Chapter 33

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Radhika Bharadwaj



100 up! Party! ðŸ¥³ Thanks so much for all the support and love guys! Keep reading like this :D And Ta Da! An early update! I am such an idiot sometimes. I say early updates and give late ones, actually very late ones and when I say late updates, I update before time. :D Anyway, I guess you will be happy for this :D And lets hope Argentina wins today's match. I am feeling really low after Brasil lost! ðŸ˜­ Anyway, back to business. This officially marks the update from where the actual story line of Silver Lining starts. All the fun, all the thrill whatever that was till this update is going to get multiplied from this update. I am actually damn excited to pen down the parts that I have thought in my mind. It is going to be amazing. I hope you guys will feel the same. So, get ready, wear your seat belts as this going to be one hell of a ride though don't except that I would cross the speed limit in this update. It is slowly accelerating. It's going to reach its peak :D 
PS: I dont know why I have put Rains of Castemere here as a bg music. I felt it kinda related to the mind battle going between our lioness and our tiger. I prefer ASR to a tiger. He's not someone who sits around and let other people work. Anyone here fans of Game of Thrones? :D Totally different topic! I am totally mad, aint I?

Chapter 25
    The Lioness and The Tiger...
It was nearly 10 in the night when they finally crashed into a hotel in Jaipur. As Arnav had predicted, some biker had arrived on time to guide them to the highway, much to Khushi's annoyance. Thanks to him, they had reached the highway without much ado and from there reaching Jaipur was a cakewalk. Khushi who was miffed by Arnav had slept the whole journey from the empty village street to the pink city and there was nothing more amusing than that reaction. Unbeknown to Khushi, the boys had a blast in the car while she was sleeping like a buffalo and she would come to regret that sleep in the near future. That time spent in the car while journeying to Jaipur was the paving stone of the lifelong friendship of Arnav and Chris and Khushi was in for some high spirited fun by hanging around with the boys.
Arnav was sitting in the balcony of his suite in a nice, plush hotel, something which probably wouldn't be missed by him once they would go into the jungle. He was whistling some old bollywood song as he sat near the window and gazed out, while sipping on his drink. NK was sleeping in his room like a pig and Arnav found it humorous. NK was in for some serious trouble. One trek and poor boy wouldn't wake up the next day.
Chris wandered into the balcony clutching a beer bottle in his hand and smiling languidly at Arnav. Arnav patted the chair next to him, motioning for Chris to sit down, "want some beer, bro?" Chris asked Arnav as he sat down.
"No, having whisky here," Arnav smiled. Chris winked at him, " need to drink whisky in front on Khush. The reactions she gives are hilarious!"
"Does she not drink?" Arnav asked as he downed another glass of his favourite scotch. Chris shook his head, cracking up, "she's fine with people drinking it but she kinda hates the smell of whisky. I don't know why but she's always like, eww! Take that thing out of my sight.' She's fine with the rest of the drinks. Even beer but whisky, she acts crazy."
"How about we spike her drink?" Arnav smirked as he took the beer bottle from Chris and took a sip. Chris smiled, "we have already tried that. I don't think she's ever gonna accept one more drink from my hand. But I have to say this, it's downright hilarious to see her drunk. She's totally bonkers when she's high."
"Leave spiking her drink to me," Arnav winked at Chris, "I want to see what she's like when she's high. She acts all weird in front of me."
"By the way what happened between you guys?" Chris cocked his brows, smirking at Arnav. This story he wanted to hear. He was way to curious to hear Arnav's side of the story since Khushi wasn't going to tell him anything, ever. Since the time he heard that Arnav had kissed her, he wanted to know how he had done that because people who had tried to do so much as only touching her without her consent had broken ribs and limbs and recuperating her blows till now. Her name was enough to scare them all into hiding.
