Chapter 34

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Radhika Bharadwaj



Hey guys :) So, as promised, here is the next update. I am late, I know. I havent updated the index yet, I know. Yesterday I had put a question of whether you wanted links or page numbers of the chapters were enough. Please do let me know. It will be easier for me to update. Anyway, this is a light update as well. Do enjoy and tell me how it was :) However I would tell this is the start of change of heart for Arnav :D 
PS: Which song suits better to this situation? Read the update and tell me ðŸ˜‰

Chapter 26
   Falling into place...
None of them mentioned the short interlude that progressed between them even after two days of it being happened. So, as usual, Chris and NK were blissfully ignorant that Khushi and Arnav had spent the better part of the night in Jaipur consoling each other for reasons unknown. There were two reasons for this. One, Khushi was back to being the ignoring Arnav girl and Arnav was back to being the ignorance accepted boy and neither of them were inclined to blurt out the incident in front of the two men. Second, it was just too hard and too painful to recount that night where both of them were too broken and clueless to understand their worlds were intertwined. They both were so absorbed in their own angst and despair that they failed to recognize their other significant half who was right in front of the other, sharing the same pain.
Driving to Kasara Ghats was slightly uneventful other than counting Khushi whooping in her seat every time she saw a mountain range in front of her eyes. Whenever she wasn't driving, her enthusiasm was slightly more. She would climb on to the seat, letting the wind caress her face while she cupped her hands and yelled at the top of her voice, her black hair flowing behind her. Chris was used to all these. Khushi knew how to enjoy the time she spent outside. But for Arnav, this was exhilarating. He would subtly look up, staring at her for a while and smiling. Khushi's antics were certainly making him feel more hopeful, more positive.
Kasara Ghats finally arrived and there was no stopping to Khushi's celebration. The mountains, the mist and wind, brewing monsoons, made her feel giddy with pleasure and it was all the rest could do from stopping her doing something outright stupid. They could see the winding railway track at some distance, covered in the early morning fog, making it look like a way to the secret paradise. Soon the Nikon was out and Khushi was clicking pictures. After thoroughly enjoying the view the Ghats had to offer them, the foursome made their way to a small cottage in the Kasara town and crashed out for a well deserved break. Khushi, however, couldn't sleep much, thanks to her excitement and it was just about 8 o clock in the morning when she stepped outside, wearing her jacket to cover herself against the chilly May morning winds. Her Nikon bag was dangling from her side and her binoculars were wound up around her neck. She took a deep breath, enjoying the pure, tranquil atmosphere around her and began to trek to the nearest hill to do a bit of birding and generally enjoying her alone time here.
 This was a much needed excursion, she thought as she walked along a small dirt track leading up to a small hill overlooking the lake of the town. It wasn't too tall or too treacherous to be alone. It was little compared to the others surrounding and was just right for a normal picnic. She smiled to herself, feeling proud that she had completed her trek to the top in just about 2 hours. Feeling extremely good about herself, she made some place for herself on the grass and sat down, staring at the sun which was glowing brightly amidst the clouds.
Finally here was the only thought that was running in her mind at that present moment. Only she knew how much she had waited for this day to arrive when her field work would be finally started. It was not as though today was the start of her work but just being there in the place where she was supposed to work gave her an exhilarating feeling, an anticipation of how her work would progress. With Chris by her side, she had no doubts about the way her project would shape up but being back to the working mode certainly made her happier than she ever was. However her peaceful revelling was abruptly ended as she saw the man climbing the hill, panting hard. Her smile morphed into an irritating scowl as Arnav trekked up the hill, drawing deep breaths but generally looking very pleased with himself, "you trek awfully fast," he said breathlessly as he threw himself on the ground beside her.
"What the hell are you doing here?" she snapped as she scooted away from him in anger. Trust this man to make her outings miserable. She was finally happy that she had some alone time to herself and he came out of nowhere to burst the happy bubble. Just why was he so damn annoying?
Arnav stared at her incredulously before sitting up and asking, "what the hell is your problem? Two days before you were all hugging me and crying and now you are yelling at me again?"
Khushi huffed in anger as she grabbed her camera bag from the ground and stood up, "I am what I am. If you have a problem then get the f**k outta here!"
"Like seriously, woman!" Arnav shook his head as he got up, "you'll drive me crazy one day!"
Khushi smirked, "As if you are not one already!"

