Chapter 50

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Radhika Bharadwaj



Hola people! Me back! Missed me? I have this nasty habit of asking this question :D Anyway, this is a big update and a light one. So dont think the surprises are over *evil grin* they never are :D :D 

Chapter 41
     A second chance...

Their moment of solitude was interrupted when khushi's phone buzzed in her pocket and she untangled her heady lips from that of Arnav's. It was Payal. For a moment she panicked and then picked up the call. Payal's voice was that of relief. Her dad was okay. He was through the struggle between his life and death for Diya's timely intervention had spared the bullet from blowing his heart to smithereens. It had hit him just below the shoulder and somehow hadn't caused that much damage as it was meant to do. One more relief.

Arnav noticed her reaction and asked, "Your dad okay?"
She smiled and nodded, "we need to go to the hospital."
"Of course," he smiled, "our romance can wait. We have whole life for that, don't we?"
"You really want me to answer that?" Khushi laughed. Arnav grinned, "not really coz I already know your answer, Ms. Gupta."
"Really Mr. Raizada?" she winked. "I don't think so..."
"You shouldn't have said that, Gupta..." Arnav grinned, pulling her closer to him, "coz after making sure your dad's going to be okay with me escaping with his daughter, you have no idea what I am going to do..."
"Can't wait," Khushi smiled and holding hands, together, they made their way out.
Arnav couldn't stop grinning. The looks of his family when he walked out with Khushi were epic and priceless. He could go through with that entire thing again to see his sister standing there; with her mouth open in a perfect o. it was really amusing and hilarious. NK was all smiles because of course he had worked out the truth. Lavanya and Akash were also happy. It just warmed his heart to see Lavanya had moved on and truly accepted his reality. That girl had strength. But it was Anjali's and Vinay's reaction that was making him feel like doubling over with laughter. Both just stood there, unblinking, unable to believe two facts. One: that he was back and second, he was walking out hand in hand with a girl. That too the person who had declared that she hated the sight of him.
"What's up, Di?" he asked loudly as he approached his sister, "fused out?"
Anjali was still staring at him and Lavanya took up the charge of speaking, "she is in shock."
"That I can see," Arnav grinned and held her by her shoulders, "I will explain everything once we go to the hospital. Chale, Di?"
Anjali let herself get ushered by Arnav while Khushi walked behind them, grinning like an idiot all the while. Diya tapped her on the shoulders and muttered, "you and hottie Singh Raizada? What luck Di"
Khushi glared at her sister, "Shut up..."
"What?" Diya mock glared at her, "you have no idea how much I envy you right now."
"Envy me?" Khushi clutched her heart, "here I thought my sister would be happy that she would be able to see her obsession on a daily basis."
"You have a way with your words, don't you?" winked Diya and hugged her sister sideways. She was so happy that Khushi was finally hooking up with a dude and the cherry on the cake was the fact that the dude was none other than Arnav Singh Raizada.
Payal came running to Khushi, muttering, "he is fine," but before she could come any closer to her, Diya dragged Khushi and went to the ICU. Payal stood mortified as the rest of them piled inside the hospital. Akash stared at Payal. Her expressions conveyed hurt and guilt, and even though he wasn't a big fan of this woman, he felt a slight twinge to see her being ignored by her family. None of them were talking to her. But he knew something was seriously wrong because he had never seen Diya behaving this coldly with anyone.
Lavanya noticed him staring at Payal and teased him, "a change of heart, ha, AK?"
"Will you just shut up," Akash hit her on the head, "I am just wondering what she has done this time that Diya is treating like she is worthless."
"Who knows," Lavanya shrugged, "Khushi also seems angry. I trust Khushi. She wouldn't react this way if the matter wasn't serious. May be they are angry because she turned up so late over here when Khushi who was like 300 miles away came faster than her."
"May be..." and he was about to say something else when he noticed Chris staring at Lavanya. He narrowed his eyes and smirked, "La... looks like someone's totally into you."
Lavanya followed his vision and her heart thudded when she felt that penetrating gaze of Chris. Good god, this man had the power to turn her insides into goo with just one gaze. Why was he making her feel so helpless. She swallowed hard when he tilted his head and motioned her to come outside. She could see AK smiling amusingly at her. Cursing, she followed Chris outside.
"Yeh ho kya raha hai?" Anjali asked for the nth time and Arnav just smiled at her. He was enjoying his sister's banter way too much. It was heart warming to see her so happy and excited about her brother being with someone he loves. But she still couldn't figure out what was the meaning of that smile on Arnav's face. She was itching to ask him that and her expressions trying to control herself was hilariously adorable to watch. But the thing that caught his attention was Vinay's expressions looking at Anjali. Those tears of joy were impossible to miss. His eyes held so much of love for Anjali. Arnav could see how happy and relaxed he was to see the original, happy go lucky Anjali. Whatever he had done was to see her smile like that.
In fact, whatever had happened fifteen years ago was because of that unquestionable love of Vinay. His approach was wrong, no doubt, but his intentions weren't. He just wanted to punish the rogue who had threatened his love and defending the person you love was never wrong. Now that he came to think of it, Vinay in a way was instrumental for shaping Arnav and Khushi's life in a positive way. To become something in life, to achieve something, hard work was inevitable. A beautiful sculpture had to endure the pain of the tools. Without struggle, there was no happiness.
He remembered what he had thought a few days back when he came to know that Khushi is his Chippu. They were separated for a reason. That intense love they had for each other would have destroyed their lives if they hadn't been separated. Because it was not the age for them to be together. It was their age to become something and Vinay played a role in making that happen. To push them into the line of fire probably was Vinay's biggest role to ensure that they created something to be proud of with their lives. And they had...
