rang and Arnav's voice was heard over the speaker, "hey people!"

"Chhote! How's Khushi and how's Iceland?" Anjali almost screamed.

"Don't ask how I am," sulked Arnav, "Iceland is great, Khushi's also great which is a problem because I need to stop her from going all monkey here."

"Monkey?" Anjali muttered, "whaat?"

"Yeah, we are in Khushi's home turf. Iceland is pretty raw and wild and so is Khushi. As we speak, I can see her climbing a tree trying to take a picture of the goddamn sunset for like thousandth time."

Everyone laughed as Anjali asked, "what's the time there?"

"It's around 10 in the night," Arnav muttered, staring at Khushi trying to do gymnastics on top of a tree. This girl. He had no words. She was his girl.

"Enjoy, Chhote!" Anjali smiled, "But come back in time for Akash's wedding!"

"Don't worry Di," Arnav smiled, "I will be there. I am going to cut the call now. I need to stop Khushi before she jumps off a cliff in excitement. Talk to you later."

The Raizadas just shook their head and Diya muttered, "typical Di."

Elsewhere, Arnav followed Khushi onto a high branch. Nature rewarded them with a fantastic view of the waterfalls and the forest around. It was golden, brilliant and astonishing. As the sun set, he cast a reddish beam onto the water, making it look like molten fire. Khushi gasped as her eyes drank the spectacle. Arnav smiled as he stared at his spectacle and looped his arms around her as he bit on the soft spot of her shoulders and began to shower her with wet kisses, trailing down her neck. Khushi squirmed under his touch but held her own ground against his sweet assault. Fire erupted around them and inside them as two lovers explored the fantasies the world had to offer. Sealing the deal with a kiss, Arnav carried Khushi back to the cottage, all ready to hit the second base. Life was great!


A/N: Liked it? Just like and comment! Pms probably later. But you know who's my favorite people! Keep in touch folks! 

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Comments (9)

Awesome story really loved it read all parts superb yaar fell in love with story it's too good u r fabbb

7 years ago

Awesome ending.. finally Silver Lining got its end.. how many years the story went but love you Radz for not giving up and in midst of long break you continued writing it and sending pm's across.. Arnav's planning was rocking and the way he surprised his girl was wonderful.. Two lost souls who were separated and were living in distress thinking of the other half to be no more finally uniting for forever.. so so happy for them.. Loved the super awesome epilogues.. 😊

7 years ago

Just perfect! What a fitting ending!! Loved it!!

7 years ago

Awesome beautiful ending.whT a dream wedding it was

7 years ago

This story was just superb. Loved it.

7 years ago

Such a lovely update...der love has no words to describe...I juz loved d way Arnav has surprised was really an emotional one...will miss this story for sure...

7 years ago

basking in the warmth of togetherness 👏

7 years ago

It one of my favourite story and thank you for being an amazing writer 👏

7 years ago

What a wonderful story beautiful wedding and a treasure to read thank you for giving us this gem to read

7 years ago