 Arnav glared at her, "I am warning you, Gupta!"
Khushi made a face and started walking away from him, "your threats don't work against me, Raizada. Keep them to scare some rabbits!"
"Rabbits?" Arnav asked as he jogged to keep up, "I don't remember seeing you very brave when you were alone with me! Talk about rabbits?"
"Raizada," Khushi gritted her teeth, "are you seriously making the mistake of underestimating me? Do you want me to give a taste of my kick?"
"Oh no," Arnav smirked, "I was merely pointing out the obvious. Like I said, you were shaking as though you were in North Pole the other night. Want me to remind that to you again?"
"Oh really?" and Khushi shoved him in the chest, causing him to lose balance and fall on the ground, face down. Khushi laughed openly and proceeded to walk down while Arnav struggled to get up and follow her. Khushi was already climbing down when Arnav came running down to keep up with her and a bit of red soil failed to capture his attention as he had missed the obvious of Khushi jumping across it while he was gathering his stuff and as he stepped on it, his foot slipped and he fell into the mud bog. Thankfully it wasn't too deep. Struggling, he yelled, "Gupta!"
Khushi who was trekking down, heard the strangled yell and turned to look at Arnav who was trapped in the bog. Cursing, she sprinted back to the top and yelled, "what the heck!"
"In a bit of a predicament here..." Arnav muttered, looking extremely uncomfortable in the mud, trying desperately to escape its clutches. Khushi rolled her eyes, "I thought you were a seasoned trekker. Don't you know the difference between hard soil and loose soil or are you too full of yourself to take notice of it?"
Arnav glared at her in irritation, "a little help would be really appreciated, madam. I am not swimming here in pleasure, you know."
"Oh keep your sarcasm to yourself," Khushi muttered irritably, "I really don't care. Give me your hand."
 Arnav eyed her shrewdly, thinking about riling her more, "aren't you supposed to be like my dress is going to get soiled or anything? I mean girls don't like getting dirty!"
"One more word, Raizada," Khushi looked at him menacingly, "and I'll leave you here to be food for hungry big cats. Want that?"
That effectively shut his mouth up, "sorry!" he muttered as he gave her his hand and with surprising strength, Khushi pulled him out of the bog very quickly. Arnav stared at her, as he coughed and came up, "I didn't know you were this strong!"