"Why are you so keen on knowing that?" Arnav asked for the umpteenth time. From the time Khushi fell asleep, one constant question from Chris was what happened between them. Arnav had tried to avoid the question but it kept cropping up.
"Because I really wanna know how did you proceed to the kissing stage without breaking your bones once," Chris smiled. Arnav widened his eyes, "excuse me? What do you mean, breaking my bones."
"People have got broken bones because they tried to have a go at Gupta. That's why I was telling you she's not what she looks like. She's a black belt in taekwondo and beats up guys black and blue. I am just curious as to how you managed to escape all of it."
"She's black belt in taekwondo?" Arnav whistled, "I had no idea. I keep getting new and weirder information about her. She didn't seem like the karate kid back when I met her all those times. I knew she was crazy but this is just too much for me to handle."
"I gave you statuary warning, didn't I?" Chris guffawed, "never underestimate Gupta."
"I guess I have to careful from now on," Arnav smiled. "Why is she like this? I mean I have seen many girls but never encountered such a nut case ever in my life. She's not a girl. She's like us boys."
"I know," Chris smiled, "when I first met her, this was my reaction. But as I started knowing more about her, I was glad that she's isn't like the rest of the girls. I would have killed myself if she was because I would have lost the opportunity to know such a wonderful person. She's different, weird, crazy but one of a kind. I am sure you are going to see it that way soon."
Vinay had a feeling that his and Anjali's relationship was over. No matter how hard he tried to make it up to her, she felt that whatever her brother had suffered was greater than what he had. Not that he blamed her or Arnav for his broken bonds, but Vinay was a human after all and he too had a heart and feelings and the only person he genuinely loved ignored him. There was no harsher punishment in the world than to see disappointment in the eyes of your loved ones.
Anjali still behaved as his wife, a dutiful one at that. Every morning his coffee, his office things would be ready, waiting for him but his Anjali would be gone. She avoided all contact with him, resolutely and didn't bother to check on him once. He felt terrible but he knew his wife was hurt from inside. She too was suffering without him.
His mother came in with a breakfast tray, wiping her eyes as she set it down. Manorama couldn't see her son and daughter in law living such a mechanical life as opposed to the one they shared so gloriously. The love had died and only resentment remained. She cleared her throat and said in a heavy voice, "Anjali has made parathas for you."
"I am not hungry," came a sad reply as Vinay turned to face his mother. Manorama caressed her son's face longingly as she whispered, "how long will you drag this, Vinay?"
"Till Arnav gets his justice," Vinay replied morosely, "I have wronged him terribly, maa and Anjali is not going to forgive me until the time at least a semblance of happiness returns to Arnav's life and I don't know how am I going to make it up to him."
"Don't you think Arnav is dragging this unnecessarily?" Manorama voiced her nagging doubts. Ever since Arnav had taken a vacation and gone off without giving a thought to the situation of his family, Manorama was riddled by all the negative thoughts. She had started to feel that may be Arnav didn't care about all this after all and he just wanted to separate his sister and brother in law.
"No maa," Vinay shook his head. "I know what you are thinking but it is not right. Arnav doesn't fake anything and he isn't the one who wishes to break his sister's marriage. If he wanted that he wouldn't have let me marry Anjali in the first place. That orphanage was home to nearly hundred kids and I destroyed their lives by demolishing their home, leaving them to fend for themselves and the riots I caused that day shook the innocent lives irreparably. Arnav has a point. I have made a terrible mistake and there is no exculpation for that."

"But that happened such a long time ago," Manorama complained, "what is the necessity to bring it up now and ruin the peace?"