As this revelation was hit, Arnav wondered whether he had dragged this issue too much, hurting everybody around him. Because all is well that ends well and Vinay's intention was not that of making Arnav suffer...
Should he give him a chance?
Chris felt tongue tied. Lavanya's questioning gaze bore into his soul, piercing it. Somehow he had no voice to talk to her, tell her why he had called her here. She stood there, questioning him silently and he just fidgeted with his jacket, thinking how best to answer her.
"What have you called me here for?" she asked again. Chris looked at her, swallowing hard. His mouth was dry. He felt so stupid, of not being able to see what she meant to him. With Lavanya, conversations became easier, lighter, humorous and only Chris knew how important it was for humour to be a part of his life. It helped him mask the tragedies of his life. With Lavanya, he could just speak his heart out and stop worrying about her judging him. Whatever conversations they had post her arrival to Ratnagiri were a sure shot sign of how they respected each other and most importantly adored each other. But he still couldn't answer her. Shit!
"I am asking you for the last time," Lavanya said exasperatedly, "I am not in mood for this silence. I can't handle this silence anymore. Please tell me why you have called me here."
"I dunno what to say," Chris finally broke his silence.
"Fine..." Lavanya almost yelled, "I am leaving."
"Please..." he caught her hand, "please just hear me out."
"What the hell is your problem, McKinley?" Lavanya bit out, "I am tired of this games with you. I am not getting one straight answer out of your mouth. It kills me every single time. I can't handle this."
"My problem is you," Chris answered smoothly, all the while staring at her adorably angry face. Hell, she looked damn sexy when she was angry.
"Really," Lavanya was beyond annoyed, "so I am a problem?"
"Yes..." Chris smiled. Looking at her annoyed gave him a strange sense of confidence. "You are my problem. You don't let me be in peace. Your black eyes haunt me day and night. Your smile drives me crazy. Your dreams don't let me sleep. You are my problem."
"Oh really?" she bit out in anger, "I don't let you sleep? I..." and then she just stopped, as she finally realized what he meant. Her eyes met his in disbelief, searching for some truth in what he meant and his eyes shone. He took two steps towards her and crashed his lips on hers, finally sealing their fate together...
Khushi came out of ICU, grinning ear to ear. Her dad had woken up and was glad to see her after such a long time. He noticed her smile and asked her the reason and Khushi being Khushi blurted out everything to the man she considered her idol. Shashi was the only one who knew every little thing about Khushi and he was beyond happy on discovering that her childhood friend was alive and back. He wanted to meet him but the nurse came in and said it was time for him to go back to sleep again. Ah! Such luck.
Arnav noticed her coming out and her eyes met his. Both smiled together as Khushi walked towards the group, "he wanted to meet you but the nurse forbade him. You should have seen his face; it was like a child's whose mother snatched the candy away from him."
Arnav laughed, "Quite an interesting character. I must say damn resilient too coz he had the patience to deal with a menace like you..."
"I wasn't exactly a menace, you know..." Khushi pouted in annoyance.
"Oh yeah, I forgot..." Arnav smiled, "that was a behaviour specially reserved for me."
"I was a menace then?" with her hands on her hips, Khushi strangely reminded Arnav of Mrs. Weasley. That comparison was too much to handle, "I wish you had red hair..."
"Red hair? Why on earth would you want me to have red hair?" Khushi asked in confusion.
"You forgot?" Arnav closed his mouth in comical shock, "how can you forget the first book we read together?"
A smile crept on her face when she remembered the time Sr. Avantika had given them their first copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. It was a memory to cherish for a lifetime. Both had read the book together, literally together. Khushi sleeping on Arnav and reading it while Arnav held the book in front of them. Everyone in the orphanage knew where to find them. As always, they would be in their favourite place by the stream near church, sitting on the ledge and reading their books. Harry Potter books marked their childhood...
"You in your anger remind me so much of Mrs. Weasley," Arnav chuckled, referring to the famous temper of the two women. Khushi and Molly. It was one of their standing jokes.
"Shut up..." Khushi chided, laughing... "have you read all the books?"
"Yep..." Arnav smiled, "can't give up Harry Potter for anything..."
Everyone else was staring at them while these two happily discussed reading Harry Potter. Akash was like, "bhai... what is happening?"
Arnav just looked at him and smiled. Anjali was annoyed by this smile, "Chhote, what is happening?"
Arnav looked at Khushi and winked, "I believe we have a lot to catch up, Ms. Gupta. Don't you think it is time?"
"For our first official date," Khushi smiled, "yes, Mr. Raizada... I believe this is the opportune moment..." and both burst into laughter and walked out, waving their confused family a hearty goodbye...
    First date and another surprise :D  

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Comments (33)

where r u dear?its been such a long delayno updates 😭 plzzzupdate sooon

9 years ago

NOTE: Sorry for the delay. Update tomorrow or by day after. Look forward to it. This time for sure :) Sorry for being this late.

9 years ago

Very nice chapter. When will u update next.

9 years ago

Finally they know their childhood love & adult life love is the same...really awesome

9 years ago

This is amazing! Thanks for sharing!

9 years ago

Story get so amazing i should read again

9 years ago

Awesome chapter...thanks for the PM

9 years ago

awesome update.. so happy for Arnav-Khushi.. finally they are together.. waiting for their first date.. loved the update.. thanks for pm 😊

9 years ago

that was tooo good...I can imagine everyone just gaping at them with their mouth wide open not having any clue what this two was on about ,,,,, but when they had started talking about their childhood and reading books together and sr.avantika Anjali should have figured it out that whom her brother was taking too... it felt so good now the happy days are here... everyone deserves this second chance ...

9 years ago

Awesome update.It was day of confessions and declarations.Everything will be fine soon.What will happen to Payal? Will she be punished for what she did?Looking forward for their first date.Thanks for update and pm.

9 years ago