"Like I said, don't make the mistake of doubting me. You'll never know what hit you," and with that she walked away, not caring about anything that had happened. She was a puzzle, Arnav decided as he went to a small stream flowing from the top of the hill to clean himself up while Khushi had already started trekking down. Her indifferent attitude unnerved him slightly but it had filled him with a strange sense of knowing. He felt as though he knew her or at least, had started discovering her on a more deeper and intense level.
Avantika stared outside her window, deep in thought. Her mind wandered to the conversation she had with Arnav's brother in law. She could feel that something was wrong but was unable to place a finger on the exact problem. She didn't know why but she felt an extreme unease talking to Vinay and in her heart, she somehow knew that man was guilty. He was guilty of something, something which Avantika didn't know.
There was only one way. She had to talk to Arnav. For two days now she had been trying his phone but it failed to get connected. As a last resort, she picked up her phone again and called the landline number. She knew Arnav would be furious but she had to try. After a few rings, a woman picked it up, "hello..."
"Hello," Avantika said carefully, "may I speak to Arnav Singh Raizada, please?"
"Arnav isn't available," her voice was laced with confusion, Avantika could tell that. "Arnav is on a vacation for three months. May I know who is speaking?"
"I am a business friend," Avantika lied smoothly, feeling guilty about it but she knew Arnav wouldn't want to tell anybody about his personal relation with her, "I called his cell phone numerous times but he remained unavailable so I thought I could get some information about him by calling his landline."
"Oh," Anjali said softly, "I am sorry for your trouble but my brother tends to forget to convey important information to business related people sometimes. Now he is gone south for some months. I doubt you'll ever catch him until he comes back. If there's anything important about business then please call Lavanya. She's the one who's handling the office in Arnav's absence."
"No, no..." Avantika said hastily, "I will talk to Arnav when he gets back. Thank you," and with that she cut the call leaving Anjali even more confused. Avantika bit her lips in irritation. Now she had given the benefit of doubt to Arnav's sister. She knew Anjali would somehow connect the dots.
Diya couldn't understand what was happening to her. Day by day her fear increased. Since the past two days, she had felt that shadow follow her relentlessly and didn't know what to do to escape. Her heart hammered against her chest in sheer terror. She knew her fears weren't baseless because she was never the paranoid one. But this time, however, it was like her blood was curdling . She felt it. That intense fear which was seeping into her very skin. An unknown, invisible force making her go crazy in terror. She knew she had to fight it but fight what? She didn't what it was, who it was and what was happening to her. What would she fight?
Her immediate thought was to call Khushi but her sister remained stubbornly out of reach for the past two days. She had tried until her eyes went dry but to no avail, her sister didn't pick up the call to calm her down. Nothing registered in her mind while her heart was yearning for her dear sister who could calm her down in a second. After hours of crying and whimpering, she got her answer. She had to talk to someone and that someone was Akash.
First few days of interaction with Akash had made Diya believe that she had found a friend for life. Someone who was like her best friend NK. But while hers and NK relationship was purely platonic, that thought never crossed Diya when she was with Akash. His silence, shyness and dimpled smile weaved another story in her heart, something she didn't want to think about. She never thought her life would move in a romantic tangent. That was something she was not used to. But with Akash, things seemed different. Seemed easy. Like it was meant to be. Their coffee dates, book reading, sharing one liners and laughing their heads off while other people stared at them, it was all very endearing and that was something Diya wished to have her whole life. If she wanted that, if she was sure, then she had to confess to Akash about her fears. Talking helped her a lot and she had a feeling that this talk would cement their friendship into something more than that.
She texted Akash to meet her at the same caf in half an hour and after getting a confirmation, she hurriedly got ready, grabbed her purse and her keys and ran outside without bothering to let her screaming mother know where she was going. She dropped a text message to her dad, asking him to manage at home and sped her car down the road as she was trying to ward off whoever was following her. When she reached the caf, Akash was already seated on their favorite table, waiting for her. He stood up and smiled  when she came inside and she made a beeline at him, hugging him tightly as soon as she reached their table.
NK stretched himself as he got up and stared around the small room that he had been sleeping in. It wasn't much but it was good. NK had some experience in living in small quarters and this was nothing more different than his own initial studio apartments. Yet, contrary to his apartment bedroom, this room was quaint and peaceful. NK looked at the time piece. It read 12 40 PM. He got up and went to the bathroom when Chris burst into his room, "Have you seen Khushi?"
NK jerked his head, "No. I only just got up. Is everything all right?"
"I can't find her anywhere," Chris scratched his head in worry and confusion. NK just began to appreciate the concern he had held for his friend. Her disappearance, even for a few minutes made him quell with worry and concern and love for his only close friend. It warmed his heart to see the amazing relationship his new friends had. May be Arnav was lucky enough to be joining them. He wanted Arnav to have such a friend who didn't shy away from comforting him or handling his trust issues.
"How long has she been," NK started to ask when he saw a movement outside. Khushi was back. She was leisurely walking down to the cottage. NK jerked his head and Chris's eyes narrowed in annoyance before he sprinted to his best friend. NK could hear him shout, "Where the hell have you been. I was worried sick!"
NK didn't hear what the rest of the conversation but he could see a lot of hand movements. 30 seconds and the argument ended with the best friends tightly hugging each other. That was a lesson for life for him. No matter how much annoyed you are, never drag arguments. It's not healthy for a relationship. As he watched the two friends behave as if the fight never happened, it warmed his heart and he smiled on his own accord without even realizing it. His feet took him to where the two of them were standing, "I feel really happy when I see you both."
They turned to look at him, smiling, the smile reaching their eyes, something that NK wanted to desperately see in Arnav's eyes, "how long have you been best friends?"
"6 years now," Chris smiled ruffling Khushi's hair, "she was there for me when no one else was."