"He didn't bring it up to ruin the peace of our home, maa," Vinay laid a hand on her shoulders, "his pain had crossed the threshold of tolerance and one time or the other that had to come out and it did. I am not blaming him for anything. It is I who should be blamed."
"Who is that person who died, Vinay?" Manorama quipped as she tried to feed him a piece of paratha.
"I don't know her name, maa but I spoke to the Sister a few days back. She said she was Arnav's dearest friend, more like his only family. That is the reason why Arnav hates me so much. Not only did I ruin the lives of his friends, I snatched the one friend he had from him. Imagine how he must have felt when he learnt his friend was murdered by the gangsters I had sent to cause an upheaval in that orphanage?" said Vinay bitterly.
"How did this all happen Vinay?" Manorama asked again, "why send gangsters to a place where innocent children lived. What had happened to you Vinay?"
"I don't know, maa..." Vinay's voice cracked as he remembered the fateful day when he had sent some rash hooligans to empty the orphanage and bring that bas***d out of that place. But the circumstances changed for the worse when that scoundrel escaped. Vinay's anger knew no bounds and without thinking he had ordered them to demolish the place and uproot everything of the institution that gave shelter to the man he despised. Those startling green eyes still razed his thoughts. The green eyes which looked at him accusingly and cursed, "if you demolished this place today, you are never going to be able to bear the burden of it."
Her text message confused Khushi who was busy hogging her dinner. I want to talk to you. Call me when no one's said. What did Lavanya want to tell her that she wanted no one to be around her when she called. Was she okay? Was she in some trouble? Such frightening thoughts plagued Khushi but she was helpless. Chris and NK were constantly beside her since the time she had come down for coffee in the afternoon. But she had to talk to Lavanya and she had to do it now and an opportunity presented itself when she saw Arnav coming down to have evening snacks and tea, smirking at her.
She scowled at him as she got up from the table in the restaurant and went past him, ignoring Chris and NK calling out to her. Once outside the restaurant, she sprinted to her room and closed the door, rushing to the balcony and called Lavanya.
"Are you okay? Is something wrong?" she asked breathlessly as she heard Lavanya's hello.
"Khushi, relax..." came the reply, "I am fine. I just wanted to speak to your privately.
"Dude! You scared the heck out of me," Khushi reprimanded her, "what was so important to talk that you sent such a weird message?"
"Dude, I think I am in love with Chris," Lavanya's breathless voice filtered over to her. For a moment Khushi stood absolutely mute, clutching her phone close to ear. But the next second, the blissful enormity of Lavanya's words hit her and she screamed, "What the hell! How do you know him?"
"I met him in the airport," Lavanya confessed, "I think he must have told you that he met some stranger in the airport who gave him money for the taxi and everything."
"You met him once and you fell in love with him?" Khushi blurted out before she could control herself. Lavanya chuckled, "no, you idiot! I met him quite a few times after that. Chris wanted to tell you this but I stopped him. I wanted to tell you this myself."
"You sly dogs!" Khushi swore, "there was so much going on behind my back and I had no bloody idea about this! Since when all this drama started?"
"No drama okay?" Lavanya said, slightly miffed, "it was an unexpected meeting at the airport and once after that he called me to come take my money back. After that it just happened."
"Dude, do you honestly think I am bothered by all this?" Khushi chuckled, "I was always wondering when is Chris going to meet someone who complements him perfectly. I think I just had my answer. I couldn't be more happier for him now."
"You think so?" Lavanya was relieved that her friend understood her. "Of course! I think you both will be lovely together. It is for you to decide how to go about with your relationship. What does he feel about you?"
"Honestly, I have no idea..." Lavanya said meekly, "I haven't talked to him yet. Although I don't know what to say to him. I am just too confused right now."
"Lavanya, just listen to your heart," Khushi consoled, "it doesn't necessarily mean that love takes ages to happen. It just happens. If you truly like him then your heart will tell you what to tell him."
"Have you ever been in love, Khushi?" and Khushi's heart stopped as a myriad of memories hit her with such reeling force that she collapsed on the chair, breathing heavily. Lavanya's voice called out to her but she heard nothing. She just said, "Lavanya, I will talk to you later. Someone's on the other line" and cut the call, tears spilling out her eyes. There it was, the painful walk into her memory which was riddled with thoughts and feelings that had developed over time for the only true friend and companion of her life, her Rinnie...
Diya had the time of her life in that little coffee shop that Akash had taken her to. She never knew someone who seemingly appeared serious had such a funny bone in him. It was rib tickling, her experience as both of them guffawed at random things that they saw out of the window of that quaint shop. It was hard to believe that Delhi, in its heart, had such a beautiful place. Diya had always felt Delhi was crowded and chaotic. But she had no idea that Delhi could be peaceful and serene. Her curious little heart wanted to explore more of this city which held so many surprises hidden under its blanket.
