Chapter 49

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Radhika Bharadwaj



A hundred likes and so many wonderful comments!!! WOW! I feel so happy. Thank you so much for so much love and appreciation. It means a lot to me. Thanks guys :D Now sorry for being a dick and not updating. I know its close to 2 months since I have updated. But as I was shifting my place and what with my arm injury, everything is a total chaos. Thank you for not losing it. Here is the update :D 

They fit into each other's arms like a puzzle. They were perfect. They were whole. They finally reunited after 15 long, painful years of separation and no one had any word to say to each other. They held onto each other like they were afraid it all would vanish into nothingness and they would wake up from the dream. For this moment was no less than a dream for them. A dream that both desperately wanted to turn to reality.
And how it finally did, it was momentous.
Chris stood there, smiling silently as he saw his girl crying her heart out in the arms of the man she loved much more than she loved herself. For years now, Chris had seen her cry alone, trying to hide her pain behind that smile, trying to tell the world that she was absolutely fine. But behind that mask was a little girl who craved that infinite love from that one person who had held her hand the moment she came into this world. Such purity; such intensity. For a born cynic like Chris, this love story was an eye opener that matches are made in heaven. Love exists in this world. This one moment between long lost soul mates turned him into a believer.
He was speechless. He was in a trance. A blissful trance as he held his girl, his Chippu in his arms after such a long time. She was okay. He was okay and they were back together. Finally. He didn't know how to respond, what to say. For he was tongue tied. He was tired. After years of separation and suffering, the person he loved was where she belonged and he didn't have words to express his joy. His happiness. Literally.
He just held her in his arms, as she cried on, letting her cry because she had to let out all the pent up frustrations and pain. Since the time they came back to Delhi, she hadn't spoken, hadn't said a single word to him. She was in pain and now that pain probably just went a notch down and she deserved this moment of silence because in that quietness he could hear her heart beat. It was pure bliss.
She cried. She cried like never before. She clutched her life and let out all the emotions she was holding in. She was drained out. She lost all her energy. Her struggles were still prevalent but at least now she wasn't a ship that was stuck in the middle of a storm. She was anchored. Because her man was here to support her. He was there to take care of her. Now she knew, whatever would happen, she would have the strength and sanity. Because Arnav was there. His love was enough to heal her wounded heart.
All the moments they had spent together flashed into her mind as she breathed in his scent. His warmth comforted her in a way no one was able to do till date. He was stroking her head, not uttering a word and she was glad that he understood her need for the silence, for the quietness, for the space. Sometimes, silence spoke more than words and this was one such moment where they conveyed each other how much they loved the other through nothing but just being there. And just being there meant the world to them. Because they had undergone the pain of not being around each other through the toughest phases of their lives. This was much needed.
NK and Lavanya just stood there, staring at the scene unfolding between them. Anjali and Vinay itched to go to Arnav but NK stopped them. He knew his brother well enough to know what he needed and this time, it was space. He had earned it. As much as Anjali would be happy to see her brother finally happy, NK knew this wasn't the moment to talk. It was the moment to savor the absolute solitude these two individuals had wrapped themselves in. The outer word had vanished and nothing existed except each other for them.
Chris saw them and came out, motioning everyone to leave Arnav and Khushi alone. They walked in silence till they were out of earshot. Once outside the warehouse, Chris just slid onto the ground and smiled serenely. His smile was enigmatic. NK was puzzled.
"What's the matter?" he asked, joining him on the ground, "why this weird smile?"
"A cynic turned to a believer. True love does exist and their tears say it all," Chris smiled, "if you can understand what I mean."
In a flash, NK knew what Chris meant. Khushi was Chippu, the childhood companion of his brother and this revelation knocked the breath out him for he knew Arnav never cried for anything else except her.
After an eternity, they broke out of the hug but this time, their eyes held each other's gaze as they stared into the depths. Both broke into a smile as they relished this moment. Khushi just muttered, "I can't believe..." when Arnav shushed her. Leaning towards her, he muttered, "not now...not today. I don't want words to get heavy. Just forget everything..." and he kissed her like never before...
    Dunno :D
radzbharadwaj2015-05-30 03:52:50

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Comments (24)

Update tomorrow... :D this time pakka :D

9 years ago

Silence is golden ,sometimes words don't matter ,how well and poignantly you shown true emotion ,loved it continue soon

9 years ago

next updatecontinue sooonwaitingWAITINGWaiting!!!!WAITING

9 years ago

really amazing ff, congrats, can u pm me , do continue

9 years ago

Interesting part...thanks for the PM

9 years ago

nice update..they finally meet..

9 years ago

so the epic moment was witnessed by Anjali,Vinay,Chris,La and NK...👏thanx for the update...pls continue soon 😃

9 years ago

Fabulous update.Words don't need in such situations. Finally they are together and nobody has to hide their true identity.Loved it. Thanks for update and pm.

9 years ago

Tht was too short an update...especially wen it came after so long...but nonetheless...i m glad unlike many others...u r still finding it in not let ur readers be left behind with an incomplete story...Thank you for that. Meg:)

9 years ago

Beautiful update. Finally arnav and khushi together after all the upheavals and recognized that each is the lost best friend of the other. Totally loved it. Thanks for the pm. 😳

9 years ago