Bittersweet memories flitted in NK's mind thinking about Ariadne and he couldn't help but smile ruefully at them. Khushi's eyes flickered with some strange emotion and he knew she had somehow known the fact that he was lovesick, he missed his girlfriend but she was polite and decent enough to give him his personal space and not point out the obvious. Sometimes he wondered what it was that made Khushi read anyone like an open book. She knew people by heart.
"By the way," NK cut in, trying to make a normal conversation, "is Nannav still sleeping?"
"Nannav?" Chris turned to him. "Yeah, I call him Nannav to rile him up," NK smiled evilly. The look of pure fun passed between the trio and Arnav was about  to have some serious fun.
"Probably," Chris shrugged, "why? doesn't he sleep late?"
"No, he isn't asleep..." Khushi told as a matter of fact and both the boys turned to look at her incredulously. How did she know?
"What?" Khushi snapped, "I know it because he was kind enough to ruin my solitary trek in the morning and promptly fell into the mud bog, making me save his sorry arse. He is probably still trying to scrub himself of all the mud he picked up."
Right on cue, Arnav sauntered in, looking refreshed as though he just had a bath and NK and Chris shared one devious look before cracking up and falling around, laughing their heads off. Arnav looked confused, "what's the matter? Why are you guys laughing? What's so funny?"
"So..." NK choked, "the great Nannav Singh Raizada had to be rescued by a woman out of a mud bog. Seriously though, I thought it went the other way round with Arnav running around trying to be superman and save the world."
Arnav glared at Khushi, which by the way had least effect on her as she stood there and scoffed at him, her eyebrows quirking mischievously as the other two boys were taking his class. She sure was the boss, NK chuckled harder looking at the communication tragedy happening to Arnav as he tried so hard to be intimidating and the woman he was trying to scare with death glare was least bothered by it. In fact, she openly smirked at his face, proving her dominance. Outright hilarious.
"Really?" there was a nasty smirk playing at his face. Ooh! This ought to be good, thought NK. Arnav Fact #I don't know, he never accepted defeat even when it was a childish game or a stupid bet. He had to have his upper hand in every situation. If he didn't, he would make sure that he would. That's how he was. No one in the world could be as competitive in this world as Arnav.
His smirk was very, very pronounced and an eye message floated through the air, screaming Bad Boy ASR to Irritating KSG which immediately and promptly slid the grin off her face. Her eyes went as round as saucers, her jaw open in shock. She had perfectly understood whatever Arnav was trying to say and to say the least, he had already turned the tables according to his wishes. Chris and NK were trying to figure out what happened when Khushi flashed her middle finger at him, mouthed f**k off' and slammed her bedroom door after she stormed into it. Arnav chuckled humorously, giving him a self fist bump and sauntering into his own room.
"What the f**k was that?" Chris voiced the thoughts that was running in his mind. But NK had no answers. All he could do was shrug.
Vinay stared at the sleeping form of his wife. She looked ethereal in the soft moonlight, her hair framing her face, her chest rising and falling in the momentum of the breath. She looked so perfect yet so out of place.
This was the sight he was awarded every morning after their marriage. He used to make an effort to rise up early in order to see his Anjali still sleeping peacefully. It warmed his heart to no extent. Today, the same sight, pained him. Hurt him beyond words. Because she wasn't in the cocoon of his arms but sleeping alone, in this godforsaken guest room.
She seemed to cut all ties she had with him but couldn't muster enough courage to walk out on her family. That's why, despite immense love she had for Arnav, she chose to stay here. Vinay couldn't have been more thankful because he knew the day Anjali walked out on him, out of this house, was the day he ceased to exist.
Vinay never knew why Anjali mattered to him so much to make him so blinded to any other detail of his life. His own brother thought him to repugnant. His look clearly had conveyed that message and he, unlike Anjali, didn't bother to keep his revulsion in check. Every time they crossed each other, Akash's face would screw up in apparent disgust he felt for Vinay for ruining Arnav's life. If without knowing the full situation, Akash was so unhappy with him, Vinay could only imagine the magnitude of abhorrence Arnav felt for him.
But he knew his was a genuine slip up. He didn't grasp the full situation back then and his anger had blinded him. He knew it was a very sorry excuse for the amount of damage he had caused but he was ready to pay any price for it. Just not lose Anjali.
He was so lost in thought that he didn't realize that Anjali was awake and staring at him, her eyes a mixture of pity, anger and revulsion. Her slight movement jerked him out of his thoughts and he turned his defeated self towards her, his face down, unable to bear her scrutinising gaze. She was silent for a long time before whispering, "why are you here?"
He broke down then, clutching his tear stricken face in his hands and muttering countless apologies. Anjali panicked and rushed out to him, apparently forgetting all the ill feelings when she saw her husband worn out and completely crushed from inside. He was still rocking back and forth, weeping like a small child when she crashed him to her chest and started consoling him, "shh...Vinay...please!"
After a very long time, when Vinay had regained a semblance of confidence, he raised his eyes to meet the ones of his face and poured his heart out, "I am genuinely very sorry Anjali. I am ready to pay any price for my mistakes and I will redeem myself in the eyes of Arnav even if it means sacrificing myself but please, for my sake and yours, don't shut me out. Please. These past few days have been living hell for me Anjali. You know how much I love you. Please don't do this to me. Please don't break me further. Please..."
Anjali's heart bled as she saw her Vinay clutching her as though she was the only anchor for his drowning self and she was disgusted with herself for making him feel like this. She was so angry with herself for breaking the promise she had made to her brother, that she would forgive her husband at any cost and not sacrifice her marriage for his battles. What would Arnav say when he saw this. Even though she knew Arnav probably would not forgive Vinay any time soon, he would still be mad at her for severing ties with him. She couldn't force another guilt on his shoulders for being the reason his sister and her husband split up.
She knew it would take a long time to get back to that easy camaraderie she had with her other half but she was willing to mend all the foul stuff that had come between her and the only person who loved her more than anyone in this world. She was willing to give their bonding another chance and to bring out Vinay out of his self inflicted wallowing. She would do this.
   What exactly are we doing?
   Yeah, I mean I am not about to sit around doing nothing, am I?
   Just remember what you told me when you came to convince me to let you join us on our trip
  You're still stuck on that?
  Yes...have a problem? Bugger off...