"How do you know so much about this city?" she asked him the next time they met at the same place. Akash smiled as he adjusted his spectacles, "my brother once brought me here after he bought books at the shop."
"Your brother reads too?" she asked, "is it from where you kind of got your obsession?"
"Yes," Akash took a sip of coffee, "he's freak. He loves reading. Whatever skills or habits I have are mostly because of him. He inspires people to be like him."
"That is so amazing," Diya smiled, "actually I can relate to your situation so much. Whatever obsessions I have are because of my sister. She's crazy about books."
"Wow!" Akash laughed, "What we have in common is forgotten but we have siblings who have so much in common."
And there it started, the laughter, as they both cracked up again.
"Anyway, I have to leave," Diya said and Akash's face fell, "why? So early?"
"My mom's scary dude!" she winked, "if I don't go home early, she won't let me out for another month. Then our meetings will be banned. You want that?"
"Oh no," said Akash as he got up to pay the bill, "I will drop you. You don't have your car..."
"Oh no," Diya smiled, "I have to go grocery shopping and everything. I will take an auto."
"No," Akash shook his head, "I will take to you the supermarket and drop you home after that."
"No," Diya refused, "if you insist then I won't meet you next time."
"You make a lot of threats," Akash said sadly as he shook her hands and took her leave, "Bye."
"Bye," and Diya laughed as she saw him zoom off in his car. Shouldering her bag, she walked out of the coffee shop and continued to walk on the road, scouting for an auto. That was when she felt some other presence. Like someone was watching her, following her. She turned around in alarm but there was no one in her sight. Breathing heavily, she started running as her instincts warned her. But the shadow followed her, eerily and Diya felt her heart hammering against her ribs. Finally, she came to a main road and caught an auto as the shadow fell behind. Safe in the auto, Diya clutched her head and took a few deep breaths, calming herself down.
Night was never a factor of terror for Arnav. He loved the moon, he loved the stars, he loved the cold breeze, he loved the moonlight, he loved the serenity. In the dim light of the moon and rustle of the leaves, he found a strange peace, like his soul answered its inner call and made itself home. Tonight was a little bit more special. He was miles away from his home, in a different place, in different surroundings. He felt closer to himself. More close than he was ever before.
As he was revelling in the calmness the night offered, he saw a moment down near the entrance of the woods. A black shape was walking into the jungle rapidly. He frowned deeply as he grabbed his jacket and a pocket flashlight and raced down the stairs, thinking how ridiculous it was to venture into woods in this time of the night.
Sprinting, he came to the mouth of the little jungle that had survived the heat of Jaipur, a dry land with thickets of deciduous trees. Switching on his flash light and bracing himself, he walked swiftly into the woods, looking for the dark shape that was so foolish to enter the jungle unprepared. His sharp eyes were constantly looking for some movement as he carefully, in his guard, walked among the thick trees. Finally, near a small pond with clear water, he saw a lone figure perched on a rock while clear sounds of sobbing was heard.
"Excuse me," Arnav whispered, moving close cautiously, "are you okay?"
Whoever was sitting, got up suddenly and tried to make an escape but Arnav had suspected something amiss and quickly grabbed the person. As he grabbed the person, the shawl slipped from the head and the person was revealed to be Khushi. Arnav stood dumbfounded for a second as a weeping face of Khushi shone in the flashlight. She wiped her tears rapidly and struggled to get out of his vicar grip which just tightened against her wrist the more she struggled.
"What the f**k?!" he yelled, pulling her close to him, "are you freaking crazy? Why are you here all alone and why the hell are you crying?"
"Leave me!" she struggled in his arms, "let me go, please!" she wept, fighting very hard against his chest. "Please..."
"Khushi," he whispered, "Khushi...what's the matter. Why are you here at this hour? What happened. Please tell me..."
"Why do you care," she sobbed again, hitting him on his chest, trying very hard to escape his grip.
"Khushi, stop being stupid," he caught hold of her shoulders and crashed her to him, "tell me what happened. What's wrong?"
"Nothing that concerns you," she stared at him defiantly, "stop bothering me. Just let me go!"
"No," he made her sit on the stone, kneeling beside her, "what's wrong, Khushi. Why are you like this? Is it because of me? Am I bothering you in any way? What happened? Please tell me. I am worried."
"It's not because of you," tears flowed through her eyes relentlessly, "I can't tell you. Please...just let me go."
"Khushi, Khushi..." he held her hands, without realising what he was doing, "Khushi. Relax...please. just relax. Please..."
"I hate being like this..." she whispered and hugged him, crying on his shoulders while Arnav didn't have the slightest idea what to do. He embraced her, patting her head and consoling her. They sat like that for hours as the moon gave way for the sun, a new dawn rose and birds chirped but the two wounded souls comforted each other without knowing what they looked for in the whole world were right there, in front of the other.
    What the hell is your problem? Yesterday you were all hugging me. Now, you are yelling at me again?
   I am what I am. If you have a problem get the f**k outta here!
   Like seriously woman? You'll drive me crazy one day!
   As if you are not one already!
   I am warning you Gupta!
   Your threats dont work against me Raizada. Keep them to scare some rabbits! 

radzbharadwaj2014-07-09 15:57:23

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Comments (36)

[QUOTE=radzbharadwaj]Hey guys! The update is going to be tomorrow :) Anyway, I had a question about the index. Its a stupid work. Takes too much time to search for the links and then edit it and upload it. So I wanted to ask whether you specifically want links or page numbers of the chapters are enough? Please do let me know, the majority will be taken into consideration.
Do wait for the update :) Dont forget to comment :) [/QUOTE]

Links Please.

Thanks.😃zafi2014-08-18 18:12:04

10 years ago

[QUOTE=radzbharadwaj]Hey guys! The update is going to be tomorrow :) Anyway, I had a question about the index. Its a stupid work. Takes too much time to search for the links and then edit it and upload it. So I wanted to ask whether you specifically want links or page numbers of the chapters are enough? Please do let me know, the majority will be taken into consideration.
Do wait for the update :) Dont forget to comment :) [/QUOTE]

Link or page numbers anything would do. But I prefer links :)

10 years ago

Hey guys! The update is going to be tomorrow :) Anyway, I had a question about the index. Its a stupid work. Takes too much time to search for the links and then edit it and upload it. So I wanted to ask whether you specifically want links or page numbers of the chapters are enough? Please do let me know, the majority will be taken into consideration.Do wait for the update :) Dont forget to comment :)

10 years ago

Started to read ur story yesterday. Its beautiful. Loved it.. can u please pm wen u update next.

10 years ago

Still waiting for that updated index 😊

10 years ago

Update Please... Waiting!!

10 years ago

read all chapy one go its amazing pl pm me when u updt want to follow this stry thanx

10 years ago

awesome story line i just read this in one go marvelous updates loved themcan't wait to read moreplz pm me for your updates

10 years ago

scorpio47 Thumbnail




This content is hidden.

10 years ago

hey just read this story. And its be honest, the start was a little too slow. but thankfully, the later ones were not as slow as earlier ones. And i uderstand ur slow pace for 2nd half a it reall needed to build up the story. but i hope to see All a-k paced updates now. but i really like the way u hv rolled the story. Its marvellous. how u have cleared off All of clouds over arnav's sad past atleast. and its a thrilling idea to see tht it K who's chippu and A who's rinnie. But i m really very interested in knowing the way how u came to these names. and then agn i knw...tht revelation is far off. Anyways looking forward to Western-ghat adventures. Ahhh! its gonna b fun. Please update soon. really looking forward to it. and sending u buddy req. Please allow me to be a part of troop recieving PMs. thankx. Love,Meg

10 years ago