A/N: So How was it? 

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Nice Nice
Awesome Awesome
Loved Loved
cry Cry
Continue Reading next part >

Comments (32)

Awesome Update..
Arnav-Khushi can't stay calm without fighting with each other..
But I must say, Khushi's spirit and leadership quality just awesome..
Arnav has to agree with it..
Nd of course how can Arnav accepted defeat..
Vinay really regard on his mistakes and also he loves Anjali very much..
I think Anjali should start a fresh relationship with him..
Waiting for next..

10 years ago

Its an outstanding story.. each part is awesome.. i really hope you update this regularly..

10 years ago

Read all parts in a go. Awesome story. Could you pls add me to ur PM list.

10 years ago

hi...jus finished reading the whole story from the beginning till the last update..ur story is very very intriguing..loved the way u have expressed all the emotions of people, that goes on in their heart n on their face so beautifully...would love to continue reading this story...pls do pm me wen u update next...thank you

10 years ago

Just discovered this FF and this is simply amazing. So many characters and beautifully interwoven. Will come back to add more.

10 years ago

Waiting for next parteagerlycontinue sooonnn

10 years ago

Beautiful story...please, please, see it through to the end and update soon...waiting!You write with fluidity and ease, spanning time zones and moment there's fashion, another there's passion and all the things in between...cannot wait for the story to progress. Anupama

10 years ago

I accidently came across this story and love every bit of it.
The story has reached and interesting point. Where there are more Arshi moments and they do not know who they are really.

The way they fight and avoid each other means they are going to be one together very soon.

Looking forward for more updates.
I've already send you a buddy request for PM.'s

all the best

10 years ago

hey radz nice update...looking for their relationship to even out and be stronger thanx for the update...pls continue soon 😃
amus52014-08-22 00:57:24

10 years ago

I like the rapport developing between NK Chris and khushie ,and also Arnav figuring out that she is an original .and not easy to decipher her out ,it's going to be interesting when khushie and Arnav finally recognize each other

10 years ago
